Monday, June 29, 2020


Dear Family,

                How wonderful to gather together even if we stay apart.  I enjoyed watching Bobby thrive with a group of Junior High students.  We sat outside on our beach towels and he did a short lesson.  There were water fights, s’mores, kickball and Frisbee games.  The kids did not want to go home.  Everyone had fun and we needed this.  How we desperately need to be face to face.  I am so thankful for what we once took for granted! 

                Bobby made Tonkatsu this week and it was amazing.  He also thanked me several times for helping with the youth group.  I am glad to help.  We had a great walk and I love being with him.  We enjoyed a graduation party this week.  How refreshing to celebrate!

                Seth enjoyed the High School group and even went out to Sonic with them afterward.  How fun!   I am glad he enjoys that group of people.  Seth continues to say he loves us and gives hugs.  I am glad to have him at home.  I also enjoyed watching “The Chosen” with Seth and Bobby.  It is very good and I had tears of joy many times.  Stories we have read over and over had new life.  My heartfelt warm and light.

                Adriel bemoans that she is always prepared and constantly wanting to be with people.  She is just like Bobby.  Sometimes that is a burden for her. 

                Bringing home some bark dust gave me joy.  The rest of the family not so much.  They helped and it blessed me.  They were not happy but I am glad they did the hard work anyway. 

                May God’s will be done in our land.  May you find joy in the glimpses of our state’s opening, the smiles, and virtual hugs.  I just gave you one,  Hugs,




Monday, June 22, 2020


Dear Family,

            Hope lifts spirits, brings sunshine through the clouds, and brightens our day.  So do cookies.  Have you found hope in the little things?  Have you taken the time to look at the flowers, green trees, and delightful creatures that live on our earth?  Have you delighted in warm air?  Right now, it feels like that is all we can delight in – is it enough? 

Oh Lord, please heal our land!  Bring joy to our hearts.  We invite your presence today because we so desperately need you.

This week has had wonderful moments.  I will share them and would love to hear yours.  Even though we can’t be together as much we can share the good that life brings.

I told Seth I wanted him to job search for one hour and apply for one hour a day or do something work-related for two hours.  He asked if coding a computer game counted and I said, “Yes.”  What do you know but Seth has been doing this already for two weeks.  Yay, Seth.  Seth also cleaned his room and has been picking raspberries.  I am glad he is acting responsibly.

I was using a pet hair grooming glove on our cat with amazing results.  Seth mentioned I was going to make her a “Hairless goblin.” 

Bobby and Seth were helping me pick raspberries and Seth showed me that he picked half a cup with the words, “Can I please go inside now?”  I said, “Yes, but don’t you want to pick them all?” As he was walking away Seth said, “Take a wild guess.” 

Bobby made dinner several times this week and our entire family had a nice chat one night.  It was very nice to be together and enjoy each other’s company.  Bobby also enjoyed a Father’s day where he did what he wanted and smoked ribs and steak.  He is cute when he is happy.

Adriel and I were very glad to see the Hilby family this week.  They are in town and we were invited to a BBQ.  I think it had been five years.  The kids are all grown up, beautiful and fun.  I am thankful for friends.

May you find joy in the small things.  May God grant you peace that passes all understanding.  May your life be full, blessed, and good.  Much Love,




Sunday, June 14, 2020


Dear Family,

                We were created to do good works.  The desire of my heart is to be helpful and useful.  May God show me how.  I believe the best way to help my Bobby is nice words – this blessings letter is an extension of that.  Focusing on the good while the world is burning around us doesn’t change the world, but it does change our outlook.  So... here goes

                Blessings come unexpectedly.  I asked Bobby what he wanted for fathers day.  He wants “Lots of stuff”.  I said, “Well it can be $100 and you can get lots of stuff, or we can have a meal and that’s something – it’s what I did for Mothers day.”  Bobby’s response was, “I wonder how many puppies I could get for $100.”  I responded very fast with “0”.  Bobby thought this was hilarious and wanted to know Seth’s reaction (Seth was with us in the living room facing our way).  He asked Seth, “Did you hear that?”  Seth shows us his device, “I’m reading the Bible so, no.”  For some reason, this conversation tickled me.  We never know if Seth is listening.  This time God’s word interested Seth more than us.

                Seth picked the rest of the cherries.  Our tree is tall so it is nice to have our tallest member pick the last of them.  He mowed the lawn this week and is generally helpful.  I love watching Seth help with worship back in the tech person box.  Knowing he is doing good works warms my heart.

