Sunday, April 28, 2024



Dear Family,


               I am so glad Bobby mowed the lawn on Monday.  He’s has become interested in the garden, and I enjoy that!  He likes lilies (not daylilies).  It’s fun that he enjoys watching them grow.  Bobby also cooked a wonderful dinner with plenty of leftovers on Monday and we are still blessed with them now.

               Tuesday evening, I delighted in the middle school shenanigans.   The lesson was about Jonah and following God is the best idea (the first time God asks us to do something).  When Bobby asked, “What is a prophet?”  The first answer was, “It’s when you get out more than you put in.”  This is true when it comes to profit, but Bobby had to ask again, “What is a prophet in the Bible?”  Another student had to say, “It was me!  In the Bible my name is ____ who was a prophet.”  That was a closer answer.

               Later there was a youth who had a bloody nose.  As he walked to the bathroom he said, “I’m going to make it look like a horror movie in there.”

               The next evening High School group was also fun.  They are nice people, so the worst smack talk I heard about in games was, “Did someone drop you on your head when you were a baby?”  This brought up someone in our group who had and that was a whole other conversation.  Later, when we were talking about Jonah and Bobby mentioned he was in the whale someone said, “Like an air B & B!”  Another person had to pipe in with, “Not a four star one though.”

               By Thursday, staying up late for youth group and getting up early for work had worn on me.  So, Bobby and I agreed that I could go to sleep right after work.  He picked me up and that was very kind of him.  I can’t say how much I enjoy sleeping!  I needed that and enjoyed sleeping from 5:30 PM to 4:00 AM.   I was able to continue working the rest of the week 😊.  Yay!  Although I did hit my limit, we had enough recovery time to continue for a 55 hour work week.

               Seth picked me up after church last Sunday and I had forgotten that he drives a smaller blue car.  I was excited to get into the cute car and then looked over.  I mentioned how neat his car is and how super fly he looks with his glasses on.  Then I complimented him on his music and said, “I feel like I got picked up by the cool kid.”  I was rewarded with a shy smile.  He’s fun to be with, my son.

               Adriel went up to Seattle this weekend to celebrate her cousin (my nieces) Birthday.  I am so glad she represented us 😊.  My parents were excited to have her, and I heard joy in our phone conversation.  Yay, Adriel!

               Friday, I enjoyed some time just be with Bobby and Saturday he was at Tapawingo all day.  I feel so blessed to have a home with love in it.  Having a roof over our heads is a big deal.  I am thankful for the ability to work, the blessings of God and that we can do good works which he prepared in advance for us to do. 

               May you also feel as blessed as you are and find joy in the journey.  Much love, Cristy

Sunday, April 21, 2024



Dear Family,


          I feel blessed that I can be helpful.  I enjoy working overtime always and am glad to be of service.  Yay!  I am enjoying 10 hour days and still have energy after that to help with youth group.  God is showing me so much about what I can handle and what does and doesn’t wear me down.  I am excited to consider a future where I have more energy!  Please pray with me as I interview for desk jobs.  I figured out my sitting pain is mostly because we have bad chairs and a wood bench at home.

          Youth group remains a great place to seek, learn about, and grow in God.  I was encouraged Wednesday night when several students came even though their friends did not.  One even told me that they are getting closer to God and felt called to come!  Yay!  God is at work all around us! 

          Funny things are also still said during group time.  I recall someone asking where so and so was.  The answer, “He’s probably annoying a small child,” was silly.  Also, when Bobby said, “Guess the theme for camp.”  Someone answered, “Pineapple.”  Sometimes random answers are the best.  When someone tried to answer a blank with, “Hellish” for We live in a H----- world.  Someone else had to mention, “It’s because he’s public schooled.”  I enjoy the laughter and fun we have.  Joking around and learning about God!  Bonus!

          Our children are working and in school.  They are productive members of society and I also get to hear from them an, “I love you,” or a, “Hello.”  How blessed I feel when they pick up the phone.  I am glad that there is some connection even in the business. 

          I enjoyed working 57 hours this week and look forward to doing it again next week.  My favorite thing is that Bobby mowed the lawn and took the garbage to the curb and back without me even mentioning it.  I am amazed that I still had energy to watch a play and am still enjoying life.  I thought I might be a lot more tired but life remains wonderful.  This is because of Bobby.  He’s thankful and loving 😊 Yay!  Also, the ability to keep on reminds me of Isaiah 40:31, “Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Because the kids no longer need me as a caregiver, I have opportunity to work and I am so glad I can.

          May you also find joy in your journey.  May you work as unto the Lord and find it a privilege to do the tasks set before you.


Much love,




By the way the answer to the fill in the blank is, “Hungry.”

Monday, April 15, 2024



Dear Family,


               Nice weather is so pleasant!  I have been glad to walk in my favorite weather – cloudy.  Sun hurts my eyes but cloudy is just right!  I have met interesting people, enjoyed that I am able and avoided paying parking fees.  I remain very thankful that Bobby drives me in the mornings.  Yay, It’s working out to have two jobs.  Buuuut, if any female is going from West Salem over the bridge at 6:15 AM, and wants to give me a ride to or near the Department of Revenue let me know.  It would be fun to chat with you as well.

