Monday, October 30, 2017


Dear Family,

            The biggest excitement of my week includes holding something soft and wondering what in the world it was.  3:30 AM, I got up out of bed (as usual).  In the dark, I noticed something small at the side of our bed.  I picked it up and felt it.  It was soft and oval shaped and I rubbed my thumb on it wondering what I had put there???  Clothes weren’t that shape and then - I knew it - and gasped.  Guess what I was holding! . . . . . It was a dead mouse!  Little tail and all. 
            Here are the things I am glad about even though I was quite shaken.  At 6 months old Ripley (our kitten) is doing her job, yeah!  She didn’t put the mouse in my mouth in the middle of the night.  She left it out of our bed.  There was no blood or mess anywhere.  And biggest of all – it was truly dead, not half dead because that would have been traumatic for me to hold.  So, thanks God – for all that.  Thanks so very much!
            I am a true fan of decluttering.  I support this by selling anything the kids don’t want any more.  This way the item is truly gone and they can feel like it’s in a better place.  I mentioned to Adriel that an item sold and she said, “Sweet, how much did I get?”  When she heard she is only $2.50 richer she groaned and said, “At last, we can retire and give up this life of crime.” (A Serenity quote).  Yeah, it wasn’t much.  When I mentioned the things that sold she said, “I put one of those in the garbage.”  - True, when she cleans she can put 3 garbage bags in the hall full of things that are supposed to be mine, the kitchens etc.  So I have to go thru that.  Either way this makes me think of how God redeems us – others may think we aren’t worth anything but God swooped in, saved us from eternal punishment and paid the price for us.  1 Corinthians 6: 19 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies.”  This frees us up, out of gratitude, to do good things.  Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  We might not feel like we are worth much but God sees us differently.  He takes us out of the garbage, gives us new life and then we can be useful again.
            Adriel is now part of National Honor Society.  We don’t know quite what to make of this “Prestigious club.”  It is true that there weren’t that many people inducted.  It’s also true that this will help her get scholarships.  If there is money in it for us – we are happy for her.  She was OK about it enough to go – well, she wants to be a Dr. so anything that helps with school is good.
            The West Salem Marching Band is the hardest working group I know of.  Truly, those 12 hour days during the summer pay off.  Everywhere they go, they win.  They went to San Jose this weekend and won again.  I am never surprised.  No one else is devoted enough to put their entire lives on hold year after year.  I am simply glad the long trips will be all over in a week.
            Thursday night was home group and the teens all stayed for the Bible study time!  Seth included!  I loved it!  They grew up and now consider themselves old enough to not go play in a bedroom.  Yeah!! 
            Bobby is so very proud of Seth because Seth has taken after Bobby in one area.  They are smart.  Seth was absent on Friday because he was sick and he missed a test.  Monday Seth was able to take the test and do well.  Bobby mentioned that Seth didn’t even study but still did well.  Seth kind of smiled.  Bobby said, “You could have studied couldn’t you?”  We heard a shy, “Yeah” and saw an even bigger smile.
            Seth mowed the lawn on Saturday even though it just felt like yesterday he mowed it last.  He has decided that he wants to live in a van just so he doesn’t have to mow a lawn.  I told him that’s a great idea, he just has to get a gym membership for showers.  I remember being a teen and wanting to live in Africa.  I was excited about dirt floors because then I would never have to sweep.
            Several things I love about Seth.  He is always good for a begrudging hug and an, “I love you.”  It’s nice to have that daily connection.  I also love watching him with our kitten.  He is usually quite gentle and they are adorable together.
            Bobby cooked several nice meals and it was fun having the High School group over on Saturday.  We watched Princess Bride, talked about God a bit and ate fun food. 
            I also love that Bobby goes to his friend’s house to watch football.  They enjoy each other’s company and I enjoy the silence. 
            May you find joy in each and every good thing in your life.  May your every breath be a testimony that we are still alive, doing good enough and loving those around us.  May you rejoice in the beauty that God has surrounded us with.



