Monday, December 26, 2022


 Dear Family,


                I liken myself to a lizard.  If I sit too long, I become cold.  Especially my hands and feet.  This is one reason I like being active.  I don’t like being cold.  Bobby on the other hand seems to be a human heat blaster.  When I put my cold hands on him the other day it was delightful. . for me.  He on the other hand felt his warmth sap like Jesus’s power when someone touched his robe.  Bobby’s comment, “Are you even alive?!”

                My coworker was thanking me for all the training and help the past year when the conversation turned to how fast I am at getting groceries.  I get a star for being the fastest picker every week. I remembered that I have been fast all my life and then was instantly grateful for my mother who had to be even faster.  My mother caught me on my first day of life when I wiggled off the changing table.  She also snatched me from oncoming traffic when I was a toddler.  I may have always been fast, but my mother and guardian angels were always faster.  Grandma on the other hand caught up to me later when I ran ahead into the candy store.

                Shopping for funny Christmas presents is one of my favorite things all year round.  This year Bobby had a present game that involved dice, sending presents three to the left, back to the right, trade with another person or picking two people to trade, etc., and only occasionally opening one.   In the end, everyone opened what they had, and the trading began.  I was delighted when a youth was willing to trade the Bob Ross fanny pack for a Chipotle gift card.  Both sides were very pleased.  Another pair proudly wore a pink unicorn hat and silly glasses attached to a hat and mustache.  The person that received Grogu with a frog already had one but wasn’t willing to trade it because the one I had found was cuter than the one at home.  Yay!  No one cried.  If I find myself laughing in the store aisle, then the present is perfect!

                The Webb/VanKleek families came over on the 22nd.  I am very glad a work friend traded days with me so I could be home for it.   Bobby worked hard to make sure all food was prepared on time.  He also sacrificed evening time so
Seth could stay.  I am very thankful for our ability to gather.  It was lovely to spend time with family. 

                Christmas eve was beautiful and meaningful.  I love singing with fire in my hand.  It’s also a lovely picture there is beauty in the firelight.  I truly enjoyed the new selfie booth which was perfect for our dressed-up look.  I am delighted we have more photos of our family to share.

            Celebrating Christmas day with friends and Church members is precious.  I enjoyed the Sunday service so much.  Bobby mentioned maybe we didn’t need to read the Christmas story before opening presents because we had heard it Christmas eve and Christmas morning.  I teased him about deciding he had enough spirituality.  So9meone else chimed in that we needed to go even further and reenact the Christmas story.  I said Bobby has to be the donkey, Adriel can ride in, Seth can be Joseph and the cat can be baby Jesus.  Bobby decided the tradition of reading the story would be quite fine, thank you.

            Celebrating with the Duval/Kuykendall’s is delightful.  I enjoy the conversation, smiles and laughs.  I love seeing smiles the most.  Being adopted is truly wonderful.

                May you delight in the beautiful memories of Christmas past.  May you find joy in gathering.  May your heart be full and your stomach be not too full.  Hugs,





Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas & Best of the year

 Merry Christmas,



As I look back on the year, I am glad to have you in my life. I am blessed to know you.

Bobby is in his 23rd year of being a youth pastor and he still loves it.  Adriel wants to be a paralegal in the Portland area where she would continue her studies.  Seth remains the part-time custodian at church and continues to do school full-time.  I enjoy my job at Fred Meyer where I help people get their groceries.

         Throughout the year I find delightful blessings and entertaining funnies.  I’ll share my highlights of the year.

 Adriel called me one day while we were both driving home.  I enjoyed chatting with her and when I arrived home, I put her on speakerphone with Bobby and me describing the duties of her new position at a law firm.  She was becoming the Administrative Assistant.  It was fun when she arrived with laundry in hand.  Bobby didn’t expect the live version of Adriel so we had a great dinner together because Adriel couldn’t pass up his amazing cooking and it was there, smelling wonderful.  “Ohhh, can I have some?” 

         Adriel managed to hug every person at Ryland Duval’s wedding.  It had been a year since she saw the people of West Hills.  I was impressed by her desire to make sure she said, “Hi” to so many people.  Adriel has always been all about the other person.  Even as a child she cared more about friends than toys.  Watching Adriel warmed my heart.  She is amazingly intentional.

I wore my bright blue Rooted tee shirt and my bright red pants for bowling with the Junior High group.  Seth asked, “Are you going out like that?”  I smiled and said, “Yes, I am!”  He was chagrined and said, “It’s your funeral.”  This made me laugh and I responded, “Perfect, this is how I want to be dressed for my funeral.”  Seth’s final word, “It will be a closed casket.”

Seth cooked pizza for dinner one evening.  When I thanked him.  He smiled and said, “Oh, you think that was for you?” 

We were watching the new Star Trek.  When Spock said, “I find the best way to reduce tension is to apply rigorous logic.”  Seth had to quip, “You are not fun at parties.”

I answered a question to Bobby saying, “It was wonderful, perfect, fabulous.”  He then replied, “Just like me.”  

