Monday, December 28, 2020


 Dear Family,


            Weirdest Christmas ever, am I right?  We did not gather with those we are used to gathering with or on the day that is normal for us.  Yet, God remains good, sovereign, and steadfast.    Even with fewer people we still feel His presence, His power, and His love.

            Adriel and Bobby took time to put boots on a snowboard we found for her a while back.  Adriel was happy to snowboard and plans on going again.  She is determined to learn new things, grow, and do better.  Her tenacity and joy are impressive.  That she and Bobby both desire to show bruises from their adventures tickles me.  They are similar that way.

            I took Adriel shopping.  Her fear of no one is impressive.  She asked each store's employee where we would find our product.  She asked a homeless man what band he was listening to.  Adriel is friendly to all.  She always has been.

            Adriel held back on getting a comforter that has sharks on it because she wants to have grown-up things.  I thought that was interesting and made sense.  What doesn’t make sense is that she bought a weird stuffed animal lazy egg.  Apparently, I don’t “have the vibes” when it comes to the younger generation.

            I enjoyed visiting with Bobby’s Mom, sister, Dad, and Sandy (Dad’s girlfriend).  Dinner was lovely.  How surprising that mom made an abundance of rolls! She has a broken wrist and recently had shoulder surgery but managed to cook any way.  Mom sure is a trooper.  I am also glad dad brought his hominy dish.  Yum!

            Christmas Eve service was lovely.  Even though we were spaced far apart it was still beautiful to sing and shine our lights.

            Seth was at the sound booth instead of with family for the Christmas eve service but that is always OK.  He is helping and I am very glad he is helpful. 

            One funny incident this week.  Somehow a sweet treat meant for Bobby ended up on our sharing counter.  Adriel brought it to work for her lunch but didn’t eat it.  She did give it to a homeless person so, “It went to the greater good.”  Bobby was a little sad but he was also quick to forgive.  I will have to make some later – when we don’t have so many sweets in the house.

            Bobby received a call Saturday morning.  The pastor preaching this Sunday was stuck in Leavenworth with car troubles.  Bobby was tapped to preach and did a great job.  Yay, Bobby!

            May you're after Christmas time be filled with sweet peace and happy reminiscing.

Much love,





Monday, December 21, 2020



Dear Family,


            Merry almost Christmas!  We are so blessed!  The rain is pouring down and it reminds me of how God showers us with blessings.  Would you believe it is possible to have a socially distant Christmas party?  Bobby manages to pull off some pretty amazing events.  I am so glad to be a part of them.

            At the youth group Christmas party there was one white elephant gift among the others.  It was literally a ceramic white elephant.  Seth’s turn came up and he stole it from the sad person.  Bobby and I were both impressed.  Seth has grown up and come full circle.  He is willing to sacrifice so that younger people can be happy.

            I overheard Adriel telling her friends “No, I won’t drive you to Tualatin.  Do you know how much gas money that is?”  Yay, Adriel has learned how to say no. 

            Bobby visits his parents often and I love that he is a good son.  May our children follow his example and visit with us when we are older and possibly lonely.

            Bobby and I had a lovely conversation about how I believe my Pokémon are the best type of collection to have.  I don’t have to dust them and they live where moth and rust do not destroy.  Yup, I believe we might just have Pokémon Go in heaven.  Bobby disagrees about this theory of the Cloud.  What is the cloud if it is not Heaven?

            Bobby and I had a lovely date this week.  I brought home some food and we enjoyed sitting together as Seth laughed with his friends' feet away on the computer.  The atmosphere was good enough and we enjoyed yummy food.  That is what it is these days.  There is no way I am going to eat in those plastic-covered domes downtown.  Looks like everyone is freezing.

            May you find joy even in these circumstances.  Mary and Joseph did and they didn’t even have cell phones, indoor plumbing, or electricity.





Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas letter 2020 = Year overview and Best of.


Merry Christmas friends and family,


            WOW, this year brought more hardship for everyone than I could have imagined.  We had a pandemic, fires, political unrest, and ever-changing laws.  I used to take clear skies for granted.  Did you? 

            This year I saw Bobby bending over backward to make youth group work.  And he was successful.  Zoom meetings worked for a while, then they didn’t.  Games and activities were created with social distancing in mind.  Church remains compliant. Yay!

            Adriel’s second year of college was not fun but she is surviving.

            Seth enjoys a socially distant Senior year of High school and will graduate happily.

