Monday, April 25, 2022


 Dear Family,


            As the years go by and we influence each other it can be very rewarding to look back and be so glad we have grown in wisdom, maturity, and strength.  I was bored one evening as Bobby had gone to council one of our youth from days past for marriage.  I was texting my sister and mentioned what he was doing then thought to share a picture of the past.  All three people Bobby is standing with years ago are taller and of marriage age.  How fun that we are involved at such a pivotal time for such wonderful people.

            Some fun at youth group included another fill-in-the-blank fiasco.  Bobby was trying to help people understand that a proof for Jesus being raised from the dead is how many eyewitnesses there were.  The sentence was, “We can trust - - - - - - - - - - - -.  Someone asked, “Ethernet?”.

            Someone asked me something and I heard, “Salty kitten tissue?”   I repeated this question and the person said, “Yeah, let’s go with that.”  Later on, he did ask someone for a tissue.  I definitely misheard. 

            Bobby and I enjoyed visiting Cassie Johnson’s art display at George Fox University.  She has done well and it’s fun to see how she has matured.   Later Bobby and I ate at “Just Pho You” which was super yummy.  I enjoy spending time with Bobby and am so glad still for his company.

            Adriel was a fun cameo appearance.  She continues to grow, love, and be fabulous.

            Seth is a constant and loving presence.  He will watch a show with us if it’s on.  I am enjoying the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.  That the older sister goes on a large bus ride and then has a bonfire in the name of “Protecting the earth from air pollution” had both Seth and I scratching our heads.

            I have been reminiscing and am very glad to have stuck life out.  There was a time I really did wish God would take me.  I did try taking my own life once and am glad God saved me from not only myself but from sin, the car that almost ran me over when I was a toddler (thanks mom for quickly pulling me back), and from giving up.  I am glad to be alive, glad to be married, and glad for the laws of the harvest.  Life really is hard in the beginning; so much learning, growing, and striving.  Now I am enjoying the fruit of our labor; raspberries, easier relationships, laughter, and grown children.

            May you also persevere.  May you, “Not grow weary in well doing.”  (Galatians 6;9).  I promise you, the ’40s can be fabulous.  My 20’s and ’30s were very hard for me but I’m glad God pulled me thru.  Much love,





Monday, April 18, 2022

4/18/22 Easter love

 Dear Family,

            I hope you had a fabulous time celebrating Jesus' power over Death!  I am so glad for the forgiveness this affords.  We are blessed beyond measure!  Because of this freedom to live unencumbered by sin we are free to love, enjoy each other’s company and laugh at the bloopers of life.  I discovered several this week.

            At Youth Group the youth explained that pinky swearing meant if you didn’t do what you promised you were saying your pinky should be cut off.  Goodness!  Later Bobby explained that the new way of signing up for camp meant people had to memorize their verses early for the $100 scholarship.  The scholarship needed to be applied at signup with a special code.  One youth piped up with, “Couldn’t we just share the code with each other?”  Bobby came up with, “No because then we would have to take your pinkies and toes.”  Another youth quipped, “Well that turned dark fast.”  Bobby's come back was, “Ask how many toes he has.  8!”

            During the lesson, Bobby was trying to get the answer, “Shapes.”  He asked, “If you put this heart and a star next to it what do you have?”  Someone knew this, “Lucky charms.” 

            Seth cleaned some this week and was glad to help me buy a cat tree.  He let me know, “It’s not for the cat, I just like putting an item up high on it.”

            Seth mentioned, “When I move . . .”  I was shocked and said so.  This was the first I have heard that he will be moving out!  He said, “In for years or so, you don’t want me to be a man child living with you forever do you?”  No, I don’t – but now I feel our time with him is short.  I am sad because he is such great company.

            While watching a movie with Seth there was a dancing scene with balloons all over the ground.  He commented, “I bet many people tripped on those in the blooper reel.”  Those balloons looked very dangerous to him.

            Adriel spent some time with me for lunch this week.  I enjoyed hearing her heart and knowing that she is OK.  She is also fabulous company. 

            Our Easter celebration was lovely.  The preacher pointed to Jesus.  The music deepens my faith and warms my heart.  Our time with the Duval family is a blessing.  They are a loving family and we are blessed to share time with them all.  Bobby wanted me to share this story from his first Service experience while helping out with the 3-5-year-olds.  One said, “I colored the grass brown and dead just like Jesus,”  He assures me that they told the child Jesus is now alive.

            As I read Deuteronomy and the Old Testament laws I am convicted of the desperate situation our Sin leads us.  As we celebrated Jesus’ victory over Sin and Death I am overwhelmed by his compassion, power, and love.  We are truly blessed.  May you also feel his love!