Bobby borrowed a suburban and parked it in the driveway.  Then we went to bed.  Meanwhile, Seth came home from work around 9:30 PM and was alarmed.  He went inside and asked, “Dad?!  Is there anyone robbing our house?” 

Bobby mentioned he missed a couple places shaving.  I was wondering why he just told me he was “Mystical in places.”  When I mentioned what I heard he just came back with, “Well, I am.” 

I was filled with contentment and joy on a lazy Saturday morning when I said, “Happiness is a purring cat.”  Bobby replied, “Happiness is a puppy peeing in someone else’s lap.”

We delight in working with teens.  Here are some quotes from the youth group for your enjoyment:

“I wonder what it would taste like if you mixed diet Dr. Pepper and rock star”.  The quick answer, “Diabetes.”

“I can’t find psalm 119 mine goes only to 150.”  When I mentioned 119 was smaller than 150 Bobby piped in with, “And that’s why you are still in school.”

Someone burped and said, “That made my eyes burn.”

After reading 1 Samuel 8:1-7.  Bobby asked, “Who was supposed to be Israel’s King?”  In rapid succession, we heard, “David?”, “Samuel?”  Bobby said, “Noooo, God!”  And a youth quipped, “Welllll, we tried.” 

“I speak for the trees.  Respect the amazon or I’ll break your knees.”  When this was repeated another person said, “That’s the most true thing I have ever heard”.

Bobby was trying to teach humility, specifically humility while we pray.  He said, “In some ways I make you pray with humility by having you pray for other people’s requests instead of your own.”  A teen was aghast, “You tricked me!” 

Bobby asked, “What do we call a relationship?” (he was looking for the word “Friend” but a youth had to shoot back with), “Complicated.”

When someone tried to trick another the person said, “I have eaten so many carrots, I see thru your techniques.”  I love how punny people can be.

During the lesson, Bobby was trying to get the answer, “Shapes.”  He asked, “If you put this heart and a star next to it what do you have?”  Someone knew this, “Lucky charms!” 

One of the fun parts of the youth group is introducing people who haven’t read much of the Bible to God and his word.  Sometimes the things we say are shocking.  “Jesus’ brothers thought he was crazy.”  (Mark 3:20-21 20)  Also, wait, “Jesus had siblings?”  “Yes, half-siblings – Mary didn’t stay a virgin forever.”

A youth mentioned she ran into a friend at Target.  Bobby asked, “Were you in a car when you ran into him?”  She said, “I wish.”

When Bobby asked what could happen if you chose bad friends a youth said, “You could end up in a gang that destroys your whole life and career.”

I am excited when our raspberries and cherries are ripe.  They are novel and yummy.  I feel God's blessing and love when I eat yummy food.  I am reminded of the laws of the harvest, and all the hard work that went into established plants.  We are rewarded for what we do either good or bad.

May you make amazingly good choices that ripple like a pebble in the pond.  May what you do affect the world in fabulous ways.  May you feel God’s love flow thru you and impact all you encounter.  Much love, 





Cristy VanKleek or on Facebook Cristina Maria VanKleek


Monday, December 19, 2022


 Dear Family,


                Bobby and I enjoy cuddling while watching Christmas movies.  Even more, we love answering the door to a surprise guest and visiting with them.  Adriel is usually the one we are happy to invite in.  We are delighted to catch up on life with her.  We love her hugs and smiles.  We receive a lot of those.  I also enjoy giving her any mail that happens to come her way.

                Seth is happier with the school on break.  He laughs and smiles at random videos.  I love hearing his delight.

                I enjoyed going on a tiny trip with Bobby this week.  He picked up a couple of Christmas presents, and I liked chatting with him and catching up on his life. 

                Caroling with the youth group brought smiles, snacks, and great joy.  One student was delighted with a move called the Dutch oven.  The bus needed to drive with its doors open for a while because bad smells emanated from this person who was proud to tell me they made bad smells three times (delighted chuckle). 

                Bobby learned an important lesson.  Running up 6 flights of stairs doesn’t help with singing songs.  He said that was incredibly hard to do.  He was  out of breath.

                Bobby and I enjoyed a date this week and it was lovely to connect over good food.  Our days are separate as retail ramps up the hours, so it was nice to see each other, chat and just be.

                May you also enjoy the time you have with loved ones.  May God keep germs at bay even as we hug away.  Love, Cristy


Monday, December 12, 2022


 Dear Family,


Bobby spent all day cooking Chicken pot pie Monday.  It smelled amazing.  Later when I tasted it, I was delighted.  Yay, he used up frozen chicken and made something delicious.

Middle School group was very pleasant.  I gathered with the females at a table, and we chatted about life and school while we colored ornaments and wrote down prayer requests.  Bobby was jealous.  The boys table just made bad smells and were proud of it.

High school group also colored ornaments and all parties participated in great discussion and had fun times.  It was lovely to be together.

Home group was fabulous.  We searched God’s word about wisdom and talked about Solomon and his request for more wisdom.  Although I might initially knee jump ask for a battle cat I could ride, I am sure if I wasn’t too groggy (in a dream) I really would ask for wisdom.  That is, if I only got one wish.