            Visits were different.  Less travel and even when we did drive there were fewer hugs.  Volunteer work changed – sometimes places were closed so I could not volunteer. 

            The greatest feeling of all is a desperate desire to get back to normal.  The world awaits not just for Jesus' arrival – wouldn’t that be amazing – but for a vaccine – or a cure – or germs to be ignored like we used to.

            Meanwhile, on a lighter subject – here are the interesting tidbits, the funnies of our year.  I truly enjoy reminiscing and picking out the best. 

            Bobby’s best friend Rich came over to play board games with us.  About half an hour into it he wondered out loud, “Where is Seth?”  “Rich, he’s right behind you at the computer”.  “No!  Was he there when we got here?”  “Yes, Seth has been here the whole time.”  I have to laugh – that’s how it is.  Seth is quiet.

            ‘Sneaker Cell Comedian’ is my friend’s definition of Seth.  You may not know he is there.  He was listening to every word.  Out comes a hilarious comment spot on in the conversation.  Bobby was warning us for the third time to be careful of bones in the soup while we ate.  Seth made a loud choking sound – it was perfect!

            Seth played a game with the youth group and he played so brilliantly I was impressed.  Isn’t it fun when we see our children shine?  They, on the other hand, find us embarrassing.  Sometimes I hiss at the cat if she is on the counter.  Seth said, “Every time you do that a bit of me dies inside.”

            Bobby destroyed a wasp nest and dealt with about 5 wasps rolling around on top of the roof.  It was scary to watch.  He stomped away in a fury of excitement and adrenaline.  I am thankful he did not fall off the roof. 

            Bobby and I enjoyed several in the house date nights.  (Pandemic style.)  We are blessed to have a roof over our heads, good health, and the knowledge that heaven is going to be so much better.

            I was walking in the park and Adriel came up from behind to tap me on the shoulder.  It was nice to walk with her a bit.  She is sweet and kind.  I enjoy her company.  Adriel also made some yummy food and shared it with me.  How fun!

Adriel didn’t know Seth hates pineapple on Pizza.  He firmly holds to the belief that pineapple on pizza could be the destruction of our world.  Adriel’s rebuttal, “Pineapple on pizza is a gift from God.”

Seth mentioned that I have bought way too many spatulas.  I mentioned that I have stopped this purchasing spree.  “Stores are closed.  Seth”.  He was frustrated and said, “It shouldn’t take a Global Pandemic for you to stop overbuying stuff mom!”

            I set an alarm three times a day weekly to remind myself to Love, Worship, and Matter because I am reading a book called, “High Performance Habits,” by Brendon Burchard.   I want to be purposeful about my life.  It went off while the family was eating together and I mentioned it.  They asked how I am doing on these goals and I said, “Well, I’m loving you . . . ,“ Someone piped in that I do devotions in the morning so I worshiped today.  Adriel came in with, “You matter, you will do dishes later.”

In June I enjoyed watching Bobby thrive with a group of Junior High students.  We sat outside on our beach towels and he did a short lesson.  There were water fights, s’mores, kickball, and Frisbee games.  The kids did not want to go home.  Everyone had fun and we needed that.  How we desperately need to be face to face.  I am so thankful for what we once took for granted! 

Adriel was frustrated that food disappears.  I mentioned that one family member is growing so it’s OK for him to eat more than her.  Adriel insisted she is growing too.  She stood where we have measured their height for years.  (Yes, in pen on the wall.)  I put my fingers where her height was.  Adriel turned and looked.  She has not grown in four years.  Since she was fifteen.  This might be her total height.  Adriel was sad. 

Seth on the other hand could not resist.  “Remember when you bragged about being taller than me?  That didn’t last long.”

            In the Bothell area, Bobby was chagrined that he forgot his mask.  At first, he was borrowing a light teal one.  Lucky for him I had borrowed a star wars mask earlier and found it tucked in my coat pocket.  His words of appreciation, “Now I feel like a man.” 

Bobby led wonderful Thanksgiving lessons for each youth group (Middle and High School).  Seth and Bobby both mentioned how they enjoyed it.  Rich cheated for each game.  Seth said, “He was disqualified 5 minutes into it.”  Thankfulness was the theme.  Bobby had 10 sticky notes for people to write on.  The goal was to write, run, and stick it on the wall, run back make another and run to the wall again.  Whoever was the fastest won.  There was joy, excitement, and a beautiful sticky note collage of things we are thankful for in the end.  This is the secret to feeling good.  Remembering what we are thankful for, getting up, letting everyone know, and remembering again.

