Sunday, August 20, 2023


 Dear Family,

            With heat like this, I know I want to go to heaven for sure.  I can’t handle anything above 70 without being lethargic.  What a blessing AC is at home, work, and in the car.  Ice and cold drinks are also a blessing.  Oh, the misery without creature comforts.  Hell sounds horrible!

            When Bobby asked what I would like for dinner all I could say was, “Nothing hot.”  We settled on salad and that’s what we have been having days on end.  Thank goodness there is a variety of cold foods out there.  We have so much to enjoy!

            Youth group was fun.  We all went to “On Any Sundae” and ate ice cream.  There were enough people that it did take about 45 minutes for everyone to be served.  What a rush.

            Seth continues to plug away at work and is preparing for school.  His motorcycle class is a week before school starts.  He needs to buy a vehicle that will get him across the bridge to school.  He wants to buy a motorcycle but would only have a week to practice his skills.  Please pray he has the wisdom to know what vehicle to buy.

            Adriel is feeling angst about school, work, and life balance.  Such a pressure cooker life can be.   She visited with Bobby, his mom, sister, and Aunt on Thursday.  I am glad they all had fun.  I heard it was lovely to reminisce.

Blessings come in so many forms.  I dreamed about my high school friend and had such a good time with her in the dream that I had to reach out to see if we could meet in real life.  My parents were accommodating, and Bobby and I were so glad to arrive at their home for hugs, love, and good food. 

Then Mikiko and her son arrived.  We enjoyed catching up, reminiscing, getting to know each other, and plain old fellowship.  I smiled and laughed so much my cheeks hurt.

            After a delightful visit with Mikiko My cousin and his family came over to my parents’ house.  What joy we had meeting their children and finding out how much we have in common.  We figured out it had been ten years since our last visit.  Oh, dear.  That is way too long! 


We chatted, walked, and enjoyed great cooking from my nephew Braeden.  Braeden rode his bicycle over from his place to help, be amazing company and cook his heart out.  What fun! 

            Then my sister Anita came with several more nieces and we were blessed with more interaction, delightful hugs, and so many smiles!

            Addison came after work to join us and by 8 pm our hearts were so full we had to go to sleep.  So much interaction!  So much love.  Family is such a blessing.

            Bobby and I drove home with full hearts and joyful spirits.  It truly is wonderful to feel camaraderie with family.

            May you find joy in meeting with those you love.  May you find peace in being kind to all around you.  May God bless you with the energy to complete the tasks sent before you.  Much love,





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