I am glad when Seth helps with the dishes, cleans the bathrooms, and makes himself useful.  He’s a wonderful person and I will miss him when he moves out.  He is especially delightful when he watches things with Bobby and I as he has fun things to say.

Adriel came over to visit and do laundry.  I enjoyed catching up and hearing about how her life is going.  She is our cameo appearance, and I am so glad I had energy to talk into the night with her.

May your days be filled with love and joy as you are going.  May you find peace inside because of the work God has done in your life.  May you bubble over with love and heartfelt camaraderie as you encounter others.  Hugs,




Friday, December 9, 2022

Our love story

 Bobby and I met at Multnomah Bible College in 1993.  I was 17 when I went to college.  I did have a boyfriend back home.  That boyfriend hit his head and had a case of amnesia (forgetting me) two weeks before college.  I wrote him daily and called him, I think he wrote back.  Shortly after college started (while on Mid-Semester Break) he broke up with me and I cried in my mother's arms.  The amnesia was God’s way of saying, “No” about that boyfriend.

            I went back to college dejected but OK.  I hung out with friends, sometimes.  Mostly I did schoolwork which I fervently believed mattered most since so much money was being shelled out for it.  I told everyone that I didn’t want to date until I was a junior in college.

            In Introduction to Church Ministries with Dr. Kopp, I chose to sit next to Bobby.  I was diligent at taking notes.  He just didn’t know how to take good notes.  We ended up talking because he wanted to use my notes, but he needed translation because my handwriting was illegible to him.  We conversed and got to know each other.  We sometimes ate meals together at the cafeteria.  He was fun, goofy and made me laugh.

            The college dorms would shut down periodically for various breaks like Thanksgiving, so we all had to leave.  Some people had a car for the 4-hour drive to my home.  I had a place for them to stay.  I have always enjoyed hanging out with boys.  They are much easier to get along with than girls who can be all about looks, and catty.  Boys are more fun.  Boys also usually paid for stuff when we went out.

            I had Chris Feliciano over for Thanksgiving and we still remember his awe at the vacuum in my parents’ house.  I was trying to keep the whole ‘my parents are rich’ on the down low because I had an issue wondering if people only liked me in high school because of the money.  Anyway, Chris had the weirdest thanksgiving ever when my family didn’t watch any football.  Instead, we gathered to watch Grandpa's eyeball on the screen for his cataract surgery. 

            But I digress, less about my college experience, and more about how Bobby and I met.  All that was to say that when Bobby came to my house for three weeks of Christmas break my freshman year it wasn’t too big of a deal for me to have people over for the week.  I did think he was cute but wasn’t thinking he was “the one”.  I did prefer him over this guy in my church college group.  Because of this, I asked Bobby to hold my hand and pretend we were together, so I didn’t have to deal with any entanglements at the college group.  (Unbeknownst to me, he had a crush on me already.)

            I remember that later he had a cold.  My mom gave him some leftover codeine and that knocked him out for a couple of days.  We thought he was very polite quarantining in his room like that.  I don’t think we knew how amazingly effective codeine is on him.

            A day or so after Christmas, we went to Canada where Bobby met my extended family who lived in British Columbia.  When they heard his story, they all asked if they could pray for him and that’s when he fell in love with my family.  Also, they listened to the ENTIRE walk thru the Bible which showed a lot of patience.  His excitement for the Bible and the Lord is wonderful.

            When we went back to college, I confided to him I liked his good friend Ian Durias.  Then Bobby stopped hanging around, calling, everything.  Silence.  I figured it out.  If I wasn’t interested in him romantically, he wasn’t going to devote extra attention towards me outside of friendship.  I guess we talked on the phone sometimes anyway because I asked him to be my boyfriend right after he told me the church he was volunteering at gave him a car.  He was so excited about the car he had to say, “What?” about two times to give me the answer that yes, he wanted to be my boyfriend.  From Bobby: “We might have different recollections of how we ended up dating.  She made it known that she was interested and that’s what I was looking for.”

            I guess I am not very strong on the things I resolve.  I was a freshman, but I liked his attention so much that I was willing to date before being a Junior.  I still wasn’t willing to get married before I graduated yet.  I wanted to be a missionary in Africa but Bobby was clear that was not the direction he was pursuing.  So, I decided that Youth Ministry sounded fun enough. 

            I believe we became boyfriend and girlfriend over the phone.  (Bobby is sure that it wasn’t over the phone.  How tacky.)  How exciting.  The next time we saw each other he asked if we could hold hands.  I said, “OK” but it was overwhelming.  My feelings soared too much.  I couldn’t handle it and said, “Let’s wait two weeks before doing that again.”  At Multnomah Bible college holding hands is like baptism.  It’s a public declaration of your relationship and pretty much seals that you are getting married.  Ring by spring or your money back is a silly saying that was passed along.