Although this year was hard it is almost over.  Things can only get better right?  May you find peace knowing that God is in control and he loves us.  Merry Christmas!



Love the VanKleeks

Monday, December 14, 2020


 Dear Family,


            All of us approach life so differently.  This may lead to sadness and difficulties but sometimes it leads to insight, productivity, and a better understanding of the world around us.  Watching movies with Seth is so interesting.  He views them with the making in mind.  We watched George C. Scott’s “A Christmas Carol.”  Seth’s comments were, “Is this just a bad thriller movie?” and “Who made this soundtrack?“ He enjoyed it but those comments made me chuckle.  I like out of the box thinking.

            Seth continues to do his chores and homework.  He’s pleasant and we love having him around.

            Adriel played Kings Corner with our family one evening.  She was purposeful about being with us and I enjoyed her company.  Usually, Bobby informs me of Adriel sightings.  “I saw Adriel today.”  She is a beautiful and rare creature found about these parts.

            Bobby made yummy clam chowder this week and we had fun eating together.  Bobby and I also enjoyed homegroup, singing, and learning more about God’s will for our attitude.  I enjoy times with Bobby.  He remains good company and we are blessed.

            May you also choose to be good company to those around you.  May you find joy in the beautiful lights that surround us and may you spread cheer in all that you do J.


Much Love,



PS as part of volunteering for UGM I list cute items like these.  Let me know if you are wondering if this is still available.

Monday, December 7, 2020



Dear Family,


                Isn’t it wonderful to eat together as a family?  I know, immediate family only these days – and for us, we are usually missing Adriel BUT still – sitting down to eat together is comforting.  Bobby made several meals this week and I enjoyed our time together with Seth.  I did make a mistake though.  I bought individually wrapped saltine type crackers.  This brought up a conversation about café VanKleek.  Seth decided to rate us, “Not even a three.”  Bobby was a little offended and said, “This is my food you are rating.”  Seth retaliated with, “The food is great, it is just the customer service that is lacking.”  Bobby had to mirror by giving his feedback, “This customer never paid and has stayed over eight hours.  He just won’t leave.”  Smiles all around and everyone backed down.  Now I know which crackers not to buy.

                Bobby complimented me on the lights I put up outside.  How delightful!  He noticed and appreciated my work.  We bless each other with a good attitude and smile.

                Bobby continues to do youth group well and follow the COVID guidelines of the week.  The guidelines are not fun, but we enjoy singing, playing games, and learning about God!  Yay for focusing on God, His will, and His ways.

                Bobby continues to yearn for a dog because “A dog would never meow that much.”

                Seth impresses me with his ability to make money and not spend it.  He doesn’t have a hole burning in his pocket.  Good for him.

                Seth mowed the lawn and cleaned the bathrooms this week.  He always does his laundry and I am glad he’s doing well in school.  I am glad Seth helps out at church and I love his sweet spirit.

                Adriel loves the compliments she gets on the clothes grandma gave her.  She does look adorable J.  Thanks to all who give to us.  I love it when I see Adriel.  She is quick to give a hug and sweet as can be.  Adriel is our Cameo Appearance.  Whenever we see her it’s a blessing.

                May you feel this way about all people you encounter.  We are stronger together even though our hugs and handshakes may be air hugs and pretend handshakes.  May you find Jesus fills your innermost being with peace and joy.   Much love,






Monday, November 30, 2020

11/30/2020 What are you Thankful for?


Dear Family,

                Wow, when Bobby takes time off of work he is super helpful!  He helped me put items in and out of storage, cleaned, and cooked.  Bobby enjoys cooking and I don’t mind cleaning.  I continue to marvel at how well this arrangement works for us.  He made hamburgers, Thanksgiving dinner, and a casserole this week.  YUM!  Amazingly, I don’t weigh more.  He also helped when I got out Christmas decorations.  He cares more than I do about how things are arranged. 

                We saw Adriel this week and heard how her life is.  She showed us videos of her skateboarding process and talked about her online learning experience.  I am glad she is sticking through to the end of this school year.  Adriel introduced us to a documentary on Netflix about Social Media and how it can be addictive.  It was super interesting and brought up some points that were new to me. 

