Monday, July 30, 2018

7/30/18 Hot sun and Soccer camp

Dear Family,

            What a blessing it is to have air conditioning!  And yet reports say that in other countries only 8% of people have it in their homes.  (  Usually, for us, I get up early enough to open the house up so that we only feel the need for air conditioning a couple of days a year.  Not this year!  This year our window unit is blowing daily.  Goodness!  Sometimes we are just too blessed with the beautiful sunshine beating down on us!  Funny, now I just imagined with joy – maybe the apples and grapes will be ready early!!  Maybe I will be able to harvest before school starts.  That would be wonderful!  So this is a Romans 8:28 moment, “In all things God is working for the good”
            Adriel is adorable!  She noticed it is blackberry season and decided she wanted blackberry pie!  She invited friends, and we had four boys over helping pick and create blackberry pie.  It was so tasty!  I am very impressed!  I have given up on pies simply because the crust is too hard for me.  They did great, what wonderful teamwork! 
             Adriel cracks me up sometimes.  This week she was online gaming and yelled, “Gamers, Rise Up!”  I started laughing and then she did.  She knows she was a little too excited.
            I am amazed at Adriel’s good attitude.  She worked a long day on Saturday serving, then, she babysat.  She was then up and ready Sunday morning to go to church.  I am very glad she has amazing stamina.  I could not do what she does.  When I get overtired, I get weepy and cry, just because.
            Bobby cooked dinner several times this week, and it’s so fun when he makes food and we all like it!  Well, Monday he made three different things.  I am very glad he enjoys cooking. 
            Bobby also worked hard this week at Soccer camp.  Pastor Sorin said on Facebook, “A big thank you to all volunteers, in spite of the heat we had a fantastic Soccer Camp. Over the week we had 40 kids praying to receive Jesus, this has been an impact in our neighborhood.”  How wonderful!  I am so glad God is at work.
            Bobby was able to go to a friends Birthday party.  He was very glad he went because, sadly, only four people showed up.  This means Bobby had great talks and, goodness – he brought home a HUGE Costco size sheet pan cake with four slices out of it.  I am so glad he brought it to Sunday school!  We just finished eating the German Chocolate Cake I won.  
             I love how Seth obeys.  I tell him to do something, and he gets up and does it.  No complaining, just OK, and then he’s done, going back to what he wanted to do.
            Seth was excited to eat some pizza I brought home.  I said, “You have to sit at the table and eat it.”  He stepped back, “Oh, that’s a deal breaker.”  Apparently, “If I’m not active online my friends might leave.”  But he eats fast, so I am glad his friends were still there by the time he finished.
            Seth asked for a haircut, and I am glad I can give him one.  He likes a simple buzz cut.  I asked him to check in the mirror for any stray hairs.  He said, “I look good,” with a matter of fact tone.  I love the self-esteem that shows.  “Yes, yes you do J.”
            Seth mowed the lawn and did a great job.  I also love that he’s strong and big now.  How wonderful that he does what he’s told and gets out there.  What a guy J.
            May you find joy even with the sun beating down on you.  May you see where God is at work and be able to join Him.  May your life reflect how truly loved you are.  Hugs J


Monday, July 23, 2018

7/23/18 Skyra in the oddest places

Dear Family,
            I have to admit that I was encouraged because someone was encouraged by my encouragement.  Sounds like a tongue twister but I’ll share the details, and you will understand.  I enjoyed a joke in Sunday school and had to include it in a letter to a sponsor child we have in Africa.  He is 17.  He said “I am constantly blessed by the letters that you send to me.  I am happy to hear that your husband Bobby preached great even though he doesn’t like to preach.  You should know that this all happened because of the Holy Spirit who was with him.  I am also grateful to hear that Bobby is the Youth Pastor and he has worked hard in organizing all the youth volunteers. I am also one of the youth leaders in our Church since I am the chairperson of the Junior youth.”
Next, he references a joke I sent to him which I got from Hal Washburn, and this is the joke:  A professor asked the class to look out the window.  “Do you see the birds?”  The class replied affirmatively.  “Do you see the trees?”  The class also said, “Yes.”  Then he said, “Do you see God?”  The class responded, “No.”  And the professor said, “That’s because there is no God.”  A student responded with, “Do you see the professors tie?”  The class said, “Yes.”  “Do you see his shoes?”  The class also said, “Yes.”  Then he said, “Do you see his brain?” 
So Samuel says about this: “The Joke that you heard from the Sunday School is so much amazing such that a small student can prove that God exists even though we can’t see him.  Your letter has really inspired me a lot.”
Then he shares a verse and says, “Much love, Samuel.”  Isn’t that sweet?  This helps me understand why my mom spends so much time writing letters to people from other countries.  We can influence people one on one and not even have to leave our house.  I’m inspired by Samuel’s inspiration, how fun!
Our kitty Skyra has learned to use the cat door!  No more litter box!  I love how she follows me everywhere.  Inside or outside – that is truly fun. I also love that she sits in the oddest places!

