Monday, December 31, 2018

Blessings abound! 12/31/18

Dear Family,
                I may appreciate acts of service the most (out of the 5 love languages).  As I was reading what I am thankful for I see many wonderful actions.  I am also super thankful for peppermint soap, chocolate, oh AND all the wonderful Christmas blessings, cards and wishes!  Wow, thinking back, this has been an amazing week.  Hopefully for you as well.  Merry Christmas!
                Last week Bobby started cooking Sunday night, kept it up Monday morning and had a feast for his mother, sister, dad and Sandy, dad’s girlfriend.  How fun it was to gather, enjoy each other’s company and eat amazing food.  Thanks, dad for bringing wonderful drinks and mom and Caren for bringing rolls, drinks and assorted treats.  What joy it is to celebrate Jesus by giving each other gifts. 
                The kids were telling a silly story about Adriel’s friend putting pennies down the air vent in her car when Seth said, “Adriel why do you let your friend do that?”  Seth had an epiphany.  “Hey, that’s going to be my car!”  Seth will be stopping that nonsense in the future.
                We were able to enjoy a wonderful Christmas Eve with lighted candles, beautiful song and a lovely message about God’s love at West Hills Community church.  We are so blessed, what a wonderful church!
                Christmas morning Bobby made yummy eggs and ham. 
Later he was cooking again, getting ready for a gathering with our adopted Duval family.  Our immediate family enjoyed opening Leng presents and immediate family presents in the AM.  How fun.   At the Duvall’s house, we ate, played games, reminisced and enjoyed. 
                Bobby and I also loved a date this week.  We are so blessed!  I am glad we still get along.  There were some hard years but with God, we are doing good.
                During the week I asked Adriel a couple questions in passing.  “How long does it take you to fill out a scholarship?  How many scholarships have you filled out already?”  She answered honestly and both times said, “Why are you asking.”  I gave her a straight answer later on in the week.  We are willing to pay her for filling out scholarships because that helps with college costs.  We are copying pastor Marcus with this idea.  Isn’t it a great one?  When we gave Adriel money for the scholarships she has already done, she figured out what her answers meant.  “Actually,  I may have filled out more scholarships than that.” 
                While I was waiting for our cat's teeth to be cleaned and for Adriel’s tires to be rotated and aligned I walked around Salem.  It was fun but boring.  I was able to do secret shops and use the Shopkick app.  Bobby asked where I was and offered to pick me up for a youth group event.  What a great guy J!  Seth also asked where I was.  When I asked if he wanted to join us his response was, “No, I just want to know how long you will be gone.”  Seth may have sold his phone but if he wants to communicate with us, he knows how.
                Seth also thanked me for warming up some leftovers.  He’s very sweet.
                Bobby did what I cannot do.  Bobby had Seth drive him into West Salem.  Yay!!  Seth said he is not comfortable with this but he did it anyway.  Yay Bobby, Yay Seth!!
                Bobby cooked ham bone soup this week.  It’s amazing.  He cut something with the jigsaw.  I was scared to do it but Bobby was brave and whipped it out in minutes.  What a guy! 
                Adriel is cleaning out her room, donating things, putting stuff under the house and bringing some out to the garbage.  She’s getting ready to move in April.  I may feel a bit of a tug that she wants to leave us BUT that she is putting feet to her words gives me a sense of pride.  Good for her.  She is growing up and moving on. 
                Adriel continues to draw wonderful pictures for our next book and wants to keep this up for all my books in the future!  How exciting and fun!  I am glad she is willing to do this.
                May all of us grow in God.  May we make resolutions and keep them.  May we enjoy life, love, and all God has to offer.  Much love,


Monday, December 24, 2018

12/24/18 Sick and then better

Dear Family,
                Sometimes our joy is stolen by sickness.  Poor Bobby.  After several fun and festive Youth Group parties, he fell ill at 9 PM Wednesday night.  In the middle of the night, he had several violent attacks and then groaned the rest of the night and day.  I was getting ready for work but thought if he died while I was gone, I would feel guilty.  I asked if he wanted me to bring him to the hospital.  He said, “No.”  So I went to work.  Adriel also drives.  She was able to get him a thermometer which he checked regularly.  On my way home I was able to get him fruit popsicles.  Other than, “Please change the rag to be cooler and please buy fruit pops,” the request that touched my heart most was, “Please pray for me.”  After I prayed for him out loud around 6 PM Thursday night he was able to sleep better through the night.  Thursday day he didn’t get out of bed much but by Friday he was %75 better.  Saturday he was up, spreading holiday cheer by delivering Christmas goodies .  Yeah for recovered health!
                Bobby also thanked me for taking pictures of the youth group party.  I love it when I get some good ones! 

                Seth, Bobby and I had fun at our home group party.  We are blessed that it is legal to meet because we love God.  Not everyone has that.

