Monday, October 25, 2021


 Dear Family,

                This weekend Bobby went to a pastor’s retreat.  I am glad he is home safe and had an enjoyable time.

                During youth group, he asked “How can you honor God’s creation of animals and critters?  This brought up how they have and have not honored animals.  One person said, “I stepped on my dog’s tail by accident.  I deserve a painful, gruesome death for that.” 

                A new person at youth group said how excited they were and would definitely come back.  This warms Bobby’s heart and makes his day.

                Bobby made bean soup, painted the guest room and baseboards.  He’s doing a lot of work and I am blessed.  He is blessed that I have a job without any driving involved.  I am glad about this as well.  Yay!

                Seth has good grades and isn’t panicking about school as much.  That is good.  He also helped me with some computer work.  He was kind and explained to Adriel (over the phone) why a simple-sounding task was hard.

                I am thankful for CPR class.  A lot has changed since I took it last.  I do not ever want to be in a crisis situation but if I need to I am glad to have the knowledge on hand and a face shield on my key chain.

                Rain is a blessing even if it is cold and makes the day dreary.  I wonder if sometimes I don’t appreciate my blessings as much as I should.  Being thankful is an intentional act of looking at the positive.  I STILL have grapes.  I brought them to work since Church doesn’t have a farmers table up anymore.  May we all focus on the positive and choose to be glad for what we have.

                Happy Fall my loved ones J




PS the picture is of Bobby's beach breakfast.

Monday, October 18, 2021


 Dear Family,


Thank you all so much for helping make my Birthday amazing.  I loved the cards, Facebook wishes, and phone calls.  You are dear to me and I felt loved, appreciated, and special.

My parents are amazing and were willing to come down for a lovely visit.  They asked to use our empty room and were willing to sleep on air mattresses!  They said they slept well and I was convicted on several levels.

We thought our room was ugly because the walls were only spot painted and the carpet has stains.  None of that affected my parents' ability to sleep.  God can use me even though I have flaws and that room was used, flaws and all.  Our curtain was a drop cloth – didn’t matter.  So, after my parents left I painted the walls, Bobby painted the molding and will repaint them one more time.  We have something that can be useful – we should make it available for God’s purposes.  I am someone who can be useful – I can make myself available for God’s purposes.

            Bobby was helpful and served on Monday when he helped with air mattress issues, helped get drop cloths off the floor, and cleaned up while I was at work. 

            Bobby continues to make a loving and fun environment for the Youth Group kids.  This week I found several things funny.  Bobby said, "I will give Rich a terrible task.”  Someone asked, “Will you make him eat mustard?” 

During prayer, someone prayed COVID would go away.  Another person interjected, “Actually I’m enjoying COVID very much.”

Bobby asked, “What are some of the things which can get in the way of you and Jesus?”  He began hinting that he knew what is something I (his wife) have in my life that gets in the way of Jesus.  He was mentioning that maybe he should tell the kids.  One said, “This is very scandalous.” 

Home group started this week and Bobby led very well.  I love singing with a group and Bobby plays the guitar great.  The lesson made us think, prayer is always uplifting and I truly enjoy time with adults as we ponder God’s word and what it means in our practical life.

Bobby also took a day to cook dinner for us and a couple that came over to play board games.  We are blessed with friends.  I am so grateful that Bobby cooks because when work asked if I could stay later I was available for some time.  I wasn’t cooking for our guests.  Bobby was!

Adriel has been thoughtful and loving.  She took time to be with us for a Birthday celebration and the next day some lunch.  Granted, the food may be a big pull.  She can’t resist the lure of Golden Crown.  I am glad for her company.  She is lovely and fun to be around even if she back seat drives when she isn’t in my car.

Seth continues to be a loving and constant presence.  One of us mentioned that I even take time to fold my underwear.  I scoffed.  I don't waste my time folding underwear!  “Neither do I,” said another family member.  Seth piped in with, “I don’t fold any of my clothes.”

Seth let us enter into his world for an English assignment.  He was asked to describe his “Food Journey”.  This is something we don’t really think about much.  He finally figured out his take: from Bored eating to eating for Energy and expediency– this is how he has changed since starting college.  No more boredom – just stress. 

