Monday, November 27, 2017


Dear Family,
                It’s interesting how we affect each other.  To visit family, we are willing to travel hours or take hours to clean.  As holidays draw near, we leave our beloved pet to the care of others, and the sacrifice is worth it.  It is good to visit and share love, food and hugs.
                I am so impressed by Adriel and Seth.  On both drives, they have matured enough that there were zero squabbles about touching, looking, anything!  We were able to listen to some comedy and music.  There was calm, and it was beneficial.  I love peace.  I was even able to sleep for about an hour.  Aren’t you glad I wasn’t the driver?
                 After about an hour of settling in and chatting with my dad, Adriel requested to go to Pike Place Market in Seattle.  Seth and I both opted out since we didn’t want to get in the car again.  My Dad was willing because he loves Adriel that much.  Bobby was OK with going but asked Adriel if she wanted this to be a her and grandpa thing.  “Nooo, you are my financier.”  So they went and had a good time.
                I enjoyed playing board games with my parents and our teens.  It’s fun to sharpen the brain, test our skills and enjoy each others company.  I also found that mom plays scrabble without the big dictionaries anymore.  Now there’s an app for that.  It was also fun to have dad say, “I’m drawing a blank – it must be my old age.”  He was holding a domino with double 0.  Being punny is fun J.

                My sister is brilliant.  She knows a place where kids and teens can relate well.  It worked to bring our families to a trampoline place!  I enjoyed watching all our kids interact.  My kids will even smile for Anita’s camera.  How fun to have them bounce, get energy out and enjoy each other’s company.  
Later we were able to relax at Doug and Anita’s beautiful home.  Adriel enjoyed crafting with the kids, and I loved how everyone got along.  Anita is a supporter of the arts.  She had cupboards full of crafting supplies.  Adriel was in crafting heaven.
                The next morning Adriel Bobby, Anita and Addie were able to run in a turkey trot.  It was fun to hear how fast and sore they were.  They enjoyed themselves and were very hungry for Thanksgiving dinner.

                I love how teachers can influence students.  In history class, Adriel’s teacher dared each student to dress as a pilgrim and pose as a conqueror at the Thanksgiving dinner table.  Adriel made sure to get permission.  I believe this picture of our Thanksgiving dinner is my favourite.  Adriel is doing the pose, Seth is face planting, and the rest of the people look surprised.  How fun!

                The teachers at West High school are fabulous!  I enjoyed parent-teacher conferences as I shadowed Seth.  The Spanish teacher was telling Seth he could get an A if he just practised, practised, practised.  She repeated this enough that Seth started getting uncomfortable.  I had to look up his grade when we were home.  He is doing just fine with a B.  Why in the world would he want to practice more?  For English, they have been studying the genera of Horror.  I have been lamenting this because I just hate horror.  My whining came up, and Seth had to clarify that, “Mom is an extreme Christian.” 
                I enjoyed walking the halls of West and hearing people say, “Hi, Seth.”  People like him.  He is still bad about saying, “Hi” back but it’s been that way since grade school.
                At home, I have been able to borrow a PS2 game player from church friends.  Seth and Bobby helped me test PS2 games.  I had 29!  I’m trying to sell these things and Christmas time seems to be the time everything sells.  It seemed to take all day!  I feel blessed to have a church family that is willing to lend a gaming system.  Also, I was shopping for a monitor at UGM, and there were none to be found.  I said “Hi” to someone else from church who happened to be there I mentioned my chagrin, and she texted her husband, and they had a monitor in Bobby’s office for us the next day.  WOW!  Thanks to the McNinch and Lockhart families!
                Adriel is having fun with friends.  She is excellent company; I understand why people want to have her over.  It is good that Bobby has installed the form for her to write down all the questions he would ask.  Now I have a paper that guides us through the whole “Where is Adriel?” realm.  Me saying, “With friends,” wasn’t doing it.
Dad VanKleek and Sandy dropped by to say, “Hi”.  It was fun seeing them! 
Sunday morning at church I looked behind me in the pew and didn’t see Adriel.  Yup, she was serving with the little people.  I am proud that Adriel is able and willing to help.  She is a great person, and I am glad to be her mom.
Family is great!  I am so glad to have you in mine J.  Thank you for reading, enjoying and being a part of my life.  As we focused on thankfulness, I am thinking of you.  Much Love,


Monday, November 20, 2017


Dear Family,
            Thankfulness is such a blessing in itself.  Choosing to focus on the good improves mood, relationships and maybe even health!  I truly enjoyed our pastor's sermon Sunday morning focusing on Philippians 4:4-7  “ Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” 
            I enjoyed my children giving a conspiratorial chuckle when I asked this question, “What is that rattling sound every time I turn a corner in Adriel’s car?”  Apparently one of Adriel’s friends has put pennies in the air vent – lots of pennies.  Seth said, “It might be worth your time to get them out – there’s a lot of money in there.”             Adriel drives Seth to school and youth group.  I love this.  It’s also nice that she can give rides to friends.  I have fond memories of the times I gave rides to friends.  I was generous because my starter didn’t work and I needed a push for a jump start.  Good times J.
            Adriel made cookies Saturday.  Well, more like she made cookie dough and cooked about ¼ of it.  She likes dough best.  We live dangerously.
            Seth is doing well.  This was highlighted Wednesday when Bobby Seth and I went to an IEP meeting to discuss how West High school can do their best to educate Seth.  The vice principal of West used to be Seth’s grade school principal.  How neat to remember how far Seth has progressed with Mr Whitman.  Seth has come so far, surviving junior high means he can do anything!
            Adriel and Seth helped bring in the garbage.  God has blessed me with kiddos who help with housework and keep their grades up.
            Bobby is concerned about our family pictures and decided to help me dye my hair with henna.  He wanted to make sure I got everything.  It was sweet of him to help, and I love the results no matter what.
            Bobby pets our kitten, Ripley, pretty rough.  I was kind of concerned until I saw that sometimes when he pets her – Ripley’s leg twitches like a dogs!!  It’s true; I have to get a video!  Who knew cats could have a sweet spot?!  I had a horse who would stretch her neck out and loved being scratched.  How fun!
            Bobby cooked a yummy dinner this week.  He also took a picture of Ripley’s handiwork.  She had gone up high and pushed my sewing kit off above the dryer.  Sewing kit items were strewn over the floor.  I came home expecting to clean up the mess, but Bobby had done it already.  What a guy!
            Sunday morning the church celebrated Bobby’s ordination by giving him a plaque.  It was nice to be called up and see a pleased congregation.  It was terrific for the deacons to pray for him.  It was charming for Paul Alley to e-mail me the pictures.  We are so very, very blessed and cared for!

