Monday, December 30, 2019


Dear family,
Celebrating Jesus come to earth is so wonderful!  Candlelight service is stunning.  Gathering with family is good and fun.  Presents are always welcome.  I enjoyed watching Bobby open his presents because I forgot about half of them.  Happy surprises for everyone! 
I enjoyed walking several times with Bobby and going to Jame Nagels’ wedding.  Our youth are growing up.  I love seeing them marry and multiply. 
Bobby and I played a new game, Race for the Galaxy, a couple of times.  I am glad we enjoy learning new things together.
I enjoyed walking around town with the youth group.  They are a fun group of people.  Bobby has a yearly event after Christmas and I think it’s wonderful. 

Bobby helped put boxes under the house.  Christmas decorations are put away.  I am thankful for his strength.
On the way to James’ wedding, we listened to the book, “Dad is Fat” by Jim Gaffigan.  It was funny and gave us good laughs.  I am not done with it yet but from what we heard he uses good clean humor and I love that.  Also, learning the intricacies of living with 5 young children in a two-bedroom apartment is fascinating. 
Adriel has been dog sitting at another house this week.  I walked with her and the three little yappers one time this week.  My friend described them as, “Little kick me dogs.”  I would never do that but the description always makes me chuckle.
                This is a direct quote from Seth about his favorite food, “Pretzel companies can’t always get the salt right.  If there’s too much it hurts to eat.  If there isn’t enough salt it’s just eating expensive bread.  I’m not going to wet the pretzel and dip it in salt to fix a mistake they made at the bakery.”
                Seth cleaned bathrooms and scrubbed his door in anticipation of company.  I am very glad for his help.  Seth also did a great job doing slides for a Christmas eve service.  He said the only reason he got through it was because of the two candy canes he brought with him.  “By the way, we are running low.”
Our cat has an interesting habit of walking through the sensor as the garage door is closing.  She is like a three-year-old with a light switch.  I believe she has a power trip.   Keep this in mind because Skyra does play a role in the next paragraph. 
                I was being safe before I left the house.  I mentioned to Seth how I locked the front door to keep him safe.  Then I left – happy as a clam.  Seth has never yelled at me in person.  I believe this is the first time he yelled at me virtually.

May you find a great scapegoat for all your mistakes.  (One that doesn’t mind of course.)  May you feel joy in knowing that Jesus volunteered to be our scapegoat because of His great love.  May His coming to earth give your life true meaning.  Much Love,


Monday, December 23, 2019


Dear Family,
            I was brought to tears when I realized the significance of Luke 2:17.  What a great sermon Pastor Marcus!  Thank you.  It struck me that the shepherds spread the news to people at the manger.  Mary was not using Facebook to announce she had just birthed the messiah.  Joseph was not shouting on the mountaintops the importance of this baby.  No.  They were keeping it quiet. 
            In came a rough, rowdy, stinky group of men.  Excited! (OH I’m crying again.)  These men were excited to let everyone know the significance of this baby.  Who cared that Mary and Joseph were not wealthy?  Who cared about the manger surroundings?  There was no banquet, no feast, not even snacks.  There was a baby, the innkeeper, probably a midwife packing up. 
            There were no, “It’s a Boy!” signs.  God did the advertising himself;  Angels filled the sky, praise songs, excited shepherds, the brightest star filled the sky, incredible joy.  Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them.  They slept, they did their day to day and then a year or two later they had to flee to Egypt. 
            That’s my God!  Perfect timing.  Amazing delivery.  Need to know basis.
            OK, on to the VanKleek week.  I enjoy walking with Bobby on Monday.  How fun to be in each other’s company.  After that exercise, Bobby went to get gravel.  The left side of our house now has gravel for the truck to park on.  Sorry Grape Hyacinth, Blue Bells and Iris in that spot.  That is no longer your bed, you are dead to us now.
            Bobby, Adriel, and friends enjoyed the new Star Wars Movie.  Bobby mentioned to Seth that people asked about him.  They wondered why Seth does not go to the movies.  (He does not like too much stimulus).  I asked if people inquired about me.  No, nope – they know I like going to bed early.  Well, OK then.
            Bobby and I had a fun date.  It was enjoyable noticing friends at the next table.  We had a great conversation.  How fun to see friends everywhere we go.
            Bobby thanked me for helping out at the Youth Group Gift exchange.  I see the funniest things – I laughed at UGM – there is actually Toothpaste called Kissable Cat!  It’s for felines!  Hahahahaha.  Notice it is not called White Elephant any more.  I am not allowed to buy hilarious items and save them for 12 months just so I can laugh again.  Now the purpose of Youth Group gifts is that they want to come back next year.  Ohhhhhh.  I’ll have to change my buying tactics. 

