Monday, January 30, 2023


 Dear Family,


                The middle school group was so fun.  They truly delight in being together and I am blessed to be part.  Game time had fast-paced foosball and cheers for the winner of gutterball.  Lesson time had its own game but Bobby had to stipulate if there were to be prizes, “Raise your hand if you will be OK if you don’t win candy in this game.”  Most everyone raised their hand.  I did see one smiling with no raised hand.  She eventually did but I loved the kidding and shared a smile back.

                The High School group was hilarious this week.  Changing the rules of gutterball brought giggles, laughter, and general merriment.  Try throwing 4 of your own balls to see what happens.  No one won.  They almost forgot which balls were theirs.  I enjoyed the camaraderie and joy.  There was also throat singing to help a player do better.  It was beautiful. 

                During the lesson, Bobby mentioned that he had walked on water.  The students responded that to walk on water, “Jesus wore massive platforms.”  If you want to know about the time Bobby walked on water ask him.  It’s a fun story.

                Later Bobby told a student, “Your dad gave me the best compliment this week.  He called me young.”  The student was unfazed, “Well, he’s just stating facts.  You are so much younger than he is.”  When the student found out Bobby is his dad’s age this was funny.  “Oh, I thought you were in your mid 30’s.”  The compliment just kept on going.  This is opposed to the lady who asked Bobby if he wanted the senior discount at a store lately. 

                Adriel continues to text and let us know she is OK.  She did have her first car break-in while she wasn’t present.  Welcome to Portland.  I told her I wasn’t telling dad because he wouldn’t sleep at night.  She had already told him.  He seems to be sleeping OK.  She had it fixed on the same day and didn't even have to leave the office.  How amazing.

                Seth plugs away at school and helped with dishes.  I enjoy his company and am glad he is willing to text me the shopping list whenever I ask.  I like having him at home base.

                Being part of a family truly is a blessing, silliness, and all.  May you feel as blessed as you are.  May you find joy in sunshine and rain.  May you be glad for all that God provides.  Love and hugs, Cristy

Monday, January 23, 2023


 Dear Family,


            Holding hands and tying shoelaces.  This is what helping the middle school group ice skating is like.  I enjoy it.  Seeing everyone go from wall huggers to wobbly middle-lane skaters is fun.  Everyone is learning a new skill and some even soar.  The group were troopers even though it was hard.  I delight in helping others grow whether it be spiritually (my favorite), mentally, or physically. 

            Bobby tied shoelaces but broke one with his strong muscles.  He skated by with encouragement, took pictures, and counted heads repeatedly.  He creates events that he will enjoy because he is amazing at knowing what will be fun for the whole group.

            A funny quote from Monday's excursion is, “If you were a hamburger, you would be one made out of plants.” 

            Also, I enjoyed several students' new head-boggling “Fred math”.  1 + 1 = 11.  You can have more than one best friend because, “Fred math,” dictates it is so.  Several students played with numbers and made-up ridiculous rules which will probably become an amazing new code for secret messages.  For now, it’s a fun way to bond as their excitement over a group think answer ends with an adorable dance that brings joy and excitement.  People who want to join the group?  Well at first it was boys only, but I called them on sexism.  So, the rules for becoming are to become a Frederica.  A Fred must “fart on me and give me pink eye.”  Ahh, middle school.  I’m out.  I don’t need to do the dance or math that badly.  I am delighted by their creativity, imagination, and fun.

            High school group is fun and wonderful.  They have a retreat coming up, and it’s interesting hearing about how they will take work off.  I am impressed by their loyalty and desire to be together.

            Adriel visited for a bit, and she was full of stories, love, and hugs.  I relish our time together and enjoy every moment we bask in her presence.

            Seth cleaned the bathrooms and his room this week.  It is nice to have the place cleaner because he is around.  I don’t see him much.  But I see what he does. 