                I enjoyed my time teaching Seth to drive.  I told him, “You could drive towards town.”  As he turned the wrong way he said, “But I’m not.”  He is only on hour 13 but by hour 50, he’s definitely going to have to be willing to drive to West Salem.  He is going to have to drive over the bridge, on freeways, and to Seattle.  Yup, I’m going to make him drive me to Seattle this summer.
                Adriel is happy with various Christmas parties and a Christmas bonus at work.  How fun that various places of work celebrate with gifts.  She is also able to fill in for others.  My Adriel is a hard worker and I am proud of her loving attitude towards all.  Her hugs are especially sweet.  I am also glad for her artistic abilities and willingness to draw for me.
                The other day the kids saw I was playing Solitaire.  They asked why and I said, “I’m getting paid ten cents every half an hour to play.”  This made them laugh but Seth said something sweet, “Well, it’s nice to see you are relaxing.”
                May you give yourself permission to relax this Christmas season.  May you enjoy the time you have for celebrating, loving and enjoying each other.  Much Love,



Sunday, December 23, 2018

2018 Christmas Letter

Dear Loved ones,

How fun and wonderful to reflect on the year.  How amazing that you might find our lives interesting.  I’ll give a brief synopsis for each person in our family then I’ll list the funniest things that happened in no specific order because I love to laugh and I believe you will also.
Bobby is 45 and still loves his job as Youth Pastor at West Hills Community church.  Even though we have been here 11 years he continues to enjoy working with youth and helping them figure out life.  A highlight for him this year was going to a reunion for a church we went to in 1995.  Sonrise Baptist church took Bobby in while he went to college.  The people there drove him to church then a person from the church gave him a car.  One person helped him get a job, and everyone loved him.  Bobby spent a summer living with the youth pastor and interned.  I enjoyed Bobby thanking people for their influence and for all they did.   He was very excited to see several youths.  Our reception tickled me.  Mary Beth and James Gleason were amazing hosts.  Seeing old friends gives me longing for Heaven.  The reception will be similar.
Adriel is 17 and a senior in High School.  A highlight of her year was being in the West Salem Band.  They went to Hawaii during spring break and then made history by being the first Oregon band to compete in Bands of America Grand Nationals in November.  They placed 27th out of 108.  Adriel was glad they didn’t have to do Finals because then she was able to SLEEP!
Adriel was also accepted into the college she wants to go to, Western Oregon University.  They sent her a scholarship and are excited to have her come.  How fun!
Seth is 15 now and a Sophmore in High School.  He is not enjoying learning to drive but is learning anyway.  A highlight of his year was acquiring a new gaming computer and “Meeting friends online.” 
Seth said yes to a ministry opportunity!  Bobby and I were so proud of him for doing an excellent job with the power point during a Sunday morning service last January.  Yeah J.  Go, Seth.  He’s started at age 14 and has been on rotation ever since then.
I am Cristy VanKleek.  I’m 43 now and glad to be where God has me as a lunch lady.  A highlight of my year was publishing my second book, Star’s ‘First Kiss’.  I have learned a lot through the process and am excited about what God has for me.  I’ll look into going to a book fair or two this summer.
Now on to what made me laugh this year:
Bobby texted me saying, “I’m making French soup, is there anything else you want me to make with it?”  I had to reply with, “French bread, French dressing, French Fries.”  Bobby was tickled with the Better Off Dead reference and mentioned it several times. 