            I enjoyed a visit with a friend Jenn Fenn. She came over for coffee and muffins (I baked muffins, she brought coffee drinks).  It was fun to get to know her. 
            I have an interview for an Administrative Assistant job Monday the 23rd.  Please pray for God’s will as I explore this opportunity!  I’m excited for the privilege to interview.
            Adriel was playing online games, and she said to a friend, “You can’t say that!  Those are sinner’s words.”  She doesn’t have to talk to me so much; she’s loud enough to just let me know everything that is going on in her and her friend’s lives.  She is adorable.
            Bobby and Seth came back from Camp tired and happy.  God worked during camp, and five people accepted him while many others chose to pursue God more than they did before.  I love hearing their stories and knowing that they enjoyed themselves.  I also love that when I asked Seth if he wouldn’t mind being at camp all summer, he said he would like that.  I did dig further, and he’s not willing to be a counselor or do any kitchen work.  He just likes being a camper.  Either way – he has no computer there, and that’s pretty neat that he likes camp enough to give up computers!
            My heart is full!  May God bless you, may his face shine upon you, may your heart be filled by his loving sunshine and beautiful breezes.
            Much Love,



Thursday, July 19, 2018

What if Marriage is like making a garden?

What if Marriage is like making a garden?

I’ll admit, I have cried at weddings, my thoughts are, “They don’t know what they are getting into.”  I know this sounds bad but bear with me – I’m hoping to turn it positive in a bit.

What if the plot of land you buy starts out with weeds (like my garden did).  I see those weeds as hopes, dreams, expectations, imperfections and human frailty.  We bring into marriage ourselves.  We are full of hopes, dreams, expectations, imperfections and human frailty.

What if after just sitting and dreaming in the garden for a while the next step is to either pull out all those weeds or rototill them all in.  What if that hurts?  During the process of getting rid of our imperfections, God also dashes our hopes and dreams. 

What if we look at the barren, dry, empty ground and think of our choices:
This is too hard; I give up.
Since you refuse to meet my needs, I refuse to meet yours.
Because this is hard and looks fruitless, I don’t want to put any more into it.

What if brokenness is part of God’s plan?

2 Corinthians 12:10 For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Instead of giving up, what if we go to God, give Him everything, admit we can’t do it, give up on doing it ourselves and choose to do what he says.  What if we decide to plant seeds – add things that look dead to the already dead ground.

What if we decide to work hard even though there seems to be no return.  We water and wait.  Sometimes waiting is even harder than the tilling.  The not knowing – not being in control, not having a plan.  Ugh!

What if we do have flowers.  Some of them are beautiful and fun.  But there are also weeds, and it’s still hard work.  Also, it seems like we are constantly babying this plot of land.  Other people walk by and compliment your work.  And then, after all that hard work, what if everything dies or seems to die anyway. 

It’s the fall.  It’s the winter.  Things look dead.  Trials are hard.  The glass is half empty.

What if seasons come and seasons go, and the work only seems to stop when there is a feeling of dead.

What if even the harvest, even the good times seem like work that is overwhelming.  Kids can be a constant, draining presence.  Yet a beautiful and fun joy as well.  Like ever bearing fruit, we know they are a blessing, but the care seems to be never-ending.

What if we feel tired and drained?