               Both youth groups were fun this week.  My favorite part about middle school group was when Bobby was describing how we cast our cares upon God.  He was trying to illustrate throwing and seemed to not find the best word for “cast.”  He noticed I was smiling and asked what word I was thinking of.  “Yeet” was a fun word for “toss” and we did have a laugh about that.  A fun joke in High School group was when Bobby brought out some marshmallows that were in the shape of Bunnies, Chicks or Eggs.  One student yelled out, “Chicks, I love chicks!”  This brought some chuckles.  Later a student wanted to flick one of the chicks and call it a “Chick flick.”

               One blessing is the emergence of new life.  When someone gifts us a flower bulb, that is potential.  When the bulb is planted, watered by God and then starts emerging that is exciting.  Bobby and I are both anticipating new flowers and it’s fun to see that they didn’t die in the ground, no, they are alive and well!

               I am glad that there is fun everywhere we go.  May you enjoy those you encounter every day.  May you delight in new beginnings and things that spring out of the ground (flowers, not creepy bad guys).  Much love,




Sunday, April 7, 2024



Dear Familiy,

               The first day of a new job is always scary.  I wondered if I would like it!  I also wondered if I could sit for long periods of time without hurting too much.  So many questions.  And yet, when I get into a task nothing else matters.  I have pain no matter what I do repetitively.  I am enjoying the work and the people.  This is temporary, I don’t know if I would want to do the new job permanently.  Meanwhile Freddies lets me work Saturday only this month.  They will keep me on and I am so glad for that.

               Tuesday night youth group was filled with excitement and fun.  The group has gelled considerably, and they are so glad to be present!  I did have to chuckle when Bobby mentioned one supposition during the lesson.  “Imagine French fries with no salt.”  This brought such a fervent mixed review.  Some where saying they would love them, others that French Fries without salt would be the worst thing ever.  All this to talk about how we are the salt of the world.

               Wednesday night High School group had more fun guessing the fill in the blanks.  1 Peter 2:11-12 had this blank next to it, “As salt we add F _ _ _ _ _ with our lives.”  Someone shouted out Fortnite and that just tickled me.  Later the Sentence that went with John 4:13-15 was, “Help create T _ _ _ _ _ in others.”  Someone had to say, “Tension.”  I enjoy the banter.  Someone mentioned that they enjoy eating the end of a pretzel bag.  The salt on the bottom was amazing to him.  His friend said, “Then you get kidney stones.”  Bobby had to let us all know, eating the salt on the bottom of a pretzel bag does not result in kidney stones.  (Yay for not getting medical advice from youth group or YouTube.)

               I am so blessed that Bobby gives me a ride to work every week day.  The parking price in the middle of the city is not our cup of tea so I am blessed by his thoughtfulness and willingness to get up early for me.  I enjoy walking home except in the rain.  Bobby did drive me home from volunteering at the Union Gospel Mission store on Friday.  That was very kind of him.

               Adriel and Seth continue to be loving and sweet.  I enjoy seeing or hearing from them.

               May you also enjoy your loved ones.  May God bring you success, grace and love as you trust in Him for all your needs.  May he also give you wisdom as you cry out to Him for guidance.

               Much love,




               PS The answers to the fill in the blanks are Flavor and Thirst.

Monday, April 1, 2024



Dear Family,


               Turkey made on a Traeger is amazing.  Bobby spent Monday cooking and it was tasty as usual.  I am so blessed that he loves to cook.

               Tuesday Bobby enjoyed a games day with the youth group.  I delighted in walking with friends.  We loved our day and rejoiced in chatting about it in the evening.

               Wednesday the youth group came over to help spread bark dust.  I am blessed by this yearly tradition.  I am thankful we can bless them financially and have a fun event at the same time.  They were so helpful even though it was pouring rain.  We also enjoyed the game of, “Things” and pizza.  A recurring theme ended up being, ‘Things that make Bobby’s life easier’ – Child labor.  We laughed about that so much it was great times.

               Thursday, we had dinner and a movie in the church gym.  30 youth came and it was very good food.  How fun to get together during spring break for an outreach event!  We saw old faces and some new. 

               Saturday it was fun to see Adriel and celebrate her Birthday early.  She is a lovely person, and I am so glad she is still in our lives.  We had a great breakfast at Jam on Hawthorn and enjoyed seeing Seth eat pepper intentionally for the first time.  This was a gift from Adriel who demonstrated adding salt and pepper to his hashbrowns.  Her comment, “You need to get out more!”

               Bobby mowed the lawn Saturday afternoon, and I am so blessed!  Then he cooked food for Easter.  Yay for wonderful celebration of God’s power over death.  May you also feel as blessed as we are by God’s choice to come to earth as a volunteer sacrifice.  “For the Joy set before Him he endured the cross scorning its shame.” (Hebrews 12:2).  May you accept the gift of salvation and feel His love and joy flowing through you to others.


Much Love, Cristy