Monday, January 29, 2024



Dear Family,


               I am so glad for cozy, snug feelings.  Pets, people and blankets are the best.  I enjoy working hard and then being cozy with Bobby and Skyra (our cat).  I want to say life doesn’t get any better than that.  I like the having and holding we share. 

               Bobby did cook chip beef and toast.  I am glad he and Seth like it.  I was able to make enchiladas and salads.  Yum!  Life is filled with amazing food and we don’t have to hunt or grow it.  What a wonderful concept.  I enjoy the barter system.  I don’t like gardening and might starve if my life depended on what I planted. 

               Tuesday night Middle School group was different because five minutes before start time, no one had come yet.  It felt empty.  God pre-ordained this so that Bobby would find the spider before anyone else did.  It was huge and he had the vacuum cleaner ready when the crowd started arriving.  The spider was gone before many knew it existed.  That could have been a really big deal.

               Prayer time was fun with someone having such bad handwriting that it gave the reader pause, a giggle and need for affirmation.  It is pretty funny how an extra space where it doesn’t belong changes everything.

               Wednesday night High School group was delightful.  I enjoyed the singing very much.  One song says, “Your grace is enough, I’m covered in your blood.”  Bobby sang, “I’m covered in your love.”  A student noticed the difference and brought it up.  Bobby was like, “Did I, well they are both the same.”  This made me comment, “Noooo, if you were covered in my blood it would look really bad.”  We did talk about the songs with blood running in Emanuel’s veins, ‘Washed in the blood’ and other such songs.  It’s an interesting concept. 

                How wonderful that Bobby cooked yummy stir fry on Thursday.  I enjoyed coming home to a warm meal after a full day of work.  I definitely feel blessed to have Bobby in my life.

               Friday Bobby began the work of making Tamales.  He made the meat in preparation for Saturdays work of making the rest.  After he was done making them he shared with some friends.  How fun that he could bless people we know with his yummy cooking 😊.

               Seth says, “I love you” on the way to school or work.  He blesses us with his sweet constant steady presence.  Seth is a joy to have around. 

               Adriel usually answers the phone and I am glad she continues to strive for her best life.  She works hard and plays hard.  Reminds me of Bobby.

               May you find peace in the cuddles you have.  May you find joy in your work and God’s love in your interactions.  Hugs,



Monday, January 22, 2024



Dear Family,


            My car was stuck in the snow overnight.  Getting it unstuck took the help of Bobby and Seth.  I was so thankful for their help!  It was a blessing that I then drove to work.  So many people called in (sick) that our grocery manager had to do a 24-hour day!  Many people were happy to get overtime (as was I).  When I got to work (after Bobby and Seth helped get the car out) I texted a thank you.  Seth’s response was fabulous, “Good luck getting back.”  I love him so much!

            God has been providential in my safety as I worked several days this week.  I am glad for a warm car and a job I enjoy doing. 

            Seth helped me get my new laptop set up to the printer.  I am excited that I can now get rid of the old computer.  Bobby said I should give it to Seth to wipe the hard drive.  Seth said he will use a spare USB to wipe it.  Although Seth did say, “The best thing to do would be to burn it with Thermite.  That is not a joke.”  I had to laugh anyway.  It’s nice he won’t take a gun or chemicals to a perfectly good computer.

            Seth is sharing his Christmas candy.  I think that is sweet 😉.

            Friday night Bobby and I enjoyed Pho Keizer again.  Their soup warmed my body and our conversation warmed my heart.  It is good to share life with those we love.

            I am glad I could bring Adriel to a baby shower on Saturday.  She was a pleasure to be with and it is fun figuring out adult life together.  She is a great listener.  I am blessed to have her in my life.

            Yay, we survived an ice storm!  May you be glad for God’s love, provision and grace.  May you go forth with love in your heart and a smile on your face.  Much love,




Monday, January 15, 2024



Dear Family,


                Seth stayed for the installation potluck of our new pastor on Sunday.  He asked which line Bobby’s cooking was in and chose that one 😊.  How fun, he wouldn’t have eaten any if he hadn’t stayed.  It was gone before Bobby had seconds. Bobby is happy when people ask for the recipe.  He makes great food and it’s fun to have people excited about it.

                Middle school group was filled with laughter, games, fun and even some hugs.  In line for gutter ball, I had so much fun talking that when it was my turn to play I didn’t want to play.  I enjoy our conversations.  Later during the lesson someone accidentally spilled Soda.  It was funny when Bobby said, “This is why we can’t have nice things.”  The carpets were cleaned over Christmas break.  Oh well.

                Game time had four volunteers get their thumbs and next finger taped together.  They then had a race to eat a banana.  There are some fun pictures of pure joy.  One fun comment, “I think I lost all my finger hair.”

                Wednesday during the day I helped Adriel move apartments.  We didn’t complete the job, but all the large items and boxes were done by the time I left.  I know she is happy when she plays her music and dances in the vehicle.  I must smile.  She has so much life and vitality.  Please pray with us as she hasn’t started her schoolwork yet in all the stress of moving.

            Adriel is now living with three female room mates in college housing.  These are all new people to her so she is getting the college experience she said she had wanted.  I am glad for her.  She also has a fun view of her city from a tall vantage.

                One fun fact that came out of my interaction with Adriel is that I like it when she drives best.  She asked if I like her driving because then she doesn’t tell me how to drive.  Yes, I do like it that there is no backseat driving when Adriel is at the wheel but the biggest reason I like it that she drives is that when it gets scary I want to close my eyes and relax.  I can’t do that as well when I’m the one driving.