            Bobby and I enjoyed dinner with neighbors this week.  The Johnsons are kind and lovely people.  I enjoyed getting to know them better. 

            Bobby Spent all day Friday cooking tamales.  He made a lot and we will be blessed for days. 

            Bobby and I enjoyed a walk on Saturday.  Our work schedules don’t always correspond, so I was glad to get off work at 3 PM and walk with him for a while.  I am glad we still enjoy each other’s company.

            May you also find joy in those you have chosen.  May your delight bring smiles, hugs, and love.  May God’s presence give you peace in your heart and overwhelming calm that gives you the ability to spread kindness everywhere you go.  Much love,





Monday, January 16, 2023


 Dear Family,


            Because Adriel is texting us daily to let us know she is still alive I feel much better about her moving sooo far away to Portland.  My praise in youth group was that, “Adriel has moved to Portland and it is in a safe neighborhood.”  This brought pause as the youth was praying for her.  He even said, “Sounds hard to believe about Portland,”  In the prayer.  It’s a jungle up there.

            Adriel did stop by Wednesday to bring back our tubs from her move.  We are blessed to have them from Mom Webb.  Go Adriel go!

            Our middle school group is full of delightful people who are kind and don’t want to leave even when Bobby is shouting that their parents are ready across the gym.  It’s cute how much they enjoy being together.  Before games, Bobby said, “We are going to play Ultimate Bump in the gym.”    A student asked, “What’s that?”  Bobby, “I’ll teach you.”  A chorus of “Yay!” Was interjected with, “Do we get to throw people around?” 

            The High School group has more subdued joy. 

            Later during the lesson, Bobby made a slight groaner joke with his, “Jesus loves you this much” as he raised his arms like on a cross.  Then a student added, “I think you nailed the point well.” To make it a full groaner. 

            When the point was, “Encountering Jesus and Receiving him changes lives.”  There was a picture of a leopard with spots on the ground as though he had changed his spots.  This is in reference to Jeremiah 13:23 which states a leopard doesn’t change its spots.  This was an unknown verse to the youth so one mentioned, “Jesus healed the leper?”

            Bobby cooked Friday and it was amazing.  I am so glad I don’t have to think about meal planning.  I am blessed by this repeatedly.

            Seth is back in school.  This just means he’s on his computer more than on VR.  I know I shouldn’t talk with him while he is doing schoolwork, so I refrain but it’s still nice to have him around.

            Giving blood may be draining but it is worth it.  Hearing a story from Dr. Amit Bhatia about someone who died because they did not receive enough blood during surgery rallied my resolve.  You too can give blood every 8 weeks.  The only change I had to make is that I eat an iron-rich breakfast every day.  Anyway, I gave blood again on Wednesday and it doesn’t take that much out of me.  But it gave a whole bunch to those in need.

            May you make time in your schedule to give what you can.  May you enjoy time with loved ones as though it was the blessing that it is.  May your joy be tremendous and may your focus be on God and all the abundance He gives.  Love and hugs,




Monday, January 9, 2023


 Dear Family,


            Creating a being in your own image can be delightfully satisfying.  Bobby happily bought and showed “Spiderman No Way Home.”  Seth and I both commented several times how it was dumb and not a good movie.  Bobby was chagrined and said, “Everyone else in the world loves it.”  The biggest thing I learned from that movie is how the industry justified recycling a plot over and over again with the “Spiderman” theme.  Different realities.  Magic.  Time travel.  Dimension travel.  Give me a break.  How many times can we hear that “With great power comes . . . “  I like the idea enough to watch one movie with that plot not three or 6 recycled and then all coming together for some self-love.  And yes, I have not read the comic books.  Either way, it was super fun having the two vs. one vote.

            I asked Seth if he was planning on staying up till midnight on new year’s eve.  He asked, “Why in the world would I do that?”  I said, “Some people stay up to ring in the new year.”  He responded, “That’s ridiculous, I won’t miss out on sleep for that.”  I had to laugh and delight in how alike we are.  Someone once asked me, “Don’t you even stay up once a year?”  I responded, “No, I don’t torture myself even once a year.”