                Seth noticed a drink I gave him at 6 PM had caffeine in it.  I was impressed that he decided to save it for the next day.  Seth continues to crack us up with his quips from the chair.  He’s always listening even when we forget he is there.

                I enjoyed visiting with my parents this week.  It was very fun to take walks, play board games and catch up on life.  They are delightful and I loved that everyone played dominoes together.  Yay!

                What impacted me most this week was sitting at church on Sunday and hearing baby noises.  I wondered who’s that was and looked around.  When I figured it out I gasped with excitement and surprise then my eyes started leaking.  I have prayed daily for several years that a family in our church would be able to adopt.  The waitlist is long.  They had a roller coaster ride to Florida and back this month.  They had prayed for 4 years for a baby girl.  I remember their kindergarten son also praying for his baby sister.  That baby in her home church this Sunday.  My heart exploded.

The sermon was about faith being perfected in waiting.  How appropriate.  Our church is blessed with a new person.  I am thankful for new life.

                What are you thankful for?  Let me know, Hugs,



PS, the picture was requested by one of our kids.  Do a T pose!  LOL

Tuesday, November 24, 2020



Dear Family,

                This week has been uneventful and filled with peace.  I must admit, we did have a saga.  Seth has been wearing the same shirt to church (washed each week) for over a month.  I have asked him to stop wearing it because he has grown out of it.  It’s time.  He smiled and refused.  His reasons are that he likes the pattern and the feel of the shirt.  If I can find the same shirt in a bigger size he will wear it.  The next week I went on my knees and pleaded to no avail.  The last-ditch effort after that was resorting to threats, “I will hide that shirt.”  Seth said he would sue.

11/15 was the day Seth’s favorite Sunday shirt moved from the dry laundry to a hidden place.  11/18 I typed a letter that started with, “You will have to get a lawyer.”  I handed this letter to him as I was walking out the door.  My words were, “Read this later.”  He read it immediately and as I was driving away I heard fast angry footsteps racing upstairs to our rooms.  I worked and then went to our Thanksgiving prayer event at church where Seth was volunteering.  Chagrined, I avoided him.  Later when I saw him at home I started with, “I don’t want to make you mad . . .”  Seth smiled and said, “I was mad at first, but you are going to have to hide things way better than that.  I have it now and it is hidden from you.”  Hmmm – I laughed and knew once again, I have met my match.  I recounted this story to Bobby as Seth listened in.  Seth said, “I tried looking for a new one and you are right, it’s impossible to find in any size.  I’ll wear a different shirt.”  Pleased the next Sunday morning I said, “Thank you for wearing a new shirt!”  His response, “Get used to it, I’ll be wearing it a lot.”

Seth’s outlook on life is so interesting.  We were watching, “The Good Doctor season 2” when Seth mentioned that the new boss needed to know Shaun’s reason for being a surgeon.  I had to ask what it was and Seth verbatim told me.  “Wow, Seth I am impressed you remember that.”  Off-handed Seth said, “You must know Medical Practice has Lore.”

Adriel was not excited to put all her items from the floor to the bed Wednesday morning because she woke up around the time I had carpet cleaners working hard.  She did it though and said, “Thank you” for their hard work.  I love the clean smell that Chem-dry leaves.  I am grateful Adriel was quick to clean.

I enjoyed Adriel’s company Sunday night for a take out dinner.  We had a great talk and I love her company.

Bobby made several yummy dinners and we enjoyed eating together.  I am so glad I have a wonderful family to come home to after work. 

Bobby had an excellent Friendsgiving event for the youth Group Tuesday night.  We all played an online game called among us.  I enjoyed watching people excited to be together and laughing about their suspicions over who was an intruder or not.  Bobby provided masks with cute people in Astronaut outfits.  This became everyone's new favorite mask.  Bobby is a master at creating a group identity.  I have received many compliments on the mask as I do my Instacart shopping.

Bobby was glad to visit his dad in Bend overnight.  I am very glad he came back home safe.  Bobby is a good son and I am glad his parents enjoy his company.  Yay for family.

May you find joy in visiting family.  May God keep us safe as the holidays approach.  Much love,





PS, I saw these Turkeys - they don't know how dangerous it is to be wandering around!

Monday, November 16, 2020



Dear Family,

With the beautiful rain comes the joy that we have a roof over our heads, dry beds to sleep in, and central heating.  Jesus did not live with most of these luxuries!  May we never take them for granted.

