Monday, April 29, 2019


Dear Family,

            My project is done!  I laughed, I cried, I enjoyed seeing all our pictures.  I know there will be more in the future BUT for now, I have four files that include us through the years.  Yay!!  Another favorite picture is:
I love seeing them smile.
            Bobby had a wonderful trip to Arizona with other youth pastors.  He enjoyed the time so much that he wants to go back in three years.  I am glad to hear it.  I am also very glad Bobby is back safe.
            While Bobby was gone, Rich led youth group.  He did a fantastic job and I enjoyed several comedy gold moments.  Rich was describing teen hardships.  “First this guy liked me now he likes another girl. “ The girls in the front row were dying!  Giving each other eyes and everything.  Because, yes, one girl is broken up with a boy and another girl from their friend group is now sitting with said boy.  Oh, the angst.
            Rich later went on to say how we can learn from each other's mistakes.  Shelly pipes up with, “I just watched my brother and truly learned a lot.”  They are siblings – she watched him.  Ah hahaha. 
The girls were also again giving each other looks because of course, the girl who went out with the boy can talk about mistakes no problem.  Goodness.
            Prayer requests were amazing.  One boy was concerned.  His prayer request was that “All the original Avengers don’t die in the next movie coming out Thursday.”  The struggle is real folks.
            Seth mowed the lawn again this week and I am so great full for his help.  He’s saying verses daily and memorizing Colossians 2:6-21.  I love the scholarship program our church has.
            Seth was sick Sunday morning.  I was touched that he wanted me to stream the service for him.  That’s why there was a huge Facebook live Sunday morning.  It had my battery down to 4%.  Goodness!
            Seth said thank you that I bought a pizza with half pineapple on it.  He was glad it didn’t have all pineapple.  Way to see the glass half full!  I am so blessed he didn’t complain it had any on it. 
            Adriel earned another scholarship.  Yay, girl, keep on applying!  If you want to celebrate Adriel, you are invited to her graduation party.  It is Sunday, June 9th from 4-7PM at our house.  How exciting, all the places she will go.
            Much love!


Monday, April 22, 2019

Happy Easter

Dear Family,
            Happy Easter!  How wonderful to celebrate the power God has over death.  How amazing to realize he did it for love.  Sacrificial love is His example and sacrificial love is His command.  John 13:34 says, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” How beautiful to see this in action.  Bobby cooked several meals this week and we are blessed.  Seth and Bobby mowed different parts of the lawn so it’s beautiful. 
            More blessings include:
            Seth is memorizing verses for a camp scholarship.  Even though it’s hard work I am glad he is willing to do this and enjoys going to camp.
            Seth has said, “The quota has been fulfilled,” when hugging me.  He also has let me hug him twice.  How sweet of him!
            Adriel complimented me about teaching her some financial wisdom.  She said she has never lacked clothing or food and she is glad to know how to live with less money.  She said, “Sometimes I wish dad was a Doctor and would just pay my college but it’s also good to know how to be wise with money.”  Adriel shopped with a friend who had a $700 budget for jeans that day.  She was flabbergasted and wondered how we do it.  I would like to pass this compliment on to my mother.  She taught me how to be wise with a budget.  It all starts with saving half of what we make at 5 years old.  Thanks, mom – for instilling the ability to save up for items, life, and pitfalls in general.
            Adriel drew two pictures for me this week and I love them.  Our books are coming along.  I am excited for what the future holds.
            Adriel told Seth she loves him way more than she loves her friends.  This because he knows enough not to put pennies in her car vent.  I don't just believe her words I see their actions.  I have so many pictures of them being kind to each other.

            Bobby is wonderful to play games with and to walk with.  I enjoy walking parks, streets, and paths but life in general.  I am glad to walk through life with my wonderful husband.
            I am also glad to have several families to enjoy.  Or birth families are wonderful.  Also, being adopted into the Duval family is fabulous as well.  We are so glad to be invited to their family functions and to enjoy Easter dinner after church.  Puzzles, games, great talks and lively discussion.  So much love.  Who could ask for more?
            May you also enjoy the walk you have chosen.  May God’s salvation bring you peace, joy, and wonder.  May you find strength in knowing how much God loves you.



