Monday, May 27, 2019

Time to cook!

Dear Family,
                All our ins and outs.  All our comings and goings.  All the normal everyday things we do are made possible by those who fought, fight and even died for our freedom.  I am so thankful for the legacy they have left because of the freedom I have.  I am also thankful for a day to contemplate how wonderful God is.
                This week Bobby surprised the Middle School group by bringing them out to ice cream at McDonald's.  This group is easily excited so it was fun to swamp the store, see Adriel’s friend Jarvis, and take a picture of the adventure.  On the way home the kids started chanting, “Hit that car.”  This was reminiscent of the chant “Move that bus” on a tv show so it made Bobby’s day.  What made his day even better was the great theological questions during the lesson.  The kids were asking about free will, predestination and how that all works.  Maybe Bobby should take us out every week!
                Bobby cooked Shepherd's pie, scalloped potatoes, steak, and Tuna Sandwiches this week.  I sure did luck out!  Bobby also mowed the lawn this week and went to Adriel’s concert.  He was excited to know several teens in the band.  Bobby said he will be sad not to go to any more concerts.  I reminded him that next year Seth will do robotics.  Bobby wondered out loud if Seth will tell us any of their names. 
                Seth approached me once this week to say verses.  I was happily surprised.  Turns out Bobby was on deck and Seth prefers to say the verses to me.  Either way, I was glad to listen.  I am also glad to trade hugs with the family.  They are still here for now.  Yay.
                We also enjoyed a great potluck at the Fenn’s House for our home group.  I believe Seth will cure every cat of its desire to be held belly down.  Seth likes to cradle cats and eventually if they live with us, they have all given in.

                I love Adriel’s drawings.  I love how she thinks through my words and creates something perfect for the mood I am trying to portray. 
                Adriel mentioned to Bobby that she wants to learn how to cook.  Interesting that she approached him!  I was glad to see them cooking together on Saturday.  How fun!  Adriel made Bacon Asparagus with garlic.  Yum!  If she wants to learn how to bake, I can teach her.
                May you find joy in everyday activities.  May you share love with those you encounter.  May God fill you, lead you and guide you.  Hugs,


Monday, May 20, 2019

The brave stranger!

Dear Family,

            Winning the heart of a child can feel like one of the most precious gifts.  Sunday I was in the nursery waiting for the little ones to come.  Our first ‘customer’ Regan came in, happily walked in the door, opened her arms to me and snuggled right in.  How precious!  She knows me from weeks past and has always loved me.  This Sunday she was especially cuddly.  I also enjoyed a party this Saturday where I chatted with co-workers at a 1-year-olds party.  I enjoyed winning the heart of Paisley. That she reached out to be held felt lovely indeed.  I find it a rare treat to have little people cuddles.
            I enjoyed some drama this weekend.  Bobby and I were taking a walk in the park when we saw the Kravitz family.  They are so full of life and fun!  The kids are pre-school and grade school age.  Bobby was teasing Elsie by taking her scooter.  Her dad yelled out, “Hey, that man is stealing your scooter!”  Bobby began to ride away on the ‘stolen’ goods.  He got about 15 feet away when a small boy Kindergarten age ran up and attacked him.  Bobby thought it was big brother so he hammed it up and fell with exaggerated moans.  Meanwhile, the stranger’s parents were alarmed.  They had no clue why their little boy had attacked. The boy gave Elsie her scooter back and several of us clapped for the little one and he raised his arms in the sky.  He was so brave
            Bobby did an amazing and wonderful job on youth Sunday.  The youth did greeting, ushering, giving testimonies, singing, playing instruments, child care, and Seth helped in the sound booth.  Bobby preached a great sermon, led the youth well and was so glad to be done.

            Bobby also cooked a yummy dinner.  Seth said, “Dad should cook more of this, it’s great,” as he was eating leftovers.  I also enjoyed playing games with Bobby and the Fenn’s.  How fun to enjoy friends, have time to compete and be silly.
            Adriel is growing up and contemplating how she will go about graduating from WOU.  She opened her own checking account and got her own debit card.  Good for her!  Pray for wisdom as she contemplates starting out at Chemeketa Community College or not.  Adriel continues to draw one drawing a week and I love her artistic ability.  She is amazing!  Cute but true.  Adriel thanked me for having extra shampoo on hand.  She did not have to go to the store, just storage.  I am also glad Adriel went to a Birthday party for her friend DJ on Saturday.  I said I would go but I was having so much fun at my co-worker's party I did miss DJ’s.  Adriel and Bobby represented our family well.
            Seth continues to hone his verses. He is saying three at a time.  Wow.  He mowed the lawn and continues to walk home.  I am proud of how he does not mind helping out in the sound booth.  He’s a great guy, my Seth.
            May you enjoy the activities God has for you.  May you be glad what you do is His will.  May you love those you encounter and may you earn the hearts you work hard to love.



