Monday, September 26, 2022


Dear family,


            Supporting each other means different things to different people.  I, a hug and kindness go a long way. 

Seth noticed I was emotional and asked if there was anything he could do for me.  I asked for a hug and that was very nice.  He offered kind words.  I am glad he has a soft heart and a desire to be helpful.

Seth pruned the lamb’s ear.  He also cut up a massive sunflower.

Bobby vacuumed, fixed the oven bulb, and made dinner Monday.  He has been helpful around the house, and I am blessed that he wants to better our lives. 

Tuesday night the Junior High group was fabulous.  There was excitement just being together again in the youth room.  One person asked after music, “Can I tell a joke?” Bobby’s quick and emphatic, “No” was met with laughter.  The person said, “Well, everyone laughed anyway.”  Later when Bobby mentioned that we were created for God’s pleasure.  He was saying it’s not like he was lonely and he needed to make us or like Minecraft with all the building.”  A student said with wonder, “Or, is it?”  When everyone laughs and I feel it burst out of me I just have to write things down.  I am thankful for our vibrant youth and the joy they bring.

Wednesday night I enjoyed our high school group.  I sat next to two people and told them I appreciated their words.  One said, “Thank you” and I said, “No, thank you!”  This went back and forth a bit then a person said, “You can thank my mom.  She made me.  . . But we don’t talk about my siblings.” 

Bobby was telling people about prayer etiquette.  We shouldn’t interrupt when people are . . . Ohhh, cool socks!”  He interrupted himself to mention someone’s socks.    This made me laugh. 

Bobby mentioned that serving God means we hold back the urge to throw people down the stairs.  He mentioned how it’s OK for some reason to tease Rich about being old because that doesn’t hurt his feelings.  Throwing him down the stairs on the other hand would be bad.  When I said, “Yeah, that could kill him.”  The group sobered until someone said, “I have a friend that got paid $200 to do a backflip down the stairs.”  This generated some interest and talk about hospital bills.  His friend did have bruises but got paid and didn’t need to go to the hospital.  Oh to be made of rubber like the youth are.

Bobby also folded my laundry and has been a listening ear about my overwhelming emotions.  This week has been a doozy.  Sunday’s sermon stirred up a hornet’s nest inside me.  I was mad about things that happened a long time ago.  We were all concerned about what was going to come up next.  I had a good talk with my friend and hopefully, my emotions will stay calm regarding the past.  We all thought we were doing OK.  Goodness!  God is at work.  I guess hard times make us stronger, better, and more able to serve Him.

            The women’s retreat was lovely.  I have to remember to invite friends and family.  I never think about it until I am already there.  Such a great time and I loved hiking with old friends.  We don’t get to spend much time through the year but time together at a retreat is a true and rich blessing.

            May you find your time to be rich, full of love, and full of laughter.  Hugs,



Cristy VanKleek 

Monday, September 19, 2022


 Dear Family,


            Adulting can feel weird.  Bobby mentioned several times how uncomfortable he was talking about the end of life.  I on the other hand was comfortable enough to joke.  We have become engaged to a lawyer and even signed a contract in which he has given us his undivided loyalty.  No ring, just a contract.  It’s not done yet but next month we will have a shiny new will.  One that doesn’t have anyone to guardianship our children because they are now adults.  Yay!

             Bobby and I spent time together walking, talking and enjoying.  At home, we had linner and then played a board game.  Good times.  Does anyone else call a meal between lunch and dinner linner? 

            The Middle school group is fun.  Tuesday they came to our house and ate dinner.  They also participated in a raffle, games, and general merriment.  One kept exclaiming, “You are so organized!”  We have been doing this for over 20 years ðŸ˜Š.

            Wednesday, we had High Schoolers over and enjoyed food games, and fun.  This group took a bit more time to warm but by the end of the evening, I was howling with laughter.  .  I think the conversation went from how entertaining it is to watch people be tazed and I mentioned I had a tens unit which brought up interest and delight in the crowd.  Two young men wanted to be hooked up to my tens unit.  One had a pad on each shoulder.  The other had two pads on his forearm.  In unison, they gave hilarious reactions to being mildly shocked.  The pulsing or different variations had them crying out.  We stopped it after about two minutes.  Good times.  In all reality, the Tens unit helps alleviate muscle pain.

            Seth mowed the lawns and is now pruning the lamb’s ear.  He has given me notice that he can’t do as much gardening when school starts.  It makes sense.  Thank goodness winter months don’t need as much tending in the garden.

            Seth has begun buying motorcycle gear.  My dad offered boots and Seth was a bit skeptical since boots weren’t required for class.  When I said, “Well, if you want to protect your feet . . . he said, “I’ll take em.”  It will be interesting if the two days of classes will deter him from buying a motorcycle in the end because he cares so much about safety.