            In two weeks, we were joyfully holding hands and within the month Bobby asked me to marry him.  I said, “Let’s see if this lasts more than three months because I have never had a boyfriend last that long.”  I had one boyfriend that lasted two days at camp.  One that got amnesia and one that lied about everything.  I did not have good luck with boyfriends.  (Bobby insists that it wasn’t a proper asking for marriage but more of a “that’s where I want this to end up” kind of thing.)

            We were a goofy couple, sappy and giddy.  We would stare at each other and sigh.  He would playfully pour popcorn that wasn’t eaten at a movie theater all over me.  If we walked under a dripping tree branch, he would pull it and have water cascading onto me.  (Again, he says he would do that to most of his friends.  He thinks he’s hilarious.)  We would hip-bump as we walked, and it was all just stupid.  Stupid in love is what we called ourselves and I truly believe our heads were not screwed on straight.  It was all emotions and infatuation.

            He asked when I wanted to marry him, this year or the next.   I told him next year and he promptly bought a snowboard with the money that would have gone to a ring.  I was annoyed later when I found that out.  He has never been good with money.  (Bobby says, “What!?!”)

            Before my birthday on October 11th of my junior year, my parents came down to visit.  We visited Pittock Mansion with them and Bobby.  I enjoyed my time with them, and Bobby pulled my dad aside to ask him if he would give his blessing to marry me.  My Dad said, “I’m not ready yet; I’ll give you my answer later.”  They went back home to the Seattle area and Bobby waited for a phone call.  It didn’t come.  Bobby called the next day and was told to expect a fax later that afternoon.  Meanwhile, Bobby had two tests that day in college and he couldn’t concentrate much on anything but waiting for that fax to arrive.   

The answer from my dad was yes.  I love how it started out though.  “You wouldn’t dare ask for my car.  You wouldn’t even dream of asking for my boat or house.  Yet, you ask for someone far more precious to me than any of my possessions.”  My dad went on to say how he expected me to be treated well and how much he loved me.  It was a most loving letter about me and an acceptance of Bobby into our family as well.

            Bobby asked me to marry him again and again, I would say, “Yes, but later” Sometimes I would say, “Ask me again and I’ll say no.”  It was exasperating because he asked at least twice a day.  One day he handed me a ring during chapel.  I was miffed.  Is this our friends?  Is this real?  I put it on because I did want to get married.  YET that was the least humble, most presumptuous proposal ever (never mind that I had already said yes over 100 times).  There were friends sitting on both sides of us that knew more than I did, and all were looking at me and giggling.  Really – he told everyone but me!  Ugh.

            That evening I called my sister to vent.  She was a wonderful listening ear.  The next day I had gotten over being snippy and realized, “I’m engaged!  I can plan a wedding!”  This began some looking at wedding magazines and a flurry of activity that culminated in, “I don’t really care!”  I enjoyed trying on wedding dresses with my mom during spring break.  We got one on clearance for $400 and I was proud of the low price.  Anita ended up helping plan (by this I mean she planned most of it) the wedding and reception.  I don’t care about most details.  I picked out bridesmaid patterns (Simplicity) and cloth then gave this to my bridesmaids.  I think it was $27 for each person and then, “Here’s a project.”  I chose a dusky pink and green.  I love the colors still. 

            I would alternate between caring about the wedding and giving all control to Anita.  She did a great job!  I wanted the best price but again, didn’t care.  I still don’t know or want to know how much feeding 300 people dinner costs.  But it sure was a fun day and having a pinata was delightful.  I think it’s funny Bobby gathered candy with the kids.  I know he gave it away to them, but I think we have a picture of him on the ground, gathering candy.

            The garter toss was also memorable because a youth group person pushed my cousin to the ground in the frenzied grab.  Poor cousin, he got up rubbing his bottom.  All this to say, we had a fabulous day and enjoyed it immensely.  I was 20 and he was 22.

            Five years later we had Adriel.  She was delightful and when she smiled at me about two months later, I fell in love.  With Adriel, I was worried I was carrying a spider.  The first ultrasound was very nice.  I enjoyed finding out she was human.  It felt weird having someone inside of me. 

Seth was planned to the month and even by gender (with the book “Your fertility signals”).  I loved him even in the womb.  Seth, I knew he was human. 

I love my children more than they will ever know.  Being a wife changed me.  Being a mother even more.  I have learned it’s OK to live without sleep.  I have learned to give, be sacrificial and enjoy it.  My life goes on through my children and my writings.  May all who read be blessed and feel joy at the love God gives us.

Monday, December 5, 2022


 Dear Family,


                Excitement is in the air!  Christmas music plays, and young people are dreaming up lists of what Santa might get them.  Catalogs are received in the mail and sales are up!  Happy December.

                This week Seth cleaned bathrooms and continued to work and schoolwork.

Adriel remains sweet and kind.  She went out to lunch with me, and we enjoyed great food, lovely conversation, and catching up.  I appreciate her company. 

Bobby and I watched “Christmas with the Kranks” this week.  The deep love the mother had reminded me of our love for Adriel.  I especially enjoyed how much the entire neighborhood loved their daughter.

