Monday, October 29, 2018

10/29/18 Shameless

Dear Family,
Shameless, that’s what this is!  A Shameless plug for the book Adriel illustrated, and I wrote.  I’m excited that it’s for sale on Amazon.  I’m excited that it’s happening J How fun!  I would be truly blessed if you read it (from our church library or because you bought a copy) and give an honest review about how you think it can impact our community.

An interesting and very odd shift has occurred in my heart.  Whenever I see Adriel, I am not only glad she is still alive.  I’m just glad to see her.  I used to be much more ambivalent when I knew the minute she saw me she would find something she needed.  Now that they are both independent I just look upon them and smile.  I’m so proud of them.  This Sunday I looked for them at church.  Adriel was downstairs serving with the 3-5 year-old class, and Seth was in the sound box running the “Easy worship” powerpoint.  Even after the service, Seth stayed a little later to finalize the burning of the CD for others to enjoy in the future if they missed the service.  How cool is that?!
Seth mentioned with sarcasm how glad he is that even his Dad is giving him homework.  I am so blessed that Bobby leads a Bible study for High School boys.  He has done these for years – now my son is a part of it.  Yay!!
Seth said he was doing a test on body parts in Spanish.  It was fun to quiz him since I know the head and shoulders knees and toes song in Spanish.  He did great.  Then I sang the song, and he did not appreciate that (like he would have ten years ago).
Having Seth drive this weekend bordered on boring.  I did not like it that he had the windshield wipers going when there was not that much rain.  They were squeaking.  I told him.  He smiled and ignored me stating that now there is another benefit for the wipers to keep going (they bugged me).  I said, “Seth, turn us off.  We are being overused.  We are crying.”  Seth said, “Mom when you talk for intimate objects sometimes I think you are trying to be funny.  Sometimes I wonder if you are just going crazy.”  I had to chuckle and reply that it’s probably a little bit of both.
Adriel applied for the college she wants to go.  Oh boy!  Here she goes!!  Adriel stayed home one night, and I enjoyed spending time with her watching the beginning of “The Good Doctor” I’ll admit it is a very good show, but it makes me so emotional!  I am weeping one moment and have goosebumps the next.  Goodness!
Adriel and the Marching Band did their best at another competition.  For the first time, I ever recall they took second.  I heard the other team was shaking they were so excited to take first.  I love that the focus was on good sportsmanship and good job, “You did your best.  We will practice more before the big competition”.  I also love that they were good at congratulating the other team.  I have never cared if they win.  I just wish they didn’t take the kids away from home so much.
Bobby made a wonderful dinner of Chicken and Dumplings one evening this week.  It was super nice of him.  He also thanked me for coming to Youth group.  I love that he’s thankful.  I also love going to home group with him.  We enjoy singing, praying and learning about God. 
Bobby also enjoyed helping the marching band this weekend.  He is an extreme extrovert so being with the group energized him with excitement.  It is fun to see him pumped about conversations he had and connections he made with youth.

May you also be excited about what God has you doing.  May your joy be full and rich.  May you obey His will, seek His way and rejoice in His results.  Hugs J Cristy

