Monday, June 27, 2022



Dear Family,


                Seth has been weeding, putting dishes away, and picking raspberries.  I am glad he continues to help out at home.  He is sweet about answering my questions and giving me a hug or two out since Bobby is gone.  He even called the spinach and mushroom pizza I baked (from frozen) “good”.  He’s a trooper my Seth.  I am glad he still lives with us.  I like that he got up at 1AM to check why I was up and about.  I am glad he was sweet when he figured out I was just getting ready for my 4 AM shift.  Seth mowed the lawn and has been delightful to be around.

                Adriel has one week off of school before the summer term.  She spent some time with me which was delightful.  I like that she is willing to meet me downtown for lunch.  After that, she went with me to our favorite Thrift Store.  The people at the Union Gospel Mission store love seeing her and like to tell me how much joy she brings to them when she comes.  Adriel also came to visit on Saturday and it was lovely being with her.

                Bobby cooked amazing tacos Monday night.  Then he was so tired he almost took a nap.  Poor guy.  Getting ready for camp takes a lot of energy.  It doesn’t help that there is nightly construction with bangs, beeps, and scrapes right outside our window.  It will be so nice when the city decides they have completed those projects.

                Bobby came back from camp with fun pictures, great stories, and a full heart.  He walked with me, ordered pizza, and was great company.  I am glad he gets to come home between camps.

                I am excited that we have raspberries and cherries.  They are novel and yummy.  I feel God's blessing and love when I eat yummy food.  I am reminded of the laws of the harvest, and all the hard work that went into established plants.  We are rewarded for what we do either good or bad.

                May you make amazingly good choices that ripple like a pebble in the pond.  May what you do affect the world in fabulous ways.  May you feel God’s love flow thru you and impact all you encounter.  Much love,




Monday, June 20, 2022


 Dear Family,


                I am so glad Bobby brings home interesting things from his visits with his mom.  I don’t mind trying new foods.  I love that he is a good son and models the idea that visiting dear old mom is good.  Bobby also went to a cousin’s graduation party.  He was so overjoyed to catch up with his family.  I was working but I am glad he was able to go.

                Life is going to become pretty hectic so our date night was on a Tuesday.  Bobby and I enjoyed going for a walk and to eat at La Vida Catrina.  Our time was delightful.  I have never tried corn with tajin and cotija cheese.  I would never attempt it myself but they made it amazing.

                 Bobby mowed the lawn and weeded a lot this week.

Seth weeded and I am blessed for any help I can get in the yard.  We put on the movie Galaxy Quest and Seth asked, “Is this a Star Trek knockoff?” I had to say yes.

                The youth group BBQ was a lot of fun.  There was yummy food, entertaining games, and friends.  I am glad it was a good time for all.

                Bobby made yummy Gouda Mac and Cheese which was from his mom.  It tasted great and I am blessed that he enjoys cooking. 

                Because I am working on Sunday we met Saturday evening for our Father’s day celebration.  It was lovely to see Adriel, have a great conversation, and enjoy yummy pizza from Walleries.  Adriel and Bobby also indulged me by picking raspberries and making appropriate happy comments about how good raspberries are in general.  I am filled with joy by their purposeful acts of service.

                May you also find joy when others give you love.  May you accept their offerings and give them loving gratitude for the effort they put forth.  In a world full of complaining may you be thankful, loving, and a joy.  Much love,




Monday, June 13, 2022


 Dear Family,


            Does your heart ache when you think of loss?  It seems that our time with Seth is coming to an end.  He will move out someday and I love being with him.          Watching a movie with us Seth said, “It looks like they are speeding on a curvy road which is a recipe for falling into the ocean.” 

            Bobby has been helping with the constant weeds that are flourishing in our spring weather.  I am blessed by this because it is such a big task.  Seth even pulled some.  College is over for the summer, yeah!

            In youth group, Bobby was making an example of a bad friend and said, “What if ______ knew his friend liked strawberries but invited him over to eat blueberries instead.  How good of a friend would you be?”  ________ said, “Well it depends on if he likes blueberries . . “  Bobby cut in with, “Nope, he’s allergic to Blueberries, they would kill him!”

            A youth mentioned she ran into a friend at Target.  Bobby asked, “Were you in a car when you ran into him?”  She said, “I wish.”