Monday, October 23, 2017


Dear Family,
                Have you ever found that if you are reading a good book, your entire life is coloured in beautiful hues of wonderment and joy?  Or . .  that whatever is happening in life right now is fine, but you wonder what will happen next in your read.  I am enjoying “Cape Refuge” by Terri Blackstock right now and it has helped me get through a very tough week.  I listen to it on MP3 in the car when I drive.  You can get these books from the Public library – free – it’s quite amazing.
                The hard part of my entire week, I can’t go into details, but I had to give Jonesy, our pet kitten, to a very nice lady who is excited to take care of him.  It broke my heart (so many tears) and I dreamed he came back.  God knows what is best.  I think I had put the kittens above God.  I needed to learn a lesson and be pruned.  God always needs to be first, I cannot have any idols.  We still have Ripley and she’s very happy (so much purring) so that is nice.
                The wonderful parts of my week are about the family.  We have great kids and a good marriage.  We have amazing parents to call for advice.  We have jobs that fit us perfectly.  We are so very blessed.
                At the beginning of the week when it was sunny, Seth mowed the lawn.  He cracks me up.  A task he doesn’t like can be broken into two parts or even three.  Sunday I tell him he has to mow the lawn tomorrow.  Monday he negotiates mowing only half the lawn.  Tuesday he does the rest.  I love that guy!  Seth did get sick this Wednesday after youth group.  He had a fever and now has a cough and barely any voice.  He had to miss school Friday and because of this, I stayed home this weekend which was a blessing since I needed to process what happened with Jonesy.
                Adriel sometimes has a problem with motivation.  She truly enjoys gaming when she has time for it.  She doesn’t notice that her chores need to be done unless I point it out.  Repeatedly.  I was too busy to help her priorities stay straight until Tuesday.  When I did crack down there was a bit of a tussle with giggles as I turned off the Wi-Fi while she was gaming.  This motivated her to clean her room and the bathrooms (something she should have done Saturday).  I am so glad that Adriel accepts responsibility calmly.  Many teens would not be able to handle the plug being pulled in the middle of gaming. 
                Adriel’s strength and stamina also amazes me.  The entire Marching Band practices in down pouring rain.  Adriel is not sick!  Teens are resilient!  Adriel said she is glad they don’t have to roll on the ground this year.  The year they had to roll on the ground in the rain was rough.  (Sure, it looked good but) I can’t even imagine.
                Bobby continues to make the bed which remains a blessing to me.  He take the time every day and that is wonderful.  He also thanks me for going to youth group which is a joy.  Adriel and Bobby have comforted me thru this kitten journey and I am blessed to have family that cares. 
                Bobby went to the pastor’s conference in Seaside with Pastor Marcus this year as both Seth and Kahori are sick.  God knows what needs to be done and I am sure it was a good bonding experience for them to share a room.  Please to pray with me for Kahori, Seth and even my mom as they are all not feeling well.
                May you find deep meaning even in the hard times.  May you accept correction as well as praise.  May you find joy in the mundane and peace in God’s loving presence.  Much love,



Monday, October 16, 2017


Dear Family,

                How delightful it is to review the week and find it was filled with peace.  I seriously don’t need that much excitement.  Actually having two days off work right after my Birthday was pretty exciting.  I definitely enjoyed that. 
                Bobby cooked several meals this week and it’s always nice to have him home for a great evening dinner.  Adriel came home from marching band practice Monday right as Bobby was putting food on the table.  She was so happy to have food ready because she felt very hungry.  Yay!
                Bobby is making more Star Wars carnival games for the Harvest party at church.  It’s fun to see him be creative and get excited about his job.  The Harvest Party will be Star Wars again and everyone is truly happy about this.
                Bobby made my Birthday special by having the kids sign a card and giving me some of my favorite chocolate.  What a guy!  We already celebrated with my parents a week before so it was nice to feel celebrated again.
                We enjoyed a great first night of Home Group for the fall.  Bobby lead singing and the lesson.  It’s always a blessing when we meet and enjoy the company of others.
                Bobby went to help the Marching Band at Grants Pass this weekend.  Usually he just hangs out with the teens but he’s been getting to know parents this weekend as well and mentioned that he has met a bunch of nice people.  That’s fun!
                The first thing Seth does when he walks in the door from school is call the kittens.  I love this.  They are adorable, soft and happy to see us.  Who could ask for more?
                Seth brought the garbage out to the curb.  I love it when he does the hard work J.
                Seth mentioned that, “The yumminess of the meat drowns out the disgustingness of the veggies.”  In a dish Bobby cooked.  Sometimes it’s just not worth it to pick out all the veggies in a tasty blended dish.
                The kids were happy that I made two pans of brownies the day before my Birthday.  They enjoyed eating brownies and being reminded that I am getting older.  I was able to bring one in to work the next day and it was sweet of my coworkers to sing to me. 
                Adriel can be very expressive and loud especially when she is gaming online with her friends.  Bobby doesn’t like the quietness shattered and mentioned that maybe we could spray her with water.  Although this is hilarious and my imagination had a hay day, I said, “No” because we all know Seth would have way too much fun.
                Adriel and the marching band won again.  They work so hard it usually does end up they win hands down, no contest.

