Monday, March 27, 2023


 Dear Family,

When Bobby makes dinner, I am always blessed.  When he makes chicken pot pie even better!  It is fabulous to eat food that tastes good.  I don’t mind cleaning up at all.  We also had a date this week and I enjoy being with him.  Yay!

Wednesday night Bobby had a combined Middle and High School event in the gym with pizza.  Over 30 kids showed up hungry.  Not everyone wanted to do nine square or volleyball, so I enjoyed playing a favorite game called Things.  This always brings laughter because we make up funny answers.  Things your mother teaches you. “How to drive with good language,” was my favorite.  Others included things you shouldn’t be allowed to do. “What if someone just wrote their name?” This was said in innocence but taken wrong with laughter.  “Lick other people’s faces.”  Things people don’t know much about. Dog poo and nose hairs to name a few.  I enjoy laughing and that game brings it out.

Seth cracked me up about ingredients this week.  He asked for medicine for congestion, and I bought our family go-to which is Dayquil.  He didn’t want that, he wanted something with Phenylephrine in it.  This was a new word for me.  Goodness, someone did his homework.  Also, when I bought Nutritional Yeast to make Vegan Popcorn Seasoning Seth was chagrined.  What is this weird new food?  When he found out there were no saturated fats  in the food then he became fine with it.  Either way – I make popcorn and just add the Nutritional yeast to mine.  I think I’m the only one who likes it.

Adriel remains busy as can be.  She started school and finds life is flying by.  I am glad when she answers my texts or calls as usual. 

On rainy days especially I feel blessed by the roof we have over our heads, the jobs we have that are indoors, the protection we feel from hoods on coats, and cars with tops.  God blesses with rain and therefore flowers.  We are protected from the elements, and it is good.  May we have wisdom on how to bless those less fortunate.

Much love, Cristy

Monday, March 20, 2023


 Dear Family,


            Having you in my life is a blessing.  People who accept and love are a boon to the soul.  I am thankful for you, my audience.  Your responses are precious, and your love is beyond what I could ask for.          

Bobby visited Adriel in Portland for lunch Monday.  I love getting their pictures and Bobby brought home some doughnuts that were yummy.  How fun to see them smiling.

            Seth gave me his book, “Kindred” by Octavia Butler to read.  I was almost halfway thru one day into it.  My attention was captured, and I am blessed by Seth’s generosity.  This book was from his college class.  It talks about racism and slavery which are subjects not to shy away from.  I was more than entertained.  I was educated.

            Adriel answers my texts, and I am blessed by her being alive.  Hearing that Walmart is moving out of Portland because of theft doesn’t make the town sound safe.  Yikes!  But Adriel assures me she is fine, and I am glad.

             Tuesday night youth group had so much excitement the youth were jumping up and down.  All this over a game that had to do with candy, flour and possibly having to fetch candy out of flour with your face.  They sure are delightful. 

            Wednesday night High school group had Bobby rolling on the ground laughing so hard.  One of the youths coughed as he was trying to get an M&M out of flower with his face.  The plumes were a beautiful array of spray that jump scared many with hops backward. 

This week Bobby cooked Cottage pie and it tasted fabulous.  I am blessed by his love, cooking, and presence.  Bobby mowed the lawn as much as the batteries would let him this week and did a great job. 

Seth mowed the rest of the lawn and teased me about how hard it is (oh the agony).  There was about 3 ft square to mow.  He believes that the more we mow it the faster it will grow.  Sigh.

Family blesses and so does reading.  I enjoy exploring new lands, hearing new ideas, and feeling what the author wants me to feel.  I am glad I have started picking books up again.  Reading the book, “Dream Releasers” by Wayne Cordero gave me a vision for discipling youth.  How exciting to help people grow in faith and in maturity.  I’ll be reaching out to a couple people when the weather is better because I like walking as I talk.  None of this sitting-down business.  Either way, I was blessed by reading the book and putting it in our church library.

May you find joy in a good book.  May you delight in the spring flowers that are beginning to show.  May you be glad for the changes God brings into your life.  Love and hugs, Cristy

Also, Bobby bought a game for camp.  Giant Clue.  When I asked what was different about the game he said, "It's for giants to play."  He wouldn't let that go and I just had to laugh.  Silly man.

Sunday, March 12, 2023


 Dear Family,


            It is so nice having Bobby at home.  I love his cooking and that it included meat from the freezer.  We also enjoyed playing “Wingspan” which helps us learn about birds and lets me build.  I love building, growing, and creating a team, deck, or creation. 