            I was driving both kids home, and Adriel mentioned that the reason her computer isn’t working is that the internal clock is overclocked (or something odd like that).  I remembered aloud about Y2K and how everyone was worried all computers would die because the date was turning from 1999 to 2000.  People stocked up on food and water.  Seth said, “That is dumb.”  Then I mentioned how people also thought the world would end because the Mayan calendar ended.  Such terror.  Seth said, “Isn’t Mayan just a brand?” 
            Adriel was able to babysit at our house one day.  It was fun to hear chipmunk voices.  Little ones are so dramatic!  I enjoyed hearing Adriel in the parental role saying, “Calm down,” or, “I’m going to fix your food now.”  She’s a great caretaker, and the kids love her – although one did say, “I love my blanket so much, I even love it more than you!”
            Seth was playing games with friends online, and I had the Guardians of the Galaxy on loud while I worked in the kitchen.  He is located closer, so it was loud enough for his friends online to hear.  Seth said, “If you hear yelling, it’s a movie, not my parents.”  I had to add, “If you hear gunshots it’s also the movie, not your parents.” 
            Adriel was having fun talking to a friend about what was going on at home.  She mentioned that I am a church librarian.  Her friend said, “Isn’t there only one book?” 
            Seth helped his grade by baking a “Depression-era” cake.  It was made with ingredients like bacon drippings, raisins and grape juice.  We thought it would be disgusting but I liked it!  Seth’s favorite part was that I bought bacon (for the drippings).  He said, “No matter how the cake tastes we have bacon, so it’s a win-win.”
I have a joke I heard from Sunday school.  Thanks, Hal Washburn.  A professor asked the class to look out the window.  “Do you see the birds?”  The class replied affirmatively.  “Do you see the trees?”  The class also said, “Yes.”  Then he said, “Do you see God?”  The class responded, “No.”  And the professor said, “That’s because there is no God.”  A student responded with, “Do you see the professors tie?”  The class said, “Yes.”  “Do you see his shoes?”  The class also said, “Yes.”  Then he said, “Do you see his brain?” 
Adriel said wants a piranha even though we won’t get her one.  I mentioned sarcastically, “And some people think cats will kill us.”  She said, “I don’t want a piranha to pet it!” 
I asked Seth if he would walk with me.  I used the excuse, “You are big and strong and you can help me stay safe.”  He said, “I am not strong, I am weak and I am not brave.  I would just run away if someone attacked us.”  I answered with, “In that case, I am faster and they would get you, not me.”  He countered with his dry wit, “So now I’m a sacrifice.”
Adriel has a very amazing ability.  She sleep obeyed.  I woke her up for church one morning and asked her to sign a card.  She did so and I left for church.  Later I heard she was frustrated that she woke up late???  Apparently, she had no recollection of signing the Birthday card and slept through the entire process!  Maybe I should have her do more while she is asleep!
Adriel felt very encouraged by Jerry one day this week.  She was introduced to him Tuesday morning and “Developed such a tight bond over these past couple hours; he helped me stay hyped up and focused when it came to marching out in the hot sun.”  Jerry was a praying mantis that hung out on her horn and her hand. 
I truly enjoy the time I have teaching Seth to drive.  At the age where kids don’t talk much, we have great conversations like this: As he drives by a school for making wine.  Me: Who would have guessed there’s a school for making wine.  Seth: Everyone who studies making wine.  Or Me: Oh, a cross on the side of the road means someone died here.  Seth: Mom, don’t scare me any more than I already am!
At Youth Group the youth were chatty, happy to be there and rowdy.  They were supposed to be quiet and attentive to the message.  As a quieting technique, Bobby said, “I think I’ll give some candy corn to the people that are quiet.”  He bent down to grab some from the bag with his eyes on the task.  By the time he had a handful and had stood up the entire room was dead quiet.  Bobby then said, “Or I’ll just eat some myself.”  A youth leaned over to me and said, “This isn’t like the Oprah Winfrey show.”
Bobby is the cook in our family.  One day Seth went back for seconds and Bobby was so pleased that Seth thought the food was good.  Seth’s response was, “Dad, your food is always good.  I just don’t always like it.”  This response reminds me of God and his gifts.  They are always good, BUT we don’t always like them.
The greatest gift we celebrate is Jesus.  When God chose to redeem us by letting Jesus die for us it was a great sacrifice on His part and on Jesus’ part.  We are truly blessed when we realize how much we are loved.  May you feel peace as you discover anew God’s love for you.  Hugs,

Cristy VanKleek

Sunday, December 16, 2018

12/16/18 It feels normal.

Dear Family,
                I have found a new way to disappoint Seth.  Bobby noticed the “Dance Central” moves I was rocking were pretty advanced.  He told me I should learn "Fortnite" dances.  I mentioned that if they were in a semi-workout format on YouTube I would.  They are.  Seth is not excited.  These new dance moves will impress all my friends and family.  Right!?  I will use my mad skills for years to come.  Bwaaaa hahaha.  I do work at a Junior High – maybe they will be useful there.  Probably not – ever – I don’t think anyone except workout partners and immediate family has seen me dance and it’s OK. I like to work out.  Making my kids groan is so much fun!  Bobby is now backing down.  He said he was just joking. 
                I enjoyed going to the Elder/Pastoral party at Marcus & Kahori’s house.  It is always wonderful to share amazing food, presents, laughter, encouraging words, and love.  Bobby made food for the party and for dinner one night this week.  I sure am glad he loves to cook.  We even had a chance to go out to eat.  Some parents are so grateful for all Bobby does they give him a restaurant gift card.  How blessed I am to be the one he shares with.
                Here is a funny quote Seth and I heard while Bobby was online gaming, “You guys do know I’ve been playing video games longer than you have been alive.”  This was probably in response to how amazing Bobby is at the game Fortnite.  He plays with 10-year-olds.
                Bobby was thankful for all people that came to sing carols and give out cookies to the elderly people in our community who signed up.  I enjoyed singing and being with a group of 6.  My group sang to 8 people.  We had three groups for Junior High night.  Bobby had the High school group go out the next night.  Pastor Marcus was happy.  He loved hearing how our church is impacting people.  Even children went and sang across the street at Gibson Creek.  How fun!
                Bobby was surprised that Seth came to sing carols.  Seth said, “Mom made me.”  I didn’t know I had.  All I said was, “There is youth group tonight.”  I am guessing Seth didn’t mind going that much.  He didn’t have any fight in him when it came to me.
                Because Seth won’t drive into West Salem I am creative about where we drive.  I found a spot that was interesting.  Seth drove me onto the Wheatland Ferry!  It was the first he remembered being on one and he stated, “Oh, they are this slow.”  Apparently, a game he plays has a slow part for the Ferry.  Funny how games mimic life.
                Seth mentioned something that made me say, “Ok, OK you are right.”  I had to be snarky and add, “How does it feel being right?”  He said, “It feels normal.” 
                Adriel made a beautiful drawing for me even though her days have been full with school and her nights have been full of Winter at West.  She burns the candle at both ends.  I definitely enjoy her company though and was very glad to take her out to eat this week. 
                I am glad the kids pray with me before I go to bed.  I do know they are busy so I’ll even pray with Seth while his game is going on.  I asked Adriel to pray with me upstairs one night when she was home.  She said, “I hope you don’t mind if I brush my hair while we pray.”  I said, “Not at all, I even pray with Seth while he’s gaming.”  This made us chuckle.  After praying I said, “Sorry our prayers aren’t that meaningful. “ Her quick response was, “Mom, all prayers are meaningful.”  This was heartwarming.
                May you find all the prayers you have to be full of meaning.  May you know God is listening, God cares, God listens and wants to hear more.  Much love,


