Monday, February 24, 2020


Dear Family,

            Being thankful is good for our health.  This morning I read in the Bible, “9 We should not test Christ as some of them did, and were killed by snakes. 10 And do not complain, as some of them did, and were killed by the destroying angel.” 1 Corinthians 10:9.  Goodness, gracious!  Time to look on the bright side with purpose.
            Bobby cooked yummy pulled pork sandwiches on Monday.  We are blessed and leftovers abound! 
            Bobby thanked me for coming to youth group.  They can be very excitable.  Once when desperately desiring to share his story a youth raised his hand, bounced in his seat and said, “Mine is as short as I am!” 
            I enjoy watching Bobby prepare bottle rockets.  His gears are running full tilt.  He is testing in the field.  A great youth group and camp game is in the works.
            It is fun walking the city and park with Bobby and friends.  It is great getting out in the sunshine (liquid or not) enjoying friendly conversation and playing a fun game.
            Bobby and I enjoyed serving at our church’s “Silly Supper” on Thursday.  There were many laughs and some fabulously outrageous outfits.  Our favorite was watching Hank use two hands on chopsticks with marshmallow sorting.
            Seth mowed the lawn this week.  I am glad he did it when it was sunny.  It’s raining a lot today.
            Seth had a friend over to talk about computers.  I love their deep voices, sweet laughter and knowing they are sharpening each other.
            Adriel has been sweet and given some lovely hugs as she runs out the door camping, hiking, working or studying.  She is in and out often. 
            Overall I am so glad to say God has blessed us.  I have nothing to complain about.  May He guide your steps and life in a similar fashion.  May you find peace in the beauty that surrounds us.  Hugs and love,


Monday, February 17, 2020


Dear Family,

                “You have found me, but you better bring baby Yoda with you.”  The gas station attendants’ words sounded cryptic to me.  I felt confused and said, “What?”  He handed me this Valentine and I understood.  Putting Valentines in the gas tank area is fun for days that follow.

I love it when people are quick thinking!
                Bobby and I had a wonderful Valentine's meal and enjoyed some walks this week.  He also cooked dinner for all of us Monday and we enjoyed the company of our children.  Yay!  Bobby also cooked Saturday and it was fabulous.  Neither of us knew he would be the one who cooks dinners.  I am blessed by how our lives have turned out.
                Youth group had another bout of comedy gold.  When Bobby asked, “Can you summarize the scripture we just read?”  A student said, “Well there were a whole lot of big words that I don’t understand.” 
                Another student mentioned that “Basically I just want to be with Bobby 24/7 . . . Well, not in the bedroom.  I know what goes on in there.”    I love those kids. 
                And the best.  They asked, “Can we pinky pray?”  The girls were granted permission to hold pinkies for prayer.  Then a boy asked, “Can we Thigh pray?”  Hard no, no need for that kind of touching at youth group.
                Bobby mentioned that our cat has FOMO = Fear of Missing out.  She follows us around all the time. 
                Homegroup and prayer group are very comforting.  I am blessed that we can pray for each other, gather and fight Satan together.  The battle is real – our hugs and talk really do make the difference.
                Adriel gave us a wonderful Valentine's card this year.  Her heartfelt words will be treasured forever.  I enjoy our chats, hugs and saving Pokémon for her.
                Seth continues to be hilarious and fun.  I wish I immediately wrote his quips down.  He makes me laugh but I enjoy staying in the moment.  I don’t rush to write it down.  I’ll have to do that. 
                Seth agreed to help with janitorial needs temporarily.  He is being trained and will be ready when the need arises at Church.  Yay Seth!
                As you grow, learn and go may you choose to follow God’s path for your life.  May he be a light unto your path and may you go to him when questions arise.  Much Love,


Monday, February 10, 2020


Dear Family,
                Being rescued is humbling.  I locked my keys in the trunk this week.  I thought Bobby was gone so I called the kids.  Seth was willing to rescue me!  How sweet my son is.  I am so glad he has a car.  Now, to get him a phone.
                I love seeing Seth in the sound booth at church.  He is serving, useful, and a blessing.  My boy! 
                Bobby and I had a great dinner at a local restaurant called Azul’s Taco House.  We brought some home for Seth and he asked the price.  He said, “These are a great price for something that tastes so luxurious!”  $2.50 per large taco, Yum!
                Bobby found out I needed rescuing and told Seth he would do it.  I was glad to see my love.  He hadn’t gone to the retreat yet and was glad to come.  Yay!
                Adriel continues to be sweet with her hugs and prayers.  I am glad to have Adriel in my life. 
                May your heart be full this week.  May you find joy in those you love and may God bless you in abundance.  Much Love,


Monday, February 3, 2020


Dear Family,
                I believe walking with someone is sharing life even if that walking is trying to show someone the video playing on your device as they are walking away.  I’ll admit – I must slow down.  I don’t know why I was walking away but both of my kids were doing this sometime this week.  May I slow down, stand with them and delight in their presence.
                Bobby cooked several amazing meals this week.  I love his ability, skill and willingness to help our family thrive.  This week was special because Pastor Marcus and his wife Kahori came over to eat.  We had wonderful conversations.  Seth had the floor for a bit.  He may talk over our heads.  He smiles and knows it.  Seth said, “It’s hard to explain.”   I don’t care if I understand him or not.  I feel happy and proud that he is way over our heads. 
                I enjoyed chatting with Adriel.  We talked about her trip with Chris to visit my parents.  I’m glad they are back home safe.  What fun it is to be stuck with someone in the car for hours. 
Chris is a great listener.  I love to tell stories and ask him questions while teaching him how to drive.  Chris is great company.
                Bobby thanked me for helping with Youth Group.  I’m so glad we are kind to each other.  It’s much better than the alternative. 
                May you also choose kindness.  May you rejoice in those you know and may you delight in their decision to walk with you and share life with you.  Much love,
