Monday, December 14, 2020


 Dear Family,


            All of us approach life so differently.  This may lead to sadness and difficulties but sometimes it leads to insight, productivity, and a better understanding of the world around us.  Watching movies with Seth is so interesting.  He views them with the making in mind.  We watched George C. Scott’s “A Christmas Carol.”  Seth’s comments were, “Is this just a bad thriller movie?” and “Who made this soundtrack?“ He enjoyed it but those comments made me chuckle.  I like out of the box thinking.

            Seth continues to do his chores and homework.  He’s pleasant and we love having him around.

            Adriel played Kings Corner with our family one evening.  She was purposeful about being with us and I enjoyed her company.  Usually, Bobby informs me of Adriel sightings.  “I saw Adriel today.”  She is a beautiful and rare creature found about these parts.

            Bobby made yummy clam chowder this week and we had fun eating together.  Bobby and I also enjoyed homegroup, singing, and learning more about God’s will for our attitude.  I enjoy times with Bobby.  He remains good company and we are blessed.

            May you also choose to be good company to those around you.  May you find joy in the beautiful lights that surround us and may you spread cheer in all that you do J.


Much Love,



PS as part of volunteering for UGM I list cute items like these.  Let me know if you are wondering if this is still available.