Sunday, December 9, 2018

12/9 Preparing for Christmas

Dear Family,
                How busy the Christmas season is.  How wonderful.  We are preparing to celebrate Jesus Birth.  Preparing gifts for friends and family.  This activity is all good.  We want to bless others and are willing to sacrifice time to do it.  Also, some fun, since it’s not bathing suit season we can eat an extra cookie or two without that much guilt.  This week still had blessings and I am so glad God continues to work in our lives and yours.
                Seth asked me why I purchased and hung up mistletoe.  He said, “You can kiss us any time.”  In joy and excitement, I flung my arms wide and started toward Seth.  This is when he ran.  It was fun chasing Seth and proving him wrong.  I can not kiss him any time.  He’s fast.
                Seth drove me to Grand Island Saturday.  I enjoyed mentioning how wonderful the Island was.  Seth insists on looking at the road only and isn’t ready to read the road signs.  He told me we were not on an island at all.  It was true we did not see much water.  Grand Island is not like Hawaii.

                Adriel did several drawings for me this week and it is exciting to see our next book forming.  She also gave me a project from Art class.  Lucky I talked with her first.  Bobby said he wants it.  I’ll share – but it’s totally mine.
                Adriel didn’t have any band practice this week so she was out and about with friends a LOT.  She went out with three different groups of people Friday.  The minute she came home she was asking to go out again.  I remember being social but not that social!

                Bobby cooked potato pancaked this week in honor of Hanukkah.  It was yummy!  He also did a great lesson at youth group.  He was talking about how special the Virgin Birth was.  He asked the group, “What does it mean, ‘Mary was a Virgin?’”  One shouted out, “She was single.” 
                I enjoyed playing a board game with Bobby & the Fenn adults.  It’s super fun to enjoy each others company.
                Because I knew my dad wasn’t too busy I have been calling him for my home commute.  He is such an encouraging, refreshing person.  I am so loved.  I just haven’t always chosen to bask in that love.  I like chatting with my father.  This kind of reminds me of God.  He loves us as well.  It’s our choice to keep the conversation going.  So, I asked Dad, even though he is home (not in the hospital), can I still call him?  And he said yes.  How wonderful, to remember how loved we are and then to plug into that. 

                May we all remember to plug into God’s love.  May we read his love letter to us.  May we enjoy the grace he has given.  Much love J Cristy

Monday, December 3, 2018

12/3/18 Dad's getting better.

Dear Family,
          God continues to work in our lives.  Hard times do come but He is with us and continues to lift us up.  My dad is getting better daily.  He is still in the hospital.  I believe he either has Staph or Strep in his leg.  The pictures are gross but I do see progress.
            Seth was glad to see me Monday after school.  I had done some errands and almost went home when it started raining.  I decided to see if Seth was walking.  He was and enjoyed the partial ride home since the rain was coming down hard.  He thanked me.  That was sweet.
            I was excited and nervous to hear Seth wanted to join the Youth Group for an all-nighter.  In the past, he has not enjoyed being with people that long.  I was happy and surprised Saturday morning when Seth came home chipper.  He said, “I’m not tired.”  He stayed up all day and seemed none the worse for it.  I did feel nervous having him drive me for an hour when he hadn’t slept for 34 hours.  He did fine.  He was a little more wired and yawned a couple of times.  It was OK!  He did go to bed at 9 Saturday night but even now – he’s not tired!??? 