                May you find joy in the little things, peace in a roof over your head and contentment in the sound of a wonderful appliance working.  Love and hugs J Cristy

Monday, October 9, 2017


Dear Family,
                What a blessing it is to be able to minister to others and enjoy it!  Even though Bobby and I were leery of my new role as a helper in youth group it’s working out!  I have learned not to try and take over youth group.  I have learned the joy of submission and the joy of NOT being in control.  This I did not learn from home.  I learned this from four years of being a substitute in many different kitchens.  I learned that each leader has her own style and it’s OK.  I can let go and just be there to help.
                Because I am “Just there to help” at youth group, I am able to listen better and I am hearing new things.  Whenever we asked Bobby as a family for stories of his childhood he would normally draw a blank.  Yet, he is telling stories to the youth group and they don’t even ask for this.  I never knew he was held at knifepoint in high school.  I never knew he was hurt during floor hockey in PE.  These stories are interesting to me and I only hear them because I am listening.  How fun – I am getting to know my husband even better.
                Bobby enjoys visiting his mom and Sister every so often.  I am blessed because while he is there he can send my love and bring back news of how they are doing.
                Our kids are wonderful and fun.  I love it when they pray with me.  I enjoyed a robust welcome on Monday when Adriel came home with a hug.  Because I feel like something inside me dies when I spend hours clothes shopping with Adriel (Soooooo boring!) I am very glad she can now drive a friend and go clothes shopping with her friend. 
                Adriel’s marching band had a turf double booked so they had to practice on Thursday instead of Wednesday.  Yeah, she was able to go to youth group!  It’s wonderful to know she also went to the leadership meeting Sunday.  I love that church attendance is part of my kid's lives.
                As the new church librarian, I am enjoying arranging the books into a more theme like arrangement including, “Parenting” and “Marriage.”  Also, I am moving books around so that there is more space for newer books.  As I was bringing many books down a shelf Pastor Denny was talking with me.  I encountered a children’s book (It said ages 5-8) in with the adult ones.  It was entitled “Before I was Born”  (  I handed it to Mr Denny and said, “Do you think this belongs in the children’s section?”  As I continued to shelve books I hear this, “Woah!  Yes, leave this in the Adults section.”  I said, “I’ll put it in parenting” and brought it home along with a bag of other books I was going to Dewey as “301.427 Parenting.”  At home I read the book and there is a picture of a spread-eagled woman with a baby coming out of her legs!  This, I find hilarious!  I had to show the kids.  Seth heard my laughter and refused.  Adriel, on the other hand, was willing to read a children’s book and said, “Mom, who would ever show this to their kids?!”  Oh, family, clearly written on the check out card is a friend of ours.  Adriel had to laugh – knowing the exact date her friend’s childhood was changed forever.  I mentioned this to the mom at women’s retreat and she said, “Yes, after reading this to my daughter, she said, “Mom why would you and dad ever do something so disgusting?” 
Being the church librarian is so very, very fun.  I enjoy featuring books and asked Bobby if he thought I should feature a certain book.  He said, “As long as you don’t get me fired.”  I show him the title, “When not to obey your parents.”  “No,” Bobby says, “Don’t feature that book.”  There are so many fun titles!  I don’t have to read these, they were already in our library, the titles are hilarious!
Seth continues to be a wonderful, peaceful presence.  He asks for a kitten and I brought one to his chest.  I love the broad grin that he can’t help but have when Ripley started purring. 
Seth mowed the lawn this week and it was a true blessing.  I love that he is willing to do what he is told to do.
While I was away at women’s camp Seth was in charge of keeping the kitten's water full.  He did a great job and they are blessed.
This truly is a time of peace and blessing in our house.  I rejoice that we are done with diapers, we are done with figuring out marriage duties, we have done the hard work and are enjoying blessings of peace and bounty – we even still get raspberries from the vine!  Because God has filled us we are able to go out and fill others out of His abundance.  May you feel the peace only God can give.
There is even a student at school that shakes his head about me.  He says, “No one can be that happy!”  I told him, “I have Jesus swimming around in my heart and I am in love.”  This young man still just shakes his head. 

May God fill your heart as He has filled mine.  Much love J Cristy