Monday, July 27, 2020

Peace in the midst of turmoil

Dear Family,

                In uncertain times, counting our blessings can make all the difference!  I have been advised to write 50 things I am thankful in the morning and the evening.  Another word of advice is to have nine positive thoughts to one negative.  Having 100 thankful thoughts can make that an easy number to attain.  If you want to try this or want to look into someone who gives great advice let me know and I’ll give you his information. 

                I am thankful for you my family and friends.  Your love is wonderful.  Even if we don’t talk much you show up as a number that says I have been heard.  Being heard is so affirming! 

                On to the week.

                Resting with Bobby is nice.  I am so glad we have air conditioning.  The heat of the day can be left behind, I can bask in the knowledge that hard work is over and we are happy as clams comfy and cozy. 

                Bobby was very glad to take youth on a trip this week.  He came back with stories about how God is working and various shenanigans.  I am glad he is home safe.

                I enjoyed walking with Bobby, seeing old friends, and playing.  Life is good.  I am glad for fun outdoor games.

                Adriel had more friends over to paint and is happily done for now.  She might make a mural!  This decision will be made after a bit of rest.  She did a great job.  I am proud of her for making the best of COVID.

                Adriel also enjoys going outdoors.  She has been swimming with friends.  I am glad for her past swimming lessons.

                Seth continues to pick raspberries.  Yay!  He will work next week and I am glad he is willing to help the church out.

                I love peace.  We can all be in the same room, doing different things and there is a lovely comradery.  It’s great to enjoy life even if it’s not together.  May you also find joy in being – maybe together and maybe not.  May your every breath be a celebration of God’s love and may you find peace in your situation.  Much love, Cristy


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