Monday, July 6, 2020


Dear Family,


We took social closeness for granted.  How many other things do we take for granted?!!  This week Pastor Ron’s devotional was so touching and perfect it rolled around in my brain.  He simply brought to our attention, “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.” Phil 4:8.  Like Mr. Rogers, his calm voice went into the world with a list of beauty that resonated: “The Purr of a cat, the beauty of a sunset, excellent food” . . . he went on and on.  It was so touching my friend said, “That was just what I needed!”  I agree.  That message was an amazing reminder of how much good, pure, and beautiful there is in life.  We are blessed.  (Thank you, Ron McNinch!)

            I am personally blessed with a husband who loves me, cooks amazing meals, and enjoys spending time with me.  We relax together and enjoyed watching Alexander Hamilton on the TV.  We took walks and enjoyed people singing praise songs at Waterfront Park.  I was touched that God is working through our youth in these hard times.  They are rising up, praising God, and bringing forth his word.  I was so encouraged!  Yay young college-age people, yay God!

            Adriel called to let Bobby and I know how much she loves us and will miss us.  She was sweet, caring, and heartfelt.  She may have thought she would never see us again.  She chose to go hiking with a friend during the long weekend.  She sent us pictures of her happy joyful face and her friends.  I am so glad Adriel is home safe, tired, and happy.

            The 4th was a joyful celebration of freedom.  We enjoyed time with friends, amazing food, and great conversation.  The youngest delighted in lighting fireworks.  The youth talked and smiled.  The person who stayed the latest from our family was . . . . Seth.  That says something about how much he enjoys their company.  Our children have grown up together.  We have lived here since Seth was 3 (13 years).  Wow.

            I have been pondering our blessings.  Freedom in our country came because soldiers died.  Freedom from sin is because our Savior died.  Freedom to have a good childhood comes with the death of our parents' selfishness.  Good parents die to self all the time.  Good spouses also stop being me and start being we.  For a fruit to grow into a tree it must die as a fruit – the seed ceases to exist and the plant is a completely new creation.  We may have sorrow when people die but they are in such a better place.  Oh, how exciting to know our future is glorious!

            May you be excited about your future and may you rejoice in the love God has given you.  May you be thankful and may your face radiate love to those you encounter.  Hugs,





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