Monday, August 28, 2023


 Dear family,


            Saying goodbye is only made easier with snacks and a party.  We will miss Madi Kleiber.  It sure was fun seeing so many former youth and enjoying their company. 

            Bobby cooked pork and scalloped potatoes on Monday.  What a yummy treat!  I am so glad he enjoys cooking.  We also played a fun game in the evening.  He keeps winning but I can never tell it’s happening all throughout the game.  It’s truly fun to learn about birds and to enjoy each other’s company.

            Bobby and I had a date at La Vida Katrina on Tuesday night.  We enjoyed time together and the joy of yummy food.  Wednesday night we enjoyed a full time with the youth group.  It was fun to see them learn the skill of tossing water balloons over a volleyball net with towels.  I am hoping these pictures that Rich Duval took will show the concept well.

            I enjoyed playing a new board game with Bobby on Thursday night.  He really gets into them.  I enjoy spending time with Bobby ðŸ˜Š.  Bobby made yummy casserole one night and biscuits and gravy another.  That he enjoys the creative processes is a boon to us.  That I am quite prepared to clean up is also helpful.  We make a great team and that is a beautiful thing.

            Seth has helped with the garden and cleaned some this week.  I am glad for what he does to help around the house.  I appreciate his love and company.  Seth is fun to be around.

            Adriel continues to chat on the phone and be lovely.  She is successful in her field and is finding her way.  I am glad she is willing to chat when we get a moment or two.

            Attending Marnie’s funeral on Saturday was wholesome.  She was a funny, beautiful shining light and I am glad to have known her.  There were great stories and there was so much love.  I enjoyed her great-granddaughter’s sermon the best.  She said “I know that she is in heaven and she is OK.  Heaven is greater and better, we are not dead, we are alive in heaven.”  I cried listening to her again on the website (livestream services)  Such a great impact their family has and will have in our world.

May you find God is leading your every step.  May you be an influence for good to those around you.  May you enjoy life to the fullest.  Much love, 


Cristy VanKleek

Sunday, August 20, 2023


 Dear Family,

            With heat like this, I know I want to go to heaven for sure.  I can’t handle anything above 70 without being lethargic.  What a blessing AC is at home, work, and in the car.  Ice and cold drinks are also a blessing.  Oh, the misery without creature comforts.  Hell sounds horrible!

            When Bobby asked what I would like for dinner all I could say was, “Nothing hot.”  We settled on salad and that’s what we have been having days on end.  Thank goodness there is a variety of cold foods out there.  We have so much to enjoy!

            Youth group was fun.  We all went to “On Any Sundae” and ate ice cream.  There were enough people that it did take about 45 minutes for everyone to be served.  What a rush.

            Seth continues to plug away at work and is preparing for school.  His motorcycle class is a week before school starts.  He needs to buy a vehicle that will get him across the bridge to school.  He wants to buy a motorcycle but would only have a week to practice his skills.  Please pray he has the wisdom to know what vehicle to buy.

            Adriel is feeling angst about school, work, and life balance.  Such a pressure cooker life can be.   She visited with Bobby, his mom, sister, and Aunt on Thursday.  I am glad they all had fun.  I heard it was lovely to reminisce.

Blessings come in so many forms.  I dreamed about my high school friend and had such a good time with her in the dream that I had to reach out to see if we could meet in real life.  My parents were accommodating, and Bobby and I were so glad to arrive at their home for hugs, love, and good food. 

Then Mikiko and her son arrived.  We enjoyed catching up, reminiscing, getting to know each other, and plain old fellowship.  I smiled and laughed so much my cheeks hurt.

            After a delightful visit with Mikiko My cousin and his family came over to my parents’ house.  What joy we had meeting their children and finding out how much we have in common.  We figured out it had been ten years since our last visit.  Oh, dear.  That is way too long! 


We chatted, walked, and enjoyed great cooking from my nephew Braeden.  Braeden rode his bicycle over from his place to help, be amazing company and cook his heart out.  What fun! 

            Then my sister Anita came with several more nieces and we were blessed with more interaction, delightful hugs, and so many smiles!

            Addison came after work to join us and by 8 pm our hearts were so full we had to go to sleep.  So much interaction!  So much love.  Family is such a blessing.

            Bobby and I drove home with full hearts and joyful spirits.  It truly is wonderful to feel camaraderie with family.

            May you find joy in meeting with those you love.  May you find peace in being kind to all around you.  May God bless you with the energy to complete the tasks sent before you.  Much love,





Monday, August 14, 2023


 Dear Family,

                The truck that Seth drives died this week when a pully fell off.  Bobby was our hero by calling a friend who knows how to fix cars and then worked on the truck with him.  It was fixed for under $30.  Wow!  We sure are great full to the Kuykendall’s time and expertise.

