Monday, August 27, 2018

8/27/18 We now understand about Marching band.

Dear Family,

“Well, it won’t kill me,” is the grand compliment I received from Seth.   “But it’s such a waste of blackberries!”  He likes blackberry shakes the best.  My decision to make blackberry fruit roll-ups was hard on Seth.  Lucky for all of us, there are many more blackberries free and available as weeds, in Salem.
Seth also declared that helping Grandma Webb was, “Kind of fun.”  I am glad Bobby is teaching Seth how to be a good son.  Grandma is moving into her new house.  Yay!  Seth and Bobby were some needed muscle.  I believe the feeling of accomplishment was an almost equal reward compared to a day of sitting and playing computer games.  It also helped that she gave them cash.  Grandma Webb is teaching me how to be a good mother.
Teens and Mr. Brumfield took a turn in the dunk tank on a 68-degree day.  Everyone who took the plunge deserves an award.  I love our annual church picknick, but I always feel sorry for anyone who does the dunk tank if it’s not 80 degrees or more.  Seth helped retrieve balls and was a great team with Griffen.  I am so proud of my kiddo for being mature and helpful!
Bobby thanked me for helping with the bouncy house.  It was fun, and I was still able to talk to friends. Yay!
Here is a fun quote from Bobby while playing games online, “You are going to want to have a girlfriend later guys.  Trust me.”  The things I overhear!
The highlight this week was going to a reunion for a church we went to in 1995.  Sonrise Baptist church took Bobby in while he went to college.  The people there drove him to church then bought him a car.  One person helped him get a job, and everyone loved him.  I went to volunteer a year or two before we were married, but Bobby spent a summer living with the youth pastor and interned there.  I enjoyed Bobby thanking people for their influence and for all they did.   He was very excited to see several youths.  Our reception tickled me.  Mary Beth and James Gleason were amazing hosts.  I especially enjoyed chatting with Mary Beth.  Seeing old friends gives me longing for Heaven.  The reception will be similar.
Bobby mandated on Monday that the family available had to try out a new ice cream place in South Salem.  “On Any Sundae” was yummy and fun to visit.  My sad attempt at taking a selfie was rescued by a kind stranger who offered to take a picture for us.  Yay for humankind.  Bobby was even so fabulous; he decided to take ice cream to go for Adriel who was at marching band.

Adriel doesn’t always come straight home after marching band.  I have learned that the best way to entice her is to say, “We brought home ice cream for you.”  I was amazed at how fast she was at our doorstep. 
            Bobby and I went to the premiere night for marching band and were blown away by the music.  We now understand why Adriel had to do marching band this year.  Their teacher said he was saving this music for the year they decided to compete nationally.  I thought it was ridiculous when she said, “I heard the music,” but now – I understand.  I was going to write what it is but Bobby said no, it’s a secret because they compete.  You will have to go to a West High Football game during halftime.  That’s when they do their show.
            God is at work among us!  He draws people closer to each other and closer to him.  We listened to the Mexico team share about how God used them, and I love knowing that God works across borders, in hearts all around the world.  May you be excited to be led by our perfect, loving, benevolent father! 

Much Love,



Monday, August 20, 2018

8/20/18 Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. 1Sam 16;7

Dear Family,

After a sermon like that – what can I say?  This Sunday the sermon was about looking into the heart and not judging by outward appearances.  Pastor Marcus even said we shouldn’t be complementing our daughters for being beautiful and our sons for being strong!  What a dilemma!  I am glad for both of those things in my kids.  Faith is so internal – I am so very glad my kids have evidence of faith; both serve in the church, and I love that.  Their hearts?  My heart?  God knows – and I am not supposed to judge others – uhhhh.  I have my normal list of blessings, and I will write the normal, but for now, I am wondering – how can I value the faith in those I know when it is not as visible as other things.  How can I show my faith to those around me that they might desire their faith to grow?
I did read a book this week called, “The Mysterious Presence” by Christopher P.N. Maselli.  
In this book, I was happy to read of a group of teens that prayed together, worshiped God together and fought dark forces together.  One character was envious of their friend’s faith.  I liked that book – yet they were in peril – they talked about faith.  They were on the front lines.  They encouraged each other with verses (YES, this book is going in our church library).  Our lives seem mundane compared to that.  Or are they?  “Our fight is not against flesh and blood” Ephesians 6:12 – there is a war going on for hearts.  Am I in the fight or not?  These are the burning questions I will continue to ponder.  Pray with me for wisdom please as I desire to grow my kid's faith but feel like my time is pretty much up.  They are teens – listening to a parent isn’t their priority anymore, they have so many other items vying for their attention.
Case in point – Adriel – I am amazed at her ability to endure grilling hours of marching band as she juggles her work schedule and makes time for friends and gaming (on her computer).  Adriel is a great friend who listens and cares deeply for those she has known since kindergarten.  She works hard and her job and is needed there.  She was able to change some hours around and work it so she can do some more time for marching band.  I know something has to give (right!?) she did tell a story about how she quietly slipped behind a piano (during the 12 hour marching band days) and had a nap during sectionals.  The didn’t miss her, and she was refreshed.  I think it’s a blessing to be able to sleep anywhere like that.  I also can sleep through loudness, and I’m tickled Adriel has this talent.  (As long as she doesn’t fall asleep during class or driving – that would be a different story.)
Seth is such a content person.  He is glad he has several computer classes this year in school.  He would love never to learn to drive.  This thinking is something we disagree with.  We have forced him to read his permit book by saying he can’t do screen time till he has read for an hour and taken a practice test online.  This week he improved his score from %50 to %85.  I think we will make him get his permit next week.  How fun and exciting – for us.  Not for him – but I am sure he will be glad to have this skill under his belt later in life.  We need him to drive us to the hospital if we fall and can’t get up.
Bobby was very pleased several times this week.  He enjoyed messy kickball and hosing people down afterward.  He was surprised by joy when several people from the youth group were with him at Sonic enjoying shakes.  A man pulled up, said, “You like money right?”  Threw something at them and then drove away.  Bobby walked over and scooped up 9 $100 bills.  Since there were seven people with Bobby, he gave each person $100!  There was $100 extra, so the youth group even got $100.  It could have been you – if you had been there you would have gotten that extra $100. 
Bobby also made several meals this week and was delighted with a green sauce he made from scratch.  It was too spicy for me, but Adriel, Seth and Bobby liked it.  It’s cute to see him so proud of himself.  Bobby was also very happy to interact with a great many people as he played Fortnite that’s where a lot of teens are during these hot days of summer.