            Seth even said his toe feels better.  He was getting an ingrown toenail.  We figured out the cure was to soak it.  I brought out my foot massager/foot bath.  He took one look at that and said, “No, I won’t use that.  I would rather have surgery than lose my reputation.”
            Adriel remains very sweet.  She wants more hours at her job.  She has also been looking into getting another job to see if they would have more or better hours.  She wants to buy a car and make enough money to move out.  She is independent and that is good.
            Awards night for Marching Band was interesting.  It is fun to see the kids excited about their year.  The slideshow is a blast. 
            Bobby thanked me for helping out at youth group Tuesday night.  He also led the Senior high group on an overnighter party in the Gresham area.  I am glad he did not need me.  I think staying up past seven PM is torture and don’t do torture well.
            May you be able to see God’s hand in your life as the days fall down like leaves of a tree.  May you be glad to know the creator of the Earth.  May you feel as loved as you truly are.




Monday, November 26, 2018

Thanksgiving Blessings 11/26/18

Dear Family,

   Thanksgiving is such a fun time!  I love having a week off work, visiting family, being thankful for all God has given us.  I even enjoyed time for parent-teacher conferences.  It’s not always fun hearing what they have to say but this week it was.  
Bobby has enjoyed checking out movies from the library.  They became free! I am very glad the only price is time wasted.  The Birds was worth the price.  There was no resolution, grrrr.
Bobby blesses us when he drives us to Seattle and back.  Watching Bobby and our nephew Braeden throw a football outside is a blessing.  How fun to be with family and have time to enjoy each other! 

 Bobby cooked Turkey and Tamales this week.  He also set up and decorated our Christmas tree this year.  Yay for his desire to have good food and his ability to make our house beautiful.

Blessings abound when I can see my kids interact with my sister’s kids.  When we gather I feel loved and enjoy the abundant fun.  My heart felt like it would burst watching Seth laugh with the family as little ones did their antics.  I have my fill of hugs at the end.  So many hugs (I counted, Braeden gave me 6). 
I loved watching Adriel do beads with her cousins.  I enjoyed looking up a pattern for beading when Addison asked for a design idea.  She made a beautiful strand of flower shapes.  WOW!  So impressive and beautiful.
Having a visit with Mom and Caren VanKleek was a blessing.  How great to see they moved into their new house.  How wonderful to enjoy their cute doggies.  How fun to hug and be together.
Adriel displayed the presents she has bought for her friends to me.  I am blessed to see her enthusiasm.  She has always been generous.  My heart feels warm at the thought of her excitement.  Adriel has been going out to lunch with me on Sunday afternoons.  I am glad to have a glimpse into her life. 
Adriel was accepted into the college she wants to go to, Western Oregon Universtiy.  They sent her a scholarship.  They are excited to have her come.  How fun!
Adriel drew two pictures for me this week.  I am so blessed that she shares her beautiful art with me.  I am glad to pay her and even more excited to see what she will draw next.
Seth cracks me up.  I call him ‘Barn Sour’ because he reminds me of the horse I used to have.  When I would ride out of the barn she would plod or go slow.  Turn her around to go home and she wanted to run.  Seth is also like this.  Going away from home during driving he drives slower.  He even spent time driving 5 miles an hour on gravel.  I was frustrated and told him to turn around.  He said, “I’m just using up my time.”  I train him 1 hour a week on Saturdays.  When the timer beeps and it’s time to go home . . .He drives faster.  Maybe I’ll call him “Home sour.”
I am glad that Seth is a different person when he drives in a real car vs. when he drives on the x-box.  In a real car, he avoids other cars and doesn’t go that fast.  On the x-box, he crashes into things and cars.  On the x-box, he has zero anxiety and can even rewind and redo parts of the drive.  This complete 180 in personality helps me realize that even though he plays first person shooter games – he won’t go out and shoot things as he does on the computer.  He is definitely a different person when it comes to real life.  Yay!
When Bobby wins a battle on a game called Fortnite he becomes so excited he has to share the joy.  He sends Adriel screenshots saying how well he did.  Seth’s response, “This is why I don’t want a phone.”  How annoying when your parents share their joys.
Spending Thanksgiving day with the DuVall family was a great blessing.  Adriel and Seth were able to leave early.  Adriel because she had work.  Seth because more than a half an hour socializing is taxing.  I enjoyed playing board games and having great chats.  I’ll admit it, food is always wonderful and all the hands that prepared it are God’s blessing to me.
What a blessing it was to have some time with my parents this week.  We were able to listen to dad share his heart.  Right now dad is in the hospital with an infection in his leg.  Yikes.  I guess he didn’t notice it because he’s close to being diabetic.  The Doctors said they will keep him till Wednesday to make sure the antibiotics work.  Dad said he can’t move enough to get himself out of bed.  Mom said he’s in pain but on pain medication.  So please do pray for them.  That the Doctors have wisdom, that my parents have peace in the midst of hardship, that God’s will be done in all things.
May you treasure all the Thanksgiving memories God gave us this week.  May your heart be full and your voice raise up in praise as you delight in all He has for us.
Much Love,

