Monday, May 25, 2020


Dear Family,


            The moments before we get up, active mind in the twilight of accepting another day; one of those moments this week I felt abundantly loved.  I had warm Bobby on one side and a purring cat on the other.  Surrounded by love is a wonderful way to enter the day.  Yay for those around us who are a blessing.

            Bobby cooked several yummy dinners this week.  I enjoyed eating with him.  We walked several times and relished time together.  Bobby replaced our garbage disposal, made the bed, and changed the sheets.  He’s been around the house more.  Youth group is always good but boy are we excited to gather again when Oregon opens.

            Seth is content and taken care of.  He enjoys the shortened school schedule and doesn’t mind doing verses with me.  Seth mowed the lawn this week and I am glad he went outside.

            Adriel's hands and elbow are healing.  She remains sweet and has a hug for me if I see her.

            This week was uneventful.  That is OK – These are my good days, the kids still live with us but are delightful and not needy.  There is peace.  Peace is good and beautiful.

            Please pray with me that God’s will be done.  That COVID is eradicated.  That a cure is mass-produced, that life can go on and that we keep our focus on what matters.

            Much Love,




PS Here is a throwback picture when the kids were little and went outside with us.  Those were good days also!

Monday, May 18, 2020


Dear Family,

            For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words, you will be condemned." (Matt 12:37)  Sometimes, words are all we have.  May we use them wisely even in jest.

            This week I enjoyed writing things down when my children said them.  Adriel didn’t know Seth hates pineapple on Pizza.  She hasn’t been around much and our entire family was surprised at her lack of knowledge regarding one of Seth’s platforms.  He firmly holds to the belief that pineapple on pizza could be the destruction of our world as we know it.  Adriel’s rebuttal, “Pineapple on pizza is a gift from God.”

            Seth was online with friends and mentioned an older game he bought from the Church rummage sale.  His response to the person on the other side, “You don’t know x!  Do you live under a rock or something?”

            Seth mentioned that I have bought way too many spatulas.  I mentioned that I have stopped this purchasing spree.  “Stores are closed.  Seth”.  He was frustrated and said, “It shouldn’t take a Global Pandemic for you to stop overbuying stuff mom!.”

            I am memorizing verses as Seth does.  It is nice that he listens to me recite as well.  One day it took a bit longer for me and finally, I got it.  Bobby asked Seth, “Did you let her off easy?”  Seth smiled to the affirmative.

            I set an alarm three times a day weekly to remind myself to Love, Worship, and Matter because I am reading a book called, “High Performance Habits,” by Brendon Burchard.   I want to be purposeful about my life.  It went off while the family was eating together and I mentioned it.  They asked how I am doing on these goals and I said, “Well, I’m loving you . . . ,“ Someone piped in that I do devotions in the morning so I worshiped today.  Adriel came in with, “You matter, you will do dishes later.”

            Adriel fell while skateboarding.  Her elbow and both palms of her hand are open sores.  She is hurting so please pray for her healing.  Her worst fear was that she had lost her bracelet.  I enjoyed walking a path later with her to search.  We found the spot she fell and looked for a bit.  She was talking of how, “At least we tried,” when I walked a bit down the path and my flashlight gleamed back.  I picked her bracelet up and felt like a hero.  Adriel was very kind.  I love her hugs.

            Bobby cooked an amazing meal and we had a great dinner together as a family.  Youth group is going well and Seth remains content at home.  I enjoyed a nice date with Bobby (at home) and the kids are in their own worlds so I don’t think they noticed.  I love walking with my Bobby and am glad he wants me along when he goes.

            Please pray with Bobby and Camp Tapawingo as they try to figure out summer camp and how they will do God's will in the middle of a Pandemic.

            May you find the outdoors to be a healing, blessed place.  May you count it all joy when we face the trials we are facing.  May we worship even amid hardship.

            Much love,




PS a photo of my favorite Pokemon.  Beautiful!

Monday, May 11, 2020


Dear Family,


                Oh to hug you!  My heart bursts with joy at the thought of those I love!  If you are reading this you are loved!  We are so blessed to have shelter, food, peace, and grace.  Yes, let us focus on the good and let the bad fall away.  Let us find joy in each other, even if we may not be together.  Let us be glad for salvation, our sins are forgiven.  Let us rejoice and be glad for today is a new day, a gift from God.

                This week Bobby cooked several times and we are blessed.  He continues to provide for us, love us, and make the bed.  He longs for normalcy at church and is concerned that all summer activities will be changed but his hope is on our LORD and in Him, we know all things will work out for the good.

                I enjoyed several walks with Bobby and am so glad we continue to get along.  Life is truly peaceful when the kids are not needy (like the younger years).  I am very glad we are not doing diapers anymore.

                Adriel is happy to eat our food and very happy to go hiking or skateboarding with friends.  She remains sweet, lovely, and kind.  I always love her hugs.  She gets her college work done, works hard, and plays well.

                Seth mowed the lawn, helps with dishes and everyone does their laundry.  He is content.  He feels the pain of the world and yet remains steady and fine.  I know this because he wrote a letter to the family saying he doesn’t want gifts for his upcoming Birthday.  He wants our family to donate to people in need.  Oh, my heart!

                Seth is fine with memorizing verses for a camp that might not happen.  He also enjoys virtual youth group.  His laughter and camaraderie lift my spirits.  Seth helps out with church service, what a blessing.

                Watching the new Star Wars movie with Seth was a blast!  The movie was saying, “Princess Leia is going to use all the power she has to save Rey.”  Seth’s comment, “So... not much.”  I wish I could remember to write all his humor down.  Even so, he is great company.

                Mother’s day was wonderful.  We were all together, we walked a little, ate some great food, had a stranger take our picture, and enjoyed some time together.

                May you find the people you love, love you back.  May your joy about and may you bring joy to others along your way.  Much Love,




Monday, May 4, 2020


Dear Family,
                I dreamed I was hugging people at church during greeting time.  The people in my dream didn’t know anything about COVID (It wasn’t a reality for them).   I was weeping and thanking my friends for letting me hug them.  I would never be so dramatic in real life but let me tell you, that dream made my day.  Thanks for the dream hugs, my friends.  This is how weird COVID has made life.
                We are surviving.  Bobby continues to make yummy food and everyone is glad.  Bobby did a great job with Zoom homegroup and youth groups. 
                Seth and Bobby enjoyed watching Remember the Titans for Seth’s homework.  How fun to have history portrayed and studied through entertainment.
                Seth mowed the lawn, is keeping up with his homework, and enjoys correcting me while we memorize verses for camp.  At first, he delighted in it.  Now he’s easier on me since he knows it will just take more of his time to make me word perfect. 
                Adriel continues to be a delight.  She says I love you, is sweet and hugs me once a day.  Yay!!  I am also glad she cleans the house some. 
                The flowers are shouting – we are clothed in His beauty.  The Sun declares His glory.  The trees boast of His strength.  They are growing, we are growing.  This time will be a memory, a short blip that seemed like forever. 
                May you feel as blessed as you are.  May the sun’s warmth bless your face.  May you be glad for breath in your lungs.  Much Love,

 PS below are pictures of my parents when they were groovy.  I know COVID will one day be a memory just like these pictures.  Hopefully, it won't change how we do things forever.  It will be something that happened and then we went on.