Tuesday, December 26, 2023


 Dear family,


            “Jesus Revolution” was such an amazing movie!  I enjoyed seeing how God worked in America in the 70’s.  I am reading a book called “Andrew Murray” which describes how God brought revival to South Africa in the 1800’s.  Wow, my heart feels like it is growing so many sizes bigger.  OH, and another book that will be in our library soon is “The Cross and the Switchblade” about God working in New York in the 1950’s.  Guess who is praying for revival?  Yup, me, you can as well.  I know it might be overwhelming to see God at work, but it would also be amazing.

            Bobby went to Seattle to drop off Christmas presents to my family.  That was nice of him.  I enjoyed hearing how he played with our niece and had good conversations with my parents and brother-in-law.  It is nice that Bobby has vacation days for that.

            Bobby also cooked shepherd's pie and I enjoyed eating it with him.  He mentioned that he was watching a movie and Seth noticed.  They talked about how it was from Bobby’s childhood.  Then Seth said, “Ohhh, it’s in color,” as if Bobby grew up in the days without color TV and movies.

            We had a Christmas celebration early with the Vankleeks because Caren’s caregivers worked on the 23rd and Bobby doesn’t have to work that day either.  I enjoyed visiting with Dad and his girlfriend Sandi before Mom and Caren came over.  Dad brought out beard jewels (that Caren had given him several years ago.)  We were all wearing some light-up bulbs by the time Mom and Caren arrived.  Well, not Seth, he said, “I have self-respect so No, I won’t wear those.”  Anyway, it was fun to see Caren laugh when she saw most of us blinking away.  It was a gathering of dorks.

            I didn’t get a chance to write funny things down during dinner but boy – Bobby put out an amazing spread.  Ham, Salad, scalloped potatoes!  Dad brought drinks, dessert, and hominy.  Mom brought rolls.  So yummy!  Sandi brought fruit cake – that was funny.  I didn’t even try it. 

            I did write down funny things from the gift opening.  Caren was joking about the gift card for jeans.  “My jeans are so small they fit in an envelope!”  Love!    Caren did have to mention that folding an envelope inside of itself wouldn’t work because her hands aren’t that good at opening things.  She was trying to educate us about being a paraplegic, but Seth came out with, “And you took all that time to complain.”  While he opened her envelope.  She had to laugh and describe him as, “Wicked funny.”  Adriel did mention that if he had a comedy routine she would definitely go to the show.

            Bobby received hot sauces and mentioned that the youth in youth group love spicy things.  Seth had to ask, “Do they like hot stuff OR are they trying to be cool because I don’t think you can do both.”

            When mentioning what is inside the fruit cake Sandi said raisins.  Caren had to mention, “Raisins are just sad grapes.”  I had to laugh at her sad face. 

            Family interactions are fun.  God gives us certain people to be in our lives and we are blessed to spend time with them.

            May you also be glad for those God has given you, parents, siblings, and children.  Much love, Cristy

The pictures are from the future (later in the day).  But I like them :-)  Seth was serving in the back - doing the video.

Monday, December 18, 2023



Dear family,


            Although December seems front loaded the schedule has not abated.  I have found joy in listening to the Founders podcast as I prepared Christmas things.  I like hearing about people’s joys, successes, and failures.  I also ponder if they regretted their choices or not.  There is so much to learn from others. 

            The Youth Group Christmas party was a blast.  Bobby provided a lot of amazing food, snacks, and fun.  The present swap had us passing gifts left repeatedly.  We weren’t supposed to open them, but one person couldn’t help himself.  Things happened to be opened after he had them.  This was funny – “We can’t take you anywhere!”  I ended up with the most ridiculous gift.  Who knew I needed a mullet coloring book!?? 

A funny interaction was when one person just held on to their present.  Couldn’t pass it.  This created consternation down the circle.  What was a person to do with the empty bag?  Finally, it was easy enough.  The other passed present the person who couldn’t let go of was given to the person a couple chairs down.  This brought joy and delight to the receiver of a couple of cute stuffed animals.  Sometimes our selfishness wins – and it’s OK.

            Another funny interaction at the party included a Chipotle gift card.  One person gave it to her brother because Chipotle is too spicy.  The brother said, “It’s not spicy enough.”  Meanwhile a youngster said, “What’s wrong with Chipotle?!  It’s a great place.”  When offered the card for free they shook their head no, and walked away.  This made another leader and I laugh. 

            Thursday night we had homegroup at our house and it was a cozy time of reflection on God, how he works, and our response to Him.  I have my thinker on, so it was good to express what I am thinking about and refine my thoughts.