Adriel has brought the same friend over several times.  I think she likes us!  We had a great talk about the fruit of the spirit, church, and faith.  Adriel continues to work and is now officially full time.  Adriel is also in school full time.  She is surviving this year and does a happy dance every so often.  Adriel is darling and wonderful.  She cleaned the bathrooms this week and they are sparkling clean!

Seth remains content to be home, volunteer, and work at church.  He remains kind and sweet.

Bobby led a wonderful lesson for the youth group two times.  Seth and Bobby both mentioned how they enjoyed it.  Rich cheated twice on the game.  Seth said, “He was disqualified 5 minutes into it.”  Thankfulness was the theme.  Bobby had 10 sticky notes for people to write on.  The goal was to write, run, and stick it on the wall, run back make another and run to the wall again.  Whoever was the fastest won.  There was joy, excitement, and a beautiful sticky note collage of things we are thankful for in the end.  This is the secret to feeling good.  Remembering what we are thankful for, getting up, letting everyone know, and remembering again.

Homegroup was delightful.  Bobby was very happy to provide some snacks.  He remains enamored with smoking things and made bacon-wrapped peanut butter Oreos.  It was too much for me but other people liked them. 

Bobby remains tickled about the Mandalorian.  I must watch without multi-tasking.  I usually triple task – but I love Bobby so I endure.  The show is good.  I am sure themes are interwoven with themes that I don’t care to understand.  I just like cute baby Yoda.

Bobby cooked bean soup and we ate as a family once this week.  It was very yummy.  Leftovers are a blessing. 

Bobby visited his mom and brought back blankets and towels.  You know, I don’t buy things unless we are in need so hers (now ours) are much nicer and fluffier.  The family agreed to let go of some of our older things.  On Facebook, someone asked West Salem Moms, “What is something you NEED but can’t afford right now?”  Someone said a 2x jacket, another person clothes for her little one, and someone else said, “Blankets.”  What a blessing to pass on!  She was happy, I am happy, all is well.  Thanks, Mom J!

May your blessings contain more for later.  May you be glad for the roof and warmth God has given you.  May you find strength from above.  Much love,




Monday, November 9, 2020



Dear Family,

                This week brought weird feelings!  While driving past the Capital Saturday afternoon I saw a bunch of flags, heard yelling, and saw signs about counting votes.  That was interesting.  I felt their energy. 

                Saturday at dusk I was driving the same area but this time I saw police lights and a bunch of police holding onto a truck – 9 on each side.  I thought that was weird and wondered what kind of accident happened.  Then I looked at the other side of the street and saw a bunch of people dressed in dark clothing.  This brought chills.  OH, they are expecting riots.  Stores boarded up their glass windows and were now boarding up the entryways.  Salem was expecting an attack.  I looked it up just now online.  People were arrested on Saturday.  What crazy times we live in.

                At home we have peace.  I was thrilled that Bobby went onto the roof to scrape away growing moss.  Bobby also made chicken pot pie this week and it is still delicious.  I enjoy Bobby’s cuddles and coziness.  I am now driving for instacart and am taking Monday off to be with Bobby.  How wonderful that it doesn’t feel like I am intruding.  He remains loving even though we see each other more than ever before.

                Bobby enjoys leading the youth group and bought a game called nine square.  It was warmly received and several youths had “Nine square” as a praise in their praise and prayer requests.  How fun!

                Adriel is sweet and joined us at a friend's Birthday party.  It was wonderful to celebrate in a small way.  Adriel also had a friend over Sunday night.  Such sweet people – Adriel has amazing choices when it comes to the company she keeps.

                Seth was given an award last week.  He downplayed it. Later I read the text.  Seth is the Tech Pro of the Month – the explanation is that “He has proven himself very capable in editing many different projects in Digital Arts.  He is consistently seeking to help with whatever work needs to be done.  His ability to work with a variety of programs gives his expertise a higher value during the distance learning time.  Seth also adds his own creative aspects to a project as is helpful.”  Well, bowl me over with a feather J I am tickled pink. 

                I also noticed Seth is kind to me.  When I was little my dad did aerobics for about a week.  My sister and I hid behind the couch, watched him, and laughed hysterically.  Watching dad do aerobics not only made me laugh then but it took about 2 months of doing a class in college for me not to giggle the whole class through.  For some reason jumping around was the funniest thing ever.  I have been doing aerobics of some form since before the kids were born.  They don’t usually see me because everyone is sleeping but my schedule is different now and Seth has been in the room when I am working out.  I find it very kind of him to simply ignore me like nothing is going on.  This is much nicer than my sister and I were to my poor father.

