Monday, February 28, 2022


 Dear Family,


            My mind is still trying to digest a book that made me cry, laugh, and feel shocked.  I recommend it not only because it’s amazing but because I want to talk about it with people.  I am still digesting and trying to figure it out.  “Muslims, Christians, and Jesus” by Carl Medearis is a doozy.  I am not calming it to be gospel truth but I am saying there is a lot to discuss.  Please buy it and read it, let’s talk.

            The latest from my sister J.  Her husband has moved home and they are finding a new normal.  I am definitely praying about how much to give to their recovery fund:

            As for this week?  Here are some snippets.

I thought a gif was cute so I told Adriel, “I love you more than bacon” with it.  She was sad, “You don’t even like bacon.”  I had to backtrack and profess my love more appropriately.  She is right, I really don’t like bacon.

Youth group was fabulous as usual.  The youth continue to also be amusing.  One person decided to stand on one leg during songs.  He was not balancing that well and hopping around which was distracting.  His decision was copied by several others so we had an interesting couple of songs.  Bobby decided to make a new rule.  “No standing on one leg during songs.”  I had to pop in with, “This is mentioned in the Bible, 2 Hesitations 2:4.” Bobby quipped back so fast with, “No it’s in Psalms 151!”  Bobby’s rebuke was so decisive the youth was like, “What?!  That rule really is in the Bible?” 

I was feeling quite proud of myself for figuring out a fun new fact and I had to share this with the youth group while we were playing gutter ball.   Here it is, see what you think.  If your pet is super vocal (like ours), if they mew or bark a lot – then you have a family of external processors.  I believe the animals talk so much to us because we talk right back to them and they feel heard.  I felt so smart until one of the youth said, “I have a fish.”

Bobby was trying to make a point with this verse, ““Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.”
Proverbs 27:6 ESV
.   He was asking, “Would you rather have a kiss from an enemy or” . . .  but the youth was nodding her head, “Yes,” way too much about this.  She had a dreamy look and Bobby had to stop with, “You just want to be kissed.”  Kids these days.

            Bobby mentioned he wanted to play a certain game, “But it’s high stakes.”  The youth perked up, “Did you say Steaks?

            Bobby and Adriel are detail people.  When I ask for help with my hair I am only asking for someone to point (literally point) where I have missed any spots.  Bobby and Adriel are good at seeing flaws (In more than one way).  I am glad for detail people and global.  This week I asked Seth to help because he happened to be the only one around.  His assessment was that it looked fine, can’t see any grey at all.  My “This might take 10 minutes” was done in 1 and he could go back to his life.  I told him, “It’s OK, that means I got it all.”  I do have to smile though.  He reminds me of me.  Ahh, everything is fine, it will all work out in the end.

            Seth also mowed some of the lawn.  Yay, Seth.

            I am glad Bobby came home safe from the High School retreat.  While I was working he texted a call to prayer with notification that they were on the side of the snowy road trying to put on chains.  He seemed anxious so I asked co-workers if they pray and if they did I asked for prayer for my hubby.  It was neat to find out who prays.

            Bobby is now home from a men’s retreat.  I am glad to have him back safe.  Doesn’t his picture look photo-shopped?!


            May you find joy, love, and peace in each day God gives.  May you enjoy each breath.  Love and hugs, Cristy

Monday, February 21, 2022


 Dear Family,


                Looking back on the week gives me a feeling of how fast time flies!  Was it just days ago that we had Valentine’s day?  It feels like forever ago.  Oh, but what a great Valentine it was!  Bobby and I spent the day in Dundee, Yamhill, and Newburg.  We enjoyed an amazing lunch at the Dundee Bistro compliments of Paul and Lucille Alley.  (Thank you for the Christmas gift card our friends!)  We walked the towns, talked about love and faith.  Linked arms and fought to take over Pokémon gyms.  We enjoyed our time together and celebrated love.

                Youth Group was fun.  Bobby announced a Spring Break event coming up to the Middle School group.  If they come to our house and help with yard work they can earn a t-shirt or part of a sweatshirt.  This brought up a side discussion.  “I’ll get a sleeveless hoodie and you can earn one of the sleeves.”            