Monday, October 22, 2018

10/22/18 NABNW

Dear Family,

I am so glad Seth enjoys youth group.  I also enjoyed helping him jog his memory for his English writing assignments this week.  One was, “Describe our town of Salem.”  Things I brought up were – do things grow here?  Do I ask you to pick 100 weeds, raspberries, grapes or blackberries?  Are there things to do in our town?  Do we have malls? Plays? Music events?  Sporting events?  How does our town act on Holidays?  I described his three-year-old burst of joy on Halloween.  He stood on the sidewalk legs and arms out, “This is the best day EVER!”  Seth wrote how things grow a lot even the weeds, unfortunately.  He said there is a so much going on in our town it’s almost overwhelming.  He was able to raise his grade, and I felt so blessed when I remembered how truly wonderful our town is.  As I was writing this, I remembered that our town is, right now, welcoming the Marching Band Busses back from their trip to California.  I brought Seth to see people cheer, blow horns, and hold up banners for our Marching band kids.  There were police cars with their lights on, and it made me cry. 
Adriel was happy to see us after her trip to California.  Then she decided to clean things and go out to play Air Soft at night with her friends.  WOW!  She is like the energizer bunny.
Earlier this week Adriel was eating from a veggie tray I made.  Half was gone when she asked with a bit of guilt – “Is this for anyone or anything special?”  I assured her she was fine – I did make it for my parents but they are gone, and I refilled it.  She was glad to hear this because “I ate about half of it.”
Last Sunday I enjoyed working with Two and Three-year-olds.  I read to them about how Jesus welcomed the little children and loved them.  We were telling the little ones, “Jesus loves you!”  One three year old said, “What are you talking about?”  The message that God came down to earth and died for her seemed a little over her head.  She said it several times, “What are you talking about?”  I found her adorable!  Knowing that they are being raised in an environment that is healthy and loving, I am glad to be able to sow seeds of love and respect.  It’s all up to God in the end.
I enjoyed playing games with friends.  We are making it a biweekly event, and I love having things scheduled.
Bobby and I enjoyed a trip to the annual pastors meeting at Seaside.  I was encouraged by the beautiful music, the amazing sermons, and the uplifting testimonies.  God is at work in our world.  It was so exciting to hear what is going on in each church.  It was also a blessing to hear their trials and prayer requests as well. 
I felt touched to see Adriel texted Bobby saying that she was missing the trip.  She had gone since she was six.  She may have missed a year or two because of sickness or marching band, but this year she missed being there even if she is a part of Marching band.  They won again by the way.
At the beginning of this week I wrote, “Praying with Adriel & Seth is a joy.  I’m very glad we can leave them with full confidence.”  I felt so proud.  While we were gone, our thoughts seemed to shift.  Seth doesn’t answer texts.  If he’s busy, he doesn’t look at his phone.  We wondered if the house burned down and he and Skyra were in heaven.  Bobby called our neighbor friend to ask her to see if they were still alive.  I am so thankful for gracious friends.  She said she had to laugh because in the middle of their conversation he said, “See you later” and left her on the porch looking at a closed door.  She said she thought it was hilarious. Well, at least we knew he was OK.
While we were gone, Seth gave Skyra medicine in her eye three times a day (He said she hates him now).  He helped a family move, and when I asked him to go to Church on Sunday, he said, “Of course” he would.  This means he walked ¾ a mile each way.  My heart feels like bursting thinking of how wonderful our Seth is.  Of course, he will walk to church even if he is the only one home.  It’s a Sunday morning.  Yay!!!
           Bobby also wanted to know how his friend did teaching the youth Sunday school.  I didn’t know Rich was that funny!  I loved reading their back and forth.  When I came home, I thanked Seth for leading the singing.  He was very confused.
Bobby is always a safe driver, and I enjoyed taking a small nap both to and from Seaside.   I have full confidence in Bobby’s driving.
We were able to visit Bobby’s mom and sister on the way back, and it was good to give them hugs and chat for a while.
 May your life reflect the Love God has infused into you.  May you rejoice in the beauty that surrounds us.  Much Love,


Monday, October 15, 2018

10/15/18 Happy Birthday to me!

Dear family,  

I am so glad every week to find God’s blessings are real, tangible and easy to relate.  Our simple interactions, living life together, are a blessing.  Thank you all!  I enjoyed all Birthday wishes in the mail and on Facebook.  Thank you, my friends and family, J.
My parents came down from Seattle to celebrate my Birthday.  They are so kind!  They also paid for my entry fee to the Marching Band Celebration in Hillsboro.  Their gift.  We enjoyed watching all the bands play.  I noticed that I cry during the sad music and dance during the happy.  Their music carries me away.  West Salem won again; there was much rejoicing.  I enjoyed praying with my parents, such encouragement and favor.  I was blessed conversing and walking.  Mom also helped me harvest sunflower seeds off the huge sunflower.  That was very kind of her.  Life is very, very good.