            At the party, Windows 8 came up.  In front of Seth, I said, “Windows 10 isn’t as good as Windows 8 when it comes to security.  I know that because of Seth.”  And I smiled, I felt so smart!  Seth said, “Privacy mom, not security.  You have it wrong.”  He looked at me with pity.  His deep voice said, “I’m not mad.  I’m just disappointed.”  And then he smiled. 
            Poor Adriel had a couple of sick days this week.  She wanted me to sit and look at Memes with her.  She also showed me a new dance form online.  I enjoy talking with her.  She is a wonderful woman.  I have known her for so long.  How fun to have a daughter who gives me hugs.  I am very glad she got better and seems to be feeling OK now. 
            The whole family is thankful I didn’t make them go to a photography studio for our Christmas letter picture.  It takes too much time and makes everyone grumpy.  So, in light of that.  Thanks, Chris for taking our Christmas family photo so I didn’t have to run back and forth with a timer.
            May you find joy this season as you remember baby Jesus and the true gift of His birth.  May you enjoy the people you see, the sights, sounds, and tastes of Christmas.

Much Love,


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Christmas letter i.e. Best of 2019

Merry Christmas Loved ones!

We hope this letter finds you well J.
Bobby continues to be a Youth Pastor.  Adriel is slogging through Community College and two jobs.  Seth is a Junior at West High school.  I want to share highlights from this year that will make us both laugh.  I read through my diary and picked out the best of:
Bobby gleefully told me he watched the cat walk on my face while I was sleeping.  I slept right through it.  Cats bring joy to everyone don’t they?
Sometimes I love helping at youth group because I know I did well.  Sometimes I enjoy that Bobby thanks me.  Sometimes I simply enjoy the comedy gold.  One week Bobby was telling the youth to, “Be kind to your parents even though they make mistakes.  You also make mistakes.”  Someone from the crowd shouted, “I’m a mistake.”
Teaching Seth to drive is good.  He is a sweetheart.  I was trying to make conversation.  I wanted to know if he found anything funny that day.  I asked, “Anything funny happen at school?” No.  “Was anyone funny at your school?  Even just looking at them?”  Seth violently reacted and asked if I was a bully.  Oh dear – I didn’t mean it that way.  Good for Seth to tell me to be a better person.
I told Bobby he was the best.  He announced to Seth, “Did you hear that Seth?  I am the best!”  Bobby wanted to share the glorious feeling.  Seth said, “Title has been revoked due to bragging.”
Bobby made several wonderful meals this week (including Valentine's dinner).  We talked about the imperfect fruit delivery service.  We decided not to try it because our family does not eat large amount of fresh fruit or veggies.  If only they had a service for imperfect cookies . . .
Entertainment is looking at what is free on Craigslist.  My favorite so far has been “Stinky the Goat.”  I mentioned to Seth, “There is a free Emu on Craigslist!  We ‘need’ an Emu!”  Seth said, “Wasn’t there a war against Emu’s?”  What???  I had to look this up.  In 1932 Australia declared war on Emu’s and lost.  “They can face machine guns with the invulnerability of tanks. They are like Zulus.”  ("New Strategy In A War On The Emu"Sunday Herald. 5 July 1953. p. 13.).  I asked Seth how in the world he knew about this.  YouTube has videos.  Seth enjoys YouTube videos.  I looked it up on Wikipedia.  It’s true – it’s online!  Sooooo, no free Emu for us.
Adriel did attack hug me the other day.  She ran away saying, “That’s my hug for the day – you can’t have anymore.”  It was playful and adorable.  I never imagined that I would miss my kids while they still lived with me.  A mother of teens told me she missed her kids when I had little ones.  I thought that was ridiculous – she could just go hug them if they still lived with her.  Sigh – nope, now I understand her feelings..  Teens have a habit of fleeing.
Bobby and I were eating together at the dining table alone.  I said, “Well, here it is, our future.  We are eating alone together.  Just us.”  Bobby had to interject, “And Seth.”  At this, I did have to laugh.  Yes, Seth was five feet away from us – on his computer.  He was doing homework quietly.  We probably will have our quiet son for a while.