The next night at High School Youth Group Bobby had us read 1 Samuel 8:1-7.  Bobby asked, “Who was supposed to be Israel’s King?”  One youth said, “David?”, another said, “Samuel?”  Bobby said, “No, God!”  And a youth quipped, “Welllll, we tried.”  The rapid succession of these comments was hilarious.  I hope it translates onto paper.

                I decided to get a motion-detecting skittering rat toy for our cat.  Bobby did not like this idea and said, “But what about the therapy I’ll need?”  I told him he might need therapy anyway and he said, “Tell me about your rat?” as though he was a therapist. 

                Bobby is on a spiritual retreat with the High School group right now.  To get the youth up to the mountains he needed to borrow a suburban.  (Thank you so much Debbie for that!)  So Bobby traded his car for the big black one on Tuesday because that was a convenient time.  Then we went to bed.  Meanwhile, Seth came home from work around 9:30 PM and was alarmed.  He went inside and asked, “Dad?!  Is there anyone robbing our house?” 

                Adriel visited and I enjoyed seeing and talking with her.  The visit is worth putting her laundry in the dryer. 

I am thankful for Adriel’s boyfriend Abdullah.  This week we had a new family visit the grocery store I work at.  Mom didn’t speak, Dad had broken English and the son spoke little English.  They had a list and asked me to help them find everything.  I was happy to help.  When they were picking out peanut butter I was asked, “Is this Halal?”  I didn’t think so but was able to contact Abdulla who is the only Muslim I know and he helped me out.  My panic turned to assurance and I am blessed to be getting to know another culture.  I do not want my words to cause anyone to feel like they are sinning.

May you also grow, learn, and adapt.  May you find strength in loving all the people you encounter.  May God’s love pour out of you in the same abundance it is poured into you.  Much love,





Monday, February 14, 2022


 Dear Family,

            I love being prepared.  Adriel came over on Wednesday declaring a “Happy Valentine's day!”  She brought doughnuts, hugs, a card, and joy.  Thank goodness I had her card and present almost ready.  I just had to gather and sign.  Phew!  A week early but we won’t be seeing her on or before Valentine's day so that was it.  I enjoyed a wonderful visit.  Adriel has always been great company.  I love seeing her.

            Bobby cooked several amazing meals this week and I am always blessed to dine and converse with him. 

            Youth group had some interesting moments.  Bobby jumbled some words for people to guess what the game would be.  


This is 2 words.  What do you think it is?  One student and I puzzled over it for a while and gave up.  It only took another student seconds to figure it out.  I was amazed.  The answer is after the picture.

            One youth had to say, “That’s cringe,”  about something.  Another student blurted out, “Like your mom.”  This was an ironic insult because they are siblings.  Another funny was when someone burped and said, “That made my eyes burn.”

            Homegroup was pleasant and I enjoy my time with adults.  Days are flying by!  May you find joy in love and peace that is available to all thru God’s sacrifice. Much love,




Snowball Fight

Monday, February 7, 2022


 Dear Family,


            Thank you so much for your prayers!  Seth went back to work on Tuesday J.  We are all healthy and happy to be alive. 

            Bobby cooked several yummy meals this week and came home for a lunch date.  We are blessed with yummy food and great company.

            Bobby was glad to speak at a local school’s chapel and even rejoiced at hearing a parent’s feedback.  Yay, the youth are listening.  Youth group remains entertaining and I must share.  An ice breaker question was given to Bobby’s best friend who is teased for being old.  “What makes you sad?”  One youth had to pipe up with, “Being old and still having a kid in middle school?”  Oh, dear.

            Also, a youth did a great job with the PowerPoint.  Bobby said, “Thank you for following directions.”  Another youth had to say, “He doesn’t at school.  I follow him around and he doesn’t follow directions or obey at school.”  This was answered with, “What are you doing following me around?”  Now we know she’s a stalker.  The consensus was, “Well at least she’s little.” 

            People are funny.  I enjoy loving, laughing, and being.  May you also enjoy those you encounter and those you know.  Hugs,


