Saturday, December 9, 2023

Christmas letter 2023

Merry Christmas, loved ones,


            It’s exciting to ponder God’s blessings of the year, fun, funny, and deep.  Would you believe Adriel has survived a year in Portland?  January at the beginning of this year my praise in youth group was that “Adriel has moved to Portland, and it is in a safe neighborhood.”  This brought pause as the youth was praying for her.  He even said, “Sounds hard to believe about Portland,” in the prayer.  

            A theme for my blessings was Bobby’s cooking.  Sometimes he uses up ingredients from the home and I love that!  How fabulous!  I am so blessed to be married to an amazing cook.  We enjoy evenings together with cuddles, movie-watching, or board games.

            Adriel is growing, learning, and finding her way in life.  I am glad she calls me when she wants to talk.  I feel blessed that she is willing to share her heart.  When she answers the phone just to let me know she is alive that is a big deal to me.

            In June Seth finished his 4-hour calculus test and was very glad to have that class over with.  I asked him if he had any more school left for the summer.  He said, “No” and I smiled, “Just in time.”  I let that hang.  He waited for a beat and took the bait.  “Just in time for what?”  “The raspberries were ripe, and I needed help picking them.”  😊 I love him.  He is accommodating and dutifully went out to pick every time I asked him to.  Seth consistently helped with the garden this summer.  I really enjoy and need that.

                My parents did us a huge favor and picked up Adriel from Portland on their way to Salem.  They enjoyed having her drive and that she is so chatty.  We are blessed to have a warm, loving daughter.  We celebrated Seth’s Birthday/Father’s Day on Saturday and Sunday.  We always enjoy Golden Crown food and are delighted with how attentive and sweet the servers are.

                I love having my parents attend church with us.  My parents are memorable, and our church people are “Aggressively friendly.”  That sounded scary, but my dad assured me he loved it.

In June I was excited to see Seth during the day.  Seth changed his work schedule so he could do an online tournament.  I was glad to hug him and hear his excitement.  He was so encouraging to his team and the others. I loved hearing him with such a great attitude.  He even complimented the other team.  “Great job guys, you were hard to beat.”  It was contagious how much joy he had.  He was glad to report his team won second place.

            Seth remains amazing.  He continued to pick raspberries and he even picked weeds.  I am blessed to have his constant presence.  He appreciates our cooking and continues to help keep our church clean.   He thanked Bobby several times for making Chili and Bobby’s heart was full.

Bobby went to Portland to visit Adriel and experience what she likes.  He said he would never go thrift store shopping at the Goodwill bins again.  I thought that was funny.  It’s definitely an experience and a deep dive into extreme thrifting.

I am so blessed that Adriel answers the phone even for a second.  She might be in the middle of a million things, but she wants me to know all is OK.  She also sent me a kitten video which warms my heart.  If anyone wants to lift my spirits that’s one way to do it.  I’m a sucker for adorable or funny animals.

I usually do not watch suspense or horror movies.  This is because it has given me nightmares in the past.   When we put in “Signs” by M. Night Shyamalan I was hoping Seth would tame it down for me.   In the first part of the movie, we don’t get to see the monster.  We are looking down at the main characters looking up on top of the roof.  I’m freaking out and say, “How did he get up there?  Is it the dog?”  Seth in a spooky voice, “Noooo, it’s the cameraman.”  When the main character wakes up there is an electrical cord stringing out that he’s just going to have to follow.  I said, “OK, where does the cord lead to?  I’ll bite.”  This time it was Bobby, “Don’t electrocute yourself.”  Then we finally saw the alien and the main character freaks out and jumps back.  Seth is in the background, “That is so cheap!  Are we supposed to be scared of that?  What is that?  A paper mâché puppet?  Man in a suit?”  Bobby pauses the movie to discuss how it was made 20 years ago.  Seth comments that “Aliens was made in the ’80s and had better creatures – they could have done better.”  We rewatch that scene, pause to get a good look at the monster and yes, when I look at it paused it was a sad-looking monster.  Seth’s end comment about that scene is, “I’m so invested, and then it’s just that!” 

Then there is a grabbing scene and Bobby says, “You’re awfully quiet over there Seth.”  “Well, that wasn’t a bad scene.”  Bobby is glad he doesn’t make movies.  Seth would rip them apart in a heartbeat.  And I didn’t dream about that movie at all.  Yay.  It had a nice ending and a good resolution.  Watching movies with Seth gives such a different perspective.  I am glad he can help me through the scary ones.

Adriel and I have been enjoying some great conversations and texts.  She is encouraging and sweet.  She prompts me to do good things.  I am blessed. 

One night while watching a Jason Bourne movie Bobby said, “I have a confession to make.  I’m not a CIA agent”. Seth replied, “Sounds like something a CIA agent would say, now I’m suspicious.”  I enjoy and delight in banter.

Seth bought a great car this year and has been driving himself to school across the bridge.  He also rescued me when I locked my key in the car once.  Yay Seth, my hero.

Small recap.  Bobby has been the youth pastor at West Hills over 16 years.  Seth the custodian around 3 years.  He goes to school and volunteers at church.  Adriel is a paralegal and going to school this year.  I have been at Fred Meyer for over two years, and I volunteer at the church.

As God remains our ever-present help in times of trouble may you find your spirit calmed and your heart warmed by His love, comfort, and joy.   May this celebration of the amazing fact that God wanted to come down to earth to show us the way and then give his life sacrificially.  Wow, may you feel as blessed as you are about Jesus and his love.  Much love,




Cristy for the Vankleeks


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