I enjoyed some drama one weekend.  Bobby and I were taking a walk in the park when we saw the Kravitz family.  They are so full of life and fun!  The kids are pre-school and grade school age.  Bobby was teasing Elsie by taking her scooter.  Her dad yelled out, “Hey, that man is stealing your scooter!”  Bobby began to ride away on the ‘stolen’ goods.  He got about 15 feet away when a small boy Kindergarten age ran up and attacked him.  Bobby thought it was big brother so he hammed it up and fell with exaggerated moans.  Meanwhile, the stranger’s parents were alarmed.  They had no clue why their little boy attacked. The boy gave Elsie her scooter back and several of us clapped for the little one. He raised his arms in the sky, victor over evil.  He was so brave.
                Bobby brought home one doughnut that had been sitting in the hot car for a while.  I tried to eat it but the frosting came off so I left the naked item in the doughnut box.  Seth came over with, “So there is no frosting on it?”  He seemed willing to eat anything in a doughnut box.  Then he saw and said, “It’s not even a doughnut any more.  It is just a sad bagel.”  He left it.
Bobby volunteered at Adriel’s graduation party.  After an all-night extravaganza, he plopped into bed at 5 A.M. excited and chatty.  “I could have gone on all night.  It was great.”  I believe he is either crazy or amazingly gifted.  It probably takes both to work with youth.  Bobby is a true extrovert.
When I asked why the bag of sugar was on the counter Adriel mentioned, “Did you know that 2 cups of sugar a day is good for you?”  I told her I have never heard that and I did not believe it.  Her response.  “Well, this is awkward.”
Seth put a sticky note on his computer screen.  It said, “HDMI cable.”  I thought I would be helpful and put a cable on his desk.  His response, “The cable you put on my desk is so retro I don’t even know what kind it was.”  Apparently, I need to learn my coaxial cables from my HDMI.
                Seth enjoys it when Bobby and I go out because we bring home food.  He began to dig into soup but it was too spicy.  I told him milk would help and he said, “I’ll never drink milk.”  A couple of seconds later, “We don’t even have any milk do we?”  Then it was, “OK, I’ll drink some.” 
And so, life goes on.  As the children grow into adults we find their hugs to be precious and their presence to be a cameo appearance.  Living and loving continues. 
OH, I was able to publish several books this year!  I am excited to announce they are for sale on eBay or; Star’s ‘First Kiss’, Star in Space and Star’s Big Fight.  How fun to obey God and find joy in spreading His love through the written word. 
May this season bring you joy.  May you find love in year heart for all you encounter.  May God’s peace abound and His light shine bright.  Much Love,

Cristy for the VanKleeks

PS, thanks to Chris for taking the picture :-)

Monday, December 16, 2019


Dear Family,
                Christmas caroling warms my heart even if my hands are cold.  Bobby thanked all the leaders for joining the youth group on a fun night of caroling.  I love the songs and the smiles we gave and received.  Now it feels like Christmas!
                Adriel is happy to keep her scholarship with good grades and attendance.  I am so proud of her decision to use free college.  What a great deal!
                Adriel brought her boyfriend over for his birthday breakfast.  I enjoyed their company and he smiled while I sang.  Chris is kind.  I like that.
                Adriel drew another drawing for me this week.  I love her art.  It is beautiful!
                Seth doesn’t mind a smile and hug when coming in the door from home.  I love being here to greet him. 
                Seth and Bobby helped unload some gravel for our side yard.  The truck he uses was making divots and mud puddles so it was time to fill it with gravel.  I am glad for strong people in my family.
                Bobby helped load an exercise machine to our house.  The previous owner was so excited she hugged me several times.  How fun!  I find it ironic how excited we are to give things.  Sometimes more excited than when we bought them.
                I enjoy singing with Bobby at homegroup.  It will be amazing to sing God’s praises in heaven.  Maybe we will see Him smile.  How amazing to imagine being able to see our Lord's face.
                May you be glad to find joy in worshiping God here on earth.  May the joy He gives fill you to the full.  Much love,


