Monday, February 26, 2018


Dear Family,
                Sometimes hardship makes people shine!  I would like to say that I would take a bullet if someone started shooting in our lunch room.  We will never know unless it happens.  I have no clue if I could shoot someone though – I don’t think I have ever fired a gun in my life.  If Trump says teachers should carry guns, don’t you think lunch ladies (or men) should? 
                Teamwork is something I value and respect.  When one of my team is out sick the rest of my team is willing to step in, come early, and do the hard work.  I am so blessed by the team at my job.  My heart warms when I think of them and how much effort they give every day.
                Seth still shares his computer with Adriel this blesses me.  Seth studied hard for a test, and I love watching him work hard.  Seth also walked home when Adriel had to stay after school for sectionals.  I am so glad he can do this.  It’s not that far, and it is not dangerous.
                Bobby cooked some yummy turkey gravy and mashed potatoes this week.  Bobby also thanked me for helping out at youth group again.  I do like feeling useful.  Bobby took the high schoolers on a retreat this week.  I was alone.  At first I truly missed them and was sad . . . But, after a couple of hours all was well.  Ripley is great company.  I am just glad the rest of my family came back home safe.
Adriel was sick one day this week.  It was nice that she thanked me for doing some of her chores.  After she was healthy, it was wonderful to see her talkative and cute as can be.  Because she isn’t secretive about her life, I feel blessed. 
                Adriel also cleaned out her room.  This includes trying on a lot of clothes, dancing around, making a huge mess and doing laundry of clothes that were probably clean.  This also equals two boxes to the Union Gospel Mission and one laundry basket full of garbage.  She still had plenty left over.  I am amazed that room holds so much.  AND although she was in the process of cleaning her room she left a big mess over the weekend. 
                To share that all is not a bed of roses and to help Adriel not fall into the wrong crowd I did make this chart because Adriel has not been coming home after school and because she has been leaving her room a mess.  I believe this chart can bring lasting change.  Also, it only took Adriel ½ an hour to earn all her clothes back.  I wasn’t planning on sharing it with you but Adriel shared it with her friends so here goes.
All items are chosen by mom at random
Only happens if items are on floor
Earning clothes
Loosing Clothes
Show me your clean room 1x a day 5 items
Random check reveals messy room -5 items
Come home, spend 15 min at least home.  ASK to do plans.  5 items.  (You may bring friends in, make popcorn, raspberry shakes, chocolate pb shakes.  You may make ahead brownies, rice crispy treats, cookies, muffins, cobbler, apple crisp, cake.  Or you may ask me to make day ahead.  You may offer leftovers.)
I have to call or text and ask, "Where are you?" -5 items
If not coming home TEXT me to tell me where at (only for Band or Homework). 1 item (Telling Seth doesn't count.)

If I am not home TEXT me to ask to go anywhere. 1 item

Draw a picture.  10 items
Be late drawing a picture.  5 items
Show me grades 1x a week. A = 2 items B = 1 item
I look at grades at random.  C = -1 item D= -2 items
1 hug a day = 1 item

Pray before mom goes to bed = 5 items
Scorn = room check
Coming home early up to 5 min = 1 item per min.
Coming home late from event = -1 item per min up to -5 items
Make me laugh (your own stories or videos) = +10 items
Make me cry = all items again

Ask permission to use cell in room = +2
Cell phone in room w/out permission = -2
Keep laundry basket in room more than an hour = -2
Bring laundry basket down within hour of bringing it up = +2
All items will be given when you can put them away nicely.  Never put items on the floor!
All items may be thrown away if torn or inappropriate.  Stop buying clothes.  You have 2 many.

                Adriel’s friends shared how ridiculous they felt this was and included swear words.  That her friends use swear words shows me they are the wrong type of people.  I did include humor so – I am glad she found it a bit light hearted.