Our cat meows way too much.  I put a rubber band on her mouth as I told her to stop being so vocal.  She immediately got both front paws up to push the rubber band off.  In the minute or so of blessed cat silence, Seth shared his disgust for my cat abuse.  I said, “It only takes her a minute to get it off.  There is no permanent damage.”  He said, “It’s about respect mom.”  Apparently, I need to respect our cat more.  (She really is adorable as she tries to solve the rubber band problem.)

Another blessing, we have grapes coming out of our ears.  I am thankful they don’t go bad.  Every Sunday for a month or two now I have had something to give to the farmers' table at church.  God’s blessings can be overwhelming – He blesses that it might spill over and bless others.  I love that I have more than first fruits – I have often fruits.  I can give because I have sooooooooooo much.  2 Corinthians 9:10-11 sums it up very nice: “10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. 11 You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us, your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”  I like that verse.

May you also be abundantly blessed so you can be generous on every occasion.  May our generosity result in thanksgiving to God.  Love and hugs,



PS my scandalous is how often I play Pokémon Go.  I need to stop letting it suck my time. 


Monday, October 11, 2021


 Dear Family,


Unexpected gifts bring surprise joy.  I loved finding out something is appreciated which has been taken for granted years in the past.  Maturity is thankfulness for the little things.  God’s word says to give thanks in every circumstance, 1 Thessalonians 5:18.  When we are purposeful about this it spreads joy to others.

Adriel brought doughnuts to us.  When I thanked her she said it’s the least she can do for using our washer and dryer.  All right!  Adriel’s love and hugs remain delightful.

Seth continues to plug away at school.  I do like that he has added some exercise to the week.  Playing VR raises his heart rate and it’s fun to see him enjoy.  Seth did ask me to pray for his friend – I like that he offered to pray and asked me to join in.

Bobby mowed the front lawn and has done a lot of grocery shopping lately.  I enjoy all he does in the kitchen.

Youth group continues to be a wonderful place to delight in our future.  They are fun and fabulous.

Awana has started up again and I am reminded of the power of John 3:16.  It starts out sweet and about love but ends with the thought of perishing.  I helped some second graders begin memorizing John 3:16 and the shock was interesting.  Wait?  What?  Why would we perish – what are these words talking about?

Explaining our sin problem and God’s solution to die for us is transformational.  To live forgiven, free from sin, and with purpose brings so much joy to my heart strangers have asked, “Why are you so happy?”  Pray with me that I might always have an answer to that question.

May you also be prepared with an answer to everyone who asks.  Like it says in Colossians 4:6 “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”  It’s a dark world – may our light shine bright. 

Much Love,






PS a picture of youth playing youth group games - I love it when they are smiling.

Monday, October 4, 2021



Dear Family,


The beginning of a new school year can bring excitement, dread, or both.  I seriously hated college.  God brought me thru, Bobby helped and without my parents' funding, I wouldn’t have done it at all.  After I graduated I asked my parents, “How can I ever repay you?”  They replied, “Pay for your kids' college” and that was that.  Oh boy! 

Adriel and Seth are both attending community college now.  It’s not fun.  I am proud they are continuing.  I am blessed by scholarships, hard work, and love.  Even thru crazy COVID, they are pressing on.

Seth has decided to use the law guidelines for structuring his day.  Every two hours a 10-minute break with lunch in his 8 hour school day.  Syllabus shock was a bit overwhelming.  After we figured out making a list and self-scheduling, he is willing to plug away.  Yay!  Adriel figured it out on her own the last couple of years and I remember having to do that as well.  The non-structure is quite horrid.  Good thing we can self-structure.

Bobby visited his mom and sister.  I love that he is showing our kids how to be good to us. 

            Youth group remains wholesome, fun, and rich in learning about God.  The kids are entertaining to interact with.

            Bobby made several amazing dinners this week.  He continually enjoys planning and making food.  Yay!  I enjoyed making caramel corn.  Food can bring such joy – even the smell of it.  God knew what he was doing when he gave us taste buds.

            May you also enjoy the smells and food of fall.  May your anticipation of the crisp air, rustle of leaves and sweaters bring a smile to your face. 

            Much Love, Cristy