Monday, December 9, 2019


Dear Family,

                Unexpected help is a beautiful thing.  Seth is no longer little and needy.  He is strong, helpful and loving.  I am so glad to have him always at the ready.  He does not necessarily believe this is his purpose.  I am just glad he does not grump too much when I ask for his help.  This week Seth helped saw a branch when I was too tired to finish it.  He also untightened a hose when my hands were too cold to maneuver it.  I love that guy.
                Seth let me into his world when he invited me to watch a blogger.  When Seth laughs at online content I sometimes ask him why.  He usually says, “You wouldn’t understand.”  Sadly Seth’s ways are not my ways and he is right.  He has been over my head about operating systems since he was eight years old.  When Seth says I wouldn’t understand something – I believe him. 
                Seth was sweet enough to have Bobby wait for me to come home from a party before they watched the Mandalorian.  I believe friendship has an element of waiting in it.  When I see people wait for each other, agree to meet or plan on going the same path I believe this is the beginning and growth of friendship.  Are you going the same way I am going?  Will you wait to go with me?  Those two seem to bring people together.
                Seth thanked me for making eggs for him.  I love a thankful heart.  God also encourages us to "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18
                Bobby made two yummy meals this week.  I am blessed by his desire to be creative and to feed us.  He is happy to do so.  How fun.  Bobby also thanked me for helping out at youth group.  I enjoy being his helper.  This is what I was created for.
                 I love walking with Bobby.  We are going the same way and we wait for each other most of the time.  He is my love.
                Adriel is excited for a break from her schooling for a while.  She can now focus on her two jobs and Boyfriend.  She is doing well in school even with all that going on.  I am amazed at her ability to do so much and stay sane.
                Adriel has also begun to make clay images again.  I love what she does.  They are so cute!
                May you find joy in the people that surround you.  May you be kind and generous in all you do.  May God fill you so much that you can fill others.  Love and hugs,  Cristy

Monday, December 2, 2019


Dear Family,

                Being thankful brings Joy!  Do you feel it?  Wasn’t last week wonderful!   God blessed us with a Safe drive up to Seattle and back.  I am so glad my family is flexible enough to let us join them on a school/work night.  Bobby Seth and I had a fun dinner with my parents, uncle, sister and her family.  We enjoyed time, love, talks and yummy food. 
                Seth’s personality shone because he does not run around anymore.  He talks and was quite entertaining.  “Elon Musk’s new truck looks like a pixelated video game prop.  Pears are highly underrated.”  Uncle Doug and Seth bonded over the notion that pineapple is horrible and does not belong on pizza.
                Anita (my sister) let us stay with her.  I loved taking an early morning walk with her.  We enjoyed being with their youngest at their house while they did parent-teacher conferences before school. Seth enjoyed the time with Camryn’s four-year-old self so much he said, “I’ll miss you” when we went to leave.  How sweet! 
                Seth took me around his school for parent-teacher conferences at West High school.  I enjoyed listening to teachers say that Seth is doing well.  May God be blessed in all my Seth does!
                Seth mentioned that he is embarrassed about his past.  He did not want me mentioning that he used to play Minecraft.  His exact words, “Let’s not talk about that.”  Apparently playing that building game has put Seth at the top of his coding class when it comes to their new language, Java.
                Seth has come around when it comes to the Mandalorian.  The third episode was, “Good” in his mind.  Poor Seth.  Apparently putting a show on the TV is, “Forcing him to watch it.”
                Seth cleaned the bathrooms.  I love it when the kids actually do their chores.  Yay!!
                Adriel delighted me when she offered to contribute milk to the DuVal celebration.  Look at her being grown up enough to give! 
                I enjoyed having Adriel’s boyfriend Chris over for a bit before celebrating Thanksgiving.  He is very sweet and loves my cat.  Anyone who loves Skyra and Adriel is a friend of mine.  I am tickled by the Facebook reactions to him being in our family picture.  Fun.  If I see Adriel or Chris I enjoy one hug a day from both of them.
                Bobby made amazing scalloped potatoes for our Thanksgiving with the DuVal family.  Sorry, they are gone now. (Well, one serving is in the fridge but as soon as Adriel and Bobby preview this – I’m sure they will get it.)
                Bobby and I enjoyed several walks this week.  Even in the cold walking is good and fun. 
                May this season be bright.  May you remember how loved you are!  May you know the gift of Jesus and his love.  Hugs,