                High school group was full.  Bobby was still not satisfied.  He said, “You know what this youth group needs.  Girls.  You guys need to invite more girls!  Xxx what’s your excuse?”  The young man in questions smiled and said, “I like trains.”

            One fill in the blank was from Genesis 6:5-7.  God flooded the earth yet s----- Noah and his family graciously.  Bobby’s hint was, “It’s a bowling term.”  I pondered “strike” but meanwhile “Spared” was the right answer.

            Bobby was using Brennan as an example of awesomeness.  “What if someone at work asked, ‘Why are you so fabulous?’ and Brennan answered, ‘Come and see for yourself at church, I would love to bring you.’”  I enjoyed the smiles and fist bump of the boys in the back.  The compliment was real, and it was fun to see their reaction.  What wonderful fun we have when we gather!  I am glad for the times we can laugh and enjoy fun banter.

            Snow on the other hand changes things.  Freezing rain even more so.  Please pray for us when we consider all those who do not have a roof over their heads.  This is not good weather to be homeless.

            May you find God’s sovereignty to be your joy.  May you love those you encounter with a deep resounding peace that comes from knowing you are loved.







Monday, January 8, 2024



Dear Family,


          Back into the routine, newness, growth, purposefulness, and grace.  As we begin 2024 may we choose better paths, grow closer to God, and help others as well. 

          Monday Bobby spent the day making Mexican casserole.  It was an amazing recipe from our past that we haven’t had for years.  How wonderful to grow in strength and sustenance as we enjoy time together eating and reminiscing about our day.  I am so blessed to have my Bobby. 

           Tuesday night at Middle school group we had so many smiling faces.  I truly enjoyed game time.  When someone invites you to play with them it is heartwarming.  Prayer requests brought up a conversation from before.  Someone had just become and uncle.  How exciting.  When he mentioned he didn’t have any prayer requests I mentioned, “Oh, you can pray for the Baaaaaby!”  This brought stunned silence.  People hadn’t heard anything about a middle schooler having a baby at all.  I said, “Because you just became an uncle!”  Oh, the other teens were relieved, and laughed.  “What have you been up to??!!”

          After prayer Rich and I were wondering how Bobbys youth pastor friend was doing and asked.  Bobby was thinking of the computer not working when he shook his head and made the cutting motion.  Both Rich and I wondered if Bobby’s friend had died!  “Nooo, I was talking about the computer.”  Oh, that’s what being on the wrong page is like.

          Lesson time also had one fill in the blank that wouldn’t have worked at all but was humorous. ‘A great step for the new year is to S _ _ _ _ others.’  The corresponding picture had a lot of hands raised. A student and I both thought ‘slap’ kind of worked.    


         Wednesday was also filled with deep laughter, wonderful smiles and a thought-provoking lesson.  One of the fill in the blanks was (Mark 11:25-26): Be a F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  Someone shouted out “Failure.”  Nope, that was not the right answer.  It was Forgiver, and this brought a dissent.  “Fine, everyone can be forgiven except xxxx.”  This brought out some spiritual theology.  No matter how bad a sin is, no matter what has been wronged, even if the person is in jail for their wrongs. Forgiveness is something we must do.  Matthew 6:12 in the Lord’s prayer says, “forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us.”  Not only is our forgiveness tied to us forgiving but it is part of our faith.  It may feel impossible.  This is why forgiveness is divine and we need God’s help to forgive.

          Thursday Bobby cooked several amazing dishes!  I was welcomed home with joy, and it was fabulous to sit with Bobby, reminisce about our day and talk about what the future brings.  How exciting that we can help our new pastor and his wife move in!  These are great days!

          Friday Bobby spent all day preparing Chili Verde for the church potluck.  He was tired and so was I after a full day of work.  I enjoyed sitting with him for a while before bed.  I am glad for his companionship and warmth.

          Adriel remains a beautiful, sweet answer when I call.  She is moving soon. I am glad to be of use in her future.

          Saturday, I enjoyed helping Leanne unpack her kitchen.  She even did some happy dancing which was super fun.  Enjoying a new friend’s company is the best!  I am so glad to have the Willis family in our lives.

          May you also rejoice with new beginnings, hope for a bright future and joy for God’s forgiveness, grace, and peace.

Much love,




Monday, January 1, 2024


 Dear Family,


          I truly enjoyed my Christmas vacation.  I took four days off sequentially; it was wonderful, beautiful, and fabulous!  Adriel deciding to stay with us was such a blessing. 

          I led the preschool class on Christmas Eve morning, and Adriel joined me.  My preschool helper was from youth group, and she said she didn’t know Adriel at all.  When Adriel joined us, she remembered the youth!  Adriel said, “Don’t you remember me?  I took care of you when you were pre-school age!”  How fun to see them interact and bond.  Adriel’s genuine care for those around her is heartwarming and beautiful.  Later, she mentioned to a preschooler, “Your grandpa used to teach me Sunday school.”  Our interconnectedness seemed like deep magic to me.  Young people don’t know the myriad of people connections invested in the family of God.  What an amazing reunion Heaven will be!

          Tuesday night I enjoyed time to be cozy with Bobby.  He enjoys cooking shows and I am glad because it inspires him to make yummy food.  How fun!  We are still enjoying Christmas leftovers!  So much food!  What a blessing that we have a fridge to hold it all.

          Bobby enjoyed the youth group events this week.  Going out to eat one day and playing games another.  He came back with stories of fun times and great connections.  I am glad he enjoys his job. 

          May you also enjoy the work God has for you.  May you find purpose in all you do and joy in loving and doing the will of God.  Much love,


