Monday, February 25, 2019

Emu war, it's a thing!

Dear Family,

Entertainment is looking at what is free on Craigslist.  My favorite so far has been “Stinky the Goat.”  I mentioned to Seth there is a free Emu on Craigslist.  We ‘need’ an Emu!  Seth said, “Wasn’t there a war against Emu’s?”  What???  I had to look this up.  In 1932 Australia declared war on Emu’s and lost.  “They can face machine guns with the invulnerability of tanks. They are like Zulus.”  ("New Strategy In A War On The Emu"Sunday Herald. 5 July 1953. p. 13.).  I asked Seth how in the world he knew about this.  YouTube has videos.  Seth enjoys YouTube videos.  I looked it up on Wikipedia.  It’s true – it’s online!  Sooooo, no free Emu for us.

            Seth packed all by himself.  I know, I know, he is a big boy and has been doing this for a while.  It is still fun to delight in small things.  This weekend Seth went to the High School retreat with Bobby and the youth group.  He liked the food, music, and messages.  Yay!
            Adriel was entertaining as she fought a friend online with a car race typing game.  Adriel is excited about her new job.  She said, “It was the easiest interview I have ever had.”  Yay God!  Now Adriel plans on living here until she goes off to College in the fall!
            Bobby brought me to my new favorite restaurant this week, Saigon restaurant & grill.  I have not eaten Vietnamese food in years.  It was yummy.  I love the mix of peanuts and mint.
            Youth group went well.  We had two kids on electric guitar.  Their sounds were funny for both songs.  Bobby mentioned it.  One song was the kids playing with their sounds.  The other song it was Rich Duvall in the back messing with the Wawa.
            I was excited to be at work on Monday.  It was a little extreme.  A coworker asked why I was so chipper.  I described the nightmare I had the night before.  I was half an hour late for work, I had to go to the bathroom.  I was at my ‘parents’ house (but it was a huge mansion – housing hundreds) and no bathrooms were available.  I was begging people to let me use the bathroom so I could go to work but no one would let me.  So much angst!  I woke up on time and was glad it was a dream.  So glad I could make it to work. 
            I mentioned this dream and my mood to Bobby.  He said he is just glad I do not get mad at him anymore for the things he does in my dreams.  Early on in our marriage not only would I be mad, but I would also stay mad, LIVID.  He would say, “But I didn’t do anything.”  I would say, “You have the potential” and storm!  I am also glad I’m not like that anymore.
            Around 2 am one night this week Skyra jumped onto the bed purring.  Out went my hand and Bobby’s hand to pet her.  She went to Bobby (the traitor).  As Bobby was petting her – I heard him snore!  I thought that was pretty funny.
            May you practice kindness and love so much you can be loving even in your sleep.  May you enjoy the softness of a fluffy animal and the beauty of anything green (stoplights!).  May you find joy in those you encounter and may you delight in God’s eternal love.



Monday, February 18, 2019

Not even funny mom.

Dear Family,
                Adriel is usually gone with her friends these days.  She has always cared so much about people.  When Adriel was little she did something to get all her toys confiscated.  While she was sleeping I boxed all toys up and put them in “The Heavens.”  The next morning Adriel woke up, came to breakfast and was happy as a clam.  She had not noticed that all her toys were gone.  She did not care that much at all.  She eventually earned them back.  I don’t have to wonder – though – why she remains the same.  Nothing really matters – she just wants to be with friends.
                Adriel enjoys student teaching.  She is able to help a grade school teacher with bi-lingual work.  She especially loves being treated like a peer by the teacher. 
                Bobby is home safe from men’s retreat.  It’s always nice to have him back home, safe and sound.  I heard that the retreat was a wonderful time for all.  Yay for men getting together to learn more about God!
                Bobby thanked me for helping at youth group.  I am glad to do God’s work.
                I showed Seth a comic and told him he now has a new life purpose.

Seth was holding back a smile.  Barely.  He said, “That’s not even funny mom.”  Why do teens have to be like that?  Holding back a smile when this is obviously the funniest comic ever!
                Seth drove me over the bridge, to Turner and back.  He has gained confidence and does lane changes well.  I am proud.  I am also more scared for my life.  He stops too close to other cars for my comfort at lights.  I let him know but he tells me he is doing fine.  I am glad he has confidence.  I just wish he didn’t have more than I do.
                Bobby made several wonderful meals this week (including Valentine's dinner).  We talked about the imperfect fruit delivery service and know that our family does not eat large amount of fresh fruit or veggies.  Imperfect cookies on the other hand . . .
                I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day.  May you find love in all the people you encounter.  May you enjoy the beautiful nature that God provides.  May you give joy to all you know.  Hugs,


Monday, February 11, 2019

Should Fortnight bring shame?