            Adriel did drop off a bag of goodies when she did laundry last week.  No one knew it was from her, so we had questions in our heads as we ate the food.  When she claimed it, we were reassured that no one snuck into our house, put out poison, and then snuck out.  We give her random things just like our parents sometimes give us random items they don’t want.  Fun times!

            This week we were able to visit Adriel in her natural habitat.  She works hard, they love her, and it was fun to meet some of her coworkers while we started the drafting of the will.

            Adriel also came over for dinner and a chat on Thursday.  She has grown into such a wonderful person.  It is fun to hear her questions, see her searching out God’s will, and desire to figure out what she believes.

Saturday, we enjoyed another Adriel visit with laundry and thoughts about personality traits.  Adriel is a thinker.  She’s researching life, learning who she is, and growing emotionally.  I usually don’t focus on those things, so it is fun to think alongside her.  She is done with school for a while, so it is very nice to see her more often.

May you also enjoy those around you.  May you find strength, hope, and patience as you grow, listen and love.  Hugs,




PS Bobby took a picture of our cat for your enjoyment.  She decided the pan of brownies was a great place to sit!


Monday, September 12, 2022


 Dear Family,


                Knowing others care warms the heart and gives depth to friendships.  Thank you for reading about our lives.  Those who see me in person, thank for you letting me know reading this means a lot or that you are glad to know about us.  I feel encouraged by your words, hugs, and love.  We are blessed by you!

                Bobby enjoyed playing disc golf with some youth.  He did mention that he feared for his life when the youth was driving.  Don’t worry, he also fears for his life when I drive.  It’s hard not being in control when you are the firstborn (and according to Bobby, when they both drive poorly).

Bobby enjoyed fishing with his dad, and I am glad they had a great time together.  I don’t like fishing or being away from town, so I am very glad they didn’t need my presence.  

Bobby pulled up all our Staghorn Sumac tree baby starts.  There were a lot.  He did extreme weeding!  I am so grateful for his help with yard work.

Bobby used up some extra chicken to make an amazing casserole.  I love it that he is the primary cook.  He was also excited to make Birthday steaks.  His mom gave him money specifically for that, so he was happy to comply.  I’m sticking with cereal – meat with fat grosses me out.  But I am very glad for him.

While relaxing and in a great mood Bobby mentioned, “I’m so glad we get along.”  I agreed wholeheartedly.  Then he said, “I’m so glad you changed.”  This made us both laugh because although I have changed dramatically, he has also made major improvements to his character.  That we do get along is a testimony to God, counseling, old age, and love.  But, yes, boy have we both changed, and it has helped us relate better.

                Seth continues to prune ferns.  There really are that many.  They came with the broken-up brick I received for free.  All plants and living creatures seem to create more as time goes on.   God has given me two strong men to help with yard work and it’s a beautiful thing!

                Seth and I had a great talk Tuesday night and I am glad I was on his schedule that day.  I slept in, worked late, and had time to see him in the morning and evening. 

                May you also be purposeful about seeing your loved ones.  May you enjoy the time you have with them.  May your heart be glad when you have spent time with those you love.  Love and hugs,





Monday, September 5, 2022


 Dear Family,


            It is good to visit friends.  Bobby went to visit some of our college friends and a new youth pastor.  I enjoyed seeing the pictures he sent.  I am glad he went.  I may be a tad jealous because I am friends with their wives but I am even more glad to have a job.

            Color wars was very fun to take pictures of.  I will always enjoy smiles.  When the youth are happy it brightens my heart.

            I enjoy having Bobby at home.  Thursday night he cooked Salisbury steak, and it was delicious.  I enjoy spending time with him.  Bobby also pruned our butterfly bush and now I can walk on the path without being bombarded by the lovely blooms and smell.  It’s much better.  

Saturday I was able to spend the day with Bobby.  He had a good Birthday.  We walked, talked, and enjoyed our friend Mark.  Later Bobby cooked steak and salmon!  He also made strawberry shortcake.  He had his favorite foods and smoked them to perfection.  Thank you, friends, and family, for your good wishes.  Next year when he turns 50 it will be more than just family for a celebration.

            Seth is helping prune the ferns.  Hopefully, each plant he prunes is another one to remember the name of.  He’s not seeing them in their glory, but I believe he is learning to appreciate hard work and what it takes to have a nice garden.

            Adriel came over for Bobby’s Birthday.  She played board games with us and lingered even after Bobby and I went to bed.  She and Seth chatted the night away.  What a homey feeling that is.  Peace, love, and joy all in one night.

            May you also feel loved, taken care of, and delighted in.  May you find God’s peace in and thru all you do.  Much love,