Seth and Adriel are helping pick raspberries.  I am glad.  I have started picking only the top or bottom row.  Now they can go out there and be helpful!  Both are glad school is out for summer.  Yay for passing grades. 

Adriel is working through the issues of the day and I love listening to her process.  I am learning through her because I become too depressed watching the news.  I can’t handle it.  Hearing Adriel wrestling with the issues is informative and not as visual as watching.  I can handle second-hand news.  Her hugs and love also bless me.  Our Adriel is a gem and delight.

Bobby cooked Carne Asada on Monday.  When Seth went back for more Bobby was delighted.  He took all day to cook.  Having others appreciate that hard work made his day.  Bobby also made shortbread and we are all enjoying Strawberry shortcake.  YUM!!

Bobby and I enjoyed a short jaunt to Portland to pick up some items for an upcoming Youth Group event.  I told him if he wanted me available he would need to help me put Rotary Strawberries into Tupperware and it would take an hour.  His help took a two-hour job and turned it into a half an hour.  WOW!  He said he would be fine helping again and I enjoyed the companionship and speed.  How blessed we are to have each other.   

How blessed I am to have you in my life.  Family, I love you!  I appreciate you, am glad you are in my life and would love to hear if you all are surviving.  Hugs,





PS, this is Seth before a haircut.  He's rough, he's tough - on the computer :-).

Sunday, June 7, 2020


Dear Family,

                We had the most under-celebrated birthday ever and Seth was fine with it.  He enjoyed food from Golden crown and cards.  Thank you family for loving him and respecting his wishes.  Pears arrived later as a joke and Seth said, “Well, I’ll take these because you never buy the good ones anyway.”  His insults are so matter of fact I have to laugh.

                I was on my way out to a prayer rally and invited Seth.  He said, “Are you going to practice social distancing?”  I didn’t assure him either way and he said, “I always knew you were a bad example.”

                I said my verses to Seth.  His response, “You missed a word but I’ll let it pass.”    I am living with a 17-year-old grumpy old man.  I love him dearly.

                Bobby replaced a toilet part and cooked a wonderful meal this week.  I enjoyed a nice walk with him and am glad to be his.  We enjoyed having more females at the youth group with the influx of a new grade.  Yay!

                Adriel and I had wonderful hugs and some great talks.  Please pray with us both that we can feel God’s delight and love during a pandemic that holds people hostage to their homes. 

                Oh, may we come to God on our knees and humble ourselves.  I have been forced to learn humility.  Being fired in October was hard.  Learning sales is a large curve.  Please pray for our family as we lean on God for direction.

                Thank you for your continual prayers, warm wishes, and love.  You are in my heart and I love you J





Monday, June 1, 2020


Dear Family,

                As time flies, things change dramatically and our hearts may feel crushed some things stay the same.  Bobby made chili dogs Monday and we reminisced about camping, hiking, fun times, and that we have been sitting in the same seats around the dining table for 13 years.   Seth was so small at the age of 3, now he is taller than all of us.  Chipmunk voices no longer grace us and pitter-patter is more like elephant thuds.  My heart is bursting at the shared history and good times we have experienced here.

                We are surviving a pandemic.  Oregon is opening up, thank goodness!  We are glad Adriel came home safe from a camping trip.  She was responsible enough to clean the tent and her car afterward. 

                Bobby and I enjoyed going to the beach to celebrate our 24th anniversary.  How wonderful to know God continues to provide for us.  His love remains the same and we are blessed.  I say I am so glad we are a good company because for several years we fought constantly.  Those were hard times and I am very glad we get along now.  The kids said their proof of God is that we are still together.  May God be glorified even in our weakness.

                I promised myself as a teen that I would listen to my kids if they wanted to talk into the night.  So, I did, I listened to Adriel talk.  I enjoyed her company and went to bed late.  May I continue to influence her life as long as I can. 

                Before Bobby and I left for the Beach Bobby told Seth not to burn the house down.  Seth smiled and said, “Where do we keep the matches by the way.”  I love his sense of humor.  The first time Seth lit a match (years ago) he dropped it and jumped back.  He isn’t that interested in fire. 

                Seth mowed the lawn and is keeping up with homework.  What a weird, weird time this is.  May we thank God that even in a time of pruning, uncertainty, and fear He is Lord, He is sovereign and He is love.