            When Bobby asked what could happen if you chose bad friends a youth said, “You could end up in a gang that destroys your whole life and career.”

            Bobby mentioned he had a bad friend when he was their age.  He said he still remembered the person's name but they weren’t friends anymore.  A youth insisted he needed to know the name.  Over and over he asked.  Bobby said no and the youth persisted with, “Give me the name so I can hunt them down.”  When Bobby said, “No” again the youth said, “I’ll still end him.”  Apparently, it’s dangerous to be a bad friend of Bobby’s.

            When they went to fill in a blank about friendships being considerate, genuine, and ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­c---------  one person shouted out constipated.  No, that was not the answer.  Sadly I don’t remember the answer because I wrote down constipated.

            The high school group had a lot to say about a smoke bomb that went off at school and had the rest of the day canceled.  There was a lot of, “Where were you when it happened?” talk.  During prayer, one student said, “And Lord may we end the year with a bang.”  Bobby mentioned jokingly that wasn’t the right thing to pray right after a bomb threat.

            Bobby cooked dinner Thursday night and it was wonderfully cozy to spend time together.  With so many events it is rare to have an evening to ourselves. 

            I was filled with contentment and joy on a lazy Saturday morning when I said, “Happiness is a purring cat.”  Bobby replied, “Happiness is a puppy peeing in someone else’s lap.”

            May you enjoy my kind of happiness.  May you delight in the flowers popping up everywhere.  May you be glad for God’s love, goodness, and sacrifice.  May His sacrifice give you wisdom and strength to sacrifice for others.  Much love,





Monday, June 6, 2022


 Dear Family,

            Bobby taught me yet a new game.  It’s nice to spend time with him.  I also enjoyed a walk, going out for a treat and playing that game over and over to see if I could beat him again. 

            We had a great conversation with Seth and he remains fabulous company.  He is growing and learning.  I enjoy watching him process life.

            I enjoy singing and clapping with the youth group.  It is wholesome and uplifting.  I also was brought back to our kids’ childhood when Bobby played Adriel’s song for a little – until Bobby played a different tune in the middle of the song.  I gave him an angry face which just makes him laugh and tell me I’m working on wrinkles. 

            Celebrating 26 years of marriage brings up how rich a history we have.  There are so many amazing stories and two delightful children we have raised.  How God has blessed us!  We have lived thru so much and I feel like we are only half done. 

            At youth group there were favorite ice cream treats which were taken first.  A youth was kind of excited about stomping on the empty box.  He jumped once and Bobby joked by saying, “Oh no!  There was still one in there!”  The youth looked.  Low and behold – there really was!  This was exciting – the jumping had not ruined the favorite – the treat was intact and the youth was happy.  He said, “I wouldn’t have looked except you said there was one!”

            A favorite youth group quote was during games.  Sometimes the weird games turn into a tumble.  One fellow said, “I think I injured my self-esteem.” 

            Seth enjoyed an artistic movie with us.  He liked the Sepia tone and an action sequence.  He said, “Wow that was done in one take.  This is impressive.”  Then about 5 minutes later.  ”OK, now they are just showing off.”  It cracks me up how he went from impressed to annoyed so quickly. 

At another time we were watching the new Star Trek.  When Spock said, “I find the best way to reduce tension is to apply rigorous logic.”  Seth had to quip, “You are not fun at parties.

            Seth is now 19 years old.  He is doing well in his College work.  He continues to be a great church custodian.  He is wonderful company.  I enjoy hearing him talk and delight in how funny he is.  When we have kids we definitely meet our match.  I was also hard to raise up and train.  The hard work is worth it!  When our kids grow up we can watch them be their own person, have their own opinions and fly.  I am so blessed to have children that I would love to befriend.  They are decent, wonderful and amazing human beings.  I am proud to be their mom.

            For Seth’s Birthday my parents came down to wish him well, sing the birthday song and spend some time.  They are great to talk with.   Adriel joined us for a yummy lunch at the Golden Crown.  What fun to be together, share wonderful food and enjoy.

            I am thankful for our family.  May you also be thankful for those you love.  May the amazing flowers popping up everywhere give you joy.  May you find peace knowing how much you are loved.  Hugs,