            Middle school group was filled with a wonderful group of fun-loving people.  They interact with joy and excitement.  They remind their parents to bring them and are glad to be together.  The lesson from last week about stuff was used last night except it was done by Bobby which was completely different.  Instead of talking about the meaning of life, I found I was the main illustration because I had the habit of cleaning up after Bobby.  He would go away for weeks at a time, and I would box up many items, store them under the house, or do general cleaning.  When he came back, he would say, “Where’s my stuff” my answer was, “Where it belongs.” His confusion, “Where is that?”  My answer of, “I don’t remember” didn’t help his situation.  The main theme was to be less possessive of the items you have and be more focused on God and His will. 

                Wednesday night had some interesting insights during our pre-games.  One person mentioned we were playing strip gutter ball.  This brought many questions and looks.  Finally, “What kind of stripping are we doing here?”  And the answer, “He just took his coat off, don’t take this too far guys!”  There was relief and laughter.  Oh, that.  Later we heard Bobby was playing, “Killer checkers” with Sam.  Well, I said, “At least it’s better than strip gutter ball.”  Another came back with, “One person dies, how is that any better?”  Oh dear, he had a point.

                During the lesson, we discussed sharing our story and how we are "compelled" to share (Luke 8:39, John 3:39-42).  The picture was a bit confusing to Rich.  "Why did you include a picture of a 'Scary old quaker woman?'”  This brought up much consternation.  #1 how are quaker women scary?  #2 that’s Obi-Wan Kenobi!  What do you see?

                I enjoy walking with friends immensely.  These are precious times and the sun shone for us for the minutes we were outside.  What a blessing!  What fun.  Even more fun was when we sat down for a bit and her husband acted silly.  Do you see the husband in this picture?

                Home group on Thursday was good.  Everyone is glad to talk about God and sing his praises. 

                Friday, I had a nice nap from 4-6:30PM and was able to function enough to watch some shows with Bobby before we went to bed.  He made a wonderful dinner of chicken and scalloped potatoes.  I am so blessed that he cooks for us.  I really hate cooking.  Saturday we were entertained with a presentation about travel.  We enjoyed being together and figuring out what God’s will is for our future.  Not their sales pitch or the “free” airfare tickets either.  Oh well, it was fun to find ourselves of one mind about those things.

                May you also agree with the ones you love.  May you find peace in God’s will and promises.  May you endure the hard times and be blessed by the easy.  Much love,




 PS if you want some $ or "free" airfare and 2 hotel nights with so many restrictions and a cost of $550 in fees and taxes they weren't worth it for us to use let me know I'll give them to you.




Monday, March 6, 2023


 Dear Family,

                Bobby noticed I was gone at work a lot so he folded my laundry for me.  I appreciated his help and thoughtfulness.

                Seth enjoyed some Chicken and Broccoli stir fry I made while Bobby was gone.   He also delights us during movies with his comments.  I truly enjoy his presence.  We watched Wakanda forever and he was saying how he hopes there will be dancing and happiness at his funeral.  I have been bugging him to fill out his Oregon Advance Directive, so I said, “Put that in there!”  It will be interesting to see what he wants.  Everyone, you need to fill that form out.  It’s important for the world to know what your desires are.

                Adriel welcomed me with open arms in Portland for a late lunch.  It is so good to see her and hear about how life is going.  She is full of love and hugs.  We catch up, reminisce, and delight in being together.  I wish her well in her growth and independence.

                Tuesday night Bobby canceled youth group from Idaho.  He was at a retreat for Camp leaders.  When I let him know it was snowing, we checked if the schools were canceled and therefore had to cancel youth group.  Wednesday night, Rich led High school group and it was a great introspective time about living life differently.  If we aren’t supposed to live life to get more stuff (Matthew 6:19-21) then what are we supposed to live life for?  Great . . . long . . . pause.  Figuring that out took a bit and we talked a little about crowns, winning souls, and good works, not investing in people just because we like having friends but investing because we can help lead them to the one who loves the most.  What a tragedy it would be if the ones closest to us watched us enter heaven and said, “You never told me!”

                Bobby came home from his retreat tired because it was after I went to bed.  I am glad he is back.  When he asked what he could cook one night I said, “Asparagus!” because it was $.99 a lb.  He made a yummy meal around asparagus and there was great rejoicing. 

                May you find God gives you grace for all those you encounter.  May you be glad in your heart when you help others.  May you do good works which God prepared in advance for you to do. 




