Dear Family,
Does your heart ache when you think
of loss? It seems that our time with
Seth is coming to an end. He will move
out someday and I love being with him. Watching a movie with us Seth said, “It looks like they are speeding on a
curvy road which is a recipe for falling into the ocean.”
Bobby has been helping with the
constant weeds that are flourishing in our spring weather. I am blessed by this because it is such a big
task. Seth even pulled some. College is over for the summer, yeah!
In youth group, Bobby was making an
example of a bad friend and said, “What if ______ knew his friend liked
strawberries but invited him over to eat blueberries instead. How good of a friend would you be?” ________ said, “Well it depends on if he likes
blueberries . . “ Bobby cut in with,
“Nope, he’s allergic to Blueberries, they would kill him!”
A youth mentioned she ran into a
friend at Target. Bobby asked, “Were you
in a car when you ran into him?” She
said, “I wish.”
When Bobby asked what could happen
if you chose bad friends a youth said, “You could end up in a gang that
destroys your whole life and career.”
Bobby mentioned he had a bad friend
when he was their age. He said he still
remembered the person's name but they weren’t friends anymore. A youth insisted he needed to know the
name. Over and over he asked. Bobby said no and the youth persisted with,
“Give me the name so I can hunt them down.”
When Bobby said, “No” again the youth said, “I’ll still end him.” Apparently, it’s dangerous to be a bad friend
of Bobby’s.
When they went to fill in a blank
about friendships being considerate, genuine, and c--------- one person shouted out constipated. No, that was not the answer. Sadly I don’t remember the answer because I
wrote down constipated.
The high school group had a lot to
say about a smoke bomb that went off at school and had the rest of the day
canceled. There was a lot of, “Where
were you when it happened?” talk. During
prayer, one student said, “And Lord may we end the year with a bang.” Bobby mentioned jokingly that wasn’t the
right thing to pray right after a bomb threat.
Bobby cooked dinner Thursday night
and it was wonderfully cozy to spend time together. With so many events it is rare to have an
evening to ourselves.
I was filled with contentment and
joy on a lazy Saturday morning when I said, “Happiness is a purring cat.” Bobby replied, “Happiness is a puppy peeing
in someone else’s lap.”
you enjoy my kind of happiness.
May you delight in the flowers popping up everywhere. May you be glad for God’s love, goodness, and
sacrifice. May His sacrifice give you
wisdom and strength to sacrifice for others.
Much love,
Laughter... It is always the best form of self medicating :-)