Monday, April 11, 2022


 Dear Family,


            We are so blessed when it rains.  Spring means the growth of flowers, food, and life.  All feel the excitement of new birth as we are happy to see that plants made it thru the winter yet again.

            Youth group continues to be a fun place to learn about God and to hear more funnies.  Because Rich stole a lollypop Bobby asked, “Who thinks Rich is a stealer?  Raise your hand if you think Rich is a stealer.”  Several people raised their hands.  One youth said to another, “Raise your hand proud, I don’t know what it means either.” 

            When Bobby asked, “What do we call a relationship?” (for one of the blanks he was looking for the word “Friend” but a youth had to shoot back with), “Complicated.”

            When someone tried to trick another the person said, “I have eaten so many carrots, I see thru your techniques.”  I love how punny people can be.

            I enjoy learning new board games with Bobby.  Because we see things opposite there are always two ways to interpret the rules.  Sometimes this leads to games we simply cannot play together.  Most of the time it gives Bobby time to think about what the house rules (Bobby rules) will be for games before he introduces them to youth group or other friends and families.

Seth cooked pizza for dinner one evening.  When I thanked him.  He smiled and said, “Oh, you think that was for you?”  I have to laugh at his wit.  I am glad he is becoming self-sufficient.

Seth picked weeds from inside the lawn and I am blessed because he has time when I do not.  Seth put away the silverware and I like that he is helpful.  I am also glad Seth is 18 because now he counts if we are having work done.  Is there an adult in the house?  Yes, there is.

            When we asked Seth if he was going to vote now that he is 18 he said he would rather not.  We fought him on this stating Civic Duty and that people have fought for the right to vote.  His reasoning is this.  I don’t want to research something, take sides and then fight other people about something I don’t care about.  I truly understand what he is saying.  I agree that I don’t want to fight or take sides on many issues.  I would just like to get along with people. 

            May you also find ways to get along in your life.  May you find relationships are more important than issues.  May you love deeply and from your heart.  Hugs,





Monday, April 4, 2022


 Dear Family

                I am so glad Adriel was willing to come over and help eat salad.  It pains me to throw food away and I know there are not many people in my family that will eat the amount I made.  Bobby helped too.  Food was not wasted.  Life is good J.  Adriel chatted with us and was sweet as she normally is.  I also saw evidence that Adriel came over a couple of other times.  Her laundry came and I texted to let her know I had put the clothes outside on a line to dry because it was such nice weather.  She was concerned because when I texted it was raining.  April fools!

We had a fun family lunch for Adriel’s Birthday on Sunday.  I was glad to have a couple hours between church and work.  My parents made the effort to join us from the Seattle area just for that lunch.  We are blessed by their love and sacrifice.  It was nice to be with Adriel and enjoy her adult self.

Bobby made yummy soup and Shepherds pie this week.  I enjoy his cooking and made eggs out of some of the items that didn’t make it into the pie. 

                I saw a friend while at work and said “Hi” to her young son.  He was a little shy and when we asked if he remembered me he said, “No.”  Both of us were OK with that but then I mentioned, “I am Pastor Bobby’s wife.”  Seeing someone light up and transform is super fun.  He smiled, became animated, and said, “I tackle him!”

                The youth group has some great quotes this week.  One person mentioned, “I speak for the trees.  Respect the amazon or I’ll break your knees.”  When this was repeated another person said, “That’s the most true thing I have ever heard”.

Bobby didn’t want the distraction of drawing during singing time.  The person disagreed that they were drawing.  They said, “If anything I was putting the pencil to paper”.  This was so clever the person had to mention, “That’s the smartest thing I have ever said.”

Bobby wanted to set a standard.  He said, “Tonight you are going to be kind to each other.”  A teen popped up with, “That’s going to be a challenge!”

Sometimes when others are called on to read they can be confused by 2 Chronicles being Corinthians.  Bobby mentioned, “You are not in 2 Corinthians yet”.  Another teen had to look over in disgust. “You had one job.”

Bobby was trying to teach humility, specifically humility while we pray.  He said, “In some ways I make you pray with humility by having you pray for other people’s requests instead of your own.”  A teen was aghast, “You tricked me!” 

I felt led to help Bobby with a game he made up for camp this summer.  He wanted tiger tails and that was an easy sewing project.  I had to sell it to him first so I made a sample.  He has been so excited about this that he helped complete the project with great joy and even bragged to a couple of friends.  How fun.  We made 31 baton shapes in animal print this week.  I am blessed when I bless others.

May you also find love, blessings, and wonderful feelings as you make the effort to bless others.  May you pay life forward and choose joy.  Much love,



