Monday, August 31, 2020

8/31/2020 Growth

 Dear Family, 

                Have you ever thought things had changed, your habits have become better, you grew, have a reason to be proud?  This week Adriel was frustrated that food disappears.  I mentioned that one family member is growing so it’s OK for him to eat more than her.  Adriel insisted she is growing too.  She stood where we have measured their height for years.  (Yes, in pen on the wall.)  I put my fingers where her height was.  Adriel turned and looked.  She has not grown in four years.  Since she was fifteen.  This might be her total height.  Adriel was sad. 

                Seth on the other hand could not resist.  “Remember when you bragged about being taller than me?  That didn’t last long.”

                Oh struggling families, it is true.  Childhood is so fleeting.  The days are impossibly long but the years are so short.   I remember how hard it was to raise little ones who constantly needed at a normal time.  I cannot imagine the hardship of COVID.  Playdates were my lifeline.  Yet take hope – this too shall pass – such a fleeting time.

                Seth delights me when he obeys.  He puts away silverware, pulls weeds, and helps shelve groceries.  Seth prepared food for Adriel when she called and asked him to.  She ran home for lunch and then ran back to work.  The most touching habit of Seth’s comes from a question I had to ask.  Why does he leave his backpack in the hall?  He said, “The cat likes to sleep on it so I leave it out for her.” 

                Bobby cooked one dinner this week and we enjoyed eating as a family.  He does a great job and we are all pleased.  Bobby and I went out for a date and enjoyed a local restaurant.  I am glad we still delight in each other.

                Bobby had a s’mores night for the youth group.  I enjoyed seeing the youth and playing games with them.

                Men camping.  Bobby enjoyed time with friends.  He kept me abreast of his whereabouts and let me know he loves me.  That is very sweet.  I am glad he has a map sharing Garmin thing.  I am glad he is home safe.

                May you find joy in family and peace in your heart.  May you be blessed and bless those you encounter.  May your words fill those around you with love.







Monday, August 24, 2020

8/24/2020 I forgot!


Dear Family,

                How could I forget to count my daily blessings for an entire week?  Did I know something was missing?  Did I feel pangs of regret?  No, I went along my merry life.  Today, as I searched for the paper I usually use to summarize I was shocked.  All week in the mornings my thoughts didn’t turn to, “Hmm, what gave me joy yesterday?” 

                Family!  Do you ask that question of yourself?  Do you purposefully choose to consider how God has blessed you?  I forgot because I did not add a folded blank page to the front of my pile of prayers.  This simple act could have left me empty for my weekly summary. 

                As I drifted off to sleep each night I did thank God for the day.  I love to give him praise for all he is doing in our lives.  Keeping a record is an extension of this.  I believe our lives are better when we keep a record.  Write down all that God is doing for us.

                So, I will remember as best I can about this week.  For next week, I have folded a blank piece of paper and put it on top of my prayer requests.  Wow.  Such a small act brings such a great blessing.

                Bobby cooked several amazing meals and we are blessed.  I love eating together and conversing.  Bobby’s mom gave us a couch and a love seat.  They are beautiful and I enjoyed visiting with Mom and Caren.  Bobby enjoyed several Youth Group outings to a mini-golf place.  He knew the guy so they gave him an unexpected great deal.  How fun!

                I asked Seth to weed the back lawn and he mowed it.  We are calling it good enough.  Seth remains content at home.

                Adriel has road rash again.  She falls from skateboarding BUT she is tough and fine.  She is excited to show us her new tricks and is sore but happy with her accomplishments.  She also continues to work at the law firm and is saving up her money for college and moving out.

                My memory may fail me but I do want you to know; all is well, we are healthy and continuing to survive.  How about you?  Are you OK in your part of the world?  I would love to hear from you J


Cristy VanKleek

PS As my parents are moving they are cleaning out their closets.  Adriel is enjoying some of mom's clothes.  Isn't she adorable!?

Monday, August 17, 2020

8/17/2020 Preparation

Dear family,


                For some peace means boring.  I sometimes wonder if God introduced earth, humans, and apples because he was bored.  Yet, I look back to last week and am glad to have the main theme be peace.  No drama, not too exciting, just calm, loving interactions, and wonderful family time with minimal grumbles.

                I do find excitement and joy in referring people for business opportunities.  Seeing owners rejoice because the person I introduced them to was a great fit delights my soul.  Being referred also brings jubilant expectation.  How fun, someone thinks I am helpful!

                Adriel is happy to skateboard in the park with her friend.  I don’t know if she is enjoying the beautiful music Salem college-age kids are playing but I hope it registers and delights her soul.

