Sunday, August 25, 2019

The end is near

Dear Family,

                Kids that get along is every mother's dream.  This week I saw several beautiful examples of peace, tranquility, and joy.  Also, Seth is sympathetic when it comes to driving.  If Adriel needs the Sable he is OK walking from school or driving the massive truck for a while.  I love it when my kids get along.  Sometimes I am entertained when they do not.  “I ate all the cookie dough,” Adriel announced.  Seth became frustrated because he did not even know it existed.  There was an outcry.  I insisted Adriel apologize which she did with ease – yet her Cheshire grin remained.  Adriel said, “I can throw some up for you.”  Seth was not appeased.  His response was, “We are not a family of birds.”  I told Adriel she could have avoided all this feedback if she had refrained from bragging in the first place.  Seth agreed with, “Yeah, I don’t brag whenever I finish a bag of pretzels!”
                Seth received a wonderful compliment this week.  As Kahori and I were watching him help clean up the Front Yard picnic at the church she said, “He’s such a happy helpful person.”  I am impressed by how Seth has grown.  He stayed the entire potluck to help.  He interacted with people, helped with the bounce house and helped clean up.  He is an introvert but I can tell he has been listening to Pastor’s sermons.  It was no mistake that the sermon this week was about including others.  Immediately after the sermon, we had an opportunity to greet neighbors who had been invited for free food.  Well done Pastor Marcus.  Well done Seth!

                Adriel drew five pictures this week.  She is so talented!  I am excited to put our books on Amazon.  This week I put our latest book and the one my Grandparents made (with permission from their surviving children).  How exciting to have four books out!  What a great summer.

                Adriel thanked me for cooking and having food she likes available for the family while Bobby was gone.  I am glad she noticed.
                It is good to have Bobby home.  He brought gifts, told stories and gave hugs.  I am glad God brought him back safe and healthy.  The next day he took the youth group to the beach.  Goodness.  He did thank me for coming to the beach with them and we had a great time J. 
                We have an over the oven microwave.  It broke so many times in our thirteen years here I gave up. My parents bought me a used one and a small cabinet to put it on from the Union Gospel Mission a couple years ago.  Meanwhile one for over the oven became free in West Salem so I took it and put it under the house in case the smaller microwave broke.  While Bobby was in Mexico the small one bit the dust.  I brought out the free one, washed it off, tossed the small one and put the free one on the stand.  It was huge.  I laughed at myself – I didn’t measure it – it was free and way too big for the spot over our oven.  Silly me.  So I called or shopped all the thrift stores in Salem for a microwave with no luck.  Oh dear.  While Bobby was flying home I texted him with the question.  Would you like me to buy a new small microwave or one for over the oven?  He didn’t answer – he was tired.  Thursday rolled around and Jen came over to play board games with us.  How fun.  I told her the story and she said, “I think that large microwave will fit.”  I couldn’t believe it and started measuring to prove her wrong.  What do you know!  It fits!  Bobby groaned.  Yet, the next day he did it.  Bobby put the large microwave up above the oven.  Yay!  How exciting.  The next problem – Bobby put the broken microwave in my car and expected me to bring it in for recycling.  Oh dear.  I didn’t think I could lift it with my bad shoulder.  God is so amazing!  As part of my errands, I met someone at the park with some cat items to sell from Craig’s List.  He was big, strong and drove a truck.  I asked if he would please take my broken microwave to save me the trip (and because I did not think I could lift it anyway).  He did!  The nice man took the microwave!!  That’s my short story long.  Yay God!
                Bobby already made a wonderful meal this week.  He blesses us with great food and good company.  I enjoyed a fun walk with him and a Salem Raid group.  We experience God’s beauty, new friends and good exercise.  I am so glad to live in Salem, have a great husband and our sweet kids.  This is my ‘good old days.’
                May every day be good, wonderful and beautiful.  May you know how loved you are and may you feel God’s peace in your life.  Even though the end of summer is near, may you bask in God's beautiful sunshine as it continues to glow.  Love and hugs, Cristy

Monday, August 19, 2019

Published again!

Dear Family,

            I am so glad for friends!  Because Bobby is in Mexico on a mission trip this week has been more lonely.  I met my friend Sarah Duval.  Yay!  She steered me towards self-publishing on Amazon.  It is completely free!  After spending a lot of money at another place with bad results I am excited to spend a little money on a domain name (, a new website and link to my Amazon books.  It took one day for the Kindle version of “Star in Space” to process.  It may take another for the paperback to be ready.  I am impressed, days versus Months.  I believe "Star in Space!" is free to read if you have Amazon Prime. 

