Monday, February 22, 2021



Dear Family,


            Focusing on the bright side really does change everything.  When we are thankful, we are better people.  Being thankful brings out the best in others.  Our focus determines our future.  This week I am thankful for a family that is loving, comforting, and present. 

Adriel actively listens.  She is a blessing in that and her hugs are kind.  Adriel is excited to have moved up within her job.  She is now the receptionist with more hours, pay, and benefits.

Adriel becomes very excited when she receives clothes from people.  She had a trying-on party and was excited to share the bounty with a friend.  They can now look more professional.  This reminds me of Matthew 6:25-26 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?   Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

God takes care of us. 

I enjoyed going to the youth Group Glow party.  Bobby had black lights, 9 square, glow sticks, and food.  My favorite part was a chance to listen to youth and take cool pictures.

Youth group was the next night and people still came. 

The ice storm still lingers as 25% of Salem Keizer teachers and staff don’t have internet access, power, or hot water.  Seth can handle days off from school with no problem.  He is happy to have power.

So many people have said, “I am so glad we pruned this tree or that one.  I am so glad we cut such and such a tree down.”  We have a tree that was cut down years ago and, yes, I am very glad it is gone.  It was leaning towards Adriel’s window menacingly.  What I got out of this ice storm was, “If I don’t prune myself God will prune for me.”  I want to cut back on things that don’t honor God.  If I don’t he might violently yank them away with damages on all sides.

May you see what needs to be changed in your life and change it.  May you have wisdom in all things.  May you feel God’s joy and peace in your heart as you remember that He will take care of you.  Much love,





Monday, February 15, 2021

2/15/21 Ice storm


Dear Family,


                The beauty of an ice storm soon turned into falling icicles, downed power lines, and hidden or tossed perishable foods.  Bobby said he would not believe what we experienced if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes.  Safeway on Center street was open – yet no lights and everything blocked off.  We told an employee what we wanted and he ran to get it.  It was surreal!  We were chatting with another customer and when we left he said, “I’ll miss you guys.”  Cue Twilight Zone music.

                 As an Instacart driver, It was exciting to help others.  People were buying cartloads of firewood.  A young family with a baby were trying to figure out how to heat their apartment without electricity.  There were many downed power lines (which I drove over or under).   It was crazy and exhilarating, way better than staying home without electricity in the cold.  Once at the exact same time I was driving over a power line ice fell onto my windshield.  I jumped and screamed!

                Seth mowed most of the lawn before the storm.  Yay.  He helped Adriel deice her car and helped Bobby load up refrigerated items into a cooler with ice.  What a guy.

                Bobby did a great job with the youth group and homegroup.  He leads well and we are glad to follow.  The kids are inviting friends to the youth group and it is growing.  Homegroup remains a great place to pray with each other and learn more about God.

                Bobby was excited to make stuffed Jalapeno peppers for homegroup.  Seth tried one and found it too spicy.  Other people appeared a bit sweaty afterward.  They loved it.

                Adriel came home several nights at dinner time to eat and enjoy.  We love her company.  She even gave us Valentine's as a way to give back.  Yay. 

                I am blessed.  We have a garage that actually holds my car.  When others could not even get into their car (Adriel’s door handle broke off), I have no problems.  I am the only one in our house with this privilege. 

                May you also feel loved.  I love you J.  May you find joy in running water, electricity, and all things we take for granted.  May you pull your mask off (when you get out of the indoors) and breathe our sweet clean air.  May you rejoice in all God has for you,






Monday, February 8, 2021



Dear Family,


                The sun is beginning to dry our land.  Bobby is reading someone's adventures on the Pacific Coast Trail (PCT).  Adriel and Bobby are both starting to dream about doing another section hike.  Apparently, I am not invited.  When I said my limit is 10 miles a day and 3 days only I am out.  They think they broke me.  Oh well, I hope they have fun.

                Bobby was excited when a lot of teens came to the Middle School group.  They are inviting their friends.  We enjoyed singing, socializing, and the message.  Happy wiggles and giggles abounded.

                I had some good talks with Adriel and her Boyfriend.  She says he helps her study.  Sounds good to me.

                Adriel helped me put the garbage and recycle cans out.  I am very glad about this.  It’s a timed event Wednesday nights when Seth is at the youth group.  The truck is gone so they have their chance.

                Bobby cooked several delicious meals this week and I am so glad he loves to cook.  I am happy to live on cereal but the kids want better.  Case in point.  I like pesto sauce.  Seth said that when I added pesto sauce to spaghetti noodles, “That’s not spaghetti, that’s an abomination.”  He refused to eat any.  More for me.

                May you delight in God’s salvation and plan for your life.  May you find peace in all your paths.  May you know how deep and how wide is the Love of God.






PS, the picture is of a shirt we found in my laundry.  We asked Adriel how it fit her since the shirt was so small.  Bobby tried it on to see if it fit him.  Adriel was put off a bit – "The things my parents do while I am not around."

Monday, February 1, 2021



Dear Family,

                Beauty surrounds us, small shoots are coming out of the ground, Costco’s limit on TP is 5 (instead of 1), and Fred Meyers plastic bags are free again (in Salem).  Life is just getting better and better!

                Seth may have felt annoyed when he texted Bobby several times last Sunday about how he might not lock the church up after he was done with his Janitorial duties (I’ll do it later, now you do it, etc.).  Bobby isn’t normally doing marriage counseling Sunday nights so Seth locks up.  Seth left the task to Bobby since he was staying later.  What Bobby told me was, “Look, he’s taking his job seriously!”  We don’t always tell Seth how proud of him we are – but we are.  He’s responsible, hard-working, and kind.

                Adriel and Bobby had a great conversation Thursday afternoon.  I wanted to join but was too busy.  I felt jealous but truly am glad they have a great relationship. 

                Bobby made a hard call this week when he canceled the Middle School youth group.  He was right to do it – cars were not making it up hills.  Oregon isn’t set up for working amid the beauty snow brings. 

                Bobby mentioned that some mess on our table looked like nerve poison.  I laughed and asked how any poison could only affect nerds.

                We heard an amazing sermon Sunday about the roles of marriage.  If you want to watch it here it is.  Afterward, Bobby and I enjoyed talking about how we can do better and teased each other about how we have done worse.

                May you find insight in all you hear.  May your joy well up from inside.  May your smile create happiness and love.  Hugs,