            Bobby felt a bit under the weather.  Yet he still powered thru the week.  Colds are not fun so please pray for him as his sinuses are needing to heal.

            Bobby cooked on Monday, Thursday, and Friday.  I truly enjoy packing leftovers as they are quick, easy, and yummy.  We have it so good! Refrigerators keep food cold and microwaves heat it up in minutes.  I am so glad to live in an age where all of life isn’t spent over a fire stove. 

            Middle school group was delightful.  They were glad to be together and encouraged each other while playing games.  The crowd oohed and aahed over each other’s progress and I like the mutual encouragement.   When we sat to do the lesson, Bobby noticed someone was wearing a retreat shirt and he said, “I like your shirt!”  I enjoyed watching the happy wiggle that followed. 

Bobby was announcing an ice-skating activity and said, “So n so is an expert ice skater.”  This brought confusion and, “No I’m not, this will be my first time.”  Bobby came back with, “Oh, your mom said you were excited to go.”  I think it was silly that Bobby got “expert ice skater” from excitement.  A bit of a jump.

            Later in the night, we learned about taking off the old self and putting on the new.  An application question involved thinking of two areas of life we could take off and leave behind.  One of Bobby’s examples was, “You could stop being mean to old people like Rich.”  A youth stood up for Rich, saying, “Yeah, stop roasting him.”  I am glad Rich doesn’t mind the old people jokes but also glad people want the best for him.

            Part of taking off the old in the lesson were socks that Bobby distributed and told everyone to take off their old socks.  This was a stinky endeavor and I told Bobby later at home I didn’t like that.  He said, “Well at least they will remember the lesson.”  I sighed and agreed.  Then out came, “Better than asking them to take off all their clothes for new ones.”  Yes, that would have definitely gone too far.

            The high school group was a sweet time of song and similar lesson.  This time they were only told they would get new socks IF they took off the old ones.  Much excitement was had over hot pink socks.  There was a pause though.  “Wait, are these socks used?”  When I said, “Put on the ‘new’” There was a happy “Aha” moment and joy abounded.

            Adriel moved this weekend.  I enjoyed being helpful.  I felt safe the entire time and am glad the part she is moving into a good part of town.  Portland is a busy, bustling place full of interesting people.  Adriel is growing and flying.  I am glad she isn’t too far away.

            May you delight where God leads you.  May you enjoy all you encounter.  May God give you peace when you need it and joy from the inside bubbling out.  May you follow His guidance and be glad you did.  Love and hugs,







Monday, January 2, 2023


 Dear Family,


            Bobby has been taking down Christmas decorations little by little and so have I.  I did want to do it all at once but was called into work.  It’s OK taking our time.  I’m glad we are of one mind.  No rush, but the work did get done.

            Adriel drove up to the Seattle area to ice skate with her cousins.   She also visited my parents on that whirlwind trip.  I’m impressed by her ability and desire to fit things in!  My body hurts thinking of being in a car that long. 

Adriel came over Wednesday for chats and a hug.  She enjoyed her first day of work and feels like being a Paralegal will be a good fit for her. 

            Seth signed up for school but is still glad to have another week off.    He has pets that he, “loves.”  I want to see these shiny digital sentient creatures that can text.  When I overheard his friend tell him to kick one Seth was aghast and refused.  I am very curious to see what has endeared him so much.

            Bobby preached Sunday morning.  Although he feels anxious about it, he always does well.  I am very glad my Bobby loves God and is willing to have God work thru him and expound on His word.  It is good to hear Bobby preach.

            May you delight in doing God’s will.  May you find peace knowing he cares for you more than you care for your children.  May you feel joy as you look ahead to a new year and fresh beginnings.  Love and hugs,