Cristy VanKleek

Monday, November 19, 2018

11/19/18 Sickness & agreement

Dear Family,

Even in sickness, God blesses.  Bobby wasn’t feeling that well this week. He still managed to be an inspiring leader Tuesday night at Junior High Youth group. Rich led singing but Bobby still did the lesson. Wednesday night he stayed home and Seth was also sick so they both did. Poor things. I just let Seth know his colds will be worse now because he’s becoming a man. Man colds are the worst. I told him to look it up. It’s real. Right? If it’s on Facebook . . . .
Bobby helped fold my laundry. I admit it does take a while to get the pile that big. I start Friday night and by Saturday I had three loads to fold. It’s very sweet that he helped.
Seth is getting even more confident while driving. This week we conquered some gravel roads. We also worked on three-point turns. Whenever we get to highway 22 it’s time for one. He’s not quite ready for Highway 22 but a three-point turn, that’s easier.
I had to compliment Adriel this week. I told her that two people had turned down my plea for an artist after looking at her work. They didn’t think they could do as well as she does. One said, “I don’t draw people.” And these are art graduates! Adriel took that compliment and said she would draw for my next book! Yay!! Adriel will do it again!! How exciting. She even completed the first drawing for, “Star’s Big Fight.” You will love it! I am super excited.
We had a fun visit with Adriel's boyfriend Anthony Sunday night.  It's always fun to play card games and be.  
May you find what God asks you to do pleasant. May the burden he gives you be light (Matthew 11:30). May you find joy in obedience.

Much Love, Cristy

Monday, November 12, 2018

11/12/18 Bands of America

Dear Family,

All the things I believed have been dashed regarding sickness.  Getting over the crud is hard to do.  I thought for sure Adriel might die this week as she was sick AND traveling.  Low and behold Adriel got BETTER while on the trip!  I am so very glad for this.  Adriel and the Marching Band did well.  Here are the Stats:
West Salem made history by being the first Oregon band to compete in Bands of America Grand Nationals.
108 Bands
Over 16,000 Students
Moved on to Semi-Finals from 108 to the top 30
They placed 6th in their division
They placed 27th overall
Adriel was glad they didn’t have to do Finals because then she was able to SLEEP!
It was fun seeing Bobby excited to watch the Bands on TV.  He was very into what Adriel was doing and proud of all the kids.  I am glad Adriel is home safe and doing better physically.  Look, she is even smiling!

Bobby brought her to the airport on Wednesday morning.  They woke up at 2 AM, and he was back by 5 AM.  Today he went to get her at 3:15 PM.  I am so glad Bobby is there for her.  Seth and I are not good at leaving home, Seth even more so.  Bobby and I enjoyed a friends Birthday party and asked Seth if he would come with us.  He said, “No.”  I was sad for him and said, “You don’t want to go to the birthday party?”  Seth’s response was classic, “I don’t even want to go to my own birthday party.”  Adriel, on the other hand, was very sad to be out of town.  She was frustrated because “Ryland is like my BFF.”  Such is life.
Bobby cooked several amazing and yummy meals this week.  He is very good at this, and I am so blessed that he is happy with this arrangement.  You see, the one who cooks is the one who chooses what we eat.  It makes sense.  I am also good at cleaning up, and it works out well for us.
I always enjoy HomeGroup.  I love singing, studying God’s word and snacks.  I don’t always love the scale the morning after. 
I truly enjoy relaxing with Bobby, being able to go on a date, talking and just being.  We are so blessed to have each other still. 
I love it that Seth walks home from school.  He told me Sunday morning that he would also walk to church.  After church, he was frustrated because I walked as well.  His words of frustration were, “It’s cold outside!”  I think he didn’t calculate his clothing for the morning walk.  Shorts in fall isn’t always the smartest move.  It’s less than a mile.  We both survived, and of course, the walk home was warmer.  He said that he would have driven if he could have.  This from a person who doesn’t want to drive anywhere crowded.  I love the smile he was sporting.  He is learning the importance of overcoming fears and the desire to get places without having to brave the outdoors.

May you also grow as a person when you can overcome your fears.  May God’s Blessing give you joy and peace.  May you choose to be thankful and may this decision bless those around you.

