Monday, March 25, 2019

A million little things - or not!

Dear Family,
            I read a quote that sums up my life.  “Friendship is not a big thing it’s a million little things.”  I believe my blessings are not big and grandiose except; salvation, our amazing country, being married in the first place and health.  Those I’m taking for granted.  Wow, I’m so convicted by what I just wrote!  May I never take any of those for granted!  OK, my overall blessings are huge.  This week's blessings I’ll count as icing on the top.
            Seth unloads the groceries when I ask him to.  I love his strength and non-complaining attitude.  He loves seeing what I bought.  I also love that Seth continues to walk home from school.  He gets fresh outside air and a work out.
I was talking with Seth about the youth group lesson.  He said, “Mom, that was last weeks lesson.”  Seth was right – Junior High (which I go to) is a week behind high school (which he goes to).  Wow – Seth is listening! 
            Seth drove I-5 North this week.  He’s doing great.  He has driven 25 hours now.  I feel that a trip to Seattle and drivers Ed in the summer will complete his training.  Yay Seth.
            Parent-teacher conferences are good.  I am so glad to meet or see the wonderful people that do a better job than I ever could (Homeschooling – oh, can you imagine – that would be so so hard)!  Each teacher is a specialist, Seth and Adriel are beyond me in so many areas.  Even helping them with their homework I have to take half an hour just to figure out what they have studied.  Well, he, Adriel knows to go to her smart friends. 
            I am sooooo glad for spring break!  Adriel and Seth can get schoolwork done.  I can clean, move Christmas stuff under the house, get summer boxes out (gardening – different towels and clothes), weed, spray for weeds, spray Copper, plant things and do all that spring entails!  Phew, I also love getting together with friends to talk, walk and enjoy life!
            Bobby leads a boys Bible study.  I love that Seth is being led and doesn’t give too much push back. 
            Bobby made some amazing and yummy dishes this week.  I still enjoy the leftovers.  He was excited to get a soda machine into the youth room.  One funny side note.  He put a random button on the bottom that says, “Jesus’ choice.”  This spills out Root Beer or several other items.  Seth is happy because two girls gave him the Root Beer they did not want.  I enjoy the theology talk.  What soda would Jesus choose? 
            Our friend from College gave Bobby a puzzle.  I was glad to finish it with Bobby because it was taking up a space I use.  It was also fun because it reminded me of how much we enjoyed doing puzzles when we were dating.  The teamwork aspect makes the finished product fun.  We do work well together on puzzles.
            Adriel is making an effort to hug me and I am glad for that.  She even prayed with me one night and I love it when she can take time to talk with God and I.  Adriel was paid for house sitting but she told me she will take me out to eat with that money because I helped.  It is hard to dog and house sit when you have 103.4 temp.  Poor girl.
            Yes, I am very thankful for good health, for salvation from my sins, for America, and marriage.  Wow, we are so blessed to be free to worship God without much persecution.  I am so, so grateful.
            May you also find joy when you reflect on God’s goodness.  May you find peace in your heart.  May you delight in the newness of spring!  Love,


Monday, March 18, 2019

She likes sharks

Dear Family,

            I have more rescue details.  Omitting this conversation from last week’s blessings simply shows I can be forgetful.  While driving towards Tapawingo on the one-lane gravel road Seth decided 10 miles an hour was the best speed.  I asked him to go 20 MPH.  He said, “Notice certain death on our right?  Fine, I’ll go 15.”  I acquiesced and said, “I’m fine with you driving your comfort zone but inside I’m screaming.”  I am glad the gravel only lasts three miles.
            Seth drove I-5 South this Saturday.  He did great!  I’ll have him go I-5 North next week.  It is good Seth has confidence.  Instead of him gripping the steering wheel, now I grip the car door while pressing on my pretend brake.  I remember my mother also doing this.  Good times.  We will survive.
            Seth helped me carry heavy boxes towards West High school.  I am glad they could use the food my kitchen won’t be needing.  It was fun to show my co-worker my son. 
            Adriel likes her job and is impressed that she gets paid for mileage.  She said, “That’s a lot mom.” 
            When I asked Adriel what stamps she likes, she said, “Sharks.”  I looked it up.  Drat – Sharks are not stamps I can order from the Post office now.  They came out in 2017 during shark week and are now being sold for $2.00 each!  That’s a markup!  Stamp collecting can be a business!

            Bobby was still so sick on Tuesday that Rich led youth group.  He commanded respect, spoke with authority and did great!  He does work in the school.  I think he is a great teacher and this is NOT just because I didn’t want to lead.
            It was sweet that the kids prayed for Bobby to get better on Tuesday.  Wednesday Bobby led the High School group and Thursday he did a great job at Homegroup.  He still coughs but insists he is not contagious.  I am glad he is on the mend.
            A date with Bobby was nice on Saturday.  We enjoyed the Pho and the hostess said, “Thaaaaaaank you!” when she found out hers is my new favorite restaurant.  On the way home I enjoyed seeing some youth from my school.  I waved and they said, “Do I know you?!” as they approached.  They gave me high fives and asked if I had any food for them because I am their, “Lunch lady!”  Bobby was impressed by their lack of fear.
            May God bless you with sunshine, flowers, and fresh air.  May you be excited about the future and may you give our Lord anything that worries or scared you.  May you know, “How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ” for you. Eph 3:18.  Hugs,


Monday, March 11, 2019

Another book!