                As you ponder your kindness factor please remember we are all just trying to make it through this year.  May you find peace as you pray your worries away.  May you find strength as you follow God and his will.  May your love be great and may it cover a multitude of bad.  May you forgive, be forgiven, and find the strength to carry on!  Love and hugs,




PS thank you to Sarah DuVal for a lovely walk and this fun picture :-).


Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 Dear Family,


The survival of the fittest was demonstrated in our house this week.  Skyra our cat has been doing her job too well.  She brought in 4 live mice and one dead within two days.  She would then drop and play with the live ones while the mouse hid and the entire family had to help by moving furniture around.  Everything is fully swept.  UGH!  The solution was simple.  Our cat door locks.  Now she can get out no problem but Skyra needs permission to get in.  Now I check every time she wants in.  If she has a mouse she’s not allowed in.  She did have a mouse a couple of days ago and I was very glad to see it run away and her give chase.  Too many presents for my taste. 

In all this Adriel rescued me once and Bobby did twice with the live critters.  Ugh. 

On another note, we had several wonderful family dinners this week.  Bobby enjoys choosing the menu and I continue to be glad to clean up.  It is good to have peace.

Adriel had a fever for a couple of days.  She was afraid it was COVID so she was tested.  Her happy dance when the test came back negative was heartfelt and wonderful.  We have a healthy fear and Adriel does not want to hurt anyone.

To differentiate her skateboard from another person who had the same board, Adriel painted some of the grip tape on top of her skateboard.  I mentioned that to an employee at a skate shop called Caake and he became excited.  Art is fun.  Adriel has great talent.

Adriel made me proud this weekend.  Seth felt concerned because he crunched her car a little with the truck he drives.  He was willing to pay for repairs but didn’t know how much it would cost.  After talking with me about if he should tell her or not he went to Adriel and confessed.  She looked at it the next day and told him not to worry about it.  She is not concerned with imperfections or anything that is only cosmetic.  I delight that she is down to earth.  People are way more important than things and Adriel modeled this beautifully.

Our church’s Trunk or Treat event was delightful.  I have such fond memories of days gone by.  The happy smiling, “Thank you’s” melted my heart and reminded me of when my kids were small.  The smiles, excitement, and delight warmed my heart.  What a fun holiday! 

May you find joy in each season and each special day.  May you delight in all God has for you, may his peace that passes understanding be in and with you through and through.


Much love!  Cristy

Sunday, October 25, 2020


 Dear Family,

Hard work should pay off.  I see Adriel working hard and I pray she feels blessed.  Adriel is always good for a hug.  She is a blessing!  Adriel knows that I desire to pay for her college.  When she sees how much stress I have she said, “I don’t expect you to pay for my college.”  She doesn’t like seeing me like that.  Adriel is very sweet.

Seth, Bobby, and I experienced some wonderful parent-teacher conferences.  Seth is very good at attention to detail when it comes to programming for his robotics class.  How fun!  He also may graduate early.  Yet, the excuse to stay home might be lost so Seth will probably continue with the classes he has now just longer.  This week Seth mowed the lawn, did dishes, and continued to be wonderful.  

Bobby and I enjoyed playing some board games and had a lovely date night this week.  I also enjoyed the youth group and homegroup.  Bobby is an amazing leader.  I am glad to be his.  During a lovely walk at Riverfront, we saw a bunch of dinosaurs playing frisbee.  I loved hearing their laughter.

May you focus on the good.  We have food.  We have each other.  We have God.  May you find strength in each breath you breathe,  Much love,


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Growing up

 Dear Family,


            No matter what, God is with us.  This was the resounding theme I heard this week from devotionals, messages, and Bible reading.  Be reassured – we are not alone in this hard struggle.  We are loved, cared for, precious, and not guaranteed an easy life.  This is how it is, hardships come.  Struggle result in strength.

            Seth continues to do his school work and enjoy the extra time saved from commuting and class changes.  He is doing well in school and his job.  Seth also had senior pictures done.  Wow, he is a senior already.   I am thankful to Wendee Schmitke for the great pictures.