                May you find you don’t have to make charts like this one.    May you find in all things that putting your trust in God brings lasting time of joy and peace.  Psalm 25:1 “In You, Lord my God, I put my trust.”  Much love, Cristy

Monday, February 19, 2018


Dear Family,
            I love how, “Wherever you go, you bring yourself” (Neil Gaiman).  This quote makes me think of how we are sometimes surprised when others react the same to us in different situations.  Adriel had a funny awestruck look when she mentioned that her friends ran out of patience with her when thrift store clothes shopping.  She said, “I told them my mom gets bored too!”  Poor guys, Adriel has this amazing habit of looking at everything and then, when you think it’s over, that is when she wants to go back and analyze.  She needs to shop with girls.  They might not only tolerate, but they may enjoy this kind of shopping as well.
            Adriel is so sweet and so very, very social.  She hugs me and says, “I love you,” when I let her be with friends.  That girl would be out 24/7 if we let her.  She even goes out when sick and then – poor thing – had to stay home on Tuesday.  She slept it off and was good to go the next morning.  She reminds me of Bobby with how social she is.  Someone mentioned they didn’t know Adriel was good with kids.  I said, “You know how Bobby is with youth?  That’s how good Adriel is with kids.”
            Bobby is wise in his assignments.  I am OK with doing youth group but felt unneeded.  Bobby asked me to help clean up while the rest of the group goes to the gym.  This arrangement is perfect!  It’s quiet, peaceful, doesn’t take much time and I feel like I helped.  Yay for Bobby being wise and that he knows me so well.
            Bobby continues to have a cold.  He is working through it.  I know this won’t end in death, but you can pray for Bobby and the kids.  They are coughing, even in the night.
            Bobby cooked several meals this week, and it was nice to eat, “Real food,” and to enjoy each other’s company.  The kids were frustrated when Bobby didn’t cook for two weeks because he was sick.  They even had me cook a meal and thanked me afterward. 
            I am blessed when Bobby visits his mom and brings home things like muffins or a huge Armoir.  Goodness, it’s nice he has a truck.
            Thanks for your valentines wishes my sweet family.  It’s always fun to get nice mail.
            One evening after dinner, while Bobby and I continued sitting, the kids emptied the dishwasher.  We had to laugh when Adriel called Seth back to clean out the “Silverwarie things.”  When Seth whined a little Adriel said, “Hey, I don’t make the rules.”  Good times, One kid does dishes, the other does, “Silverware and Silverwarie things.”
            Seth cracked a Gardner up this week.  The man came by to give us a bid while Bobby was grilling outside.  When Seth heard the doorbell, he was wondering why in the world Bobby didn’t just come in.  Seth answered the door with, “What do you want?”  Immediately, when Seth saw he was talking with a stranger his face assumed a look of shock and chagrin.  The Gardner had to mention it later with a laugh.  I love how he copied Seth’s deep voice.  Our Seth is only 14, but he’s so manly!
            As we celebrate presidents day today may we pray for all leaders.  May God be the guide of our country and our hearts.  May we find divine presence in our heart of hearts and may we listen to His direction and guidance.  Rev 3:20 says, “ Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.”  What a wonderful friend to have.  Love


Monday, February 12, 2018


Dear Family,

            One criterion I have for, “Is this worth whining about?” is, will this matter in five years?  This question helps me put things in perspective.  Sickness passes, insults fade, we can overcome delays, you get the picture.  I will admit this week felt tough but in five years I won’t remember any of the hardships and this is comforting. 
            At the beginning of this week, Adriel and Bobby were sick, Ripley had holes in her body, two of my coworkers were sick (out of 9), and my computer was in the shop.  By Thursday after Ripley had freaked out on the car ride to the Vet enough to get herself bloody I just sat down in my car and cried.  Thank goodness these things pass! 
The vet told me Ripley could be out of her carrier in the car – she enjoyed looking out the window and sniffing the car interior on the ride home.  By the end of the week Adriel and Bobby are getting better, my co-workers healed enough to work, and the tech said I just needed to reinstall windows. 
            Even so, it is good to let stress out, cry and let go.  God is in control, I am glad that I am not.  My time here is temporary.  I am excited to enjoy time with Him in his kingdom.  “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18  Truly, I also know, last week was nothing compared to what refugees face today.  I truly have it good.
            Bobby had a craving and noticed I was sad on Thursday.  He asked if he could help me out with Chinese food.  I said no, and he let it go but . . . But. . . When he SAID, he was craving Chinese food the entire family started to feel the same way.  By Sunday it was beautiful that Bobby brought home some take out.  Seth thanked him three times.
            Ripley was a comfort to me this week.  She may be wearing her cone, but she still plays and purrs.  She just purred as she sat on my chest the other day, and she helped fill the hole that sometimes seems to cave in that very chest cavity.  She poured in the purr, and I love purring.  Purring is symbolic to me of, “I am content, I am happy, I am glad to be with you.”  I love purring.
            Bobby felt healthy enough to go to the men's retreat.  He talked about how funny the speaker was and how enjoyed the company of friends.
            Adriel made another drawing for my book.  She did way more than I expected.  Her drawings bless me.  She also was able to be with friends and have her picture taken.  What nice friends.