                Seth is complying when I ask him to do good works (which God prepared in advance for him to do).  He washed our windows, pulled weeds, and put away dishes.  He does have a part-time job but he is home more than the rest of us so we have deemed that he has the privilege of helping out more than usual.  I am glad Seth complies even if there are some grumbles.  He did mention that he is working on a project.  It will be exciting to see what that means.

                Bobby had a social distance camp experience this week.  I enjoyed singing camp songs, listening to a great message, and talking through current issues with our teens.  Even though they cannot go to camp – for a couple of hours, the camp came to them.  It was lovely.

                Bobby cooked three amazing meals and we enjoyed them.  Leftovers are super.  The fridge is full.  We are blessed. 

                I fully enjoyed being a part of the rehearsal for our friends the Kuykendall & Pruett family.  Bobby is officiating.  The excitement and expectation are in the air.  Love is abundant families are coming together!  There are unity and joy. 

                May you find strength in the good works God has you to do.  May you be glad and rejoice when you are loved.  May you feel as blessed as you are and may you delight in flowers and butterflies.  Much love,




Monday, August 10, 2020



Dear Family,

                Peace is so beautiful.  Serenity, contentment, joy, these are all from acceptance of what is, and what is to come.  I agree that these are hard times.  Somehow – beyond my understanding – God has given me peace inside anyway.  Here is what I love about this week.  Happy family chatter, cozy cuddles, and smiles.

                My parents are excited to sell their house and buy a smaller one closer to my sister.  Yay!  Our visits will be easier with less driving.

                Seth cleaned bathrooms this week and complied with several mandated walks.  We all need a nature shower.  Seth remains content with staying inside.

                Adriel is so sweet.  She is glad to find a friend that delights in scars.  A girl!  I chuckle just thinking of it.  How excited we become to find a kindred spirit.  I love hearing she is out, swimming, and enjoying nature.

                Bobby is very glad to have hiking trips with youth and some man friends.  I am glad for him.  When Adriel came home after Bobby was gone several days I rejoiced when she said, “Hey dad, how was your trip?”  I love hearing chatter and laughter.  Being heard is refreshing.  I am glad he is home and safe.

                May your peace come from a deep knowledge that God is in control.  May you find joy in sunshine, chirping birds and beautiful flowers.  May you feel as loved as you are!  Air hugs,




Monday, August 3, 2020

Happy Birthday Dad

Dear Family,


                Laughter is beautiful music especially when it comes from our children.  Adriel happily bought curtains and organizers for her room.  She came home, a friend in tow with arms full.  When I exclaimed, “Someone’s been shopping!” They both laughed and it was delightful.

                Adriel cleaned her car.  She brought it to the shop for repairs and Harold is the original owner.  She wants him to see that she is taking care so she had to clean it out.  How fun.  Not only is she paying for her car repairs but she wants to make a good impression.  I am proud of her development.

                Chatting with Adriel is wonderful.  She has opinions, is informed, and keeps me up to date on things that matter.  I love Adriel.  I enjoyed watching, “I Love Lucy” with her this week.  She enjoys the show and calls it, “Wholesome.”

                Seth worked hard this week at the church.  He helps with janitorial duties and is great filling in.  They even offered him more work.  Seth also mowed the lawn for us and hunted for an elusive blackberry.  They are not ripe quite yet.

                One of my favorite parts of visiting my parents was their awe and wonder at Seth fixing himself an egg for breakfast.  Like fascinated folks at a zoo, they watched his every move.  I could tell they delighted at his ability and independence.  Also, out of all of us (Mom, Dad, Seth, and I) Seth carried the heavy things to our picnic because he is the strongest.  How fun! 

                Seth kept us laughing with hilarious quips and perfect timing.  I wish I wrote everything down.  One endearing thing he said is that he would break the law to save me (he did not bring his license on our trip).  I am glad he would be willing to drive me to the hospital if I was having a heart attack.

                Bobby cooked several yummy dinners.  I enjoy our family time and walking with him.  I am very glad we have each other.

                My mother arranged a surprise socially distant Birthday party for my dad’s 70th.  It was immediate family only and private.  I enjoyed that he thought we were only going on a picnic.  When I said, “I have a song coming on.” He said, “Go ahead and sing.”  By the time I was done with “Happy Birthday” Anita and her children had joined in the singing and were adorable with balloons and excitement.  We had frolicking, food, fun, laughter, and general happy mayhem.  I enjoy my family.

                May you also love those God has given you.  May your heart be full and your days be glad.  May you find joy even when hugs are scarce.  Much Love,



Thank you Anita for the lovely picture.