            Friday night we enjoyed the amazing food at La Vida Katrina.  I enjoy Bobby’s company even better than his cooking.  He did cook some mashed potatoes and chicken this week.  That was nice.  He also cooked breaded Chicken and rice.  Yum.

            Adriel has been sweet on the phone.  I am glad she wants to keep in touch.

            Seth bought my phone to help me play Pokémon Go less.  It’s working.  He did say, “But I won’t use it as a phone.  I’m only going to use it for the camera.”  He cracks me up.  I enjoy his company and hugs.

            May you also enjoy those you live with.  May you be kind, have good memories and delight in those God has put into your lives.  As it is so cold outside may you delight in the warm hearts and hearths we have this season.  Love and hugs,




Monday, December 11, 2023


 Dear Family,


            The Christmas season brings so much extra work it is hard to focus on why we do all our tasks.  Purposefully slowing down to remember God’s love, gift, sacrifice, and care is sooo needed!  I added an extra Bible plan on the app not only for the Christmas badge but because I believe it helps with that choice to focus on God at this time of celebration.  I can’t recommend the Bible app enough.  It’s super fabulous.

            Tuesday night the middle school group sang Christmas carols to elderly from our church.  It was enjoyable to wish people, “Merry Christmas!” and to feel cheerful. 

              Wednesday night the High schoolers sang Christmas carols, and I enjoyed reminiscing on the way about how I knew some of them from preschool days.  I remember distinctly that I decided not to argue with one student about his belief that chicken nuggets didn’t come from chickens.  That wasn’t what he was going to learn that day.  At 15 years of age, he decided to joke with me and say, “I actually still believe that.”  I delight in knowing and having fun with our youth.

            Thursday Bobby cooked amazing chicken Broccoli casserole.  I enjoyed the leftovers for days.  We are so filled by my Bobby, and he knows the way to our hearts.

            Saturday, Bobby and I went to a friend’s wedding.  The person announced a bouquet toss and Bobby was hungry enough to ask, “Did he say tater tots?”  Loved it!   This brought back so many memories and created a desire in us to find out who caught the bouquet at our wedding.  We also wondered if our wedding video was still in VHS only.  When we got home, we found DVD’s and watched our wedding, reception, and a cute video of Seth in Cubbies.  We were super happy and gushy inside afterwards.  How fun!  Adriel’s call was just after those videos, so we shared our feelings and I’m sure she smiled on the other end knowing how glad we are about such great memories.

            May you also enjoy reminiscing, sharing great times and finding love in your heart from past and present.  May your joy be deep and spread to all around you.  Much love,




Saturday, December 9, 2023

Christmas letter 2023

Merry Christmas, loved ones,


            It’s exciting to ponder God’s blessings of the year, fun, funny, and deep.  Would you believe Adriel has survived a year in Portland?  January at the beginning of this year my praise in youth group was that “Adriel has moved to Portland, and it is in a safe neighborhood.”  This brought pause as the youth was praying for her.  He even said, “Sounds hard to believe about Portland,” in the prayer.  

            A theme for my blessings was Bobby’s cooking.  Sometimes he uses up ingredients from the home and I love that!  How fabulous!  I am so blessed to be married to an amazing cook.  We enjoy evenings together with cuddles, movie-watching, or board games.

            Adriel is growing, learning, and finding her way in life.  I am glad she calls me when she wants to talk.  I feel blessed that she is willing to share her heart.  When she answers the phone just to let me know she is alive that is a big deal to me.

            In June Seth finished his 4-hour calculus test and was very glad to have that class over with.  I asked him if he had any more school left for the summer.  He said, “No” and I smiled, “Just in time.”  I let that hang.  He waited for a beat and took the bait.  “Just in time for what?”  “The raspberries were ripe, and I needed help picking them.”  😊 I love him.  He is accommodating and dutifully went out to pick every time I asked him to.  Seth consistently helped with the garden this summer.  I really enjoy and need that.

                My parents did us a huge favor and picked up Adriel from Portland on their way to Salem.  They enjoyed having her drive and that she is so chatty.  We are blessed to have a warm, loving daughter.  We celebrated Seth’s Birthday/Father’s Day on Saturday and Sunday.  We always enjoy Golden Crown food and are delighted with how attentive and sweet the servers are.

                I love having my parents attend church with us.  My parents are memorable, and our church people are “Aggressively friendly.”  That sounded scary, but my dad assured me he loved it.

