Monday, November 29, 2021


 Dear Family,

                We hustled and bustled ourselves to the Seattle area for Thanksgiving.  Meanwhile, my friend was laying on her death bed – they are waiting for God to gently take her home.  “Be still and know that I am the Lord” God says.   We made it there and back safely.  Oh, I pray my friend is happily in the arms of her savior singing and dancing.  Yes, Deena is older than me – yes, her time comes.  I am excited to see her on the other side but am so sad her journey is close to the end here.  I hope she did not experience pain.  I pray those left behind are comforted knowing that they will see her in heaven.  And yes, I am praying, calling out to God for peace in their lives.  This season is one of light, may there be joy even in this suffering.  Tears are coming, may they be dried with loving and gentle embraces.

                There is joy in the every day.  We are living and breathing the air God has given us.  Bobby and I had a nice date.  We ate out and enjoyed each other's company.   Bobby helped me add Henna to the back of my hair.  I always do the front and usually don’t care about the back.  But I caught a glimpse – it was time.  It is kind of silly to only do part of the job because that’s what I see.  You all have to look at me also.

                Adriel was glad to have me over for lunch.  I was tentative coming up to her office but she seemed to be the only one there so – phew.  No one kicked me out.  She is thankful for flannel sheets and happy to share some time with me. 

                Funny thing.  The sheets were not soft enough for Seth – he would rather have polar fleece than flannel.  To each their own J.  Seth brought boxes in for Christmas decorating and groaned at the mention of Christmas music.  Seth also mowed a lawn and thanked me for giving him a choice of the front lawn now or the back one later. 

                Bobby drove the entire way and back – hours of tedious attentiveness.  I slept most of the way.  I am not nervous about the drive one bit.  How wonderful to sit back and relax.  I am blessed that Bobby is willing to take the wheel.  (He wouldn’t let me drive if I wanted to).  Bobby set up the tree and ornaments.  He remembers each ornament and has joy in that journey.  I enjoy setting up the lights.  Lights brighten the world!

                May your hope and joy be in the one who is light, the one who brings life, and the one who loves us all so deeply.  May you find peace in our Lord and may you be amazing to all you encounter,





PS Deena went to Heaven Sunday morning (I wrote about a half an hour before finding out).  She is dancing, rejoicing and loving all who went before her.  I am so glad for her and am excited to see her there later.

PPS Also, we did have a great thanksgiving.  Bobby can be a fun Uncle as you can imagine.  Below is more about that visit.

            Visiting my family is like entering a live art show.  The occupants are creative, fun loving and amazing.  We saw art, we were involved in drawing ourselves.  Adriel read a 70 page chapter book (still not done) written by my 9 year old niece!  She read out loud – it took a while.  We laughed, played, ate and enjoyed. 

            I had to cut my belly out of the pictures because I ate too much. 

            Seth and his cousin Braeden enjoyed playing VR games.  People were talking, bonding, enjoying.  It was so fun to be together – sad to depart. 

            I am blessed to have wonderful and amazing family.  I know, we moved away from them.  God called us pretty far away.  Yet we do come back and I am so glad we can see them!  And we will always remember my drawing of a fruit bad that was interpreted as grape on water.              So much love!  Cristy

Monday, November 22, 2021


 Dear Family,


            As we focus on thankfulness I would like to say how glad I am that you read and respond to this Blog.  I remember God’s blessings as a discipline of obedience.  Also because it makes my heart smile.  Knowing you read and smile with me is extra icing on the cake.

            Bobby came home safe from a retreat last Sunday and I am grateful that he always does.  Sometimes we hear of a youth group in a car accident or detained in another country and so far Bobby’s trips have been safe.  I am so glad he is a safety-first type of person (for the most part – I would rather drive faster on long trips but that’s beside the point).

Bobby made Steak one night and Won Ton soup on a different night this week.  He enjoys experimenting and I am glad I didn’t have to cook.  It’s a lot of work. 

            At youth group, Bobby asked the question, “Why is it so easy to forget about God?”  One student piped up with his lecture voice, “The teenage brain is full of inconsistencies and . . . . then went on to say, And I am a prime example.”  We are all doing our best to look out for number one and to serve God.  It was fun to hear the professor voice come out.  Bobby also had a games night Friday and enjoyed his time with the teens. 

