Dear Family,
Thankfulness is such a blessing in itself. Choosing to focus on the good improves mood, relationships and maybe even health! I truly enjoyed our pastor's sermon Sunday morning focusing on Philippians 4:4-7 “ Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
I enjoyed my children giving a conspiratorial chuckle when I asked this question, “What is that rattling sound every time I turn a corner in Adriel’s car?” Apparently one of Adriel’s friends has put pennies in the air vent – lots of pennies. Seth said, “It might be worth your time to get them out – there’s a lot of money in there.” Adriel drives Seth to school and youth group. I love this. It’s also nice that she can give rides to friends. I have fond memories of the times I gave rides to friends. I was generous because my starter didn’t work and I needed a push for a jump start. Good times J.
Adriel made cookies Saturday. Well, more like she made cookie dough and cooked about ¼ of it. She likes dough best. We live dangerously.
Seth is doing well. This was highlighted Wednesday when Bobby Seth and I went to an IEP meeting to discuss how West High school can do their best to educate Seth. The vice principal of West used to be Seth’s grade school principal. How neat to remember how far Seth has progressed with Mr Whitman. Seth has come so far, surviving junior high means he can do anything!
Adriel and Seth helped bring in the garbage. God has blessed me with kiddos who help with housework and keep their grades up.
Bobby is concerned about our family pictures and decided to help me dye my hair with henna. He wanted to make sure I got everything. It was sweet of him to help, and I love the results no matter what.
Bobby pets our kitten, Ripley, pretty rough. I was kind of concerned until I saw that sometimes when he pets her – Ripley’s leg twitches like a dogs!! It’s true; I have to get a video! Who knew cats could have a sweet spot?! I had a horse who would stretch her neck out and loved being scratched. How fun!
Bobby cooked a yummy dinner this week. He also took a picture of Ripley’s handiwork. She had gone up high and pushed my sewing kit off above the dryer. Sewing kit items were strewn over the floor. I came home expecting to clean up the mess, but Bobby had done it already. What a guy!
Sunday morning the church celebrated Bobby’s ordination by giving him a plaque. It was nice to be called up and see a pleased congregation. It was terrific for the deacons to pray for him. It was charming for Paul Alley to e-mail me the pictures. We are so very, very blessed and cared for!
While reading Compassion International’s magazine, they pointed out how some children are saved from being sold or from poverty because we choose to give monthly. Lives are changed because we give out of our excess. Wow! We are blessed more than we can imagine.
Much Love,
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