Dear Family,
                Shame comes in many forms.  A girl in the school I work at said, “I am so ashamed.”  She looked downcast and was willing to confess.  She said, “I played Fortnight this morning before school.  I was hiding from my mom!”  This made me chuckle.  I had to tell her, “My husband plays Fortnight in the mornings sometimes too.”  On our snow day this week I was listening to Bobby play Fortnight – actually – he was totally witnessing.  He was talking about not taking the Lord's name in vain, and about how God loves people but doesn’t approve of sin.  Cool!  I love that!  I did mention to Seth about the funny girl at school.  Seth had to give his two cents.  “The only problem is, Dad, is not ashamed at all.”  Seth believes any game aimed at young teens is for the garbage heap.
                I told Bobby he was the best.  He announced to Seth, “Did you hear that Seth?”  Seth said, “Title has been revoked due to bragging.”
                I love that Adriel and I pray together.  On our snow day, Adriel awoke happily, “We prayed for a less stressful day!  Woo Hoo!”  I promised myself I would enjoy the snow at least once this year if we had a snow day.  We borrowed some grade schoolers and enjoyed walking and having snowballs thrown at us.  Bobby said it was, “The best day ever.”

                Seth is glad he is not forced to have fun.  He stayed home and cooked for himself.  I’m glad he makes his own food.  He glad that he is not forced to frolic.
                I love that Seth wants to go to Youth Group early.
                I stopped by ‘Rainbow West Christian Supply’ this week.  I thought, maybe I can see how they put items in their inventory.  The salesperson was excited about the book Adriel and I made. We were also able to talk about how God gives us each different abilities.  I am so excited that Adriel’s drawings bring my words to life.  They are such a blessing!
                Bobby made several wonderful dishes this week.  It’s fun to be served, to thank and be filled with gratitude. 
                I truly enjoy playing games with our friends.  Bobby and I are very blessed.
                Adriel came home Saturday morning and handed me a Frappe!  How nice of her!  She said, “I won’t drink it, I’m going to bed.”  She slept well and all is wonderful.
                Seth drove me over the bridge and back this week.  He is gaining confidence, and I enjoy chatting with him.
Seth was asked to go to church for music rehearsal.  He was supposed to change the slide words if there was that need.  Yay Seth :-) 
                Adriel and Bobby cleaned a drain this week.  It was bad.  They used two bottles of Drano!  Yikes.  Yay for learning life skills.  I’m glad they worked on it together and did a good job.  Yay for teamwork!!
                May you also be a great team player.  May those around you find joy in your presence.  May God fill you with peace, love, and health.  Hugs,

P.S. This is how my cat feels about snow.


Monday, February 4, 2019

2/4/19 Comedy Gold

Dear Family,

I love comedy gold.  It’s everywhere when you are looking.
Sometimes I love helping at youth group because I know I did well.  Sometimes I enjoy that Bobby thanks me.  Sometimes I just enjoy the comedy gold.  This week Bobby was telling the youth to, “Be kind to your parents even though they make mistakes.  You also make mistakes.”  Someone from the crowd shouted, “I’m a mistake.”
            Bobby also said, “If someone cuts me off when I’m driving it’s bad for me to ram my car into them.” 
            We managed to set a time and date for Adriel’s Graduation party.  The graduation ceremony is Thursday, June 6.  Her party is June 9th, 4-7 PM.  Those are the hours she has to stay home.  You all have more choices but Adriel – well, we are making her stay 3 hours.  Finding a date was hard.  I am glad we figured that out.
            This week Adriel and I have been praying for her band friend DJ Tunzat.  I know him because I have brought him home a couple times from Kalapuya (or was is Straub???)  when they were younger.  We also prayed for my coworker's son who had a concussion.  It is good to talk and pray with my Adriel.  It is very good that God heals!
            I love seeing Bobby took the High School youth group to Dairy Queen.  Fun times.  I love it that Bobby leads a boys group, “Be a man” at the Local Roth’s store.  It cracks me up that one of our youth uses his app to ‘check in’ at the liquor store next door.  I told him he should tag Bobby next time.  Bobby said he is buying a puppy!  NEVER MIND!  Goodness – some people do not like jokes.
            Even though it is kind of mean I do enjoy watching our cat Skyra steal things from Bobby.  If you haven’t seen the videos I posted they are on Facebook.  She wants his paint brushes, the figurines he is trying to paint and any random pen.  Poor Bobby. 

            Teaching Seth to drive is good.  He is a sweetheart.  I was trying to make conversation and want to know if he finds anything funny.  I asked, “Anything funny happen at school?” No.  “Was anyone funny at your school?  Even just looking at them?”  Seth violently reacted and asked if I was a bully.  Oh dear – I didn’t mean it that way. 
            May you be able to laugh without offending those around you.  May your humor not be at others expense.  May I take my own advice.  Love,