We can choose to sit; we can choose to enjoy, we can stop the business and look around and take it in and smile.  And we might.

What if God says, “Stop, enjoy, don’t work so hard.”  I did feel that call seven years into my garden.  God said, “Take a year off, take a year of jubilee.”  I felt pretty anxious.  Up until January, I prepared.  I pruned all I could, buried the strawberries had the garden hunker down.  I didn’t water or prune or harvest to freeze for one whole year – January to January.

Some things did die, but most didn’t.  I felt pruned – but I was amazed at the freedom!  No more watering!

What if the hard work pays off!?

What if you can enjoy the fruits of your labor even if it is overwhelming!  Now I am having other people pick because we have so much fruit.  I still work at it but not as much as I used to.  The flowers still bloom because they are perennials, they multiply, they grow.  The garden is happy!

What if I was wrong about how hard marriage is? 

I even sell plants because they are just going to make more.

What If that’s what having grandchildren is like?

What if we really do reap what we sow?  Even in relationships?  What if we choose to work hard and in return, we are blessed with love.

What if the hard work is worth it!

One of the laws of harvest is you reap at a different time than you sow.  What if the harvest is wonderful!

Galatians 6:9
New Living Translation
So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.

Monday, July 16, 2018


Dear Family,
            I am considering the power of words and what they do to us.  It’s like my lower belly.  I do want to get rid of it.  I exercise daily and eat pretty good.  I went to the gym to interview them for prices.  In the process, they asked my exercise goals, and I mentioned the lower belly area.  He said that isn’t a workout issue, that is something taken care of in the kitchen.  What he meant was, I need to eat better or less.  I have decided to change my workout goals.  Sometimes it’s just not worth it!
Anyway back to words.  I feel they are truly powerful.  I know it says that “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:25.  I also know that God’s words are compared to a double-edged sword in Hebrews 4:12.  “12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”  Please pray with me as I ponder these things and seek God’s wisdom.
On to blessings which are also powerful in my life.  I believe blessings are a part of the discipline of giving God thanks as in, “He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God.” Psalm 50:23  I can only hope that the things I say and the attitude of my heart furthers God’s kingdom.
Adriel continues to work five days a week.  Monday she was bemoaning that the only significant thing she did that day was going to work.  I told her, “Welcome to the club.”  I like it that Pastor Marcus’ sermon was on working hard for the Lord.  I truly believe that to be true.  I believe work is a blessing.  That we CAN work is truly a blessing.
Adriel’s friends stopped by on free slushy night.  She was at work, but I had to let her know she is loved.  It was sweet of them to come by.
Seth is amazing at interconnectivity with computers.  I enjoy watching him get his games or other things on the big screen.  I don’t know how he does it, but I think it’s cool.
Seth also has a repeat customer.  It was fun to hear him explain over the phone how to do something and resolve a computer issue remotely.  I am proud of him for doing that.
Also, at church, there was a small emergency.  No one was manning the power point.  Pastor Marcus started doing it for song time but several people poked Seth on the shoulder, and he finished up the rest of 2nd service.  He’s a hero in my eyes, yay Seth!
Seth packed himself for camp this year, and it was fun to check his work.  He’s got this J.  He’s going to a week of camp, and I know God will work in his heart and life.
I enjoyed visiting with the O'Neill family as they had the youth group over to their house.  They have an impressive obstacle course with a zip line and everything.  I truly enjoyed talking to Nancy and serving ice cream with her J.  What fun!  And Bobby even thanked me for joining them. 
Bobby also helped me a little with training our kitty to go through the cat door.  I’m very glad he said I could get another cat.  It was nice we could have a date this week and that we could also enjoy a game night with friends.  Bobby is good company, and I am glad for that.
I am very glad everyone helps pick raspberries and friends as well.  God blesses sooooo much sometimes!  Now I have even opened it up to facebook strangers (part of the Buy Nothing West Salem group).  Maybe God can even use the Raspberries as an outreach.
An acquaintance asked if I would mind hosting a pampered chef party and I was excited about the word “PARTY!” so I had a couple of ladies over this week and we had fun eating and talking about all the new kitchen gadgets out there.  It was her first person to person party (I guess they are usually done online now).  I invited Bobby, Adriel, and Seth, but they all hid in various places.  I don’t mind them – they didn’t want to join.  More food for us.  And no, we didn’t have any ice cream left over.
With so many blessings and so much to be thankful for may you also feel God’s love pouring out on you.  Hugs J Cristy

 P.S. I'm glad Skyra has used the potty litter box, now if she would just learn how to use the cat door!

