Dear Family,
I am so glad Seth enjoys youth group. I also enjoyed helping him jog his memory for his English writing assignments this week. One was, “Describe our town of Salem.” Things I brought up were – do things grow here? Do I ask you to pick 100 weeds, raspberries, grapes or blackberries? Are there things to do in our town? Do we have malls? Plays? Music events? Sporting events? How does our town act on Holidays? I described his three-year-old burst of joy on Halloween. He stood on the sidewalk legs and arms out, “This is the best day EVER!” Seth wrote how things grow a lot even the weeds, unfortunately. He said there is a so much going on in our town it’s almost overwhelming. He was able to raise his grade, and I felt so blessed when I remembered how truly wonderful our town is. As I was writing this, I remembered that our town is, right now, welcoming the Marching Band Busses back from their trip to California. I brought Seth to see people cheer, blow horns, and hold up banners for our Marching band kids. There were police cars with their lights on, and it made me cry.
Earlier this week Adriel was eating from a veggie tray I made. Half was gone when she asked with a bit of guilt – “Is this for anyone or anything special?” I assured her she was fine – I did make it for my parents but they are gone, and I refilled it. She was glad to hear this because “I ate about half of it.”
Last Sunday I enjoyed working with Two and Three-year-olds. I read to them about how Jesus welcomed the little children and loved them. We were telling the little ones, “Jesus loves you!” One three year old said, “What are you talking about?” The message that God came down to earth and died for her seemed a little over her head. She said it several times, “What are you talking about?” I found her adorable! Knowing that they are being raised in an environment that is healthy and loving, I am glad to be able to sow seeds of love and respect. It’s all up to God in the end.
I enjoyed playing games with friends. We are making it a biweekly event, and I love having things scheduled.
Bobby and I enjoyed a trip to the annual pastors meeting at Seaside. I was encouraged by the beautiful music, the amazing sermons, and the uplifting testimonies. God is at work in our world. It was so exciting to hear what is going on in each church. It was also a blessing to hear their trials and prayer requests as well.
I felt touched to see Adriel texted Bobby saying that she was missing the trip. She had gone since she was six. She may have missed a year or two because of sickness or marching band, but this year she missed being there even if she is a part of Marching band. They won again by the way.
At the beginning of this week I wrote, “Praying with Adriel & Seth is a joy. I’m very glad we can leave them with full confidence.” I felt so proud. While we were gone, our thoughts seemed to shift. Seth doesn’t answer texts. If he’s busy, he doesn’t look at his phone. We wondered if the house burned down and he and Skyra were in heaven. Bobby called our neighbor friend to ask her to see if they were still alive. I am so thankful for gracious friends. She said she had to laugh because in the middle of their conversation he said, “See you later” and left her on the porch looking at a closed door. She said she thought it was hilarious. Well, at least we knew he was OK.
Bobby is always a safe driver, and I enjoyed taking a small nap both to and from Seaside. I have full confidence in Bobby’s driving.
We were able to visit Bobby’s mom and sister on the way back, and it was good to give them hugs and chat for a while.
May your life reflect the Love God has infused into you. May you rejoice in the beauty that surrounds us. Much Love,
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