Bobby enjoyed leading a group through the VBS days and it is wonderful to know God is at work in the children at our church.

Bobby made yummy Chicken salad sandwiches.  We enjoyed the fruits of his labor for days.  We also enjoyed spending time together in the evenings.  The reward of work is much-deserved rest, relaxation, and the joy of good conversations.

Bobby took me out on a date this week and I enjoyed spending time with him, chatting about our day and our future.  It’s good to check in!

Bobby and I attended a Birthday party Friday evening.  I enjoyed time with friends who feel like family.  We sang, we ate, we enjoyed being together.  I feel blessed with good friends.

                Seth continues to work in the yard and be helpful.  We went on a date this week and it was fun to catch up on what he is doing and how he thinks.

                Adriel helps keep me on my toes when it comes to thinking things out.  I had a proposal and she helped me think through the consequences of my thought process.  I am glad to chat with her.  She is so smart!  I am glad to have someone to bounce ideas off.  Adriel also gives me the time of day for at least five minutes each day.  I enjoy our, “I love you’s” and her daily input.

                May you find time to check in with those you love.  May you enjoy the blessings of love, good food, and beautiful flowers.  Hugs 😊 Cristy



OH, and some flower bulbs Adriel gave me for Mother’s Day turned into beautiful Gladiolus.   Bobby steaked one and that he cared about it gave me joy so I also bought some to stake up the rest.  Hallelujah!

Monday, August 7, 2023


 Dear Family,


            I usually do not watch suspense or horror movies.  This is because it has given me nightmares in the past.  When our 6th grade teacher showed us “Watchers in the Woods” I had nightmares for 2 months.  The 6th Sense was probably about 2 weeks when I was in my 20s but then I had to watch it a couple more times and it was just amazing after that.  When we put in “Signs” by M. Night Shyamalan I was hoping Seth would tame it down for me.  The opening had ominous music and I commented, “I don’t like this music.”  Seth said, “It’s literally just the credits Mom.”  In the first part of the movie, we don’t get to see the monster.  We are looking down at the main characters looking up on top of the roof.  I’m freaking out and say, “How did he get up there?  Is it the dog?”  Seth in a spooky voice, “Noooo, the cameraman.” 

Later in the movie, I said, “Ewwwww” when the man took a spiked fork out of the dead dog.  Seth, “They literally took it out of a doll.”  Later when the main character wakes up and there is an electrical cord stringing out that he’s just going to have to follow.  I said, “Ok, where does the cord lead to?  I’ll bite.”  This time it was Bobby, “Don’t electrocute yourself.”  Then we finally saw the alien and the character freaks out and jumps back.  Seth is in the background, “That is so cheap!  Are we supposed to be scared of that?  What is that?  A paper mâché puppet?  Man in a suit?”  Bobby pauses the movie to talk about how it was made 20 years ago.  Seth comments that “Aliens was made in the ’80s and had better creatures – they could have done better.”  We rewatch that scene, pause to get a good look at the monster and yes, when I look at it paused it was a sad-looking monster.  Seth’s end comment about that scene, “I’m so invested, and then it’s just that!” 

Then there is a grabbing scene and Bobby says, “You’re awfully quiet over there Seth.”  “Well, that wasn’t a bad scene.”  Bobby is glad he doesn’t make movies.  Seth would rip it apart in a heartbeat.  And I didn’t dream about that movie at all.  Yay.  It had a nice ending, a good resolution.  Watching movies with Seth gives such a different perspective.  I am glad he can help me through the scary ones.

Seth continues to help in the yard, and I am so blessed because I can be in the middle of a project when my time runs out.  I must go to work!  Seth is dependable to finish up and I am glad.

Bobby made yummy Shepherd’s pie and we enjoyed it for days.  Bobby was sad that his volunteer for hiking this week became ill.  He had to plan other events.  But it worked out and the youth had fun anyway.

Bobby continues attending parties and social events, which would be completely exhausting.  Sometimes I feel like he is an ambassador or... I don’t know.  Someone famous.  I am glad not to be.

Bobby did some weeding this week and I am blessed with his help.

Adriel and I have been enjoying some great conversations and texts.  She is encouraging and sweet.  She prompts me to do things that are good.  I am blessed. 

May you also encourage each other towards love and good deeds.  May you find joy in the tasks God has given you.  May you delight in God’s love and perfect timing.  Love and hugs,






PS I found this amusing.  Bobby was the only pastor (out of 4) at the service yesterday.  So, he served communion.  That was fun.  I think he might be praying?  Their eyes are closed and everyone looks so somber.