Monday, June 28, 2021

6/28/21 Heat wave!


Dear Family,

                I am thankful for AC – it’s 4:30 AM and 85 degrees outside right now.  Inside, It’s OK.  I am thankful for AC in the car, house and stores. 

I am very glad to have Bobby home safe and sound.  He was the speaker at camp last week.  They enjoyed a time of fellowship and fun even with COVID restrictions in place.

                While Bobby was gone I enjoyed taking Adriel out to eat lunch.  She expressed excitement to go to Fork Forty because she has never been there.  Adriel and her boyfriend also picked raspberries and were sweet enough to spend an evening with me.  I do enjoy their company.

                Adriel made cinnamon rolls and they were amazing.  She did great.

                Sometimes our cat is crazy.  She needs to chase something.  In this heat, she wants an indoor toy and we have helix bugs that zip around and get stuck in small spaces.  When one became stuck behind the fridge Bobby declared it was time to clean that area.  I am blessed by his willingness.  Bobby and Seth have told me it is a bad idea to kick stray ice under the fridge.  Now I know!

                Seth asked me to help him apply for College.  The website blocked us.  We thought he was too late and had sinking hearts.  I am very glad for Mike Evans who answered our call and helped explain that we were not too late.  We were too early.  Yay!  After that harrowing experience, Seth gave me an extra-long hug which was sweet.  He also mentioned that he was terrified for his future. 

                Seth asked for help filling out his window washer fluid and it was fun to teach him that life skill.  He is a sweet young man and we are blessed to still have him living with us.

                Adriel got a second job weekdays 6-midnight.  This is concerning but should keep her out of trouble.  Please pray for her safety as she will be in a market stocking shelves.  (She was assured she will not be alone.)

                Thank you for your love and prayers.  May you find peace in knowing God is in control and he loves us.  Hugs,




PS this is a place I saw on one of my deliveries.  It took my breath away and I wanted to share it with you.


Sunday, June 20, 2021



Dear Family,


            Don’t you love it when a plan all comes together?  Bobby had all youth (JH and HS) participate in a Barbeque Wednesday night.   Many people showed up.  Getting out of the house is a big deal these days.  Hot Dogs, Burgers, even veggies were a hit and we all enjoyed being outside.  Several highlights were Kona Ice – my favorite part was overhearing Bobby ask, “How many cups do we have left?”  They said, “One.”  Bobby excitedly said, “I’ll take it!”  He preordered 50 drinks and it all worked out so he got the last one.  Beautiful!  Also, the kids enjoyed this interesting game.  You can throw a water balloon if you can catch it (from the leaders).  There were many smiles and much laughter as balloons were lobbed into the air.

            Bobby made Chicken wings this week and was very happy with how they turned out.  Bobby also brought home yummy Strawberries from Rotary.  I am glad he helps prepare them for storage.  It doesn’t take long with both of us working.

            Fathers day Bobby decided he wanted “Straight from New York Pizza”.  Seth confirmed that this is the best gourmet pizza in Salem.  Everyone was pleased and well-fed.

            Adriel’s Cherry Pie was amazing!  A day later when I asked if I could have another piece she said, “Of course you can.”  Yum!  Adriel also spent some time chatting with me as she ate dinner one night.  She is happy to ride bicycles and pick raspberries with her boyfriend.  Anything is fun if you are with the one you love.

            Seth mowed the lawn and wrote thank you notes this week.  We are thankful for all who gave well wishes and cards for High School graduation.  You helped him know this is a major accomplishment. 

I do miss Seth.  He is working more hours for the summer and we don’t see him in the evenings anymore.  It’s sad having that empty chair.  Yet Seth is still here in the mornings and if I do see him, I am glad.

            May you rejoice in those who love you.  May you find peace in doing God’s will and may you find purpose as you seek His guidance.  Love and hugs,




Sunday, June 13, 2021

6/13/21 Seth Graduated High School


Dear Family,


            Some laws of the harvest are; you reap what you sow, you reap more than you sow and you reap later than you sow.  About 10 years ago I planted a cherry tree.  Please come pick some if you are in the area.  We have a LOT and I have pruned the tree so you won’t need a ladder.  (You can bend the branches down if you need to.)

            Adriel thanked me for cherries I had picked and Seth ate some as well.  I am glad the kids are pleased.  Adriel even made some cherries into cherry pie.  YUM.  She was quite tickled with herself to get rid of the “mess” I had made by putting them on the windowsill and counter.

            Adriel chatted with me as she cut her hair.  She has been cutting her hair since she was 5 years old.  I said, “I would be scared to cut my own hair.”  She said, “I would be scared to let someone cut mine!”  This does bring up some memories of how right she can be.  Do you have any bad haircut stories?  

            The administration at Seth's graduation said, “No one may throw their graduation cap.”  The ceremony was over.  Happy music began to play.  3 people threw their cap.  Seth did it.  He threw his and turned red.  Then he picked up his cap and someone else’s and gave it to them.  

            Although Seth did not want a gathering for his graduation Bobby said, “We have to have grandparents over.”  So, on Saturday we visited with grandparents.  It was fun hearing; “Seth, how does it feel to be an adult?”  “I can’t wait to pay taxes.”

            Bobby made a lot of chicken pot pie.  It’s one of my favorite dishes.  Yum.  Bobby is also enjoying the youth group and the kids that invite friends.  The group is growing but last week was the last regular week for the school year.  From here on out it’s a BBQ and special events.  Summer, here we come!

            May you rejoice with us as time passes and we grow to do more and be more like Him.  May you enjoy each breath and find strength in our Lord Jesus.  Love and Hugs,



Monday, June 7, 2021



Dear Family,


Thank you for the well wishes and cards for both our anniversary and for Seth’s Birthday and Graduation coming up.  Seth hasn’t opened the graduation cards but will on the day of.  When we asked if he wanted a large or smaller party he said.  “Let me think, um, neither.”  COVID also helps him on this.

Seth received a cord for the drone program.  How fun.  On his Birthday he was content to play computer games with remote friends.  That’s all he wanted.  The next day we did celebrate with Chinese takeout and brownie cake.  When Grandpa called and sang, ‘Happy Birthday’ Seth’s response was, “Where did you learn that song?  I’ve never heard it.”  His dry sense of humor cracks us up.

Seth also mowed the lawn and other various chores this week.  He continues to work and is glad school is mostly over.

Bobby cooked up a storm Monday with hot dogs, chicken, and beef.  Might as well do it all while you have a chance. 

Bobby was my hero when the smoke detector alarm woke me at 2:30 AM.  Ugh.  I am so glad he doesn’t mind getting the ladder and climbing that high.

Youth group is growing with kids excited to be there and parents singing praises of the talks on the way home.  God is at work and it is exciting to participate.

Adriel remains a cameo appearance.  She did give me a sweater.  She also ate with us Thursday night.  No one can resist the power of Golden Crown’s food.

May you rejoice with sun and rain.  May your heart be glad for each breath you take.  May you shine love to all you encounter.   Hugs,




And here is the view from Riverfront towards Minto Brown with a deer.  I enjoy walking with Bobby.