Monday, November 25, 2019


Dear Family,

                I am blessed by reading my Grandparent's missionary story.  I gave away 68 books this week and it felt wonderful.  Some people were very excited to have this story in their hands.  People said, “I love Missionary stories!” Vic & Edith Leng were amazing Grandparents who loved God and raised children to love Him.
I gave away, “Once upon a Mountain.”  I find it ironic that I have looked in my bookshelf and see that I kept none of those books for myself.  It is OK.  That story is out and good and in our church library.  Even better is the book my Grandparents wrote.  “Tell it to the Next Generation.”  This book was so amazing and fabulous I typed it into the computer, published it on Amazon and, if you want to buy it in softcover it’s there, on  If you want a PDF or Word version I can e-mail it to you for free.  Just ask.  I love the thought of giving away a beautiful faith story.  God is at work all around us!  Looking at the past shows this is true.
I feel so much joy just thinking about how God is at work right now.  I had a good interview with the School District.  How exciting!  I interviewed for a Librarian job.  Knowing that I am not blocked from working for the School District gives me great joy.  I can sub (I applied for that as well) and this will get my foot in the door if nothing else.
Selling books was fun.  This weekend I sold several.  I enjoyed interacting with everyone and sharing God’s love through the written word.
Bobby made a great yummy dinner this week.  I love it when he chooses to cook.
Bobby is wonderful at counseling teens.  He brought me out to ice cream this week because the two teens were female and he wanted me along.  How fun.  I observed him helping people grow in God over ice cream.  Yum!
Bobby’s Sinus infection is getting better.  He is not coughing in the middle of the night anymore.  Seth has a cold but he says, “It is nothing.”  Seth is good at going to bed early if he doesn’t feel well.  I love seeing him take good care of himself.
Adriel cleaned her room this week.  I loved it.  She said she doesn’t like it that way.  Oh dear.  Such is life.
As we focus on Thanksgiving and as we travel may God’s Angels keep us safe.  May our thoughts turn to God’s blessings and His work in our lives.  I do have to tell you a funny story from Sunday School.  I didn’t catch the type of car but several of the gray-haired people from our group tore up a stretch of highway.  The engine is so powerful it made such a loud noise that police were later stretched across the highway trying to find out who had been joyriding.  The person who confessed believed God was protecting them from consequences.  They ran out of gas.  They were just sitting on the side of the road instead of getting pulled over.  I have to laugh – they were acting like teens.  I never do know how God works in these situations.
What I do know is that God’s ways are not mine.  He does the unexpected.  He sent rain when it had never rained before.  He has sent Hail, Fire, and turned a person into salt.  He has parted waters, shut the mouths of lions and saved people from the middle of a fire.  My God is a God of surprises!  May you look and see what he has done for you.  Much love, Cristy 

Monday, November 18, 2019


Dear Family,
I find wisdom in gardening.  I prune things back with no mercy and they still survive.  This makes me think of my relationship with God.  He cuts me back sometimes.  I felt called to write children's books. I felt called to blog.  For some reason, I felt blocked when it came to advertising.  I believe I overstepped when I started buying my own books to sell them. 
Like a person who finds joy in buying things they don’t need, I found myself collecting.  Little by little, month after month, my pile under the house grew.  I didn’t even know how many books I had until this month when I took inventory.
I have over 300 books that I want to sell.
Saturday I sold zero of those.
I find it interesting that I am not sad.  I am humbled.  I am not confused because I would not buy my books for the price I put on them.  Why did I expect others to?  Either way, next Saturday I will try to sell the books for less.  I am learning.  I will try to break even from my buying extravaganzas.
My thinking is that purchasing something has to follow a felt need or excitement.  Something has to compel the buyer.  People did come over and tell me they liked the books.  Several took my name and number.   
                I felt excitement when I bought the books in the first place.  I used money that was not for the family so I am letting myself have that joy.  I am letting myself keep the joy of purchasing and now I am letting go of the items.  Just like items put in a garage sale – things were exciting when we bought them.  Now we do not want those items anymore.  That is how I am beginning to feel.  I do NOT want to haul 300 books under my house again.
                This week I had a highlight of my dad calling me.  I used to call him daily on my going home from work commute.  My dad missed talking to me.  How sweet.  Please pray for him as he is now on a mission trip to Chili.
                I enjoyed walking with Bobby on Monday morning.  He bought me breakfast and was great company.  He continues to make the bed daily (I still beat him up every morning). 
Bobby is excited about a new show called, “The Mandalorian.”  I like it.  Seth is not impressed. 
Please pray for Bobby as he is sick.
                Seth drove and purchased food for sick Bobby.  I appreciate that Seth did that while I was away.  What a great son we have.  He continues to cook eggs and make grape juice.  I love his initiative.
                Adriel continues to be sweet and willing to talk even though she is tired.  Working two jobs and going to school full time is hard.  She manages somehow.  Adriel enjoyed a concert this week and texted me while she was there.  I am glad that she is willing to let me know she is still alive.
                I would love to hear from you all as well.  Just a little note saying you are still alive would be wonderful. 
Thank you for your prayers.  I did have a phone interview with MAPS for a teller job.   I do not know how it went but I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough. 
                May you find joy in your journey.  May God’s gentle pruning not hurt too much.  May your focus be first and foremost on God – so that all other things will fall into place as it says in Matthew 6:33, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
                Much Love J