In June I was excited to see Seth during the day.  Seth changed his work schedule so he could do an online tournament.  I was glad to hug him and hear his excitement.  He was so encouraging to his team and the others. I loved hearing him with such a great attitude.  He even complimented the other team.  “Great job guys, you were hard to beat.”  It was contagious how much joy he had.  He was glad to report his team won second place.

            Seth remains amazing.  He continued to pick raspberries and he even picked weeds.  I am blessed to have his constant presence.  He appreciates our cooking and continues to help keep our church clean.   He thanked Bobby several times for making Chili and Bobby’s heart was full.

Bobby went to Portland to visit Adriel and experience what she likes.  He said he would never go thrift store shopping at the Goodwill bins again.  I thought that was funny.  It’s definitely an experience and a deep dive into extreme thrifting.

I am so blessed that Adriel answers the phone even for a second.  She might be in the middle of a million things, but she wants me to know all is OK.  She also sent me a kitten video which warms my heart.  If anyone wants to lift my spirits that’s one way to do it.  I’m a sucker for adorable or funny animals.

I usually do not watch suspense or horror movies.  This is because it has given me nightmares in the past.   When we put in “Signs” by M. Night Shyamalan I was hoping Seth would tame it down for me.   In the first part of the movie, we don’t get to see the monster.  We are looking down at the main characters looking up on top of the roof.  I’m freaking out and say, “How did he get up there?  Is it the dog?”  Seth in a spooky voice, “Noooo, it’s the cameraman.”  When the main character wakes up there is an electrical cord stringing out that he’s just going to have to follow.  I said, “OK, where does the cord lead to?  I’ll bite.”  This time it was Bobby, “Don’t electrocute yourself.”  Then we finally saw the alien and the main character freaks out and jumps back.  Seth is in the background, “That is so cheap!  Are we supposed to be scared of that?  What is that?  A paper mâché puppet?  Man in a suit?”  Bobby pauses the movie to discuss how it was made 20 years ago.  Seth comments that “Aliens was made in the ’80s and had better creatures – they could have done better.”  We rewatch that scene, pause to get a good look at the monster and yes, when I look at it paused it was a sad-looking monster.  Seth’s end comment about that scene is, “I’m so invested, and then it’s just that!” 

Then there is a grabbing scene and Bobby says, “You’re awfully quiet over there Seth.”  “Well, that wasn’t a bad scene.”  Bobby is glad he doesn’t make movies.  Seth would rip them apart in a heartbeat.  And I didn’t dream about that movie at all.  Yay.  It had a nice ending and a good resolution.  Watching movies with Seth gives such a different perspective.  I am glad he can help me through the scary ones.

Adriel and I have been enjoying some great conversations and texts.  She is encouraging and sweet.  She prompts me to do good things.  I am blessed. 

One night while watching a Jason Bourne movie Bobby said, “I have a confession to make.  I’m not a CIA agent”. Seth replied, “Sounds like something a CIA agent would say, now I’m suspicious.”  I enjoy and delight in banter.

Seth bought a great car this year and has been driving himself to school across the bridge.  He also rescued me when I locked my key in the car once.  Yay Seth, my hero.

Small recap.  Bobby has been the youth pastor at West Hills over 16 years.  Seth the custodian around 3 years.  He goes to school and volunteers at church.  Adriel is a paralegal and going to school this year.  I have been at Fred Meyer for over two years, and I volunteer at the church.

As God remains our ever-present help in times of trouble may you find your spirit calmed and your heart warmed by His love, comfort, and joy.   May this celebration of the amazing fact that God wanted to come down to earth to show us the way and then give his life sacrificially.  Wow, may you feel as blessed as you are about Jesus and his love.  Much love,




Cristy for the Vankleeks


Monday, December 4, 2023


 Dear family,


                The cold weather gives me a desire to either get moving or cozy up with blankets.  I’m so glad my body gets up and goes for times like work, working out, and getting around.  This is not a luxury afforded to all.  Good health is a definite blessing.  Warm blankets are also a blessing.  How lovely it is to snuggle up with a loved one or pet.  Thanks, God, for warmth.

                Bobby cooked pizza Monday and I was glad to partake after a full shift at work.  How fun to be greeted with warm food!  He also mowed the lawn and that makes our place beautiful!