Dear Family,

            Adriel was a blessing several ways this week.  Poor girl.  She had influenza and wanted me to take care of her.  I am blessed that I have sick days and can do this for her.  I took her to urgent care and Tamiflu really helped!  After two days she wanted out and about!  I told her if she wanted to be with friends she had to do a drawing and she did!
            Announcing the completion of a new book – well, I am still assembling it and it will take a while to get it published.  Drumroll . . . . Star’s Big Fight.  I am so excited!  Adriel draws one drawing a week so it will take five months for each book to be illustrated.  I have many books in me.  Books are provided by memory or my mother’s insistence that I hear how hard I was to raise.

            Seth was a blessing several ways this week.  I love hearing that he insisted on going to school even though he was sick because he doesn’t want to get behind on academics.  Talk about dedication!  What an amazing guy!  I am glad we could get him to the Doctor Monday and put antibiotics into his system.  He did have to sleep through Monday.
            I drove Seth home from school several days because he did have a cold and it was raining/snowing.  One of our talks was a blessing.  He mentioned that “The Green Mile is a better Christian book than that movie we just watched.”  He’s talking about, “The 10 Commandments.”  Oh boy, Stephen King is now a Christian Author because one of his characters heals people!?  I taught Seth the age-old beliefs my parents gave me.  The reason I wasn’t allowed to watch Smurfs and He-Man.  If power isn’t from God it’s from Satan.  There it is folks.  What my parents really meant (or what I actually did) is go watch those shows at the neighbor's house.  Not in our house.  Win, win – this got me out of the house – and I could enjoy amazing cartoons without judgment.  A cat that you can ride!  Oh yes, that’s so cool!  Seth is still rolling his eyes at my parents logic.
            I have moved my computer to a desk closer to Seth.  It’s wonderful being closer to him.  Close enough for him to ask, “Mom can you throw this away,” as he hands me garbage.  He read the look on my face.  “Mom, I’m only asking because there is a garbage can right next to you.  You don’t have to get up!  You know mom, I’m listening to a podcast about ‘Entitled parents.’”  Wow.  So I told him to mow the lawn and he did.  Entitled parents?  Entitled parents!!
            Seth drove me to camp Tapawingo this weekend!  We were on a rescue mission.  Bobby is now sick.  Bobby gave his message at a high school retreat then we brought him home for much-needed sleep.  Poor Bobby.  Please pray for him to get better.  I know he will because we have Codeine and that knocks him out for a couple of days.  Magic!
            Bobby did make several wonderful dinners before he was sick so that remains a blessing.  I love it that he cooks since my job is food related.  Yay for a husband that loves watching cooking shows and enjoys culinary delights.
            May you also enjoy the people God has put into your life.  May you love them, feel loved by them and help set them straight (if they are teens).  May you delight in the beauty of Nature around us and may you delight in those you see every day.  Hugs


Monday, March 4, 2019

Prayer request

Dear Family,
            Sermons can hit hard.  One person gave me 8x more than she owed for lost library items because she was convicted in the sermon that Sunday.  She wanted to remain, “Above reproach.”  She said, “Buy something special for the library.”  How fun!  I looked up ‘best Christian movies’ and bought some.  I enjoyed watching Cecil B. DeMille’s ‘The Ten Commandments.’ It was entertaining.  Seth tried to pick apart the special effects at first but then just gave in and started watching (by the time the red sea parted Seth was gone thank goodness).  How fun to enjoy a movie from the 1950s.  There was an overt message about slavery being bad.  I found that compelling.
            I love that Seth continues to pray with me when I ask.  Right now he needs prayer because he is sick with a cold and a fever.  We have a Dr. Appointment for 3:00 today.  I feel bad for him as he continues to sleep and cough a lot.
            Youth group on Tuesday was nice.  The message about loving enemies was spot on.  Wednesday and Monday were snow days!  Bobby had fun sledding with youth.  Bobby was also very kind to think of me concerning a new game he acquired.  I did not like playing because the focus was more offense.  I like building things but it was wonderful to be thought of.
            Bobby was my hero this week when he replaced the lower element on our oven!  I heard no complaints!  He was shocked to see that the element had broken in half during extraction.  It really was time!
            Bobby made some yummy soup this week and we are glad to be well fed.
            Adriel is enjoying working hard at her new job.  She dresses up pretty and I love seeing her look adorable.  Adriel went on a trip last weekend and is now house sitting.  I told her I will miss her.  She said, “You can take me out to eat on Sunday.”  How fun to have a weekly meeting.
            May your mind find beauty all around you.  May you be able to see the joy that surrounds too.  May you feel God’s loving arms, embrace and encircle you and your loved ones.  Hugs,