Hugs J Cristy

Monday, November 5, 2018

11/5/18 Harvest party & mouse

Dear Family,

Wasn’t the Harvest party a blast?!  My favorite part is when I asked Seth if he would help.  He said, “Of course.”  I love that he expects to help out when the youth group is.  He is growing up so well!  I even took some pictures of him smiling at people.  Smiling!  At PEOPLE!  When he was little, as soon as he could walk – if he saw a person he would walk away from them.  People baffled him. Now he is OK with ministering to little ones and he interacts with those his age and older just fine.  Yay!!

Seth is also gaining confidence as he drives.  At least I believe he is.  Sunday morning Seth mentioned we should probably take off the “Student driver signs.”  I said, “Oh No, we lost one of the three!”  He responded that “It’s OK mom, it’s not that big of a deal.”  I smiled and felt glad when I asked, “Is it OK because you are growing in confidence and might not need them anymore?”  “No, if we die we die.”  I had to laugh at this fatalistic view of his driving.  I have noticed that he doesn’t unclench his hands from the steering wheel as often as before.  He was able to converse with me, and we had great conversations about lunch, God and witnessing.  So, I believe Seth is doing great, and I believe he is gaining more confidence.  He did mention, “You don’t know the many levels of terror I experience while I am driving.”  But he hides this pretty well, and I have confidence in his driving.  He’s doing fine.  Next time I’ll make him drive towards Edgewater – well see if that happens.
Adriel continues to get great grades and do well.  She is chagrined to not have any work these days because of marching band.  She does have a bad cold right now so; please pray for her as the entire band is flying to Grand Nationals Trip Bands of America in Indiana.  Some people have to be at the airport at 4:30 AM on Wednesday.  Goodness!  I hope they can sleep on the plane.
I enjoyed having Anthony, Adriel’s boyfriend over several times.  Once he brought flowers and another time I believe I tempted them to come with Carmel Corn.  Carmel Corn is sooooo yummy!
Bobby and I had a wonderful date night this week.  I enjoyed the food and his great company.  Bobby also took a trip with the Junior High group to Tapawingo for a retreat.  I bet he will sleep well tonight!

This week even Skyra gets an honorable mention.  She caught her first mouse!  Good for her!  Now she is earning her keep!  I’ll admit my favorite thing is to have her sit on my chest and purr.  I know that’s God’s favorite thing as well.  He loves it when we are still and know that He is God.  I am also bursting with pride when she does what she is created to do!  I know our salvation is sealed – but I also know God bursts with pride when we obey and do, “good works, which he prepared in advance for us to do.”  Ephesians 2:10
May you enjoy being with God this week.  May you sit at His feet, drink in His wisdom and may you then be excited to obey His commands and be filled with His blessings.
Much Love,


Monday, October 29, 2018

10/29/18 Shameless

Dear Family,
Shameless, that’s what this is!  A Shameless plug for the book Adriel illustrated, and I wrote.  I’m excited that it’s for sale on Amazon.  I’m excited that it’s happening J How fun!  I would be truly blessed if you read it (from our church library or because you bought a copy) and give an honest review about how you think it can impact our community.

An interesting and very odd shift has occurred in my heart.  Whenever I see Adriel, I am not only glad she is still alive.  I’m just glad to see her.  I used to be much more ambivalent when I knew the minute she saw me she would find something she needed.  Now that they are both independent I just look upon them and smile.  I’m so proud of them.  This Sunday I looked for them at church.  Adriel was downstairs serving with the 3-5 year-old class, and Seth was in the sound box running the “Easy worship” powerpoint.  Even after the service, Seth stayed a little later to finalize the burning of the CD for others to enjoy in the future if they missed the service.  How cool is that?!
Seth mentioned with sarcasm how glad he is that even his Dad is giving him homework.  I am so blessed that Bobby leads a Bible study for High School boys.  He has done these for years – now my son is a part of it.  Yay!!
Seth said he was doing a test on body parts in Spanish.  It was fun to quiz him since I know the head and shoulders knees and toes song in Spanish.  He did great.  Then I sang the song, and he did not appreciate that (like he would have ten years ago).
Having Seth drive this weekend bordered on boring.  I did not like it that he had the windshield wipers going when there was not that much rain.  They were squeaking.  I told him.  He smiled and ignored me stating that now there is another benefit for the wipers to keep going (they bugged me).  I said, “Seth, turn us off.  We are being overused.  We are crying.”  Seth said, “Mom when you talk for intimate objects sometimes I think you are trying to be funny.  Sometimes I wonder if you are just going crazy.”  I had to chuckle and reply that it’s probably a little bit of both.
Adriel applied for the college she wants to go.  Oh boy!  Here she goes!!  Adriel stayed home one night, and I enjoyed spending time with her watching the beginning of “The Good Doctor” I’ll admit it is a very good show, but it makes me so emotional!  I am weeping one moment and have goosebumps the next.  Goodness!
Adriel and the Marching Band did their best at another competition.  For the first time, I ever recall they took second.  I heard the other team was shaking they were so excited to take first.  I love that the focus was on good sportsmanship and good job, “You did your best.  We will practice more before the big competition”.  I also love that they were good at congratulating the other team.  I have never cared if they win.  I just wish they didn’t take the kids away from home so much.
Bobby made a wonderful dinner of Chicken and Dumplings one evening this week.  It was super nice of him.  He also thanked me for coming to Youth group.  I love that he’s thankful.  I also love going to home group with him.  We enjoy singing, praying and learning about God. 
Bobby also enjoyed helping the marching band this weekend.  He is an extreme extrovert so being with the group energized him with excitement.  It is fun to see him pumped about conversations he had and connections he made with youth.