                Tuesday night Youth group was fun and exciting.  Someone brought several new friends, and they were so excited to see each other it was energizing.  Prayer time brings us together and deepens the feel.  Song time had Christmas carols and it was nice to practice for the next week when we will enjoy caroling.  Lesson time had a funny event.  Bobby was saying how God can do the impossible.  Having Mary be pregnant while a virgin brought some giggles and blushing.  Bobby wanted to give an example, so he brought up camp and how people wanted to build a new building, the cost was three million dollars.  Bobby is still in awe of how it only took one year to raise that.  One student said, “You know you can put money in an account that grows interest.”  I loved it.  We are getting a lesson on compound interest, but Bobby shot that down with, “It doesn’t grow that fast.”   

                Wednesday night we had abundance again.  I delight in the joy people have from gathering.  Lesson time had its fun moments.  Bobby was trying to get the kids to answer a question but there was silence.  He offhandedly said, “I don’t have candy to bribe you for answers . .”, immediately I heard, “We need candy!”  Later Bobby was talking about how we are never alone and said, “I have two reasons we are never alone.  #1 is that God is always with us.  #2 . . .” and someone shot out, “Because I’m stalking you.”  That was hilarious to me but wrong, “No, we are part of God’s family, so we have each other.”

                Thursday & Friday I found myself alone for the evening which meant it was a great time to wrap presents and listen to the “Founders” podcast by David Nasaw.  I enjoy hearing biographies of interesting people.

                Bobby made Chicken and Dumplings which was super yummy!  I am so glad I don’t have to do any cooking.  Cleaning is a great trade-off.

                Seth and Adriel are going through finals this week, so our conversations were short and their minds were busy.  Please pray for our college students as they endure the hardships of school.  I do not envy them at all.

                Saturday night we visited with one of Bobby’s pastor friends.  It was enjoyable to hear them share their hearts and lives. 

                May you also enjoy sharing your heart with others.  May you feel God’s grace as you encounter so many people in this walk we call life.  Much love, Cristy

Monday, November 27, 2023


 Dear family,

                I feel double blessed when Bobby not only makes yummy food but uses items we already have to keep the price down.  Yay!  I truly enjoy coming home to amazing, yummy eggs, ham, and biscuits.   Delicious! 

                Bobby and I enjoyed spending time decorating for Christmas, playing a board game and just being.  We took time off this holiday season, and I am glad to have a mini staycation during all the busyness.  I enjoy our time together.

                Thanksgiving is always filled with yummy food and great company.  I am glad for God’s blessings.  It is good to gather and celebrate what we are thankful for.  I truly enjoy being where there is love.  My favorite is when we laugh so hard there are red faces and even tears.  That is good times.

                Saturday Bobby mowed the lawn and made yummy tuna casserole.  I am blessed when he puts effort into our home and hearts. 

                Seth didn’t want to go to Thanksgiving dinner even though we were going less than a mile away.  We convinced him to at least come for the meal and I saw him smiling, conversing, and enjoying himself.  I am glad he makes the effort to get out of the house even when he doesn’t want to.

                Adriel visited with us a bit and it was nice to have her home.  We had good conversations and are glad she shares her heart and feelings.  I am blessed that she also joined us for Thanksgiving dinner and am warmed to laugh with her and enjoy great company.

                We are so blessed to be so loved!  May you also feel God’s hand in your life and guidance in your path.  May you feel his presence as you search his face.  Much love,





Monday, November 20, 2023


Dear family,


            Anticipation gives joy even before an event has begun.  We are shopping, planning, and getting ready for Thanksgiving.  The stores are experiencing so much activity and I enjoy the hours I get even when not scheduled.  Thankfulness is a skill to be practiced year-round.  I enjoy the focus now though – we are so blessed. 

            Tuesday night I enjoyed the joking during lesson time.  Bobby asked what people are most thankful for when getting together for dinner.  Some people said family, “I get to see my grandparents.”  That was super sweet!  I also enjoyed it when someone said, “I like the turkey”.  Bobby’s retort, “So ---- is visiting!”  Wa, wa, funny. 

            One question was about the word conform.  Bobby asked someone, “What does the word conform mean?”  They were at a loss for words, so Bobby said, “You know playdough?”  Rich retorted, “Yeah, I know Plato, he was an interesting guy.”  Bobby, “Yeah, you were alive when he was.”

            Bobby rested and cooked ham and bean soup on Thursday.  It was super yummy, and I enjoyed the meal after a full shift at work.  How blessed we are with food, shelter, and love.

            Because pastor Lon said he enjoys reading our library book, “God’s Answers to Prayer” I have enjoyed delving into the last couple years of prayer requests to find out if our church members are willing to go on record about their requests.  I enjoy seeing God at work. 