Bobby continues to work hard, make the bed, and cook.  He made Shepherd’s pie this week and it was very tasty.  I could tell Seth liked it because of the amount he ate.   Bobby also made steak salad and hot dogs.  He knows what I prefer and is glad to have more steak.

I am glad Bobby is invested in our outside décor.  He brought in a light that keeps going out to Ace.  Mary, Joseph, and Jesus each have a light and Mary’s was not staying bright.  Yay for replacement parts!

Tuesday I was at Safeway and saw a former youth from Gold Beach.  He was warm and glad to see me.  He said, “We have to do dinner sometime.”  I tried to think of a free evening and when I couldn’t come up with anything I said, “Or you could come to youth group tonight.  We are still doing the saaaaame thing.”  (I was thinking he could be helpful.)  He smiled, declined, and mentioned, “You guys were iconic in my life!”  How sweet.  These days our former youth have grade school-age kids.   It will be interesting to see if we encounter any children of former youth in their youth group years.

Middle schoolers came early to youth group and were excited to play gutter and foosball.  Some do not come to compete.  While playing foosball with me two youth enjoyed adding 10-15 balls onto the table for a frenzy of no points but much activity and laughter.  I enjoyed the chaos thoroughly.

Bobby announced they were all heading to the gym for game time and would receive two cookies.  When he said, “You might not get your first choice of flavor . . .” he was cut off.  “I want a candy cane!”  People crack me up.  I believe candy canes are not close to any cookie flavor.

High School group had jovial good-natured ribbing and delightful banter.  One student is excited about their new job.  “In my job, I’m a food runner.” I said, “Like the road runner?  Beep Beep.”  Another, “He never did catch that bird.”  I was excited someone got my reference ðŸ˜Š.

Bobby asked people what they are thankful for.  Some interesting answers were: Tape, Brazil, Amazon (the company not the rainforest), and nuclear power.  Not all were shared publicly.  Some just to me and that camaraderie gives me great joy.

May you also feel delighted when people share their lives with you.  May you radiate peace to each person you encounter.  May you find strength in the knowledge that God’s love is enough.  He has given you, “All you need for living a godly life,” 2 Peter 1:3. 


Much Love,





Monday, November 28, 2022

11/28/22 Safely Home

 Dear Family,

                Soup is Winter’s cereal.  My favorite food is cereal but soup may be best in the cold months.  I enjoy both but am trying soup out more these days. 

                Bobby continues to be good company.  He chopped down an apple tree for me.  He also drove me to Bothell, WA and back while I slept most of the way.   I enjoy the trip zooming by.  Bobby enjoys getting us there. 

                Seth remains focused on schoolwork.  He has been getting good grades so I believe he enjoys his studies.  He helped move Christmas decorations out of storage.   I am thankful for his help and strength.

                Adriel visited on Tuesday.  I enjoy her company.  Please pray with her as she desires to live in Portland.  Please pray for wisdom, God’s will and endurance with college and work on her part. 

                Thanksgiving was a lovely time of interaction and fun.  We visited my parents, sister, and her family.  The children have grown so much that they are now helpful and quieter.  I was impressed by how busy they were after the meal, clearing, scrubbing dishes, and cleaning.  Adriel also helped and delighted in their focus on art. 

                We are safe.  Travel was uneventful, Angels guarded and protected.  God’s love was shared, and we are blessed.

                May you also feel God’s hand in your life.  May His peace rest in your heart.  May you find joy in knowing how deeply you are loved!  Hugs, Cristy          

 PS, Thanks Anita for taking the picture :-).

Monday, November 21, 2022


 Dear Family,


            Forgiveness of others is a gift to us.  Being Thankful even in hard times also frees our minds from angst.    Those two choices bring peace that passes understanding.  Holding a grudge is a heavy burden to bear and so is holding onto control – which we don’t have anyway.  The only control we have is control of our reactions and that is even super hard to grasp.  Living free with arms open is such a blessing.

            This week Bobby visited his mom and brought back gifts.  How delightful to see Bobby model being a good son 😊.

            Middle School group continues to be filled with outpourings of love, excitement to be together and joy radiating out of every person.  Song time had so much exuberance Bobby had to remind the youth of an old but good rule.  “You are allowed to scream, only if your arm is severed and you are bleeding out.”  A youth had to say, “Hang on, let me try it,” while they pretended to sever an arm by putting their hand back inside the sleeve. 

            High School group was full of sweet music, delightful teens, and camaraderie.   I like that the youth stood up for Julie Andrews.  Bobby doesn’t like Mary Poppins or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  He calls them bad movies!  This is because he prefers special effects and Science Fiction.  He did say he would watch a remake of Mary Poppins if Mary Poppins was played by Yondu.  I declared that would be horrible.  “No one would entrust their children to Yondu.”  Someone in the crowd asked Bobby if he would like to have Yondu take care of his kids and Bobby said, “Yes, at least I would know they are safe.” 

            I enjoyed reading a devotional with Bobby, setting marriage goals, and praying for our family.  I like that we go to God together.  It deepens our love and friendship. 