            Seth is getting his homework done and has learned balance in his Schedule.  He takes work and School seriously.  I appreciate that!  I looked into our past with Seth and he has come so far.  Seth is a productive member of society and we are blessed.

            Adriel called me this week and it was good to hear her voice.  Bobby had the Adriel sighting.  I am glad he got to see her.

            I also enjoy calling my parents.  This week I asked if anything exciting happened in their lives that day.  After a bit of silence, mom said, “I woke up.”  We laughed that waking up is exciting in older age.  Dad said, “About that, When I got up I didn’t see mom, I went shopping and came back, No wife, I went out again and came back then thought – ‘She’s dead’ but heard some rustling upstairs and was glad that she is alive.”  So – it’s exciting to have each other around each day.

            May you also be glad to have those in your life still be alive.  May you let them know they are a blessing to you.  May you smile, love, and live.  Love and hugs,




PS, there was a beautiful spider web in the tree by Church Sunday morning.  A friend of mine wants to know what kind of tree this is.  It's about 15 ft tall.  Do you know what kind of tree it is?

Monday, November 15, 2021


 Dear Family,


            I am so excited that I will be able to see my family in Seattle for Thanksgiving.  I imagined that Holidays would become a sad time of loneliness now that I work retail.  Not so!  My coworker said Thanksgiving day has been slow in past years for online ordering (grocery) and will only require 4 out of the 15 workers we have.  Yay!!!! 

            Adriel was thrown for a loop as I had told her, “I don’t know” so many times about Thanksgiving that she was starting to make other plans.  This changed to, “I’m going to Seattle” in one phone call.  How exciting.  We get to see Adriel!!  She did visit to drop off and pick up laundry this week but that only lasts about 10 minutes.  I mentioned to Bobby that I was happy to have seen her and he said, “Well, I’m glad you had an Adriel sighting.”

            Bobby cooked several amazing dishes this week.  He even brought some Salmon Bisque to his mom as she recovers from her surgery.  He is a wonderful son and I hope Seth follows his example in future years.

            Bobby had a great lesson about trust for the youth group this week.  A question was, “What is the biggest way we show trust in God at church?”  One answer made me chuckle.  “Sitting on chairs?”  At another time we were waiting for a student to find a verse in the Bible.  Someone said, “I’m going to grow old and die before they find the passage.”

            I like how Seth eats carrots.  He was concerned about the baby carrots I had because one end was black and then green in the middle.  He told me to switch away from baby carrots.  He then asked if he had to peel a carrot before eating it.  (I did teach him how to peel carrots).  I was reminded of my roommate in college.  When we visited her farm (after marriage and kids) she dug up carrots from the ground, washed them off started eating one, and offered some to each of us.  It was a good memory of farm life so I told him that carrots don’t need to be peeled.  I then find Seth eating a whole carrot, just like a farm boy.  When I mentioned it he said, “Well it’s better than eating those chemical pebbles they call baby carrots.”

            Sunday morning I went out into the garden for the first time in a couple of days.  Raspberries were ripe and overripe.  I picked a bowl for breakfast and was reminded of Luke 10:2.  God let me know that he is doing his part.  God is at work all around us.  I ignored the raspberries but they grew without my help.  God also let me know I can do my part to notice what he is doing and pick the fruit. 

            May we all notice God’s handiwork.  May we be prepared with an answer to questions that are asked.  May we not let the opportunities He presents spoil.  Much Love,






Monday, November 8, 2021


 Dear Family,


                                Bobby was on fire Tuesday night!  He preached the word and it was fun to see him excited to tell others about Jesus.  Yet, not all people were on track.  When Bobby said, “Animal sacrifices were temporary because we need a perfect person for the permanent solution.  Who do you think that could be?”  Everyone was saying Jesus except the person next to me.  They said to me only, “I wanted to say Alexander Hamilton but I think the real answer is Jesus.” 