Seth laughed when I tried to show him how to give me a cracking hug.  I need to be squished every so often just right.  Bobby seems to be the only one capable.  Sigh.
Seth asked for a raincoat, and I felt like a Proverbs woman. 21:21a “When it snows, she has no fear for her household;”  I had three coats for Seth!  Haha!  I was also glad I didn’t have to go shopping.  Neither of us cares what he gets, but then at the store, we might not like this or that.  It’s quite painful. 
I truly enjoy the time I have teaching Seth to drive.  At the age where kids don’t talk much, we have great conversations like this: As he drives by a school for making wine.  Me: Who would have guessed there’s school for making wine.  Seth: Everyone who studies making wine.  Or Me: Oh, a cross on the side of the road means someone died here.  Seth: Mom, don’t scare me any more than I already am!
Adriel remains super busy with marching band and work.  I was glad to see her several days when she told me about her day and what she has been doing.
Bobby made several amazing meals and even asked me what I wanted.  YUM!  Bobby also does a wonderful job with music and leading during home group.  I am blessed to be part of a home group.
At Youth Group the youth were chatty, happy to be there and rowdy.  They were supposed to be quiet and attentive to the message.  As a quieting technique, Bobby said, “I think I’ll give some candy corn to the people that are quiet.”  He bent down to grab some from the bag with his eyes on the task.  By the time he had a handful and had stood up the entire room was dead quiet.  Bobby then said, “Or I’ll just eat some myself.”  A youth leaned over to me and said, “This isn’t like the Oprah Winfrey show.”
Also, a youth saw Bobby sitting in the front scratching his chin.  She said, “You look just like my math teacher!”  Bobby replied that this teacher must be very handsome!  All this entertainment and Bobby even thanks me for being there.
Bobby helped move things from the pit during the marching band competition in Hillsboro.  That was very nice of him to sacrifice his day.  Adriel gave him several hugs, and that was sweet to hear.  Yay!
So much love and goodness in these busy fall days.  May you find peace in the fall colors.  May your heart leap for joy when you consider all God has done for you.  May you feel his presence as you cuddle up in warmer blankets and pull up a pet or two.  Much love,


Monday, October 8, 2018

10/8/18 Senior pictures

Dear Family,

I am so refreshed!  It is wonderful to be able to go on a Christian Woman’s retreat.  I was able to listen, talk, sing, hear inspiring messages, play games, laugh, cry, talk, listen and be heard.  I feel inspired to push on with the publishing of my book.  I feel lead to be responsible for my joy.  I have listened to a great speaker and have been inspired to focus on God first and ignore distractions.  Yay!
While I was away, Bobby taught Seth how to drive for an hour and cooked a dinner that I am sure was superb.  While I was home for the week, Bobby cooked several times and prayed a lot for me with friends and family.  I forgot my phone one day.  The day a coworker did not come to work and texted me that she was quitting.  Bobby was the one who got the text, so he prayed for us.  It was a hard day at work.  Their prayers were nice. 
Seth continues to work hard on his homework.  I love that he is learning to drive and he remains sweet especially when we don’t bug him.
Adriel continues to give hugs, love and even tells me her dreams.  We received many senior pictures, and she remains beautiful on an off camera.  I was able to complete her FASA and am very glad that ordeal is over. 
May you find respite when you can.  May you be able to choose joy and do self-care.  May you know how deep and how wide is the Love of God.  Hugs J


Monday, October 1, 2018

10/1/18 Dayton and back

Dear Family,
Adriel remains sweet and busy.  I am glad I get to see her every so often, I’m also very glad she texts back.
Seth drove me to Dayton and back on Saturday.  It cracks me up how barn sour he is.  I know, it’s a horse term.  Leaving home, he drives slowly, and we have learned how to let people pass us or how to pull over when there is a line behind us.  This is much better than the previous death grips on steering wheel and dashboard as he simply went fast because the speed limit had ended and he didn’t want to be rude to those behind us.  We pray now, before leaving the house.  We pray for safety and calm.  So, it was a good trip, and on the way home, he drives faster simply because he wants to be home.  I love him.  I love how his favorite place on earth is home and how he is comfortable here.  I don’t know how long I’ll enjoy that or love it, but for now, I’m glad to have him home and happy.  I also love his hugs.
Bobby cooked several times this week and even mentioned that he is thankful to have me in his life.  How sweet!
Skyra has begun to bring home grasshoppers.  She is very proud and mews loudly to let us know of her catch.  Usually, she brings them inside the door.  The other day she brought one up to our bedroom.  Ugh! Poor bugs!  She is small – hopefully, she starts to aim higher (think, mice).  This is why I got her in the first place.  Either way, I know her presence does detract them.  She is a blessing in that she purrs while I pet her and that is super fun as well.
I also feel blessed at work.  We have no open positions!  Of course several are out sick, so please pray with me for health and healing.  It’s possible to do a job in survival mode but to do it well I am enjoying that I have trained everyone.  They know what to do when.  Now I can start training people to fill in for each other.

God continues to bless the garden with some strawberries, raspberries and one sunflower that looks like it’s going to explode.  Life is good.  
May you find the fruit of your labor produces beauty, good food, and joy.  May God bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you.  May you know the depth and width of his love and may you be able to love others because of the love you receive.  
Hugs J