            Bobby cooked several amazing meals this week and I am always glad I don’t have that chore.  I don’t care about what we eat, just that there is food.  He’s the best!  We also enjoyed a date this week and I am glad to have his company as we do life together.

            Seth remains adorable.  He watches humor and laughs.  I love hearing his delight.  He cleaned his shower this week but ran out of one cleaning solution and had to add another.  His chagrin at mixing the two ended up with, “If I die from cleaning my shower it’s your fault.”

            May you find strength in knowing you are loved by God and me.  May your love overflow to all you encounter.  Hugs, Cristy

Monday, November 14, 2022


 Dear Family,

                Skipping over Thanksgiving only makes sense if you are trying to sell something.  Being Thankful for what we have is the opposite of wanting more.  Being thankful for where we are, who we love, and who’s we are may lead to contentment.  Oh, the horror!  Let’s play Christmas music so they don’t remember to be thankful. 

                Choosing to count our blessings can be a daily, weekly, and yes, yearly task.  Daily I ponder what to add to this blessings letter.  Weekly I ask for editor (family) approval and then publish, yearly we all gather and announce our thankfulness for each other and what God has given us.  The purposeful choice to remember God’s goodness produces joy in our hearts and minds.  When we take our thoughts captive God blesses us with peace.  What a great sermon we had Sunday, Nov 6th ( 

                So, on to how God and my family have given me joy.

                Bobby cleaned under the refrigerator and under the kitchen sink this week.  He took all the magnets off the old fridge.  He took everything out of under the kitchen sink.  He awaited and was there for new appliance installs.  He removed items from the fridge and placed them in a new fridge.  This is Bobby’s gift to me.  I was gone at work.  I came home and was pleased.  Yay, Bobby.

                Adriel came over to gather her laundry and exclaimed with delight about the new look in our kitchen.  She is delightful to be with and I am glad every time I see her.  We talked for a while, and it is lovely to hear her take on life and what is going on in her space. 

                Seth put Adriel’s laundry in the dryer because I had a cold.  This generation fears a cold!  I wasn’t allowed to touch her stuff, but a hug was just fine.  I am thankful for Seth and his willingness to help.

                Chatting with Adriel on the phone is lovely.  She is a bright splash of joy in an increasingly dark and dreary world (5PM on the drive home is a perfect time to talk).

                Middle School group had abundant energy and the joy of gathering.  Just being together can energize some and boy were they excited to be together.  When it was time to sing there was praise and gratitude.  When it was time for the lesson there was thoughtful discussion.  My favorite student quote of the evening; “The past is behind us, the future is before but today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.”  How lovely when considering it is good to be thankful.

I did have to chuckle right after singing how Holy God is when Bobby asked, “Who knows the definition of holy?”  After hearing the right answer a student leaned over to me and mentioned that Swiss cheese is also holy.  I was thinking along the same lines.  Holes in clothes also counts as a definition but I didn’t want to answer that way and get into trouble.  I felt a bit of camaraderie with our silly humor.

                High school group has deeper voices and deeper thoughts.  There are smiles, greetings, and competition.  One person even exclaimed with joy when Bobby was handing out the lesson.  “Oh yeah, I love fill in the blanks.”  I do too!  It gives us a chance to guess the answers, interact with the text, and be affirmed if we were right about the answer.  Sometimes this disintegrates into silliness though.  The blank was, “Everything good U--------- comes from God.”  When they gave up, guesses included; umbrella, understandably, etc.  The true answer ultimately.  Such fun, I enjoy laughing with the group.

                A friend offered us Elder-immune gummies because we all had a cold.  I had been thankfully taking it with my cold calm, lemon, honey, and regular exercise.  I offered the Elder-Immune to Seth.  He was suspicious.  He read the label thoroughly.  His conclusion, “They don’t answer any of the questions I have and look just like an advertisement.  It looks suspect.”  Seth then refused to take any.  I had to chuckle when I also remembered that Seth wouldn’t ride half the rides at Disneyland because he read the warnings at the age of 13.  .  I did try persisting with, “But they taste good!”  This was met with Sarcasm.  “Ohhh, that makes sense, all things that taste good are good for you.  Take kale for example, and then there is salad.”  He went on but I got the point and had to backtrack.  This is true, not all things that taste good are good for our bodies.  I asked if he trusted our friend and he said, “Mmmmm, not really.”  (By the way, he doesn’t trust me either).  I am so glad Seth is not like me.  I’m a leap-before-you-look type which can be fun.  It can also lead to regrets and drama.  I like that Seth thinks things thru before doing them.  He may save himself some heartache.

                Seth mowed the lawn this week and it looks fabulous.  I am glad for the ways he helps us out.

                Thursday when Bobby came home to find me sleeping, he declared me not well enough to join the elderly at home group.  I might spread germs.  When he mentioned this to those at home group they were taken aback.  “Are you calling me old?”  LOL, now he had to contend with pretend hurt feelings on that front.  (Anyone not youth group age might be considered old to a youth pastor.)  I was glad to have a restful evening after working full-time and having evenings out for youth groups.

