Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day 5/28/2018

Dear Family,

                It’s wonderful that I can look back and say God continues to work in and around us. 
                Bobby truly is a blessing to me.  He cooked twice this week.  The latest was the most wonderful dinner, and I was very sad to see there weren’t many leftovers.  As Dr. Seuss said, “Don’t cry because it’s over, Smile because it happened.”  And so I am. 
                Bobby also took a walk with me one evening, and because we were outside, he had me hold the ladder while he attacked and destroyed three wasp nests.  Our protector and hero!  Yay.  Bobby and I also enjoyed a date this week.  He was thankful when I helped at youth group.  Bobby smiled and felt fulfilled when we had a group of youth over to see the old movie, Krull.  It’s fun to see my man happy and satisfied.
                Adriel enjoyed watching the new Solo movie with Bobby.  Because she managed to get a nap in beforehand so was not too tired the day after.  She even said she wasn’t embarrassed to be the daughter of the guy who dressed up with a cape.
                Adriel went to play a game with friends, and I mentioned I was jealous.  She then invited me to come!  How exciting.  When I said, “Yes,” she changed her toon!  Oh well.
                Adriel was very blessed by Grandma Webb this Saturday.  Anyone who will take Adriel shopping is brave and in for a long haul.  I am glad grandma enjoys Adriel’s company. 
                Seth was insistent last Tuesday that he had to get home as soon as possible and do homework.  I was leery of this behavior, but he said, “People are counting on me mom, it’s a group project!”  I love that Seth was thinking of others.
                Seth also mentioned, “It’s too bad you didn’t get upstairs to pet the kittens.”  This comment also shows Seth was thinking of me and I find it very sweet.  We had a potluck for home group, and the kittens had only been there eight hours, so they were upstairs.  I’ll get to see them later, I am sure.
For Memorial day: As we ponder the sacrifices that have been made so that we might be free.  As we enjoy breathing and living may we feel blessed, loved and may our love extend to all those around us.
Much Love,


Monday, May 21, 2018

5/21/18 Blessings!

Dear Family,
                Sometimes the meaning of a word can be so different to so many people.  Honestly, I will admit that Saturday Night Live skewed a saying for me.  My definition of “Church Lady” is someone who nags or hits people with a Bible.  It’s not pretty.  When my son got in someone’s face a year or two ago, I said, “Sorry my son went all ‘church lady’ on you.”  We laughed, and she let it go.  (Seth was insisting they bring their children to the main service, not just Sunday school.)  All this is backstory.  Adriel and Bobby were reminiscing about how wonderful their trip to Hawaii was.  Adriel mentioned how wonderful the women leaders were and even one was so nice she was like a “Church lady” even though she probably didn’t go to church.  Huh!  Guess who has the “right” definition of church lady in their head!  Not me.  I am so very glad Adriel thinks highly of ladies that go to church.  I do also – I just hadn’t put it into the correct term.  “Church ladies” are some of the most wonderful, heart connections I will ever have.  I have been re-trained. 
                This week, work was hard.  I called Bobby; he let me cry and told me he would pray for me.  He helped me get thru that day.  There aren’t many days of school left.  Already work is much better. 
                Adriel continues to babysit, work hard, and even did a concert and audition this week.  She is good enough for Wind Ensemble – the highest concert band that West Salem offers.  I am proud of her.  I miss her, but I am proud.
                Adriel enjoyed a trip to Portland with Bobby and the youth group.  She even invited her boyfriend, David.  Bobby can say the word, “Boyfriend” now without any sign of fainting.  Yay!

                I truly enjoy my time with Bobby even if we are doing something silly like making a cape.  He is fun and gets excited, which is entertaining.  I am so glad he’s great company.  He cooked a great meal Monday.  I love how he is willing to make yummy dishes for us.
                Bobby is also very good at helping me word things.  He can look over blessings or a letter and lets me know what is appropriate to say.
                Seth continued to get school work done and mowed the lawn again.  I am sure he is excited for summer when the lawn dries up a bit and when there is no more school work.
                Yay for the anticipation of a break.  May your future be bright, your present be delightful and your past stay where it belongs.  May you be so pleased that any past wrongdoings are forgiven and cleansed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  Much Love,

PS One funny thing that truly blesses me is a soap my mother gave me that I finally opened.  Mint!  It makes my entire shower smell so good!  I breath in and just feel wonderful.  Funny, smells do that for me.  Good smells make life enjoyable!  Thanks, Mom!

Monday, May 14, 2018

5/14/18 Happy Mothers Day!