Monday, November 11, 2019


Dear Family,
            Feelings are funny.  Honestly, no one needs to be sad for me.  Not yet.  Lately, my feelings have been interesting.  I have felt; elation at finding out book four is ready to be worked on, excitement for every job application I have filled and joy in the freedom God has given us financially.  We are going to be OK. 
            Being home more has shown me something amazing.  Our house is peaceful.  No one is hollering at each other to get out the door.  Everyone has their own schedule and car.  If someone is late the only person that notices is them.  No one needs me except the cat.  How freeing!
            I have reveled in the wonderful meal Bobby made on Monday.  Turkey, gravy, stuffing and mashed potatoes.  Yum!  We have plenty of leftovers and I love that.
            Bobby thanked me for helping with the youth group and I am glad to be available.  God created me to do good works.  That working for God helps my Bobby is a wonderful bonus.
            Seth stopped playing his computer game to search for a computer mouse.  He was looking for a friend who goes to his school.  I was impressed that he wanted to help.
            Seth and Adriel both cleaned bathrooms.  What a treasure it is to have things clean!
            Adriel was willing to help Seth with his math.  I also was willing but I probably would have needed to spend half an hour reviewing how to do the math.  Seth declined both offers.  He said he would ask his teacher the next day.  Seth is surrounded by people who love him.
            Adriel and Chris came home Friday just to give me a hug.  They said it was to pick something up but I know better.
            Adriel has started making clay figurines again.  How fun!  I love it!  Chris and Adriel hung out at our house being creative for a while and it felt homey.
            In all, I truly believe God has wonderful things in store for our family.  I have two craft fairs where I can sell my books (and I have over 300 to sell).  If you are available any of these days it would be amazing to see you.  Saturday, November 16, 2019, at 9 AM – 3 PM at Western Christian School 9045 Wallace Rd NW, Salem, OR.  Saturday, November 23, 9 AM – 3 PM at West Hills Community Church 1650 Brush College Rd. NW Salem, OR 97304. 
            Thanksgiving is coming up, may your eyes be opened to all the amazing things already around us.  May you feel joy as you ponder how loved you are.  Hugs,


Friday, November 8, 2019

I lost my job today

I believe I would take a bullet for anyone, I work with.  I truly do.  BUT I would have to see it coming first.  My mistake was that I can be super focused.  I did not notice danger even when someone was trying to tell me about it.  I had two lines coming to my till punching their numbers in.  I was saying thank you and making sure everyone had fruit.  Someone came to me and said, “There are pills in the fruit.”  I thought they were messing with me and I ignored the threat.

Because of this loss, I have been given three gifts by God.

#1 Humility.  I am not the right person for this job and I have to acknowledge that.

#2 Time.  I have the gift of time and can finish book #4.  I also have time to love on my family (if they will let me) and to sell my books at the two book fairs coming up this month.

#3 a fresh start.  I am applying for new jobs and am excited to see what God has for my future.

I am able to re-evaluate myself now.  Who am I?  What am I good at?  What fuels me?

I love to organize and I love structure.  I love people for a time.  I present as an extrovert but need time by myself to refuel. 