                Prayer request time can also bring up interesting conversation.  One student was excited that the salmon eggs in class had hatched.  Bobby wanted to share his knowledge.  He said, “And do you know what baby salmon are called?”  After a bit of stuttering, the person said, “Salmon, salmon, salmonella?”  (Apparently, no, the answer is fingerling.)

                Another moment Bobby had to stop the lesson to find out what people were talking about.  He has the utmost desire to be in the know.  “I was just asking what flavor her shoes were.”  The person next to her said, “Black?” The person next to me said, “Dirt with a hint of gum I stepped on yesterday.”

                When Bobby felt frustrated he told someone, “You are a bad bunny.”  Our friend asked, “Did you just Veggie Tales shame me?”  And, he had, Bobby had just veggie tales shamed someone.

          Bobby also painted more bathroom doors and molding.  It’s amazing how much of a difference it makes.  He cares about the details much more than I do so he doesn’t ask me to help.  I am so blessed that he is giving his time for this.  Bobby also made several amazing meals and we are filled with healthy yummy food.

                Bobby tried a new board game with me and it was fun to play together and just be.

                When my back hurt Bobby brought me things and took care of me even though he wasn’t feeling well that day.  He’s so sweet.

                Adriel visited and it was lovely to see her and spend some time with her.

                Seth registered for next semester at Chemeketa.  He asked for my input on some classes and it was nice to see him working hard and being OK with the effort it takes to continue on with school.

                May you also continue pressing on in these hard times and find joy in the love you share with all you encounter.  Love and hugs, Cristy

PS would you believe the garden still has sunflowers?  It's November!

Monday, November 1, 2021


 Dear Family,


                Isn’t it wonderful how we don’t notice things are that dirty until we start cleaning?  If I really looked I wouldn’t be able to do anything but clean everywhere I went.  I am so glad for blissful ignorance as I go about my normal routine.  Then I do part of the scheduled cleaning that we set up and I am horrified until it is done.  Ugh – and I don’t even want to think about micro-organisms.  I am so glad for the ability to overlook.

                I am also glad God is willing to overlook our sins because Jesus paid the price.  I would be in big trouble if God was eyeballing me.  I would be swiped away like a moldy tangerine. 

                Take my cat for instance.  I announced I would be giving her a bath.  Bobby said, “Time to update your will.”  He loved his quote so much he said I HAD to add it here.  Comedy gold.  But even better Bobby actually washed the cat and I helped.  She was hugely vocal about it but didn’t put up much of a fight.  She still smells perfumed and it’s been about half a week.  What do you know!

                Bobby has taken the task of painting our moldings.  He painted the doors in our guest room and started in on the downstairs bathroom.  It looks fabulous!  I am so blessed.  He also cooked tamales and we enjoyed a date.  The kids don’t need us much so we have time.  Yay God.

                The Youth Groups both expressed dismay at having to leave this week.  The Junior High group was playing a game when a parent came to the glass door.  One youth said, “Don’t make eye contact!”  The next night at the High School group when Bobby said, “It’s time to go,” there was a general grumble and one said, “I don’t want to go home.”  Several others mentioned they wouldn’t mind coming to our house.”  This is heartwarming and sweet – but yes, we do connect them with parents and send them home.

                Seth did ask for some homework help and I am willing to oblige.  English and writing aren’t that enjoyable for him.  I write for fun and God so I can be helpful.  Trigonometry on the other hand – that will have to be a student helper.  Yikes!  Seth mowed the lawn this week and I am so glad because rain is predicted.

                Raspberries are back slightly.  How amazing that God provides constantly for our constant needs.  I am surprised by how much food flies out of the doors at the grocery store I work.  At first, I wondered why shelves had to be stocked during the day.  Couldn’t they do that at night?  What I now know is that shelves WERE stocked during the night and they have to be stocked again during the day.  Bananas are stocked about once every 2 hours!  Crazy – and God grows all this food for us.  He provides sun, rain, soil, and seed.  We are blessed indeed.

                May you be thankful for each meal, every ray of sun, and each person you encounter.  Much Love,





PS Bobby had an amazing time trunk or treating and came back delighted with stories about each encounter he had with fun characters.