Monday, June 25, 2018

6/25/2018 Happy Summer!

Dear Family,
                God is truly blessing us through vegetation, fruit and plant sales.  I even had a plant buyer say, “Wow, this is a blessing” after we loaded up her car with plants and it was only $20.00.  I love how God does that!  I am blessed. Therefore I can bless.  The blessings pour over us, and we can’t help but share.
                I am also very blessed by those who came to pick raspberries.  If I picked the fruit by myself (which I did a couple of times) it would take between ½ an hour to 1 hour a day.  I like the raspberries but not that much!  I enjoy the company and that people are excited.  I also love it that Adriel and Seth have been helping daily as well. 
                Bobby thanked me for attending youth group Tuesday.  I enjoyed walking with the youth group and even had extra steps that day.  It was a walking tour of Wallace Marine, Riverfront and Minto Brown Parks. 

                Bobby and I were able to enjoy a date this week.  I am glad we can take time to be together especially since he will be gone for weeks at a time.  Camp Tapawingo will be in full swing, and I know he will be enjoying himself there.
                Bobby cooked some amazing meals.  I enjoyed them the first time, and I LOVE the leftovers.  Yum!!  He is creative and loves the flavor.  We are so blessed by what he creates.
                I am thankful for Bobby’s mother.  She gave us a large container of water and Bobby was able to lift it to fill many of our water containers.  Having bad water has only been an inconvenience for us.  I can’t imagine living in a country where there are no other resources.  We are blessed to have bottles of water, jugs and even free places that the city is dispensing water.
                Seth made pizza once this week.  He also overheard me ask Adriel to team lift an item.  He asked what I wanted to lift and then did it all by himself!  Yay for a strong son!
                Seth is funny.  He bought a game because it was on sale.  He played it, said he didn’t like it, made fun of it and kept on playing.  Sometimes media is so bad it’s good.  I’ll admit I truly enjoyed mocking The Twilight Movies with a friend.  We laughed so hard!
                Adriel was happy to walk with me and sell some raspberries to raise money for Marching Band.  It was nice that she thanked me for picking them.  It was also nice that we have such wonderful neighbors.
                Adriel also gave some of her tithes to a youth group Dodgeball fund (for the Mexico team).  Bobby rejoiced about that. 
I enjoyed walking with Adriel this week.  She wanted to run with a friend daily but found out she hates running.  I enjoyed walking some at Minto Brown.  It is quite beautiful.
May you find beauty in all that surrounds you.  May you know how much you are loved.  May you enjoy all that life has to offer, every breath.  Much Love,

Cristy VanKleek



Monday, June 18, 2018

6/18/18 Happy Fathers Day

Dear Family,

                God’s blessings are for us all.  This week we celebrate the blessing of Fathers.  We all have one!  I am thankful for a Dad that loves me unconditionally, has raised me well and has always been there for me.  I am blessed to know him and have him in my life.
                I have also been blessed by fruit this week.  School wasn’t out yet, and I had Strawberries, Raspberries, and Cherries looking bountiful.  I also had ordered 30 pounds of Strawberries that were available for pickup starting Thursday night.  Thursday was my last day of school.  I felt overwhelmed by how much fruit I needed to pick and even scared about the thirty pounds of strawberries.  What if I had to cut all the stems off?  How much are 30 pounds?  Aghhhhh!  But it turned out friends on Facebook were (and are) more than willing to pick fruit for me.  The strawberry order was already cut up.  And Cherries dry very well.  I did not feel overwhelmed by the end of Friday.  Yay!!!
                Seth and Adriel also helped pick cherries.  Their daily chore is 100 items per day (weeds, or fruit).  I am grateful they were helping.  We had hundreds of Cherries, more than any year before.  I am glad Seth is taller than me.  He reached the tallest cherries after I picked what I could.
                Bobby had the youth groups over this week which is always fun.  Junior High was over on Tuesday, and High school was over on Wednesday.  I am blessed that Bobby will clean it all up.  He even mopped.
                Adriel came downstairs and sat with me during the Junior High Barbeque.  She is great company, and I love her.  She taught me how to use Instagram, and now I’ll post pictures on there more often (especially since it just copies to Facebook anyway).

                A Junior High girl said Seth is nice to her and that encouraged me.  Seth seems a little on the; Grumpy old man, side of things so I was glad to hear he is nice to people.  That may be why people like him.  Adriel also mentioned Seth is nice to her.  He does carry things for her, and he covers for her whenever Bobby or I think she should do more around the house.
                Seth let me know when Net Neutrality died.  He keeps me up to date on the important things in life.
                I love it when anyone in our family gives me things to sell.  I am very glad to get rid of clutter.  I also enjoy the happy Ebay feedback.
                Bobby loves strawberries and pound cake.  It was glad to make some pound cake on Friday and enjoyed his reaction when he found out about it.  Yay for happy surprises.  Bobby even barbequed his own Fathers day dinner.  It was fabulous, and I enjoyed spending time together as a family.
                I am glad Adriel is working.  She has many places she wants money to go.  It’s fun seeing her dressed up so cute and serving.  She is a good worker.  She also has great stories when she comes home.  All people are funny.  She mentioned when it came time for dessert two people just wanted more salad dressing.  Goodness!
                Adriel wanted to watch “Wrinkle in Time” with me.  The new movie was not as good as the book, but it was enjoyable being with Adriel and reminiscing about how she remembers, “A Wrinkle in time” as being her favorite movie as a child.  We liked the old movie better.  Sometimes things are best left in the past.
                  May you find joy in reminiscing and peace for your future.  May you feel God’s leading in your life and may you relax knowing He has your back.
Much Love,



Monday, June 11, 2018

6/11/18 Happy Graduation!