            While reading Compassion International’s magazine, they pointed out how some children are saved from being sold or from poverty because we choose to give monthly.  Lives are changed because we give out of our excess.  Wow!  We are blessed more than we can imagine.
Much Love,


Monday, November 13, 2017


Dear family,
Two things affected me profoundly this week.  At youth group, Bobby asked people to give five words to describe themselves and then we would guess who each person was.  People got into this which surprised Bobby.  In all reality, we want to be known.  One thin young man – short in stature and probably only 11 years old described himself as a fierce warrior.  I did not see this but then heard he takes karate.  How I wish I had taken Karate – and I had made Seth!  I think I still can.  I sure want someone in my family to describe themselves as a fierce warrior.  That is so cool!
Thursday was a Veterans Day assembly at Claggett Creek Middle school where I work.  Before breakfast, one of my lunch servers asked if I wanted to see a picture of her mom in the army.  I have a soft spot for young people who choose to volunteer to serve lunch.  I said, “Yes.”  She showed me a picture of her mom with a group and then her mom in uniform.  I asked, “Is she deployed now?”  When this sweet little girl said, “She’s gone.”  I asked, “Is she dead?”  And, “Yes, she is.”  I mentioned how both were beautiful and I was glad she had shown me the pictures.  I went to work more in the back as I cried.  There is a sweet young girl living without her mom right now, and this is why I will remember never to say Happy Veteran's Day.  I know that something good will come of this.  I believe this young woman will be stronger because her mother died and I hope her father found someone to help raise this beautiful young woman.
            Bobby is now ordained.  It was a very cerebral process.  I didn’t see the point at first, but I do now.  Bobby took the time to write down everything he believes and then he had to defend that.  Other pastors asked him defining questions, gave him affirmation and made him add verses to prove what he said.  It was hard on Bobby, but it was good.  Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, Bobby is a stronger person now, and that was cool to watch.
Bobby also cooked several meals, and lead home group.  He continues to be nice and make the bed.  I am glad Bobby is living and growing, continuing to breathe and bring meaning into our lives.  Bobby also thanked me for helping out at youth group which is sweet and endearing.
Adriel and Seth both work hard to continue to keep their grades up and help with chores.  They both also attend youth group and have been quite sweet to each other this week.
Seth mowed the lawn, and I am delighted that he can do this.
Adriel was very cuddly at home group, and Seth leaned in a bit.  I enjoy their public affection even though they confessed utter boredom later.
Adriel sent a very loving text and has been very sweet.  She did crunch a parked car a little and may have to pay for damages (after insurance).  She is glad not to be yelled at and to be covered by insurance and to be loved. 
May you find joy as you remember all you are thankful for.  May you know that even the hard times are used to refine us.  Much Love,


Monday, November 6, 2017


Dear Family,

            How wonderful it is to look back and see that God continues to work thru all things and in all things.
            Bobby and I were able to squeeze a date in on Monday and it was fun to enjoy wonderful food and share our life.  I am so glad we are still good company for each other. 
            Bobby took time to make a wonderful dinner for our family even in the business of getting ready for a Junior High trip.  He’s home safe and sound.  I’m glad he enjoys his work.
            Halloween is always a blast here!  I enjoy helping West Hills out with the harvest party.  Even though the weather was great we had a wonderful turnout and many people came for our Star Wars themed Harvest party.  The youth are able to help and then gather leftover candy.  So, much, fun!  At home, I made Seth share candy by dumping mine and his in a bowl for the whole family.  Maybe I should have been smarter – maybe I shouldn’t have shared at all.  I don’t know – but it’s gone now and that is that. 
            Seth can be very helpful.  He is working with me on getting some church VHS onto DVD format.  I am glad he’s willing to set his mind to hard things and it helps me brainstorm.  It’s not a done deal yet, but things are moving along.
            Adriel is fun.  She insisted she had to show me this cringy dance on YouTube.  It took her a while and it was funny.  I just wish it wasn’t past my bedtime.  I feel like I’m dying of exhaustion (I’m not) but I remember promising myself when I was a teen that I would listen to my kids sooooo.  I waited and was rewarded with a silly laugh.
            Adriel can be super adorable.  She brought some friends home to make dinner for them.  She was excited, jumping around the kitchen and it was fun to see her try her hand at being domestic.  All were happily full by the time they left.
            I am guessing Marching band won a competition again.  They went and played.  I just checked.  ( Yup, they won again.  Great group of kids.  That was their last Hurrah for this season.  Yeah!  It’s over.
          Also please pray for Bobby as he is being Ordained on Saturday.
            May your joy overcome any hardship or sorrow.  May you find peace and love all around you.  Hugs J 
