Monday, September 28, 2020



Dear Family,


            Never in my wildest imagination did I guess I would have married someone excited to buy cookware.  He bought it out his own personal – not our combined finances.  He knows I am all about thrift store purchases.  I think fancy, non-stick dishes are nice.  I don’t cook much so dishes do not matter to me.  I am so blessed that he loves to cook. 

            He made several wonderful meals this week and I love eating as a family.  Bobby was also a love when he stayed home with Adriel for a day and tolerated watching what she wanted to after her surgery. 

            Saturday I worked very hard on my job.  I am still learning as I go.  Figuring out how to make quota was my top priority.  I was so tired the kids brought me things so I didn’t have to get up.  It was very nice.  God continues to provide and I believe I am put in a job where I go into businesses for a reason.  I meet people where they are (sometimes in despair) and may pray with or for them.  Or I simply bring joy because with God I can rejoice.  Please pray that I continue to keep God first as I learn to sell.

Adriel was scared to have all four molars pulled at the same time.  Mid-Valley Oral Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery did a great job.  Adriel was an adorable drugged person.  The comments I can mention are, “I’m so beautiful” as she took selfies, and “Why do I have hiccups?” 

            I just coughed.  Seth’s sarcastic comment, “I don’t have Corona Virus.”  Goodness – can’t even have a tickle these days.  Seth was surprised to find out that wearing or not wearing a mask is a political statement.  He thinks it’s just common sense.

            Seth continues to work at church and sub more hours as needed.  He also weeds and is sweet to us.  Seth is fine with his online learning.  He does not find it hard but again, “It’s harder for the teachers than for me.”

            May you find these trying times to be a time God picks you up, carries you, and gives you comfort.  May your heart be glad for each day God gives.  Hugs, Cristy

Sunday, September 20, 2020

9/20/2020 Will it ever end?


Dear Family,


            Who knew the beauty of blue in the sky would be so exciting!  I am so glad our smoke problem was temporary.  I took clear skies for granted.  Did you?  A friend had me write 50 things I was thankful for four weeks in a row.  It took about ten minutes a day (I was allowed to repeat but not to look back and write the same thing).  If you do this it is refreshing, eye-opening, and helpful.  We take so much for granted.  Forcing ourselves to be thankful, write down what we are thankful for – this is purposeful rejoicing – what God calls us to do in Philippians 4:4 when he says, “Rejoice in the Lord always.”

            I took every clean breath for granted.  What about every breath?  Our very existence is from God and for Him.  May we bless those we love with pure thankfulness that they exist.

            Adriel was very sweet this week.  I love her hugs and when I told her I missed her she admitted she felt the same way.  I love her hugs.  We went thrift store shopping and it was fun to be together.

            Seth has started school.  He is content with his schedule and classes.  I heard of all the headaches and crying that other families experience.  Seth said, “Don’t worry about me mom, worry about the teachers.”  Seth also pulled weeds.  They keep popping up.  My Seth is a blessing.

            Bobby cooked several amazing meals this week and remains my true love.  He also prayed with me for wisdom and I desperately needed that. 

            Bobby was very happy to lead the youth group this week.  He is glad to serve, excited to have people come, and remains a wonderful leader. 

            I feel sad that my teens have fear for the future.  They do not believe they are invincible like I did.  They wear their masks dutifully and want everyone to (especially their grandparents).  We are each taking COVID in our way. 

            In the midst of all this, may you find your foundation to be God’s love, his promises, and his Peace.  May you feel his loving arms wrap around you.  May you feel His Spirit comfort you.  May you be glad for every breath and may your heart soar as you smile even if no one else can see it.

Hugs, Cristy

PS Seth was happily holding Skyra and I had to take a picture :-).

Monday, September 14, 2020

9/14/2020 Oregon is burning


Dear Family,

            Please pray with me for the small creatures affected by the smoke.  The birds, squirrels, cats, and dogs.  I can go inside, purify the air with a crockpot and be OK.  Those poor little guys don’t have that choice.  Well, the birds can fly but what about the beautiful deer, cougars, foxes, and wildlife.  Oh Lord, please protect them.  And the humans who have no houses.  We thought we had a homeless problem before this?  Goodness.