May you respond to God in such a way that your faith shines before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16b)  May you enjoy the love God pours out on us in abundance.  May you be glad and rejoice in all you encounter.  Much Love, Cristy

Monday, August 13, 2018

8/13/18 fast

Dear Family,

                As I am breaking a three day fast (8/9/18), I want to share what God has taught me.  So many things! 
#1.  We don’t need that much food.  It was a water fast, no food involved.  I was able to continue doing my daily tasks a little slower, taking more breaks as I worked out, and my body still worked.  I understand why the Israelites complained.  Less food hurts.  Less food can FEEL frustrating and like we aren’t taken care of.  Oh goodness – this reminds me of our early marriage.  I remember one road trip before kids.  Bobby said, “You need to be nicer.”  I said, “You need to feed me.”  We both said I will not meet your needs until you meet mine.  Sigh, I have choices.  Usually, when I am hungry, that is all I can think about.  I don’t care WHERE we eat; I want to shove anything in.  It’s pretty ugly. 
#2.  I can choose my attitude.  I’ll admit it; I like being the boss.  I am highly organized.  I know how to lead a team.  I feel respected when people obey.  If I am hungry and not eating is not my choice I can have a very bad attitude.  Seriously.  I choose to join a friend in her three days fast, and my attitude was OK.  Good enough that no one even knew it was happening.  I need to choose to have a good attitude even if my belly is rumbly.
#3.  I’m noticing a huge disparity between what I want and need.  I don’t need food that much at all.  Want is a whole different thing.  As God gives us what we need may we give praise and be thankful.  I can choose to “Rejoice in the Lord Always.” (Phil 4:4)  I can look to Him and focus on the positive.  My outlook is my choice.  I could have said in that car ride a long time ago, “I’m hungry, but I married you and promised I would love you – I’ll be nicer with my words.”  And we all know that’s exactly what I did.  (LOL)
#4.  We are all pretty self-centered.  I would have broken the fast if my husband had made dinner on the 7th and had us all sit down.  I would have broken the fast if my friend had come over for a breakfast date.  Neither happened, and that was OK.  God wanted me to focus on Him and seek His face.  I noticed my hunger, no one else knew, and that is OK.
#5.  Even hard things are MUCH better with a friend.  God put her in my life at just the right time.  No one has ever fasted with me secretly before.  I haven’t fasted that long in over 20 years.  Have you ever noticed that it is more fun to clean your room or house when someone else is helping you?  I know my daughter doesn’t mind the hard work of Marching band so much simply because of the camaraderie of teamwork.  Every team does hard work to spur each other on.  I am very glad for friends.  In light of this – if you want me to fast with you – shoot me a message, and I will do this with you.  We can encourage each other.
#6. Blessings are so sweet when I have been without them for a while.  I just ate some leftovers.  Nothing special.  And yet, those were the best bites ever.  God has made eating and other bodily functions enjoyable.  Doesn’t it feel wonderful to make it to the toilet finally?!  Oh dear.  We experience such sweet relief when we can care for our bodies.  Even joy at the finish (or in the middle) of a workout.  When we take care of ourselves, we can rejoice that we are able.  Reunion with a loved one, that first hug of meeting.  How sweet it is to enjoy what God has given us.  We can choose to take for granted our blessings – or we can choose to stop our restless fast-paced business and look into the eyes of those we love and say how appreciated they are.
#7. I noticed that I feel full easier.  My stomach shrank, and that is a really good thing.  I don’t want to pack it in.  I want to take my time and focus on food less.  I know that I can choose to fill my belly and stretch it out again.  I do not want to do that.  I want to follow true hunger and true full.  I want to listen to my belly and God more than listening to my eyes.