                Friday Bobby took the Middle School group to Tapawingo for a retreat.  How fun to visit a summer camp in the fall.  I know they have games, songs, messages, and a big gym to keep them preoccupied.  I’m glad God will work in and thru our church to grow kids’ faith.  I am also happy he is back safe and sound.

                May you find joy in the tasks God has for you.  May you delight in our crisp fall air.  May you know how deeply, how fully and how richly you are loved.  Hugs,  



Monday, November 7, 2022


 Dear Family,


                Bobby had a great time at the trunk or treat.  He enjoys making connections with people and having general fun. 

Middle school group was fabulous as usual.  There was one hiccup though.  He was talking about how we should look more and more like Jesus every day as we follow him.  I couldn’t help but think how handsome Bobby is and how Isiah 53:2 says about Jesus that, “he had . . . no beauty that we should desire him.”  I didn’t think I said it loudly, but I was protesting when I said, “But Jesus wasn’t cute.” Three girls exclaimed!  “Ohhhhh!!!”  Bobby rewarded them and mentioned he was talking about “the inside” of a person, how good we are.  I was properly chastised.

                A middle school student shared this joke with me.  "What did the tree say to the logger?"  I said, "I don't know, maybe Ow!?"  The answer was, "Chop, chop, I have somewhere to go."  I love laughing with people.

                High School group was meaningful and had a lot more guys than girls.  Each night has its own flavor.  That night there was a lot of candy to go around.

                Bobby cleaned a bathroom and unplugged a drain.   I’m glad he sees what needs to be done and does it.

                Adriel answers my calls and continues to be lovely.  She asked me to pray for something I don’t want to happen, so I just told her I’ll pray for God’s will.                 

Seth stays loving and ever-present.  I was glad he is the last one out from Church Wednesday because I had some library work to do and didn’t have to worry about closing up the church.  Seth also cleaned a bathroom in our home.  I’m so glad he’s helpful around the house. 

This weather is wonderfully amazing for cozying up in a blanket and reading or sitting.  I enjoy the time I have with Bobby and our kitty.  I like that I am tired after work and can curl up for a bit to relax before going to bed.  It is wonderful that God has supplied a roof over our heads and heat for our houses.

May you also be so very glad that God provides all you need.  May you rejoice in the much-needed rain and in the warmth you have in your hearts and hearths.

Much Love, Cristy


Monday, October 31, 2022


 Dear Family,


                Voting is a privilege and duty.  I am glad to spread out all the mail, make an informed decision, and have a say.  Thank you all for choosing to vote with me.  Bobby and I voted by mail and Seth took mine out to the mailbox.  I am glad he helped me do my duty.

                Seth also keeps plugging away at work and school.  He is diligent and faithful.  I appreciate his hard work and desire to press on.

                Bobby has been busy planning a retreat for the Middle school.  Pulling speaker, musician, students, and staff together is a much bigger undertaking than I would ever want to muster.  I am impressed by his willingness to make things happen.

                Bobby is excited to help Adriel when she comes over.  They searched high and low for several old Halloween costumes to no avail.  I sell things when I think they won’t be useful.  I couldn’t imagine Adriel using that M&M costume again.  She wore it about 3 years in a row.  But search for it they did.  Oh well.  She isn’t mad at me (for I am the one who bought it) just disappointed.

                Adriel and I had lunch Tuesday.  She is lovely, has realized that “The world is much bigger than she imagined,” and that we, her parents, might know more than she previously thought.  That turnaround from the teen years was expected but I thought it only happened when grandchildren were born.  It is fun to see her growing up.  She also came by that evening to grab some Halloween costumes for her office spirit week.  How fun, offices also enjoy dressing up and handing out candy.

                Middle School group was delightful and full of good-natured fun.  I am now practicing foosball with the goal of becoming the champion I used to be.  Our youth bring so much energy, and joy.  I am glad to join them weekly to learn more about God.

                High school group was delightful.  The lesson was on the monster inside us (sin nature).  Bobby asked, “What’s so bad about monsters?”  When one answer was, “The caffeine.” I had to guffaw.  This generation would go straight to a drink.  That’s just silly. 

                Homegroup was fun.  Bobby mentioned that it was youth group for adults and our friends delighted in this.  “I’m living my second childhood anyway!”  “But do we have to play games?”  The adults relished talking about a recent trip and digging deeper into God’s word.  This is a time of mutual edification.  I love being surrounded by wisdom.

                May you also delight in those both young and old.  May you find joy in growing closer to people and in learning more and more about God.  It seems we can never learn enough – heaven will be such a wonderful time of truly getting to know God the most.  In-person!  Much love, Cristy

PS Patience has paid off.  The grapes are no longer sour.  Yeah!!