            Adriel is having friends over which delights me.  She enjoys skateboarding outside.  She said it is a great core workout.  She loves to show off her bruises, scrapes, and gore.  Adriel keeps at her job and school work.  I am proud of her strength in adversity.  She hates online school but has no other option so she does it.

            Bobby cooked an immense amount of chicken and dumplings for our family and his mom and sister.  Mom is recovering from shoulder surgery so it makes sense that a food delivery would be kind of him.  He made so much I thought he hadn’t brought it yet.  Thank goodness Seth loves chicken and dumplings.  It’s almost gone now.

            The youth group continues to engage our church youth.  They come, sing, listen, and chat.  Bobby will stop the online youth group in November.  This is good, meeting in person is better.  We also had a fun youth group event where he had amazing rice with pineapple meatballs.  YUM.  He even had pineapple dole whip for dessert.  How fun.

            If you have ever woken up to an immense amount of skittering in your bedroom at 4 am you might have a cat.  At first, we were going to sleep through it but Skyra gave up the chase and began to meow at us. There are a lot of items under our bed.  Ugh.  I brought items all out one by one and then the rat decided to run into the closet! 

I did the rat dance and jumped onto the bed.  I tried to catch it in a box but I am not that fast with putting the lid on.  UGH!  Finally, Skyra had it cornered but then she began to love on it!

Bobby took over.  He is very fast and my hero.  He had it in a clear organizer box.  But what to do with a live rat?  I couldn’t kill it.  So, I put it on Craigslist free with directions on where it was.  I put the clear box under a light on the corner of Hemlock and Holly.  No one picked it up.  No one wanted a wild rat for their new pet.  Sigh.  I kept checking on it.  By about 1 PM the box was open.  I can only imagine the surprise.

            Oh family, may you be careful when opening random things on the street.  May you find peace in your everyday life.  May you enjoy every breath God gifts you – especially now that the air is clean.  God bless you!  Much Love,




Monday, October 12, 2020

Blessed Birthday 10/12/2020


Dear Family,


            Thank you for your over the top love, affection, and wonderful Birthday wishes.  You gave me blessings and I feel blessed.  Truly, God's blessing to me is you.  I am thankful and filled with joy.

            Bobby initiated a trip to visit my parents.  He asked if I would like to, booked the hotel, and drove me.  I have been so busy with work I would have worked through my Birthday if it hadn’t been for his forethought.  I am so glad Bobby wants to drive.  I can sleep the time away and this is a huge blessing.

            Bobby cooked several meals this week and we ate happily.  I enjoyed several wonderful walks with Bobby and am glad he remains good company. 

            Homegroup was enjoyable.  Bobby leads well and we enjoy meeting in small groups.  The youth group was also pleasant.  I enjoy Bobby’s teaching and felt very glad that my friend was prayed for in both groups.  Emilio is having a hard time and my heart goes out to him.  I truly believe that the job I have now is for such a time as this.  I enter into businesses, reach out, and help.  I truly believe praying for people is helpful.  I am not just selling credit card processing.  I am helping people by bouncing business ideas back and forth regarding COVID and in general.  Also, referring to people is the most fun.  I know a guy who does what you need and is good at it.  This is great for everyone.

            In the Bothell area, Bobby was chagrined that he forgot his mask.  At first, he was borrowing a light teal one.  Lucky for him I had borrowed a star wars mask earlier and found it tucked in my coat pocket.  His words of appreciation, “Now I feel like a man.” 

            My parents were tickled to have their first visitors in their new home.  We sat in the living room (which hadn’t been used much since they moved in last month).  We enjoyed chatting with them.  We also went out to eat with them several times and played 12 rounds of dominoes.  We had a blessed cameo appearance by my sister and her kids who are only four blocks away.  The socially distant meeting was sweet and lovely.

            Seth saw a game Bobby bought and mentioned that any EA game is trash.  Later he was playing it with joy.  “Well, it’s not that bad.  Games are better when I don’t have to pay for them.”  Isn’t that the truth J?

            Seth is complying with senior pictures and even said he wouldn’t mind being in the rain.  “Rain is nice.”  He shaved his face and looks great.  He even signed the Birthday card Adriel had for me. 

            Adriel gave a sweet card, gift, and cleaned the house for my Birthday while we were gone.  She is a blessing to me!  What a sweet, wonderful woman!

            May you find joy in love and relationships.  May your joy be so full it spills out onto others and may you be a light this world so much needs.  Love and hugs,