            Seth is the master of reinstalling operating systems.  Seth blessed me by installing Windows 8.1 which he says is the safest for privacy.  I am going to trust Seth more.  Also, he helps hold down Ripley for her daily medicine on her wounds.  Seth blesses me in that.  He also gives Ripley fresh water.  She meows in anticipation, and I find it endearing how much he loves her.
            Bobby and I were able to celebrate Valentine's day early since we won’t see each other Wednesday.  It was nice to go out, enjoy good food and each others company.  With over 20 years of back history, I enjoy reviewing some of our stories.  We can laugh about the past, remember the good and be glad to have each other still.
            May you find joy in those you encounter.  May the answer to, “Will this matter in five years?” help you gain perspective.  May you also generate habits that will matter in the years to come.  Much love,


Monday, February 5, 2018


Dear Family,

            To express how blessed we are is not only a discipline but it is a command to “rejoice in the Lord always” Phil 4:4.  I read this week that, “Though he may slay me, yet I will praise him.” Job 13:15.  I have no reason to complain!  God has given us so much we can provide to others out of His overflow.  This is my, our, good old days of the future.  We (and I am pretty sure this means you – because you are reading this online) have food, shelter, wi-fi.  We are the wealthy 1% of the world, and we have the freedom to worship the one true God (or not to).  Wow, listening to wonderful sermons grounded in the Word is the beginning of true wisdom or, “The fear of God” is Prov 9:10. 
            And here are my specific blessings:
            Bobby cooked twice this week.  One of the meals he took something from the freezer.  I love it when we use things from storage.  It fills up in the fall when there is harvest and then slowly empties out.  I am thankful our family is eating raspberries and other foods that need to get consumed.    
            Bobby also did a lot of manual labor in our yard.  He took apart a stand made of bricks, put the dirt from it into 5-gallon buckets and planting pots.  All this to make room for the truck Dad gave us.  Our house now has Dad's vehicle parked in a perfect spot beside the house.  It only runs over a few flowers.
            Bobby also continues to thank me for attending youth group.  He also has abundance.  There are plenty of leaders.  I am not needed, but it is nice to be appreciated.  I am wanted.
            Bobby and I also were able to go out on a date thanks to Hal and Deena’s generous gift of a gift card.  I heard this was for Christmas.  It was nice to be able to go out, relax and enjoy food prepared for us.
            Adriel remains sweet, beautiful and fun.  She babysat several times this week and is now being referred out.  How fun, people are willing to share her.
            Adriel asked if she could get help with homework.  I was kind of aghast.  I don’t feel qualified.  It was nice to know she meant from a teacher.  We both agreed, of course, she would go to her teacher.
            Seth mowed the lawn this week.  He remains sweet and is always good for a hug.  I love that he has grown so much.  I decided to shop for the next size up.  He’s only 14 – He will probably become even taller like my dad.  Wow!
            Poor Ripley.  Disaster has struck in the form of another kitty.  Now Ripley has endured two car rides and has a cone on her head.  She will heal, but I know she does not believe any of this will turn out good.  My ways are not her ways.  I know the car ride (which terrifies her) brings her to the vet.  I know the vet will help.  I know that what they do helps her.  She doesn’t understand and hates the cone.  This reminds me that even when I feel things seem wrong my ways are not like God’s.  He is growing me, forming my character and bringing me closer to him.  As you think of poor Ripley, please pray for her healing and patience. 

            Thanks so much, Hugs, Cristy