Monday, November 7, 2022


 Dear Family,


                Bobby had a great time at the trunk or treat.  He enjoys making connections with people and having general fun. 

Middle school group was fabulous as usual.  There was one hiccup though.  He was talking about how we should look more and more like Jesus every day as we follow him.  I couldn’t help but think how handsome Bobby is and how Isiah 53:2 says about Jesus that, “he had . . . no beauty that we should desire him.”  I didn’t think I said it loudly, but I was protesting when I said, “But Jesus wasn’t cute.” Three girls exclaimed!  “Ohhhhh!!!”  Bobby rewarded them and mentioned he was talking about “the inside” of a person, how good we are.  I was properly chastised.

                A middle school student shared this joke with me.  "What did the tree say to the logger?"  I said, "I don't know, maybe Ow!?"  The answer was, "Chop, chop, I have somewhere to go."  I love laughing with people.

                High School group was meaningful and had a lot more guys than girls.  Each night has its own flavor.  That night there was a lot of candy to go around.

                Bobby cleaned a bathroom and unplugged a drain.   I’m glad he sees what needs to be done and does it.

                Adriel answers my calls and continues to be lovely.  She asked me to pray for something I don’t want to happen, so I just told her I’ll pray for God’s will.                 

Seth stays loving and ever-present.  I was glad he is the last one out from Church Wednesday because I had some library work to do and didn’t have to worry about closing up the church.  Seth also cleaned a bathroom in our home.  I’m so glad he’s helpful around the house. 

This weather is wonderfully amazing for cozying up in a blanket and reading or sitting.  I enjoy the time I have with Bobby and our kitty.  I like that I am tired after work and can curl up for a bit to relax before going to bed.  It is wonderful that God has supplied a roof over our heads and heat for our houses.

May you also be so very glad that God provides all you need.  May you rejoice in the much-needed rain and in the warmth you have in your hearts and hearths.

Much Love, Cristy


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