            One of my mom’s favorite verses in Habakkuk sums it all up, “17 Though the fig tree does not bud and no fruit is on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though the sheep are cut off from the fold and no cattle are in the stalls, 18 yet I will exult in the LORD; I will rejoice in the God of my salvation!  True faith is knowing that this world is not the end, it is the testing grounds.  There is no reason to expect ease on earth.  This verse sums it up, “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.  2 Timothy 3:12 

            I have wondered why my life is so easy.  With verses like that in the Bible . . . what do I expect?

            Yet here I am, blessed indeed.  Labor day, Bobby and I bought a car.  The mini had enough issues.  Bobby refrained from visiting people far away because he was concerned the Mini would not make it. 

            Bobby cooked three meals this week.  He had his annual staycation and enjoyed making food from “scratch.”  This is in opposition to a recipe my friend thanked me for on Facebook.  Lunch lady enchiladas are frozen bean and cheese burritos covered with Enchilada sauce and cheese.  Super easy and people loved it.  Bobby, Seth, and Adriel on the other hand have scorned this recipe.  I laughed at the internet sensation.  Bobby had to make them his way just to keep sane.  Yum!  I love both recipes!

            Bobby and I were blessed to be part of the El Vaquero Restaurant opening in Keizer.  I love the owners and have enjoyed working with them.  They are wonderful people and the food is amazing.

            Seth was surprised at the orange sky this week.  The smoke has been so bad it’s been beautiful.  He said, “This is worse than any computer game I have ever played.”  There you have it, folks.  Dystopic game developers couldn’t make something as eerie as reality.  This fills hearts with uncertainty, angst, fear, and sadness.  Yet we serve an almighty, all-powerful ever-present God who comforts us in times of trial.  We are loved and can hide in the shadow of His wing.  This is not our home, we are only here for a short time.

            Seth has continued to pull weeds and I am grateful.

            As Seth plays online games we hear the most interesting utterances.  His soul shines forth and we smile.  “I don’t know how to make snow except to pray.  It’s worked better than anything else I have ever tried.”  I love our son.

            Adriel has enjoyed bringing friends over.  She is very sweet and so are they.  She continues to gift me with one hug a day and I am blessed.

            As I write this please pray with us for Bobby’s mom and sister.  They fled home from the fires and were staying with friends in Hillsboro.  Thankfully they were able to return home Sunday. 

            May you find joy in your heart because that’s where love starts.  May your smile brighten the room and make flowers bloom.  May you feel God's love like a bright warm hug.  And may you know deep down God is watching our towns.

Much love, many hugs! 




No filter used on picture

Monday, September 7, 2020



Dear Family,

            If our hope is in God and our focus is on eternity we can have peace during turmoil.  If our focus is on comfort and our hope is in finances we may have internal turmoil.  Have you ever chosen to not think about one thing and purposefully chosen to think about another?  Taking captive of thoughts is what the Bible tells us to do.  2 Corinthians 10:5-6 has fighting words.  The battle we are waging in the mind is not for the weak.  Here is how it reads, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.

            If you feel depressed in these hard times my friends, my family – please see this as a call to action.  It is time to fight those thoughts with the power of prayer.   God has already won, may we align with Him and fight!

            On another note, I have been so consumed with work I almost forgot Bobby’s Birthday.  He is so gracious and kind.  He did not take it to heart.  To him, it was just another workday.  COVID made it so we did not have a gathering.  No gathering, no party – and, since I didn’t have that on my calendar I was jolted when Pastor Marcus announced the date in his morning devotional.  I am blessed that Bobby is forgiving.

            This week Bobby cooked three times.  Our family loves this.  Bobby also took Seth with him to deliver our old couch to its new home.  He bought the kids In and Out Burger, brought me to Lime berry for a Western Christian Fundraiser, and is very ecstatic with the meal he made for his Birthday.  I am so glad Bobby is content and glad for the life we are blessed with. 

            The youth group was very fun this week.  Bobby had Kona Ice come out and had water balloon games.  The youth were thankful and happy.  God’s blessings abound.

            Adriel was sweet with a gift to Bobby for his birthday.  She also chatted with me a bit and gives us wonderful hugs on the go.  I am very glad Adriel lives with us still.  She is saving and I am proud of her.  She also helped with bark dust and continues to be sweet.

            Seth helped with moving the couch, moving bark dust, and does janitorial work at the church.  He enjoys being paid and remains kind in general. 

            May you also remain kind to those you live with.  May God fill you with love and may it splash out, so that you are a blessing to others. 


Much Love J Cristy