            Bringing my cat to the vet reminds me of God and the hardships we endure.  Our cat is not comfortable when the car drives.  She is scared, meows a lot of questions, and wants to hide under my feet.  She doesn’t enjoy the view at all.  I believe this is just like when we go through hardships.  I feel so out of control, want to hide, and feel uncomfortable.  I don’t enjoy the view even though nature cries out a testimony of God’s grace, beauty, and joy.  Our cat also doesn’t like the vaccine shot.  It hurts, they poke and prod her – so much discomfort.  Sometimes we wonder why God has us go through hardships.  He is clear, James 1:2Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, a whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”  His ways are not our ways, we have no clue what is going on – but it’s for our good, maturity, and God’s plan. 

            Adriel visited on Friday, and chatting with her and her longtime friend Zander was fun.  They were sweet and then off they went to a concert.  How fun. 

            Seth agreed to accompany us on our yearly Seattle visit.  Yay for doing homework ahead of time.  He also drove Adriel to the bus station.  I am glad he is willing to go out of his way to help his sister, He even asked her, “Do you want me to wait with you?”.  Because I was on my way to work, I thanked him, “I would have just had her get out and, “Go, go now.”  He was like, “She’s your daughter!”

            May you find joy in the view even when there are difficulties in your life.  May you be kind to those around you who also have their own difficulties.  May we be kind as we go through this testing ground which we call life.

Love and hugs,





PS, the picture is of the massive amount of birds in the sky 11/19/23.  Anyone have an explanation for that?  It was creepy!

Monday, November 13, 2023


 Dear family,

            It’s amazing how much attention our bodies need.  Feeding alone can happen three times a day – let’s not get started on how we crave sleep, need exercise and avoid pain like crazy.  Just eating and thinking about what we want to eat can take an abundance of time.  Seth cooked lasagna I had made a while back and froze.  He had been eyeing it for a while and finally it was time.  I enjoy the food.  I’m glad Seth put forth the effort.

            Bobby made a friend’s grandma’s recipe of Beef Stroganoff.  It was yummy and his friend was tickled.  How fun, the recipe lives on 😊.  

            Middle school group was full of laughter and fun.  I played foosball as a pair and was chagrined when the ball flew through my goalie.  The student’s response, “You had one job, Cristy!”  That makes me laugh again as I am writing it.  Youth say the funniest things.  I was then challenged to flick chess which I enjoyed thoroughly even though I lost 5 games.  It’s just so fun to see the pieces fly! 

During the lesson time Bobby mentioned that “C---------- comes E--- to us . .” (Exodus 5:1-22) Bobby asked me to mention the one thing he complains about at home.  I rattled off three and could have gone further when he realized he might complain more than he thinks.  I turned to the female beside me and said, “He’s a baby whiner.”  She said, “But you love him, don’t you?”  And indeed, I do, very much.  Later, I had to ask (because of his surprise at how much he complains) if I complain at home.  He mentioned one thing and couldn’t think of more.  Yup – it’s in us all.  The innate ability to feel disgruntled.  I like the Message’s 1 Peter 4:1 “Think of your sufferings as a weaning from that old sinful habit of always expecting to get your own way. Then you’ll be able to live out your days free to pursue what God wants instead of being tyrannized by what you want.”  That sums it up quite nicely.  (The blanks are “Complaining comes easy to us”.)

            High school group had great chats and fun thinking.  I enjoyed brainstorming with someone who is writing a book that will include characters based on the people around her.  Sadly, several people will be killed off but that’s OK because they will come back as ghosts.

            Bobby tried a joke that I thought had the best answers.  What is free and full of teeth?  One student said, “Me.”  When Bobby came back with, “A smile” another student said, “You think that’s free?  Don’t you know how much the dentist costs!”  Ahhh, yes, I remember my parents complaining about the cost of braces.  “We could have bought a jet ski instead”.  Good times.

            A fill in the blank that made me chuckle was this.  (Romans 5:25-5) Understand C--------- actually S--------- us.  A student shouted out, “Communism actually separates us!”  Not even close. . it was ‘challenges actually strengthen us.’

            Thursday Bobby and I went on date night because we could!  The food at Keizer Pho is so yummy I told Bobby that if he drank from the bowl, I would take a picture.  Good times.  YUM!


         Adriel continues to let me know she is alive and sometimes we even get to chat, which is special.  Because I was wrapping Christmas presents, Adriel reminisced about how she used to take the boxes of wrapping paper, bags, ribbon, and such upstairs in her room.  It reminded her of the bounty at the Gilbert house and that gave me joy.  That’s as crafty as I get.  Present wrapping and scrapbooking.