Monday, October 24, 2022


 Dear family,

            I had been concerned.  Before our trip, I told the High School group not to TP our house while we were gone.  This was met with lightbulbs and plans seeming to be made! Bobby said, “Don’t give them ideas!”  I felt shame and chagrin.  Did I?  My prayer request for that night was, “That no one bothers Seth.”  The person who prayed was confused.  “And Dear God, please help whoever is bothering Seth to stop.”  I didn’t mention it again.  I am very glad no one bothered Seth by Toilet Papering our house while he was the only one home.  Phew

            Our house and cat were well cared for.  Seth did marvelous while we were gone for a week at Disney land. 

            Bobby is a great leader in new places.  He worries for 3 people, so I don’t even have to look up when crossing the street.  I noticed he looked about 3 times, always aware, alert, and guarding.

            Middle School group had excitement in the air.  This group is seriously ecstatic to be together.  They love gutter ball so the teens get there as early as their parents will let them and then it’s fun to see they also want to stay late.  I remember telling my mom to come late to pick me up when I was a teen.  Socializing can be super fun.  During the lesson, Bobby was talking about prayer and used Matthew 6:5-8.  He asked the definition of Hypocrite and one student mentioned, “It’s hypocritical to say, ‘Don’t tell people what to do.’”  This brought speculation and only ¼ of the people got the joke.  It took them a while.  Later the fill in the blanks were: Present your r_______ and r___: instead of r_______ on (vs. 7-8).  Requests and rambling were easy enough.  The middle word was harder.  Bobby hinted, “It’s something you do every night.”  One student said, “Reek?”  That’s silly.  I hope they don’t all stink at night, that’s when we meet.  No, the answer is rest.

            Anyway, back to Hypocrite.  We aren’t supposed to pray like hypocrites.  Back then those were actors.  So, we aren’t supposed to put on a show.  I found that very interesting.  I didn’t know hypocrite was the word for actor back in the day.

            Wednesday night brought laughter, fun, and excitement.  The High School group has such amazing people in it.  When we were getting ready to read the Bible one person felt frustrated about finding the passage.  “I’m trying to participate!  You all are moving at the speed of fast, hold up.”  And another old person joke.  “Rich is so old he sat by Moses in the third grade.”  I delight in the people we work with.  I tell them but I don’t know if they truly can ever know how loved they are.

             The Pastors Conference at Seaside was a time of networking, discovery, and thankfulness.  In the elevator with Scott and Hal Washburn Disneyland was brought up.  Hal had to tell us that when he asked his grandchild what their favorite part of Disneyland was the boy said, “There was this guy named Bob.”  Goodness, how fun, that’s our Bobby.

            At a West Hills gathering during the conference, we went around the room giving shout-outs.  I loved when Mackenzie said how glad she is for the AWANA leadership.  “I don’t have to do anything, they come with the lessons, they do the work” etc.  A fourth grader followed this.  He said, “I enjoy AWANA a lot and Mackenzie – you said you do nothing but that’s not true.  You do so much,” He went on with more, but I couldn’t hear because my eyes were leaking too much.  That touched my heart immensely! 

            I truly enjoyed meeting with the group of North American Baptist churches this weekend.  The music was fabulous.  The speakers were amazing, and the fellowship was superb.  I am thankful that I was able to go.

            My heart is full and glad to be alive.  May you also count each breath as a blessing.  May you rejoice in how much you are loved by the one who sacrificed His all.  Hugs, Cristy


Monday, October 17, 2022

10/17/22 Disneyland

 Dear Family,

Disneyland is a fun place to visit especially when your loved one is a big kid.  I present some quotes: “ If I had a tail I would wag it.”  Later, as I was eating a banana.  “That’s a terrible smell.  I would prefer you had farted.”  As he was considering the purchase of a lightsaber I had to interject.  “You know the lightsaber doesn’t cut people.”  His response was,  “I’m going to get the upgrade.”  As we were in line for California soaring,  I inhaled deeply and said, “It smells soo good.  I think I smell the oranges already!”  Bobby, “Spoiler alert!”  And Bobby was saying how funny the jungle cruise people are.  I said I could probably be one, and he agreed!  Also, it was nice that he wanted me to be with him but when I was done at 11:30 am one day he was ok with me leaving.  That kind of freedom was lovely since I can’t stomach more than one wiggly ride a day.

Also, there was an interesting phenomenon.  We heard excited “Bobby Van Kleek!”  Several times.  On the shuttle to the airport in Portland, we met a classmate.  At Disneyland, we met church people.  Bobby even took hours to be with Salem friends while I took my daily nap.  He is even fabulous at making new friends, learning their names, and connecting with them as he sees them later.

We did enjoy our trip.  I’m very glad to be home.

While gone I was able to zoom with Seth to listen to his speech for college.  It was so good it brought me to tears.  He also cared for our kitty.  When I mentioned I missed her, Seth said: “Want to talk to her?”  I think that was adorable.  I don’t miss how much she meows at all but I do miss nose kisses and how she plays and purrs. 

Adriel stopped by to check on Seth which I think is lovely.  He had a cold but is on the mend.

I’m so thankful for love, fun, and friends.  May you also find joy wherever you go.  May you speak life into all you meet and be glad for God's love and sacrifice.  Love and hugs, Cristy