Sunday, April 7, 2024



Dear Familiy,

               The first day of a new job is always scary.  I wondered if I would like it!  I also wondered if I could sit for long periods of time without hurting too much.  So many questions.  And yet, when I get into a task nothing else matters.  I have pain no matter what I do repetitively.  I am enjoying the work and the people.  This is temporary, I don’t know if I would want to do the new job permanently.  Meanwhile Freddies lets me work Saturday only this month.  They will keep me on and I am so glad for that.

               Tuesday night youth group was filled with excitement and fun.  The group has gelled considerably, and they are so glad to be present!  I did have to chuckle when Bobby mentioned one supposition during the lesson.  “Imagine French fries with no salt.”  This brought such a fervent mixed review.  Some where saying they would love them, others that French Fries without salt would be the worst thing ever.  All this to talk about how we are the salt of the world.

               Wednesday night High School group had more fun guessing the fill in the blanks.  1 Peter 2:11-12 had this blank next to it, “As salt we add F _ _ _ _ _ with our lives.”  Someone shouted out Fortnite and that just tickled me.  Later the Sentence that went with John 4:13-15 was, “Help create T _ _ _ _ _ in others.”  Someone had to say, “Tension.”  I enjoy the banter.  Someone mentioned that they enjoy eating the end of a pretzel bag.  The salt on the bottom was amazing to him.  His friend said, “Then you get kidney stones.”  Bobby had to let us all know, eating the salt on the bottom of a pretzel bag does not result in kidney stones.  (Yay for not getting medical advice from youth group or YouTube.)

               I am so blessed that Bobby gives me a ride to work every week day.  The parking price in the middle of the city is not our cup of tea so I am blessed by his thoughtfulness and willingness to get up early for me.  I enjoy walking home except in the rain.  Bobby did drive me home from volunteering at the Union Gospel Mission store on Friday.  That was very kind of him.

               Adriel and Seth continue to be loving and sweet.  I enjoy seeing or hearing from them.

               May you also enjoy your loved ones.  May God bring you success, grace and love as you trust in Him for all your needs.  May he also give you wisdom as you cry out to Him for guidance.

               Much love,




               PS The answers to the fill in the blanks are Flavor and Thirst.

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