On to the family!
Bobby did make a great dinner after they came home from their trip.  I did enjoy being with him Sunday after church.  I chose to socialize (since I have been a bit lonely) and enjoyed painting with him.  I also enjoyed his company, and we had a great talk.
 Adriel worked several long days this week to make up for her vacation later on in the week.  Her boss said, “You have to earn those days.”  I like it that Adriel didn’t simply loose working hours.  She is a good worker, and they want her there. 
Adriel was willing to hike over a hundred miles with her dad.  WOW!  I am not.  Their trip did not go as long as anticipated; I am glad they had a couple of days together.  The smoke was bad, a tent pole broke, and they ended up hiking out.  It was OK.  They are sad but fine.  I am very glad they are safe.
Adriel is hungry for independence and willing to pay for it.  Last year her only desire was to go to Hawaii with the marching band.  She stipulated that she wouldn’t do marching band next year.  She was willing to pay all she had.  We didn’t make her pay all; we had her pay half.  It was a good trip, and we were glad she would have an easy senior year.  Then she heard the music.    Some people called her . . “Mom, I want to do marching band again.”  My response was, “Nooooooo.”  “Mom, you have to support me.”  Still, in shock, I quietly said, “Nooooooo.”  So Adriel is doing marching band again.  And this year she is prepared to pay for all of it.  She is putting forth %75 of her paycheck every two weeks.  Thank you to those who responded to her support letter.  Our girl has always saved half of her paycheck, and now she’s putting most of it towards Marching band.  This is how much she wants to participate!  Wow, just, wow.
Seth is very happy with some late Birthday money.  He was able to buy a new graphics card and is enjoying getting it set up.  Bobby said he was never brave enough to reinstall operating systems.  It’s pretty fun watching our little one turn out so smart and so specialized.  Seth always did have a fascination with computers.
Also, it’s funny that I call him little.  Seth slept in so late one day I said, “Either you are sick or growing,” as I put my hand on his forehead.  He replied with his deep rumbly voice, “I’m not sick mom.”  So I had him stand up to be measured.  He grew 1.5” in 1.5 months.  I wonder if the sun also helps kids grow.
Seth is also happy with the simple things in life.  He enjoys pretzels and doesn’t mind going out to get blackberries.    We enjoyed going to the Duvalls house, and I loved seeing Seth interact with the teens, a golf cart, and grandma’s motorized scooter.

I also loved playing Mancala with Sam who is now ten years old.  He is the only person I have met who can beat me soundly.  I love that game.

May you enjoy those you encounter and may your hearts be glad that you are a part of a free country and a beautiful heritage.  Much love J Cristy

Monday, August 6, 2018

8/6/18 Annual Rummage Sale

Dear Family,
                What blessing stuff can be!  This week our church had our annual rummage sale.  The rummage sale is more than junk trading hands.  I heard stories from people; “I cried and praised God.” “Tell the church how blessed we are.” “I started going to this church because of the rummage sale.”  “We have been looking for a church.”  There is more going on here than just money and things.  There is a beautiful, lovely letting go and letting God.  People give time, money, things and themselves.  I truly enjoyed the time I was helping.
                Our whole family spent some time volunteering at the rummage sale.  I loved seeing them interact and I truly enjoy the strength of Seth.  Seth used to be little; now he is taller than his dad!  Seth is strong and doesn’t mind lifting things I can’t!  I am so pleased by his willingness to help. 
                Bobby leads teens in helping.  He was able to drive them, buy them lunch and redirect when their silliness seemed distracting.  Bobby also thanked me when I got lunch for some kids and gave another a ride home.  I am glad to help.
                Adriel is fun to watch and beautiful.  Adriel had work, so she wasn’t able to give as much time to the rummage sale, but I am proud of her for working hard in whatever she does.  She did mention a person threw a banana at her at work.  When I asked why someone would do that, she said, “I don’t know.”  Sometimes working with the elderly can be exciting.
                I enjoyed a talk with Adriel this week.  Although she does want to move out, she expressed appreciation for all we have given her.  I had moved out before I was 18 so I understand her desire to leave.  We will miss her whenever she does go.  I am glad she can say she loves and appreciates us.
                Bobby made dinner several times this week, and I love that.  I also like that when he drives, I feel safe.  He’s a great driver.  When I mentioned this to him, he said he is very glad to drive.  He becomes nauseous otherwise. 
                Bobby and I were able to take a trip to Sisters this week and enjoyed hiking, the Town of Sisters and a visit with Bobby’s Dad and girlfriend Sandy.  How fun it was to enjoy ourselves and to know the kids are fine.  They are safe, and we trust them.

                I also had the privilege to visit my cousin Nicole and her family.  It was fun to celebrate Jacks Birthday and see that he is surrounded by friends and loved ones.  How fun to see a young boy excited about presents and playing in the park.  How wonderful to visit with family.
                May you find God is the best provider ever.  May you feel safe knowing He is at the wheel.  May you let go of all and see what God does with it.  Much love,