            Friday Bobby went on a retreat with the middle schoolers.  I am thankful we have other leaders who are willing to go while I can continue to work or – in this case – meet our new pastor!  I am so glad Pastor Ed, and his wife Leanne are a good fit!  We voted them in, and they might start as early as the middle of December.  How exciting.  Yay, God for bringing just the right person at just the right time.

            Ahhh, a bright future!  May you look forward with delight and look behind with nostalgic grace and joy.  May your memories of God’s constant provision give you vision for His amazing future.  May you go forth boldly and be excited about what God can do in and through you.  Love and hugs,




Monday, November 6, 2023


 Dear Family,


            I forgot how fun Harvest parties can be.  Small children are experiencing everything for the first time, and they are so adorable!  Candy is yummy and although they might not understand what is happening people are taking pictures, we are smiling and there is an abundance of joy.  I am glad I participated in our church gathering.  (Thank you Sarah for taking a picture and sending it to me :-).)

            Wednesday, we had a fun youth group where Bobby talked about living out our faith real instead of monster-like.  It was fun to hear creative blank ideas.  The way to combat Werewolf faith (changing your personality to go with the crowd) is Humble c---------.  Bobby’s hint was, “When you admit you are wrong.”  Someone shouted out, “Crying!”  (That one was confession.)  I enjoy figuring out the blanks myself but even better is what the youth come up with.

            One student was intrigued when he saw the sign with his name on it.  Yes, we do discriminate against him alone.  He must stand on the side with glass behind him for gutter ball.  That ball has hit the glass so many times because of his amazingly powerful throws.   (We should have added the Hulk's name to the sign as well.)

            Thursday Bobby cooked yummy French onion pasta.  I truly enjoy coming home to a great meal.  Bobby sure is a keeper.  I also like that he fast-forwards parts of a movie I won’t enjoy.  This is a two-part bonus.  The movie goes quicker #1 and I don’t have to watch conflict #2.  I don’t like anything scary or people being mean or violent.  Unless it’s superheroes – they are cool.

            I truly enjoy working and I am glad Bobby likes that I get out of the house and work.  He’s supportive and I appreciate that.

            Saturday, we enjoyed time to relax and watch the old movie, “War games.”  It was interesting to get Seth’s, “Why would they give the computer that much power?”  Somehow the movie was declared iconic and left at that.  I enjoy watching old movies with Seth’s out-of-the-box perspective (when he chooses to look at the screen).

            Bobby had to complain about our wall clock when he changed it for daylight savings time.  There is a crack in the face, but you can only tell when you get close.  I said, “I like it, and want to keep it.  You can’t tell it’s cracked from here at all.”  Bobby mentioned, “Maybe that’s why you still think I’m attractive.” 

            May you also see the good in what you have.  May you love the one you are with and be kind to all you encounter.  May you find joy in each instance of beauty that surrounds us.  May you feel God’s love as you encounter His creation.  Love and hugs,




Monday, October 30, 2023



Dear Family,


            I am so glad Bobby cooks!  He made Empanadas and they were super tasty.  I enjoy coming home to an amazing meal.  He also mowed the lawn this week.  I thanked Seth but he said, “I didn’t do it.”  I am glad Seth is honest 😉

            Youth group remains fun, filled with laughter and great learning opportunities.  We were studying Luke 18:9-14 when these were fill in the blanks:  F--------- about what really M------ (We realize our great need for God’s help.)  The youth were finding the word for the letter that starts with f.  Bobby’s hint was, “Rich does this a lot.”  Someone shouted out, “Farting.”  Oh dear, that’s not true.  The words were “Forgetting about what really matters.”

            The game included twinkie wiener sandwiches.  If they lost musical chairs, they had the ability to keep playing given the choice to eat a bite cut from the sandwich.  Funny, several people liked it, cold though it was.  YUCK!

            Adriel continues to answer the phone and I am glad she is alive.  She did get another job so there is no more free time for her.  Working two jobs and going to school sounds so stressful!

            Please pray for me as I am also looking for a second job.  Please pray for wisdom, patience, and God’s will to be done.

            May you find joy in all God gives you to do.  May you feel His peace and grace as you look to Him for guidance and direction.  Much love,




Monday, October 23, 2023


 Dear Family,

            Small interactions can make our day.  Monday at work I waved at a little person and his mom was so pleased.  She said, “He’s been waving at everyone, and you are the first to wave back.”  My heart was filled.  I recalled a time with mine were little and it was so wholesome.  How fun it is to relate as moms.