Monday, July 9, 2018

Ee-Taow: The Mouk Story // Official Video by Ethnos360, founded in 1942 ...

7/9/18 Wasn't the 4th a blast!?

Dear Family,
                I feel truly blessed when family comes to visit and celebrate with us.  It was fun, we celebrated Seth’s late Birthday, and I would have celebrated Dad’s early Birthday, but mom put Dad’s Birthday card away and made him wait.  I remember that – they always were good about having us wait till the proper time for celebration.  I think this is why I always like to send presents a little early – I want it to be there on time, and I believe people will wait to open it.  How silly of me.        
                I truly enjoyed walking with my parents, enjoying their company and sharing our lives together.  They are a great source of encouragement and ice cream cake!  Yum J!  We also enjoyed going down memory lane.  It was fun to laugh and enjoy our shared history.  I also enjoyed playing Uno – an old family favorite. 
                What a wonderful celebration the Fourth of July is!  Every year I truly enjoy the gathering we have with neighborhood friends.  Bobby cooked up a storm for this event.  He made scalloped potatoes and raspberry pie.  It was delicious! 
                Bobby enjoyed a great trip to Pamilia lake with some youth group kids. I am enjoying the pictures he brought back.  I love sharing a verse a day, so it’s nice he is permitting me to use some of those pictures.  I am always glad when Bobby comes home from a trip.  It’s nice to know he is safe.
                Speaking of photographic talent, Seth has been sharing pictures with me for a while to prove he went on a daily walk for exercise.  I appreciated one of his pictures and asked permission to share it.  How fun!  I think Seth enjoys my appreciation because he’s started using a more artistic approach as he takes his pictures.  He also permitted me to use his pictures.
                A friend at the Fourth celebration mentioned, “Oh, Look at Seth supervising the littles!”  I had to run over and take a picture.  How sweet that Seth was enjoying being with the children for a bit.  
Later he even enjoyed the people his age enough to stay longer than Dad did.  I hate it when we bring three cars to an event that is walking distance, but I do understand that it’s nice because we all come and go at different times.
                Adriel came late to the Fourth celebration because she had to work till 7:15 PM.  She had started at 7:45 AM!  Goodness!  One thing I have noticed is that Adriel goes to bed early on the days she works early.  I am proud of her work ethic and dedication to do a good job. 
                I received in the mail the prototype of a book Adriel, and I made.  I will treasure this book forever because Adriel did the artwork.  Adriel is such a good artist!  I am so blessed that she did this!  I’ll edit it soon and then maybe even get it printed as God leads!

                May you find peace in all that you do.  May God bless you and keep you, may your heart be full and your smile bubble up from true joy.  Hugs J


Monday, July 2, 2018

7/2/18 New Kitty

Dear Family, 
            At just the right time the Humane society decided to make cat adoptions free.  Our new kitty Skyra (the name they gave her) is affectionate with a capital A.  She seems to have lived with an invalid on their bed.  She loves the bed, at first she only went off when I went away and didn’t care to play much.  Adriel said we will call her Small kitty and I am fine with that. 
Seth loves Skyra.  He tries to hold Skyra belly up like he held Ripley.  She doesn’t like it, but he says, “She’ll learn.”  It is just a trust issue.  I think she might.
Seth mowed the lawn.  It took him several days, but it’s done and looks nice.  Skyra still wouldn’t let him hold her belly up later on in the week, so he’s learning how to hold a normal cat.  It’s quite awkward but adorable.  She likes him, but more on her terms.  She is so small!  She is three years old and 6.42 lbs.  She will probably never be as big as Ripley who was at 8.2 lbs.