Dear Family,
I have a joke I heard from Sunday school.  Thanks Hal Washburn.  A professor asked the class to look out the window.  “Do you see the birds?”  The class replied affirmatively.  “Do you see the trees?”  The class also said, “Yes.”  Then he said, “Do you see God?”  The class responded, “No.”  And the professor said, “That’s because there is no God.”  A student responded with, “Do you see the professors tie?”  The class said, “Yes.”  “Do you see his shoes?”  The class also said, “Yes.”  Then he said, “Do you see his brain?” 
I am thankful for my mothers; biological, in law and adopted.  I’ll even say I’m great full for those who mother me, take their time to bring me along and show me the ropes.  I hope you all had a wonderful day.  I sure did!  Yay for restaurants and great cooking.  Yay for a family that loves me and yay for youth Sunday.  How fun it was to see the kids up on stage or in the back working hard to showcase themselves.
Bobby preached great even though he doesn’t like it.  Bobby also worked hard organizing all the youth volunteers.  They handed out bulletins, greeted people coming in, passed around the offering plate, sang, spoke, manned the soundboard and handed out Mothers day flowers.

Bobby took the AC unit out of under the house and installed it.  He knew the hot weather is coming and is now prepared.  He also made a wonderful chicken meal this week and continues to make the bed every day.  I am so glad my Bobby is good company in general.  Bobby visited his Mom and Sister this week.  I am so glad he can spend time with them and listen.  I am glad there is love!  Bobby also arranged for he and I to play board games with the Fenn Adults.  I hadn’t relaxed that well in weeks! 
I am so thankful for our prayer group.  This week especially I needed to change my attitude from, “They aren’t hiring at my job, and I NEED three more people” to, “How can I make this work?”  I went in angry and came out with a better attitude and direction.  Crazy but true, stopping cookie sales helps.  Turning to God helps!  Leaving my burdens at His feet, asking for His direction – even in obscure places like work.  Yes, God is full of wisdom, turning to Him is the best decision I keep on making.
Seth mowed the lawn this week.  He’s so funny, the first day it started to rain, so I understand why he had to stop.  The next time he just did a bit and then the third day that week he finished up.  It takes so much time to clean the mower I would do it all at once.
Adriel was very sweet to me this week.  She was purposeful, and it was nice.  Adriel also fixed our washing machine!  It takes strength, dexterity, and determination to do this.  It also took about an hour and a half plus some cuts.  We paid her of course – I had called an appliance repairman, but then I remembered this one never calls back and before I could call another one Adriel said she would do it.
Adriel babysat several times this week, and it’s fun hearing her stories.  She was with a two-year-old as her first babysitter ever.  How special J.
Ripley likes being in Adriel’s room.  I find this sad but understand.  Adriel’s room does smell good.  I like being there as well. 
May you be kind to all you encounter.  May you find peace, knowing that God loves you.  May you follow His example and forgive those who wrong you.  Much love,


Monday, May 7, 2018


Dear Family,

            It’s wonderful to look out the window and see beauty everywhere.  It’s delightful to enjoy the rain because I know it’s free water.  It’s lovely to celebrate with friends and family because someone was born or just because of Mexico!  I am glad for May 5. 
            This week we even had a thunderstorm!  Seth got up at around 6:30 AM (the middle of the night for him) turned his computer off and went right back to bed.  It was adorable!  Ripley mewed at our bedroom door; she wanted to be petted and comforted.  I love her purrs!
            Seth mowed the lawn again this week.  I love that even though he may not like a task, he does it.  He gets up, does the task and then goes back to what he is doing.  There may be some fuss, but at least he does what he is supposed to.
            I loved it that when I went upstairs to wake Seth up Sunday morning, I heard, “I’m up” before I even touched his door handle.  How fun!  He said I climb stairs loud.
            Adriel is happy to Babysit, and I love that.  She is great with kids and enjoys them.  Yay!  Adriel also drew two drawings for me this week.  She doesn’t like that as much, but I love her work and want her to be part of the book.  (We do pay her.)
            Adriel also enjoyed camping with a friend.  It was fun to get some picture updates from the mom and know that Adriel is great company J.
            Bobby enjoyed having me help out at youth group, and it’s always nice to be appreciated.  Bobby also cooked an amazing dinner.  I’m so glad he enjoys cooking.  Bobby and I enjoyed several Birthday parties this week and a Cinco de Mayo fundraiser.  The party season for graduations begins now.  It will be interesting to see if Adriel gets more invitations than Bobby this year.
            May you find peace in all the changes.  May you be centered and may you feel God’s love pour into you so much that you have love for all those you encounter.
Hugs J Cristy