            I was walking next to a mother and her daughter when the daughter asked for a new toothbrush.  The mom said she had plenty.  The girl then asked for an electric one and the mom also said, “You already have one of those.”  The reply was, “But I cleaned the toilet with that one.”  I laughed out loud and the ridiculousness of that.  The mom’s immediate response, “You did not.”  I had to keep walking, but people are so funny.  And Bobby would totally say something like that just for fun.

            An older person was walking and about 5 feet behind another person was asking, “Do you need any bagels” in the first person’s direction.  I couldn’t tell who she was talking to but asked the person closest to me anyway just for fun.  When the initial person said, “Nope.”  The person behind mouthed, “Thank you.”  I smiled and walked away.  But then I thought, “What a random question from me, a stranger!”  I had to laugh at the ridiculousness and fun.  Life is good.

            A friend gave Bobby and me flower bulbs for our combined Birthdays!  Bobby planted them on the 15th and now we can anticipate new blooms in the spring.  You know I’ll completely forget them and be happily surprised when they pop up.  Just like online ordering – happy surprises because I forgot I ordered them.

            I felt blessed at work when “Jars of Clay” Flood played overhead.  It’s a God song.  I felt pure joy.

            Tuesday night the youth group was full of laughter, fun, and sweetness.  One person refused to play flick chess but taught me the real way to play.  My heart was warmed that he took an interest in my chess growth.  He was so sweet and patient!

            During prayer time Bobby asked, “Who are we talking to when we pray?”  They knew the answer to that.  The next question had everyone sitting up straight, “And what should your posture be?”  It was fun how the answer to that was not what they expected, “No, more humility”, he said, “What I mean is we should be respectful, heads bowed and not poking each other.”

            Lesson time also brought some fabulous fun.  Bobby asked what people might go after or follow instead of God.  Various answers came along with, drugs, power, and one person said in a deep voice, “The ladies!”  Most of the middle schoolers are too young for this so that was met with confusion and hilarity.  Also, when talking about what is sin one person answered, “It’s doing something wrong like fighting with our sister oooor punching our sister.”  His sister was sitting next to him and said, “That’s oddly specific.”

            The beautiful end of the lesson came with a fun sign language example of grace.  The leader explained and showed a hand clutching the air and then letting go toward the face like God giving the face grace and then pouring down to the body.  This was not taken too well because several people could only think of a face hugger that eats people and another said, “It’s when a puppet goes evil!”

            High school group was more mature and fun as ever.  Gutter ball may have a new sign posted.  A certain person can only face one way while playing.  He keeps throwing the ball so hard and fast that it hits the glass behind the playing area.  One comment during gutter ball was, “I’ve taught you guys well, hit nothing and throw hard.”

            Lesson time had us remembering the night before during that specific time when asked what things might be pursued instead of God.  The High schoolers went right for the jugular.  “Women, sex!”  There was only one female present that night and she was sitting next to me.  She said, “I’m feeling targeted.”  We moved on quickly to money and power but had to laugh about how blunt this crowd was.

            Friday Bobby made Salmon Bisque.  It’s amazingly tasty and I am so glad he loves cooking.  We also watched a movie called, “A Million Miles Away.”  I recommend it heartily.  It was “feel good”, amazing, and based on a true story. 

            Saturday was lovely.  It is so nice to have a day to rest, relax, walk with a friend, and enjoy the beauty God has given us.

            Seth and Adriel continue to plug away at work and school.  I enjoy talking with them when we have the chance.

            May you also enjoy walking and talking with those you love.  May you find peace knowing your salvation is secure.  May you delight in God’s nature, creatures, and yummy food 😊.  Much love,  Cristy

 PS The photo is from our Chicago trip because I have a lot of photos from then.  I don't usually take photos throughout the week.




Monday, October 16, 2023


 Dear Family,

            Getting away can be super fun.  Bobby and I decided that my Birthday week would be a good time to visit Chicago, Illinois.  Monday Bobby, Adriel, and I settled in and we’re constantly looking up.  The city of Chicago is built so high we were filled with awe.  Our Uber driver had lived here for years so he knew fun things to do and was full of interesting facts.   Finding our hotel ready was fantastic but the best part for me was eating lunch.  I love a good veggie burger and French potato fries at Smash Burger.  

            Tuesday we enjoyed walking around and were impressed by how clean the town was and how safe we felt.  There are no tents anywhere.  We enjoyed the Sears Tower.  It was full of photo opportunities and very high up.  

