Monday, July 27, 2020

Peace in the midst of turmoil

Dear Family,

                In uncertain times, counting our blessings can make all the difference!  I have been advised to write 50 things I am thankful in the morning and the evening.  Another word of advice is to have nine positive thoughts to one negative.  Having 100 thankful thoughts can make that an easy number to attain.  If you want to try this or want to look into someone who gives great advice let me know and I’ll give you his information. 

                I am thankful for you my family and friends.  Your love is wonderful.  Even if we don’t talk much you show up as a number that says I have been heard.  Being heard is so affirming! 

                On to the week.

                Resting with Bobby is nice.  I am so glad we have air conditioning.  The heat of the day can be left behind, I can bask in the knowledge that hard work is over and we are happy as clams comfy and cozy. 

                Bobby was very glad to take youth on a trip this week.  He came back with stories about how God is working and various shenanigans.  I am glad he is home safe.

                I enjoyed walking with Bobby, seeing old friends, and playing.  Life is good.  I am glad for fun outdoor games.

                Adriel had more friends over to paint and is happily done for now.  She might make a mural!  This decision will be made after a bit of rest.  She did a great job.  I am proud of her for making the best of COVID.

                Adriel also enjoys going outdoors.  She has been swimming with friends.  I am glad for her past swimming lessons.

                Seth continues to pick raspberries.  Yay!  He will work next week and I am glad he is willing to help the church out.

                I love peace.  We can all be in the same room, doing different things and there is a lovely comradery.  It’s great to enjoy life even if it’s not together.  May you also find joy in being – maybe together and maybe not.  May your every breath be a celebration of God’s love and may you find peace in your situation.  Much love, Cristy


Monday, July 20, 2020


Dear Family,

                Purposeful focus on the good is a blessing in its self.  I need this daily and weekly habit.  Without choosing to peer in the darkness and find gems I would be like Atreyu’s horse in the movie “The Never Ending Story.”  Great movie by the way. 

                Looking back at the week I see a meal we ate as a family.  All of us were together.  We enjoyed each other’s company and Bobby’s delicious cooking. 

                Seth has the best wisecracks.  Sometimes we don’t know he is listening and then out comes something relevant and hilarious.  I believe Seth was watching a show with us.  Two people were considering going back to the place they ran from.  One was saying that if the other went back she would be lonely.  Seth quips, “Yeah, but you’re weird.”

                Adriel and Bobby took a day and a half to hike over 20 miles.  They do this!  They were excited to be in nature and had great talks.  I am glad for them.  I am very glad they are safely home.

                Adriel cleaned her room so thoroughly she donated a car full.  She moved furniture to the middle and is painting her walls.  I enjoyed seeing her friends come over to help.  I also enjoyed spending some time helping her.

                Bobby was kind enough to walk with me even though he has his steps in for the week.  I am blessed to have a hubby that loves me and cares for me. 

We are blessed with a house over our heads and a cat that comes back over and over again.  (She has a cat door.) 

Every meal is a blessing.  Every breath is a gift. 

Every smile shows love and makes our hearts lift. 

Walk outside, experience fresh air.

Feel light breeze ruffle your hair.

Know that God is alive, still in control.

He’s with us today and makes our hearts full.

Lift your lips, make a smile, feel your heart soar.

Pass it on, give some joy, now do it some more.


Did you know that changing your expression changes your mood?  So I’ll do that.  For real, just smile, hold it, and feel your heart lift.  Weird but true.  It works. 

May you feel God’s hug and mine too.  Much Love,



Cristy VanKleek


Sunday, July 12, 2020


Dear Family,

                Have you considered that every breath we take is a gift?


Our existence was planned, we were created for now.

Our purpose is grand.  Want to know how?

God thought, then he spoke, we came into being.

He loves us, he shows us.  We all have such meaning.

It’s your choice and mine, will we follow his will?

He has given us time, which buckets will we fill?

I don’t want to waste it, time is flying so fast.

God please lead and guide us, make our heritage last!


All this to say that our week was not very eventful.  Bobby cooked, made the bed, and walked with me.  Adriel and Seth picked raspberries.  Seth mowed the lawn.  We love and care for each other.  I feel like this is the end times.

OH!  Coolest thing!!  During one of the morning devotions, Pastor Marcus said, “If you are watching this and I am gone it maybe because I have been raptured.”  It was an amazing end-times vibe.  I cried because I thought – what if COVID came just so pastors would all be putting their sermons online.  What if people will be desperately searching for answers and God had preplanned this.  I love the, “Left Behind” series by Tim LaHaye.  Fun books!  If people want to google videos about the rapture they are out there now.  There are books, Facebook videos, plenty of predictions because the rapture is going to be SUPER weird to those left behind and there are going to be tons of theories.  I am excited that God knows what he is doing.

                Also, the thought that instead of just Sundays being sermons our pastor is doing daily devotionals.  And some college-age kids are doing daily evening events.  It seems that people are searching and God is helping them find.  I love this.  It excites me.  I feel like I see people reaching out to God just as much as he is reaching out to them.  YAY!!

