Monday, November 26, 2018

Thanksgiving Blessings 11/26/18

Dear Family,

   Thanksgiving is such a fun time!  I love having a week off work, visiting family, being thankful for all God has given us.  I even enjoyed time for parent-teacher conferences.  It’s not always fun hearing what they have to say but this week it was.  
Bobby has enjoyed checking out movies from the library.  They became free! I am very glad the only price is time wasted.  The Birds was worth the price.  There was no resolution, grrrr.
Bobby blesses us when he drives us to Seattle and back.  Watching Bobby and our nephew Braeden throw a football outside is a blessing.  How fun to be with family and have time to enjoy each other! 

 Bobby cooked Turkey and Tamales this week.  He also set up and decorated our Christmas tree this year.  Yay for his desire to have good food and his ability to make our house beautiful.

Blessings abound when I can see my kids interact with my sister’s kids.  When we gather I feel loved and enjoy the abundant fun.  My heart felt like it would burst watching Seth laugh with the family as little ones did their antics.  I have my fill of hugs at the end.  So many hugs (I counted, Braeden gave me 6). 
I loved watching Adriel do beads with her cousins.  I enjoyed looking up a pattern for beading when Addison asked for a design idea.  She made a beautiful strand of flower shapes.  WOW!  So impressive and beautiful.
Having a visit with Mom and Caren VanKleek was a blessing.  How great to see they moved into their new house.  How wonderful to enjoy their cute doggies.  How fun to hug and be together.
Adriel displayed the presents she has bought for her friends to me.  I am blessed to see her enthusiasm.  She has always been generous.  My heart feels warm at the thought of her excitement.  Adriel has been going out to lunch with me on Sunday afternoons.  I am glad to have a glimpse into her life. 
Adriel was accepted into the college she wants to go to, Western Oregon Universtiy.  They sent her a scholarship.  They are excited to have her come.  How fun!
Adriel drew two pictures for me this week.  I am so blessed that she shares her beautiful art with me.  I am glad to pay her and even more excited to see what she will draw next.
Seth cracks me up.  I call him ‘Barn Sour’ because he reminds me of the horse I used to have.  When I would ride out of the barn she would plod or go slow.  Turn her around to go home and she wanted to run.  Seth is also like this.  Going away from home during driving he drives slower.  He even spent time driving 5 miles an hour on gravel.  I was frustrated and told him to turn around.  He said, “I’m just using up my time.”  I train him 1 hour a week on Saturdays.  When the timer beeps and it’s time to go home . . .He drives faster.  Maybe I’ll call him “Home sour.”
I am glad that Seth is a different person when he drives in a real car vs. when he drives on the x-box.  In a real car, he avoids other cars and doesn’t go that fast.  On the x-box, he crashes into things and cars.  On the x-box, he has zero anxiety and can even rewind and redo parts of the drive.  This complete 180 in personality helps me realize that even though he plays first person shooter games – he won’t go out and shoot things as he does on the computer.  He is definitely a different person when it comes to real life.  Yay!
When Bobby wins a battle on a game called Fortnite he becomes so excited he has to share the joy.  He sends Adriel screenshots saying how well he did.  Seth’s response, “This is why I don’t want a phone.”  How annoying when your parents share their joys.
Spending Thanksgiving day with the DuVall family was a great blessing.  Adriel and Seth were able to leave early.  Adriel because she had work.  Seth because more than a half an hour socializing is taxing.  I enjoyed playing board games and having great chats.  I’ll admit it, food is always wonderful and all the hands that prepared it are God’s blessing to me.
What a blessing it was to have some time with my parents this week.  We were able to listen to dad share his heart.  Right now dad is in the hospital with an infection in his leg.  Yikes.  I guess he didn’t notice it because he’s close to being diabetic.  The Doctors said they will keep him till Wednesday to make sure the antibiotics work.  Dad said he can’t move enough to get himself out of bed.  Mom said he’s in pain but on pain medication.  So please do pray for them.  That the Doctors have wisdom, that my parents have peace in the midst of hardship, that God’s will be done in all things.
May you treasure all the Thanksgiving memories God gave us this week.  May your heart be full and your voice raise up in praise as you delight in all He has for us.
Much Love,

Cristy VanKleek

Monday, November 19, 2018

11/19/18 Sickness & agreement

Dear Family,

Even in sickness, God blesses.  Bobby wasn’t feeling that well this week. He still managed to be an inspiring leader Tuesday night at Junior High Youth group. Rich led singing but Bobby still did the lesson. Wednesday night he stayed home and Seth was also sick so they both did. Poor things. I just let Seth know his colds will be worse now because he’s becoming a man. Man colds are the worst. I told him to look it up. It’s real. Right? If it’s on Facebook . . . .
Bobby helped fold my laundry. I admit it does take a while to get the pile that big. I start Friday night and by Saturday I had three loads to fold. It’s very sweet that he helped.
Seth is getting even more confident while driving. This week we conquered some gravel roads. We also worked on three-point turns. Whenever we get to highway 22 it’s time for one. He’s not quite ready for Highway 22 but a three-point turn, that’s easier.
I had to compliment Adriel this week. I told her that two people had turned down my plea for an artist after looking at her work. They didn’t think they could do as well as she does. One said, “I don’t draw people.” And these are art graduates! Adriel took that compliment and said she would draw for my next book! Yay!! Adriel will do it again!! How exciting. She even completed the first drawing for, “Star’s Big Fight.” You will love it! I am super excited.
We had a fun visit with Adriel's boyfriend Anthony Sunday night.  It's always fun to play card games and be.  
May you find what God asks you to do pleasant. May the burden he gives you be light (Matthew 11:30). May you find joy in obedience.