            Bobby and I enjoyed deep-dish pizza for dinner, and I created a great memory.  The pizza trays are metal with four legs.  One leg was bent so I used my strong muscles to unbend it.  I totally broke it off.  Bobby was mortified.  The server just chuckled and exchanged it.

            Adriel enjoyed the Sears Tower with us.  Later in the day, she enjoyed skating with an old friend and meeting new people.

            We enjoyed so many sights with the city pass and walking around.  I liked the architecture tour by boat because the person talking about the buildings was interesting especially because we got to sit for 75 minutes after walking all day.  

            Adriel’s company was so appreciated.  She is delightful, loving and caring.  She enjoys our company and the fun food.  Chicago hot dogs are special.  Bobby and Adriel both decided they liked them.  (I had a bite and they were good – just not my thing.)

            We enjoyed the fabulous weather most of the time.  We walked so much and it was fun to be together.  It rained Friday and Saturday which brought the most interesting entertainment.  People (in the windy city) with umbrellas.  So many turned inside out, or people walking against the wind unable to see.  We found it pretty comical watching the silly tourists. 

Seth held the fort down and we were blessed by his presence at home.  He wouldn’t have enjoyed the trip because it wasn’t staying home and as he said when I asked if he would come, “I think Seattle is enough of a culture shock for me.”

            I enjoyed a Birthday dinner supplied by my sister-in-law Caren.  It was so nice of her to call up and gift us an experience.  How sweet!  I loved all the Facebook Birthday wishes and when we came home Saturday there were Birthday cards in the mail.  How lovely!  Thank you, family! 

            May you also feel special when your day comes up.  May you find joy in all weather and fun in all of God’s creation.  May you know how deeply you are loved.  Sooo, much!

             Love and hugs, Cristy

OH, and I must add a praise!  The rat is no longer with us.  A trap was its demise.

Sunday, October 8, 2023


 Dear Family,


                What a blessing that Bobby spent his day off cooking something so fabulous as Chicken pot pie!  Yum!!  He was glad we liked it.  Seth says thank you by eating a lot 😉.

                Middle school group had so much joyous noise it was hard to hear each other.  I did engage in flick chess which was so much fun!  I can’t describe the entertainment value of making a thinking game into bold chaos.  Lesson time also had a funny moment.  Bobby had us read about the time when Jesus washed the disciples’ feet.  Next was time to fill in the blanks.  W_ _ _ _ & F _ _ _ _ _ Jesus’ E _ _ _ _ _ _.  (John 13:1-17). Bobby asked, “What starts with a w?”  Someone shouted out, “Feet!”.  (It’s Watch and follow Jesus’ example by the way.)

                High School group also had great times.  Before prayer time one student was being goofy and renamed everyone (the person to their left) loudly by saying so and therefore our ordering of prayer was using the wrong name.  This went on for a bit while most were a little confused and some were just laughing.  Bobby said, “We have an interesting youth group that’s for sure.”  Another student said, “I went to a normal youth group once, it was weird.”  So much laughter.

                There was talk about hearing well and somehow, they got to how Doctors got wax out of ears.  One person piped up with, “There’s irrigation now.”  Another laughed, “Ear iggation, ha!”  This went along with talk of the elderly and how Rich doesn’t remember things because he’s old.  Classically Rich said, “What?”  Ahhhhh ha ha ha ha.

                Thursday night Bobby brought me out to the  Happy Bibimbap House restaurant.  (Happy Birthday to him again!) I found a dish I truly enjoyed eating there even though it was a horrifying sight at first. It came hot and steaming in a bowl with a raw egg on top! RAW! I stared at it horrified for a couple of seconds and Bobby said if I stirred it into the rice and veggies it was so hot it would cook the egg. Sure enough, that steaming bowl cooked the egg before my eyes. How fun – it was delicious. The dish's name is Happy Bibim Bop.  We had a wonderful meal with fabulous music, the staff was so attentive, and I recommend this Korean restaurant to anyone who likes good food.    

Relaxing after a long day of work is so important and I love feeling like I earned some relaxation time.  I enjoy cuddling with my Bobby and I am so pleased to come home to amazing meals.  He takes time to cook things he watches on cooking shows and enjoys mixing flavors together. 

                Adriel continues to strive and grow.  She is planning on working two jobs and going to school.  Goodness.  

                Seth continues to plug away at school and work. 

                May you also find good health even in this weird weather.  May you find joy in yummy food, sun, or rain and in loving God with all your heart, mind, and soul.  Love and hugs, Cristy