                May you be convicted as I have been that the time is short.  May you find out what God wants you to do and may you do it!

Much Love,




Monday, July 6, 2020


Dear Family,


We took social closeness for granted.  How many other things do we take for granted?!!  This week Pastor Ron’s devotional was so touching and perfect it rolled around in my brain.  He simply brought to our attention, “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.” Phil 4:8.  Like Mr. Rogers, his calm voice went into the world with a list of beauty that resonated: “The Purr of a cat, the beauty of a sunset, excellent food” . . . he went on and on.  It was so touching my friend said, “That was just what I needed!”  I agree.  That message was an amazing reminder of how much good, pure, and beautiful there is in life.  We are blessed.  (Thank you, Ron McNinch!)

            I am personally blessed with a husband who loves me, cooks amazing meals, and enjoys spending time with me.  We relax together and enjoyed watching Alexander Hamilton on the TV.  We took walks and enjoyed people singing praise songs at Waterfront Park.  I was touched that God is working through our youth in these hard times.  They are rising up, praising God, and bringing forth his word.  I was so encouraged!  Yay young college-age people, yay God!

            Adriel called to let Bobby and I know how much she loves us and will miss us.  She was sweet, caring, and heartfelt.  She may have thought she would never see us again.  She chose to go hiking with a friend during the long weekend.  She sent us pictures of her happy joyful face and her friends.  I am so glad Adriel is home safe, tired, and happy.

            The 4th was a joyful celebration of freedom.  We enjoyed time with friends, amazing food, and great conversation.  The youngest delighted in lighting fireworks.  The youth talked and smiled.  The person who stayed the latest from our family was . . . . Seth.  That says something about how much he enjoys their company.  Our children have grown up together.  We have lived here since Seth was 3 (13 years).  Wow.

            I have been pondering our blessings.  Freedom in our country came because soldiers died.  Freedom from sin is because our Savior died.  Freedom to have a good childhood comes with the death of our parents' selfishness.  Good parents die to self all the time.  Good spouses also stop being me and start being we.  For a fruit to grow into a tree it must die as a fruit – the seed ceases to exist and the plant is a completely new creation.  We may have sorrow when people die but they are in such a better place.  Oh, how exciting to know our future is glorious!

            May you be excited about your future and may you rejoice in the love God has given you.  May you be thankful and may your face radiate love to those you encounter.  Hugs,





Sunday, July 5, 2020

5 ways businesses survived COVID

Starting an outside sales job two weeks before COVID has taught me so much.  I have a firsthand view on businesses that have thrived and those that have folded. 

Here are five ways that businesses are thriving.

1.       Willingness to change while the world is crashing down on you.  Many businesses were scrambling when essential places were the only places allowed to leave home.  One person said, “It was terrifying.”  I heard the desperation in voices, fear, and confusion.  There were options – bringing business online, closing and waiting it out, taking out the PPP loan, firing everyone except the owners.  I have seen it all.  Even in the same demographic, I have seen one thrive by bringing his product online to a certain niche while his competition was bemoaning the loss of sales and trying to get his books in order.

2.       Having their ducks in a row saved many people.  I do not imply that they had accomplished this by themselves.  Most businesses have accountants, CPA’s, and the like.  They knew where they stand and are above water.  Paying taxes may be annoying but it is essential for COVID forgivable aid.

3.       Flexibility to bend over backward.  Those who immediately offered curbside pickup are still in business.  They are willing to go out of their way to make sure the product is delivered to their customers.

4.       Showing understanding and compliance of the ever-changing laws.  People have very strong feelings about social distancing and wearing masks.  Some customers feel fear if another person is not wearing a mask.  Some are angry that this is expected, “My body, my choice.”  Shop owners are feeling like they have to enforce to stay in business.  Medical conditions that are invisible change all this.  Here is a sign from Hometown Postal that covers all the angles:

“Attention Customers: Those in government have ordered all persons entering indoor facilities to wear a mask.  If you have a medical condition, which prevents you from wearing a mask you are exempt from this order!


Due to HIPPA and the 4th amendment, we CANNOT legally ask you if you have a medical condition. 

Therefore, if we see you without a mask we will assume that you have a medical condition and we will welcome you inside to support our business.

We are constantly sanitizing & circulating fresh air throughout this business every day.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

5.       Businesses that read and respond to online reviews are thriving.  They listen to the heart of their customers they care enough to respond.  They make time.  Customer service is key and this is how we have lifelong relationships that give the community a desire to support.


I can feel the end of COVID is near, people are hiring, they are ready to move forward and have a bright outlook on the future.  They want help with the products I am offering:  HR services to onboard new staff and take advantage of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (up to $10,000).  They are willing to look into credit card processing that is safer, has the best customer service, and is more robust than their present equipment.  They are willing to look into analytics – where are their customers coming from?  Where would be the best place to open a new Brick and Mortar? 


If you read all of this I wish you a blessing.  May you thrive, may you find peace, may your customers love and appreciate you, and may you grow in boundaries, products, and wisdom.


Cristina VanKleek

Heartland Payment Systems
