God continues to work in our lives.
Hard times do come but He is with us and continues to lift us up. My dad is getting better daily. He is still in the hospital. I believe he either has Staph or Strep in his
leg. The pictures are gross but I do see
Seth was glad to see me Monday after
school. I had done some errands and
almost went home when it started raining.
I decided to see if Seth was walking.
He was and enjoyed the partial ride home since the rain was coming down
hard. He thanked me. That was sweet.
I was excited and nervous to hear
Seth wanted to join the Youth Group for an all-nighter. In the past,
he has not enjoyed being with people that long.
I was happy and surprised Saturday morning when Seth came home
chipper. He said, “I’m not tired.” He stayed up all day and seemed none the
worse for it. I did feel nervous having
him drive me for an hour when he hadn’t slept for 34 hours. He did fine.
He was a little more wired and yawned a couple of times. It was OK!
He did go to bed at 9 Saturday night but
even now – he’s not tired!???
Seth even said his toe feels
better. He was getting an ingrown toenail.
We figured out the cure was to soak it.
I brought out my foot massager/foot bath. He took one look at that and said, “No, I
won’t use that. I would rather have
surgery than lose my reputation.”
Adriel remains very sweet. She wants more hours at her job. She has also been looking into getting
another job to see if they would have more or better hours. She wants to buy a car and make enough money
to move out. She is independent and that
is good.
Awards night for Marching Band was
interesting. It is fun to see the kids
excited about their year. The slideshow is a blast.
Bobby thanked me for helping out at
youth group Tuesday night. He also led
the Senior high group on an overnighter party in the Gresham area. I am glad he did not need me. I think staying up past seven PM is torture
and don’t do torture well.
May you be able to see God’s hand in
your life as the days fall down like leaves of a tree. May you be glad to know the creator of the
Earth. May you feel as loved as you
truly are.
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