I know I enjoyed being a secretary at the ESD in Gold Beach Oregon and I enjoyed being a teller there as well.  I will be applying for those types of jobs.  I also like writing but don’t know what kind of job that would be a part of.

If you know of any jobs that you think might be a good fit, let me know. 

Thanks for your love and prayers about today’s meeting.  I truly believe there are no hard feelings.  They wanted to keep me but that incident could have blown up in all our faces.  It is scary what I did not do.  I do not plan on working food service ever again.

Hugs, Cristy

Monday, November 4, 2019

Happy Harvest time!

Dear Family,
            Being surrounded by God’s people is so wonderful!  I pondered how I would get everything done this week and God gave me the gift of time.  It would be lovely if Halloween didn’t fall on the end of the month.  Who do we contact to get holidays changed?
I had some great conversations with Adriel this week.  Not only did she draw for me but another book is almost complete on her end.  How exciting to start working on book number four!
Adriel thanked Bobby for cooking veggies on Monday.  I want to say that only Bobby (who is a fabulous cook) can elicit that kind of response from a teen about vegetables.
Adriel was excited to get the largest paycheck in her life this month.  She also started another job and is still full time at Chemeketa.  I shouldn’t wonder why I don’t see her often.  She said she is busier than she ever has been.  This includes the 12-hour Marching Band days she used to do!  Poor girl!  She still is pulling in good grades and I am proud of her.
Seth decides when to go to bed on his own.  He gets up, gets ready for school and drives himself.  Seth is getting good grades and is managing relationships well.  Yay Seth!
Seth served alongside me at the Harvest Party on the 31st.  He stayed the whole time, received his candy reward and was happy to drive himself home.  I am tickled that Seth continues to give a hug and prayer when I go to bed.

Bobby and I enjoyed some great walks, making new friends and catching new monsters on Pokémon Go.  I love walking.  Salem is starting to feel like Gold Beach.  Wherever we go we know people.  Bobby was even joking with someone stopped at a stoplight who hollered his name, “Aren’t you in the wrong state?”  Being in ministry 13 years at one spot does bring many friendships.
    Bobby made yummy soup and Spaghetti this week.  He is even taking time to prepare a turkey for Monday.  I wanted more freezer space so he decided to cook it.  Thank you Fairchild family for sharing your delicious bounty from the farm.
I enjoyed youth group this week.  The topic flyer asked; ‘What areas in your life do you need help to stand against the Devil’s schemes?’  Bobby said, “Is it talking during Youth Group?”  A girl said, “Savage,” because that application was spot on.
May you find joy in all God has for you.  May your speech be seasoned with love and patience.  May you find that casting all your cares on Him does end with a feeling of being cared for (1 Peter 5:7).  Much Love,


Monday, October 28, 2019


Dear Family,
                I am so blessed by you, your love, prayers, and warmth towards me.  The biggest blessing of all is knowing that God is in control.  He uses good and bad to accomplish His purpose.  My God is bigger than any of my problems and he promises that after life is over, those who love Him back will spend eternity with Him! 
                Can you tell I was just at a pastor’s conference?  We had sweet fellowship, amazing singing and powerful messages at the NABNW Seaside annual meeting.  Those we met, prayed with and worshiped alongside were such a blessing.  God is so good!
                At home, Seth mowed the lawn and Adriel went to school and work.  The house did not burn down.  The cat is still alive.  Food is still abundant in the fridge!  I see no evidence of parties.
                During the week Bobby made several wonderful soup dishes.  I had a cold this week and Bobby was kind enough to pray me back to mostly healed.  Seth heard the prayers and was alarmed.  Now that Seth has education he knows that “Help Cristy who has the plague,” could mean something more.  Sometimes we exaggerate.
                Bobby thanked me for helping with the youth group and I always appreciate his love. 
                This week I enjoyed a nice long chat with Adriel.  She is growing up well and I love hearing how she is doing.  Adriel and Chris also joined me on raid night Wednesday for Pokémon.  I learned that turnabout is fair play.  She is my historian and began telling stories about me.  Oh dear!  Now I understand why she may not want me to hang out with her friends or Chris.  I know way too much and am willing to share all.  I just realized she will outlive me!  Must maintain amazing mother-daughter relationship! 
May you find joy in your journey.  May your peace come from above.  May those around you lift you up and may you happily reciprocate!  Much love,
