Monday, September 27, 2021


 Dear Family,


            Moments of sunshine, grace, and love all come together in a cracking hug.  The definition: #1 both parties must agree there will become a cracking hug and who will be cracked.  #2 a regular hug begins. #3 the person who will be cracked empties their lungs.  #4 the cracker squeezes just hard enough to crack the spine.  #5 Everyone is happy and feels all gooshy inside.  I feel good thinking about cracking hugs.

            Bobby gave Adriel her first cracking hug (from him) last week.  He was surprised that she asked specifically for a cracking hug.  Adriel's boyfriend knows this talent.  I was also able to crack his back.  It was fun to relate on such a feel-good level. 

            Adriel came over several times this week and it was fun to see her.  She helped me with some paperwork.  We had several nice chats.  Adriel came over to borrow the truck for some free chairs.  I must add here – her ability to find a good deal pleases me.  I love that I passed on that trait.  It puts things in their place.  We don’t have to worship the stuff we own – it was free.

            Adriel called to see if I was available for Lunch on Saturday.  I told her I’m working till Tuesday.  She said that’s a long shift.  I had to laugh.  I love that she is reaching out.

            I love that Seth is generous with the truck.  He lends and doesn’t grumble.  He is a sweet spirit, my Seth.

            Seth also pets our cat even though he finds her annoying.  I like that he demands, “Take care of your cat.”  It makes me smile that he cares.

            When my phone wasn’t doing what I wanted, Seth helped me.  I love that he doesn’t mind figuring tech out for me.  He has a knack for it and I am blessed.

            Bobby and I had a nice date this week.  It’s wonderful to get out, eat food and be together.  I also enjoyed youth groups.  When a youth burst out in song Bobby delighted in the reference.  When one told a joke I laughed out loud.  Youth keep us young.  People at my work think I’m in my 20’s till I tell them my kids are 18 and 20.

            Bobby cooked all day to make some yummy food on Saturday.  I enjoy not only the food but his delight in it.  He is so pleased. 

            Bobby bought a new game called “Dice Miner.”  He was happy when we played it.  The game is fun and he is excited to try it with more people.

            May you find joy in the day-to-day peace that God provides.  May you delight in the friends you encounter.  May your love grow tenfold as God pours His love into you J.  Love and Hugs,



I believe this picture was taken by my dad when they were over a couple weeks ago.



Monday, September 20, 2021



Dear Family,


            “Watch them today so you can mourn them tomorrow!”  This was advice our friend gave us about the Netflix show “Countdown Inspiration4 mission to space”.  His advice has now become mine (kind of).  It’s happening now and is pretty cool.  Hopefully, we won’t mourn at all.

            How delightful to have both Youth Groups at our house for Barbeques.  I enjoyed Middle School on Tuesday and High School on Wednesday.  Yay for fun yearly events.

            I enjoyed walking in the rain this week with a friend.  We did not plan on a downpour.  We walked linearly while it was not raining so it became an adventure walking back to our cars.  I am very grateful for showers, washing machines, and especially our clothes dryer.

            Bobby continues to be great company, an amazing cook, and all-around fun.  May you also enjoy the people in your life.  Love and hugs,





Monday, September 13, 2021


 Dear Family,

                It was fun to have my mother and her siblings over.  Their camaraderie and memories were enjoyable.  Getting together is good and I could tell they were delighting in each other's company.   I enjoy giving a tour of the garden because it displays God’s beauty and my hard work.  What fun to share.

                Bobby worked on painting our bathroom this week.  It looks 100% better than it did.  Bobby also went fishing with a friend and enjoyed some outdoor time.

                Adriel came over to chat and wish Bobby a happy Birthday.  She was sweet.  She let us know she is ready to work only one job and used our computer to print out the resignation letter for the mini-market on Lancaster.  Yay!  We were concerned for her safety when her shift ended after dark.  College work will soon suck any time she gains.

                Seth pulls weeds when asked and cleaned bathrooms for us.  He also puts dishes away and is all-around pleasant.  I enjoy his comments and sarcasm.

                September 11 did bring a moment of silence and sadness.  May we continue to be strengthened through all hardships that come our way.  May the US be stronger as a whole and may we as individuals grow deeper in love, fellowship, and bravery.  Much love,






Monday, September 6, 2021


 Dear Family,


            Blessings abound!  It cracks me up that Bobby loves cooking shows when he says, “I won’t try half the food.”  His immediate, “Yuck” response has always cracked me up when it comes to bananas or other squishy foods. 

            On another day Bobby and I had a lovely date at Azul’s.  They do make wonderful tacos.  We enjoyed chatting, being, and eating outside. 

            Wednesday night the youth group enjoyed s’mores.  There was happy chatting, 9 square, and huge marshmallows.  I can’t handle the biggest marshmallows. 

            Bobby enjoyed his Birthday.  He happily shopped, made amazing food, and delighted in being alive.  He created his own joy.  How fun!  He cooked several times this week.  Our fridge is full.

            Adriel visited and passed some wisdom on to Seth.  Seth desired to buy Adriel’s old laptop to give it to an online friend.  Adriel gently told him that at his age she also spent too much on friends and doesn’t want him to make the same mistake.  The advice was taken well.

            I am blessed to have a job I enjoy.  Thanks for your prayers and well wishes.  I love walking and that is what I do most of the day. 

            Also included is a picture of one of my walking buddies.  Yay for friends J.

            May you find joy in the lives that you encounter.  May you be a blessing to others.  May God fill you with His fullness that you can fill others.  Love and Hugs, Cristy