Much Love, Cristy

Monday, November 12, 2018

11/12/18 Bands of America

Dear Family,

All the things I believed have been dashed regarding sickness.  Getting over the crud is hard to do.  I thought for sure Adriel might die this week as she was sick AND traveling.  Low and behold Adriel got BETTER while on the trip!  I am so very glad for this.  Adriel and the Marching Band did well.  Here are the Stats:
West Salem made history by being the first Oregon band to compete in Bands of America Grand Nationals.
108 Bands
Over 16,000 Students
Moved on to Semi-Finals from 108 to the top 30
They placed 6th in their division
They placed 27th overall
Adriel was glad they didn’t have to do Finals because then she was able to SLEEP!
It was fun seeing Bobby excited to watch the Bands on TV.  He was very into what Adriel was doing and proud of all the kids.  I am glad Adriel is home safe and doing better physically.  Look, she is even smiling!

Bobby brought her to the airport on Wednesday morning.  They woke up at 2 AM, and he was back by 5 AM.  Today he went to get her at 3:15 PM.  I am so glad Bobby is there for her.  Seth and I are not good at leaving home, Seth even more so.  Bobby and I enjoyed a friends Birthday party and asked Seth if he would come with us.  He said, “No.”  I was sad for him and said, “You don’t want to go to the birthday party?”  Seth’s response was classic, “I don’t even want to go to my own birthday party.”  Adriel, on the other hand, was very sad to be out of town.  She was frustrated because “Ryland is like my BFF.”  Such is life.
Bobby cooked several amazing and yummy meals this week.  He is very good at this, and I am so blessed that he is happy with this arrangement.  You see, the one who cooks is the one who chooses what we eat.  It makes sense.  I am also good at cleaning up, and it works out well for us.
I always enjoy HomeGroup.  I love singing, studying God’s word and snacks.  I don’t always love the scale the morning after. 
I truly enjoy relaxing with Bobby, being able to go on a date, talking and just being.  We are so blessed to have each other still. 
I love it that Seth walks home from school.  He told me Sunday morning that he would also walk to church.  After church, he was frustrated because I walked as well.  His words of frustration were, “It’s cold outside!”  I think he didn’t calculate his clothing for the morning walk.  Shorts in fall isn’t always the smartest move.  It’s less than a mile.  We both survived, and of course, the walk home was warmer.  He said that he would have driven if he could have.  This from a person who doesn’t want to drive anywhere crowded.  I love the smile he was sporting.  He is learning the importance of overcoming fears and the desire to get places without having to brave the outdoors.

May you also grow as a person when you can overcome your fears.  May God’s Blessing give you joy and peace.  May you choose to be thankful and may this decision bless those around you.

Hugs J Cristy

Monday, November 5, 2018

11/5/18 Harvest party & mouse

Dear Family,

Wasn’t the Harvest party a blast?!  My favorite part is when I asked Seth if he would help.  He said, “Of course.”  I love that he expects to help out when the youth group is.  He is growing up so well!  I even took some pictures of him smiling at people.  Smiling!  At PEOPLE!  When he was little, as soon as he could walk – if he saw a person he would walk away from them.  People baffled him. Now he is OK with ministering to little ones and he interacts with those his age and older just fine.  Yay!!

Seth is also gaining confidence as he drives.  At least I believe he is.  Sunday morning Seth mentioned we should probably take off the “Student driver signs.”  I said, “Oh No, we lost one of the three!”  He responded that “It’s OK mom, it’s not that big of a deal.”  I smiled and felt glad when I asked, “Is it OK because you are growing in confidence and might not need them anymore?”  “No, if we die we die.”  I had to laugh at this fatalistic view of his driving.  I have noticed that he doesn’t unclench his hands from the steering wheel as often as before.  He was able to converse with me, and we had great conversations about lunch, God and witnessing.  So, I believe Seth is doing great, and I believe he is gaining more confidence.  He did mention, “You don’t know the many levels of terror I experience while I am driving.”  But he hides this pretty well, and I have confidence in his driving.  He’s doing fine.  Next time I’ll make him drive towards Edgewater – well see if that happens.
Adriel continues to get great grades and do well.  She is chagrined to not have any work these days because of marching band.  She does have a bad cold right now so; please pray for her as the entire band is flying to Grand Nationals Trip Bands of America in Indiana.  Some people have to be at the airport at 4:30 AM on Wednesday.  Goodness!  I hope they can sleep on the plane.
I enjoyed having Anthony, Adriel’s boyfriend over several times.  Once he brought flowers and another time I believe I tempted them to come with Carmel Corn.  Carmel Corn is sooooo yummy!
Bobby and I had a wonderful date night this week.  I enjoyed the food and his great company.  Bobby also took a trip with the Junior High group to Tapawingo for a retreat.  I bet he will sleep well tonight!

This week even Skyra gets an honorable mention.  She caught her first mouse!  Good for her!  Now she is earning her keep!  I’ll admit my favorite thing is to have her sit on my chest and purr.  I know that’s God’s favorite thing as well.  He loves it when we are still and know that He is God.  I am also bursting with pride when she does what she is created to do!  I know our salvation is sealed – but I also know God bursts with pride when we obey and do, “good works, which he prepared in advance for us to do.”  Ephesians 2:10
May you enjoy being with God this week.  May you sit at His feet, drink in His wisdom and may you then be excited to obey His commands and be filled with His blessings.
Much Love,