Monday, May 13, 2019


Dear Family,
Realizing the life I have is a blessing can be the best blessing of all.  I had some horrible dreams one night this week.  Waking up to find they were not real was so refreshing!  I am so glad to live where I live, doing what I am doing. 
I asked my cat Skyra if she wanted to come with me in the car to pick up a prescription.  Seth said, “Take her through the car wash.”  This I will not do.  It is nice that she jumps into the car to be with me.  I took her to the vet on Saturday for a wellness checkup.  All I had to do was sit in the car, door open for a couple of minutes and she jumped in.  I think she would never do that again if I brought her through the car wash.  The kids cried the first time I brought them.
I had a horrible cold this week.  The sweet blessing from this is that I am getting better.  Also, Seth and Bobby separately asked me if I needed anything.  That was sweet of them.
Seth mowed the lawn this week.  I am so glad to have help.  Seth also walks home from school.  It gets him outside, gives him some exercise and gives him vitamin D.  I am glad he does this even though he does not like how hot it has been.
I love how Seth doesn’t mind helping with ministry.  He smiled and handed out flowers to ladies after church.  He got up on stage and sang with the men.  It’s part of his rule following attitude.  If it is a rule, he does it.  Fair and simple.

Adriel and her ensemble group did well this weekend.  I am glad for them.  I also got a couple of hugs from her this week.  I am glad the kids are still available for mother’s day.  We enjoyed a yummy meal where I noticed Seth also cannot remember what food he likes.  Bobby is the best at remembering what we ordered last year and reminded us what we like.  The family has decided Seth will have to find someone who loves Seth as much as Bobby does and remembers for him what he likes.  That is quite an amazing trait.
Bobby has made even more dishes on the smoker including brownies that taste amazing.  How versatile.  Thanks again, mom.
Bobby rearranged the garage, washed his car and made sure mother’s day went well.  What a great husband!  We also had a fun date this weekend and a fun walk on Sunday.  I am blessed to love and be loved by my husband of over 20 years. 
May you also love and be loved by those in your life.  May you find joy in caring, giving and being cared for.  May God be your ever-present help in time of need.  Hugs,


Monday, May 6, 2019

Not that bad

Dear Family,
                Having my ducks in a row gives me a smile.  I like things neat, clean and minimal.  Having a child out of the state did not make me smile.  I am glad Adriel came home from a weekend trip to visit friends.  She paid for her own plane tickets, flew by herself and had fun.  Adriel did say she missed me.  She also asked, “So how did it feel having me gone a couple of days?”  I said, “Normal” and meant it.  Yet, when I think of it, I did have some withdrawals.  I dreamed sex slavers stole her, prayed like crazy and texted more often than normal just to make sure she was alive.  Yes, I missed her, my beautiful girl, out there alone in the world.  Yikes!
                Adriel drew two drawings this week!  She also gave several hugs which I will miss when she goes to college.  Adriel also told me I have to tell Seth he needs to shave his mustache.  “No, I think it’s cute.”  She may be exasperated but I like the sign of Seth’s maturity.  Bobby also said Seth has to shave because it is awkward.  I looked it up and Seth looks fine compared to this guy.

                Seth continues to say verses.  He’s doing two at a time through Colossians 2:6-21.  I am so glad he doesn’t fight me.  He likes going to camp and this does earn him a scholarship.
                Seth showed me a strong bias against sexism.  We listened to a snippet of “Breaking Cover: My Secret Life in the CIA and What It Taught Me.”  Michele Assad said she was looked over during training because of her gender.  Seth mentioned that was bad with disdain.  We have been watching ALIAS season 1 so we have a mutual feeling that females can do kickboxing way better than men.  Yeah, it is unrealistic but this true CIA story sure is fun to listen to and I love Seth’s input. 
                Bobby cooked several wonderful meals.  He was especially pleased when Seth went back for thirds!  How fun.  Bobby also showed a lot more patience than I believe I will ever possess.  He helped Adriel figure out how to get home when the airport was having massive technical difficulties.  He was available all day Monday to bring her home from the airport.  What a great dad.
                Youth group again had comedy gold.  A Wenius is a slang term used to describe the skin at the tip of the elbow.  You can imagine the jokes in the middle school group. 
                Bobby and I enjoyed the annual Mission Mexico Team Quatro De Mayo dinner.  It was fun to enjoy great company and fabulous food.
                Bobby was excited to get a smoker and some other various things from his mom.  Seth helped load – yay for a strong son!  We are blessed by Bobby’s mom.  He’s excited to cook on it and already made pork.  Yum!  Thanks mom!
                May you be glad when your ducks are in a row.  May God comfort you when they are not.  May you grow, enjoy and love those around you.  Hugs,