May you also be excited about what God has you doing.  May your joy be full and rich.  May you obey His will, seek His way and rejoice in His results.  Hugs J Cristy

Monday, October 22, 2018

10/22/18 NABNW

Dear Family,

I am so glad Seth enjoys youth group.  I also enjoyed helping him jog his memory for his English writing assignments this week.  One was, “Describe our town of Salem.”  Things I brought up were – do things grow here?  Do I ask you to pick 100 weeds, raspberries, grapes or blackberries?  Are there things to do in our town?  Do we have malls? Plays? Music events?  Sporting events?  How does our town act on Holidays?  I described his three-year-old burst of joy on Halloween.  He stood on the sidewalk legs and arms out, “This is the best day EVER!”  Seth wrote how things grow a lot even the weeds, unfortunately.  He said there is a so much going on in our town it’s almost overwhelming.  He was able to raise his grade, and I felt so blessed when I remembered how truly wonderful our town is.  As I was writing this, I remembered that our town is, right now, welcoming the Marching Band Busses back from their trip to California.  I brought Seth to see people cheer, blow horns, and hold up banners for our Marching band kids.  There were police cars with their lights on, and it made me cry. 
Adriel was happy to see us after her trip to California.  Then she decided to clean things and go out to play Air Soft at night with her friends.  WOW!  She is like the energizer bunny.
Earlier this week Adriel was eating from a veggie tray I made.  Half was gone when she asked with a bit of guilt – “Is this for anyone or anything special?”  I assured her she was fine – I did make it for my parents but they are gone, and I refilled it.  She was glad to hear this because “I ate about half of it.”
Last Sunday I enjoyed working with Two and Three-year-olds.  I read to them about how Jesus welcomed the little children and loved them.  We were telling the little ones, “Jesus loves you!”  One three year old said, “What are you talking about?”  The message that God came down to earth and died for her seemed a little over her head.  She said it several times, “What are you talking about?”  I found her adorable!  Knowing that they are being raised in an environment that is healthy and loving, I am glad to be able to sow seeds of love and respect.  It’s all up to God in the end.
I enjoyed playing games with friends.  We are making it a biweekly event, and I love having things scheduled.
Bobby and I enjoyed a trip to the annual pastors meeting at Seaside.  I was encouraged by the beautiful music, the amazing sermons, and the uplifting testimonies.  God is at work in our world.  It was so exciting to hear what is going on in each church.  It was also a blessing to hear their trials and prayer requests as well. 
I felt touched to see Adriel texted Bobby saying that she was missing the trip.  She had gone since she was six.  She may have missed a year or two because of sickness or marching band, but this year she missed being there even if she is a part of Marching band.  They won again by the way.
At the beginning of this week I wrote, “Praying with Adriel & Seth is a joy.  I’m very glad we can leave them with full confidence.”  I felt so proud.  While we were gone, our thoughts seemed to shift.  Seth doesn’t answer texts.  If he’s busy, he doesn’t look at his phone.  We wondered if the house burned down and he and Skyra were in heaven.  Bobby called our neighbor friend to ask her to see if they were still alive.  I am so thankful for gracious friends.  She said she had to laugh because in the middle of their conversation he said, “See you later” and left her on the porch looking at a closed door.  She said she thought it was hilarious. Well, at least we knew he was OK.
While we were gone, Seth gave Skyra medicine in her eye three times a day (He said she hates him now).  He helped a family move, and when I asked him to go to Church on Sunday, he said, “Of course” he would.  This means he walked ¾ a mile each way.  My heart feels like bursting thinking of how wonderful our Seth is.  Of course, he will walk to church even if he is the only one home.  It’s a Sunday morning.  Yay!!!
           Bobby also wanted to know how his friend did teaching the youth Sunday school.  I didn’t know Rich was that funny!  I loved reading their back and forth.  When I came home, I thanked Seth for leading the singing.  He was very confused.
Bobby is always a safe driver, and I enjoyed taking a small nap both to and from Seaside.   I have full confidence in Bobby’s driving.
We were able to visit Bobby’s mom and sister on the way back, and it was good to give them hugs and chat for a while.
 May your life reflect the Love God has infused into you.  May you rejoice in the beauty that surrounds us.  Much Love,