            I was blessed to walk with Heidi and her kids.  They are delightful and full of life. I truly enjoy their family.  I walked with Sara Trippett several times.  She is a good friend and I love her company!  Friends almost fill the void of a gone hubby.
            I watched the movie UHF with my kids this week.  Weird Al made a fantastic comedy.  Adriel said, “I forgot how much I love this movie.”  Seth has learned things in school since the last time we saw it so he was shocked at the portrayal of “Gandhi II” This time he’s back with a vengeance (gun shooting everyone) and he’s good with the ladies too (arm in arm with several starlets).  Comedy – I love laughing at how ludicrous some things are.  (Today, we are going to teach poodles, how to fly!)
            Seth mowed the lawn this week and continues to pick up ground fall apples.  He is helpful and enjoys my cooking.  I have cooked almost every day this week.  Seth cooked also.  Yay, Seth!  He needed some money and asked for a job.  It took some thinking.  Then I had an epiphany.  I was glad to have him do some data entry for “Star in Space.”  It is wonderful when I can administrate tedious work!
            Seth talked with Bobby on Facetime from Mexico.  Seth said, “I want to go to Mexico next year.  It will help me grow closer to God.”  We are overjoyed.  I started wondering which parent should go and mentioned to Seth, “It might be hard. . .”  Seth replied, “That’s the whole point.”
            I enjoy the Buy Nothing group on Facebook because I can get rid of things and other times I can get free items that I love.  This week I was excited about obtaining a bunch of lotions. I was telling Bobby over FaceTime how excited I was.  I mentioned I felt deflated a bit when I went to share them with Adriel.  She said, “Mom, I don’t like lotions. Never have.” Bobby was super confused. He thought I said, “Theologians”.
            May you rejoice in all God has given you.  May you find joy in the priceless beauty that surrounds us.  May your heart be filled with peace.  Much love,


Monday, August 12, 2019

Filled with love

Dear Family,

                Sometimes I look at my son and my heart fills with pride.  Have you ever experienced this overwhelming feeling of joy just by looking at someone?  Sunday morning I had that.  Seth walked to church, served in the sound booth, then walked home.  He’s a great person and I get to be part of his life.
                Seth is glad to be done with his drivers' ed classes.  He only has three drives to go.  Seth also continues to pick fruit.  I appreciate all he does.
                Seth put a sticky note on his computer screen.  It said, “HDMI cable.”  I thought I would be helpful and put a cable on his desk.  His response, “The cable you put on my desk is so retro I don’t even know what kind it was.”  Apparently, I need to learn my coaxial cables from my HDMI.
                Seth continues to pray with me nightly even when it was 6:30 P.M. on Friday.  He was kind enough to pray that Bobby and I sleep well because he knew we were getting out of the house 2 AM in preparation for the Mexico trip.
                Bobby and I had a fun date, a great time playing a board game and some good walks.  I am glad we could be together before he was out of town again.  Bobby also took time to teach Seth how to cook a yummy meal.  How fun!  I like the idea of a man teaching his soon to cook. 
                 Bobby is good about posting the Mexico team’s progress.  I am glad he is online and available to let us know how to pray for them.
                Adriel continues to work hard.  She also is sick right now.  Hopefully, it won’t last past the weekend.  She has a fever, sore throat, and general malaise.  Poor girl.  Please pray with us that she gets better soon.
                May you find joy as you look upon those you love.  May your love expand and fill the universe to spill all over those you encounter.  May the love you give come back tenfold.  Hugs J


Monday, August 5, 2019

Keep up the good work!

Dear Family,

                I loved hearing Seth holler, “Mom” as he asked for direction many times over this week.  The rummage sale at our church brings out the fun in work.  I loved that a friend of mine was making connections.  “Oh, that’s your son?”  Then later she said, “Is he Bobby’s son as well?”  And that’s how some people find out I’m the Youth Pastors wife. 
                Bobby was hollering so much someone asked me if he was that loud at home?  Bobby kept saying things like, “Keep up the good work!”  And, “I’m so proud of you!”  I had to say yes, our whole family can be loud – even our cat has learned to be an external processor.  She hasn’t learned to say puppy yet and for that I am glad.  Bobby can try to train her all he wants.  I am positive she will never ask for a puppy friend.
                Adriel and Seth both cleaned out their rooms.  Yay them – some things ended up in the rummage sale and that is perfect.  It’s always fun to pick up things in the house and sense it doesn’t bring joy during the rummage sale time.  Bobby didn’t find any surprises this year – sometimes he does find his stuff hidden among the rummage sale items.
                Adriel continues to work full time and even had a great day babysitting.  She enjoyed bringing the kids to a Birthday party and experienced the “Adult / Mom” feeling at a party.  Some people did ask about “her” kids.  She is figuring out life that is for sure.  She was paid the same amount for a whole day as for one drawing.  But . . . she hates drawing.  How interesting to ponder life choices while still in her teens.  I liked the response I received when I said, “You can divide your paycheck up by how many days you have to spend the money and know how much you have to spend per day.”  “Oh,” She said, “That’s a good idea.”  Yup, because I do know things.  Moms, they know things.
                I LOVE walking with Bobby and friends.  I enjoy making new friends, cheering for each other and enjoying time out and about.  How wonderful to be outside, enjoying the beauty and every  so often shouting, “Shiny!!”  Thanks Heidi for having us get a picture :-).
                I also enjoy selling my perennials.  They multiply like rabbits and I feel like the plants may never run out.  They crowd each other.  People come to buy plants and say, “Wow!”  I love when I name the price at the end and they give me even more than I ask for.  What a great bartering system!  Only in America.
                May God give you more than you ask for.  May you leave people smiling and waving.  May you find peace through forgiveness and joy in the beauty of nature that surrounds us. 