Tuesday Adriel asked for car insurance information.  I gave it to her.  Then she asked for health insurance information, and I said, “Please tell me you weren’t in a car accident and are now riding in an ambulance!” She wasn’t.  She just needed the info for Marching band.  It would have been nice if she started with that.
Walking with friends has been fun.  I also have been gardening about 2 hours a day because I can’t just pick fruit – I have to prune it back, weed and everything.  I am glad people buy plants, they help it look nice.
            Adriel was super busy this week with Marching band in 9AM-4PM and then work 4:45 PM - 7:15 PM. Adriel mentioned that she spent some time at Dairy Queen socializing with Hal, Deena and Marnie Washburn.  Her friend had asked her to go to Dairy Queen, but she had to go to work instead.  They had changed her schedule, so when she arrived, she found out that she didn’t have work.  She opted for Dairy Queen, and a different friend was there.  Adriel was sitting with her friend.  Then Hal came over and just gave Adriel $5.  Adriel’s friend was really confused, and it must have been a fun interaction.  So Adriel had a great time and didn’t even have to pay for it.  What a fun blessing.  Hal mentioned at church how they enjoyed their conversation with her because she came and sat with them for a while.  He also used to play baritone, who knew!
I love the pictures Bobby sent from camp.  It looks like he had fun.  I also enjoyed listening to him tell stories when he came home.  He said he had the best boys in the group.  How fun J.
I enjoyed having a window washer wash our windows.  I am excited to have the high up ones washed for the first time in ever.  He showed me (probably unintentionally) how windows can pop right out.  That makes them incredibly more easy to wash!  Now it’s possible for ME to wash the upstairs ones.  Ta daaaa!  He was doing it to wash the tracks out.  Incredible! 
            Heidi Kravitz, her kids, and Gabe helped pick Raspberries this week.  I am so blessed when people pick the raspberries because there are so many.  It is truly overwhelming!  Someone also came on Sunday as well J.  It makes my day that people smile and are happy to do work in my yard. 
I truly enjoyed a smores event put on by our church.  It was completely relaxing and very fun, even though I did gain two pounds. 
Two events happened this week to remind me of God’s love:
I walked from home to Firestone on Commercial Saturday.  While going over the footbridge, I observed a sweet family with a boy that did NOT want to walk over the bridge.  He was scared and refused to let them make it a game.  He also howled when dad tried to pick him up.  In the convincing, I overheard, “I will hold your hand.”  This reminded me of my favorite verse in the Bible.  Isaiah  41:13 “For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” I wanted to stop and tell the boy that his dad wants him to grow, conquer his fear, and be a big boy.  I wanted to let him know that sometimes dad will ask you to do things that are hard or scary but that doesn’t mean they are bad!  I wanted to let him know that is how God is.  Even when we are upset, God will hold our hand.  Instead, I kept walking and just had a moment with myself because I didn’t want to be known as the memory of, “That crazy lady.”  Maybe I should have done my speech, but I also cried just thinking of it which would have added to the crazy lady theory.  Or maybe that story is for us, not the boy.  Either way, I was touched by the thought that God holds my hand thru the hard times.  During church pastor Marcus mentioned Colossians 3:15, “Let the peace of Christ RULE in your hearts since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful.”  The pastor said that trusting and letting Him rule makes it so God can use us.  Yes!  I so want to be used!
Also, Skyra has a cold.  Poor thing.  So I brought her to the animal hospital.  The thing about the animal hospital is that emergencies happen and a couple brought in their six-week-old puppy.  Oh, the lady was weeping.  The puppy had fallen, and there was blood.  The lady would do anything to make that baby better.  Weeping – so I also began to cry because I am a sympathetic crier and, yes, I’m crying now just thinking of it.  Oh, the poor puppy.  Payment had to be discussed, and the man wanted more detail before they went in.  This makes sense, but it seemed so out of place!  The puppy could DIE!  And you want to talk about payment?  The lady said, “We want her to get better!”  During church, I thought about how Jesus was willing to give all, his life so that we could get better.  Jesus counted the cost.  Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  Oh goodness.  How heartbreaking that we have fallen and can die.  The cost has to be accounted for, and I am so glad Jesus thought it through, and we are worth it.

May your heart be glad because you are so very loved.  May you find joy in those you love.  May you know how very, very loved you are J Hugs, Cristy