Dear Family,
                Sometimes blessings can be a surprise.  Sometimes they are just joy and sometimes they are just the peace in the midst of the storm.  Right now I feel sad because Ripley has not come home since Thursday morning around 4 AM.  She loved being petted that morning and purred but then went outside and never came back.  I don’t know if she will – I have searched all the roads around and see no remains.  As it is, I was blessed with her presence when she was here.  Please pray that she comes back, there is a part of me that thinks she has been cheating on us with a family that might feed her wet cat food.  She has been gone two days before as well – or maybe she chased a mouse far and wide then looked up and is lost.  I don’t know.  Either way, when she comes back it will be a super wonderful blessing.
                Adriel enjoys her job serving elderly people food.  She has a cute bow tie and has great stories already.  One person said, “If I see any more pineapple I’ll scream”.  Another commented to Adriel’s trainer, “She is gorgeous.”   Adriel didn’t mind being complimented.  She can handle it.  Adriel also had another job offer but had to turn it down.  How fun – her applications were finally reviewed.
                Adriel was able to play in the band for her High School graduation.  I am glad she was able to attend and give hugs to her friends.  What a bittersweet time.

                I am very glad Adriel is trying her best to cover her bases.  Before she asked to go to a friend’s house she cleaned her room and bathrooms.  Good for her! 
                Adriel has a very amazing ability.  She sleep-obeyed this week.  I woke her up for church this morning and asked her to sign a card.  She did so and I left for church.  Later I heard she was frustrated that she woke up late???  Apparently, she had no recollection of signing the Birthday card and slept through the entire process!  Maybe I should have her do more stuff while she is asleep!
                Seth does not enjoy walking home but I am glad he is able to when none of us are available to give him a ride.  He’s taller than any of us and we are not worried he will be abducted. 
                Seth continues to love watermelon.  I am glad for that.  It’s a fruit and as a lunch lady, for some reason, I am very invested in all kids eating a fruit or veggie.
                I love how Seth tries to hide a smile.  He came downstairs and wondered what he had done that for.  I said, “To give me a big hug!” and grabbed him, he denied this but I saw him smile.  He’s adorable.
                Seth’s dry humor also entertains me.  He said, “Why in the world did you buy that?”  I said, “It was only a dollar!”  He agreed, “Oh, wow!  They really did force you to buy it.”
                Bobby cooked a wonderful meal this week.  I am so glad he enjoys being creative in the kitchen.  I don’t have to cook and he’s very glad to.  Bobby also thanks me for participating in youth group.  It’s nice that he is glad when I come.  I am glad that Bobby doesn’t expect me to attend the myriad of graduation parties he’s going to.  I have other things to do and it’s OK that I don’t go.  Although, it’s also OK if I do have time for one or two.  There are just so many!
                In this time of celebration and joy may you be glad for the passing of time and for the rites of passage that show we are growing up.  May you embrace growth, change and God’s work in your life.  Much love,



Monday, June 4, 2018

6/4/18 Graduating teens

Dear Family,

                It’s fun to have a week with celebration!  People are graduating, Seth turned 15, and we have been married 22 years now.  What a week! 
                Seth was able to mow the lawn this week, and I am so glad he’s that big.  I came home one day and told Seth, “I want a great big hug!”  He said, “OK” and it was sweet.  He’s a gentle giant.  Later on, I went to my room and even though I promised myself I would NEVER talk to an animal with a high voice I did it.  I do it.  I talk to Ripley high pitched and because Seth heard that voice he came into my room and had to pet her also.  Ripley is so fun – she just takes it in.  She looks at a human and then flops down.  She will even do this on stairs, Ripley will flop down a couple of stairs, no problem, to show us she is ready to be petted.  It’s adorable.
                Seth enjoyed his Birthday of pretty much nothing special.  He didn’t want a cake; he didn’t want any visitors, he didn’t want singing (I did it anyway to him saying, “Stop!”)  When I mentioned that sometimes people get spankings for their Birthday he was surprised and said he definitely did not want spankings.  “Why would anyone do that?!??”  Seth did enjoy spending some cash and was content.  He also enjoyed a shrimp dinner and a Blackberry milkshake.  I did notice some things I could fix for Seth, and he appreciated that. 
                Seth and Bobby did help me weed last week – I forgot to mention it.  It’s crazy how fast weeds grow in the spring.  They are very happy.
                Bobby has his entire summer planned out, and it’s nice to see the calendar. 

                Bobby and I enjoyed some time at the beach this week.  We celebrated our 22 years with wonderful walks on the beach, relaxing, and enjoying yummy food.  It is so nice that the kids are old enough to take care of themselves.  Although . . . Adriel did want to drive to Portland for Krispy Kreme’s free Donut day.  My texted response was, “No driving to Portland while you aren’t feeling so hot, when you have a test tomorrow when you are taking care of your brother, when we are out of town, and it’s just for a dog but.  So not healthy!”
            Autocorrect made that funny.
                Adriel had an interview this week, and she said she got the job.  Yeah!
                Adriel enjoyed going out with me to Arby’s.  I am glad she likes my company and is willing to talk to me, especially if there is food involved.  She is very sweet and feels the same as I do about school.  We are so ready for it to be done.  She also wants a piranha even though we won’t get her one.  I mentioned sarcastically that some people think cats will kill us.  She said, “I don’t want a piranha to pet it!” 
                May you enjoy the people you encounter, the work you do and nature all around.  May you find peace where you are and may you bloom, grow and bless those you know.

Much Love,