Monday, April 15, 2019

Roller Coaster

Dear Family,
                Oh, so many emotions this week.  I have been going through pictures to pick some for a slide show during graduation.  I have laughed, cried and said, “Awwwwww”, so many times.  It’s a roller coaster!  I’m still not done but I have noticed something.  Adriel is brave, beautiful, kind and strong with amazing talent and a wonderful imagination.  I also recognized something I never pondered before.  Adriel is mischievous.  She has this look!  And sometimes she does things, like paint her brother.  (He was fine until it started drying.)
                Adriel enjoyed Prom this week.  I am glad she was up and ready for church the next day.  Good for her.
                Someone noticed on the books Adriel has illustrated that it looks like Star has different color hair!  Oh dear – heart attack time.  I checked and it really did look that way.  I texted Adriel.  She corrected me – the cover of Stars first kiss is a picture of Star’s mom.  Oh, yes, that makes sense.  Adriel said she made sure she was doing the right color hair on Star.  Silly me.  I’m so glad Adriel is on top of it.
                Bobby made several yummy dishes this week and I am thankful.  Bobby and I were eating together at the dining table alone.  I said, “Well, here it is our future.  We are eating alone together.  Just us.”  Bobby had to interject, “And Seth.”  At this, I did have to laugh.  Yes, Seth was five feet away from us – on his computer.  He was doing homework quietly.  We probably will have our quiet son for a while.
                Bobby had a great message for the youth Tuesday night and he thanked me for coming.  That’s always very sweet.
                It is also very sweet that you read what is going on in our lives.  Have a wonderful week.  May you enjoy the beauty popping up all around us. 

Much love J


Monday, April 8, 2019

What if our blessings come through raindrops.

Dear Family,
            Rain, so much rain.  I want to complain, but rain is what makes things grow, rain makes life beautiful.  Seth loves the rain – it means he doesn’t have to mow the lawn.  I should love the rain, I know it’s a blessing.  Isn’t that how life is?  Sometimes dreary, hard, annoying things are good.
            I’ll admit I cried on church this Sunday.  Life got me down.  Someone had been mean to me.  I dreamed my cats Ripley and Jonesy came back and were getting along with Skyra.  I woke up to find that was not the case.  Also, I had to take this, “Real Age” test for work.  It was about as fun as having a 30th birthday.  The question that got me the most was, “In the past 12 months have you been recognized for helping the community?”  Rude!  It should be rephrased, “Have you helped the community?”  We don’t need recognition, we shouldn’t have to be recognized.  Ugh, although people do say, “Thank you,” so maybe I should have answered yes.  Another question was, “Do you like where you live?”  I do like Salem, this house, on the other hand, has that horrible garden.  Let’s just say I hate evaluating my life with impersonal questions.  Anyway – Sunday morning was hard EVEN though it was a most amazing, wonderful service.  I enjoyed the lovely testimonies.  I loved the songs and the sermon was fabulous.  I just cried the whole time.  So embarrassing.  Yet, friends, thank you for coming over and comforting me.  I feel loved.  I have a community here and I am so blessed!
            Bobby cooked two yummy meals this week.  He enjoys creating and is glad to do it, how fun!  Bobby also thanked me for helping out at youth group.  It was a wonderful time and even had my favorite – comedy gold!  In youth group, a youth announced that there was candy behind Bobby.  He said, “It’s Riches candy”.  Someone shouted out with longing in her voice, “I want Rich”. That brought a reaction. 
            I enjoyed walking with Bobby to find creatures I had been desiring.  Bobby knew where there was abundance! I loved sighting and catching those Pokémon ;-).
            Seth wanted me to remind him about a certain homework item.  I like that he was asking for accountability.  Seth is also OK with driving me everywhere we go now.  I am done with the hour to train.  I have taught him for 25 hours.  He will drive me to Seattle sometime this summer and he will have drivers Ed.  How exciting J Another driver in the family soon.  Seth also cleaned the bathrooms.  My parents had me do chores when I was young.  It’s only fair that I have my kids do the same ones.
            Adriel had a good Birthday.  She enjoyed your calls and cards.  She also didn’t move out.  Adriel has new rules that give more freedom.  She loves this.  Adriel did attack hug me the other day.  She ran away saying, “That’s my hug for the day – you can’t have anymore.”  It was playful and adorable.  I never imagined that I would miss my kids while they still lived with me.  A mother of teens told me this once when I had little ones.  She missed her kids and I thought that was ridiculous – she could just go hug them if they still lived with her.  Sigh – nope.
            Adriel was glad to get a scholarship interview.  She is doing things right.  Also, we had a meeting with our financial advisor – Kelly Denney is fabulous.  Even more fun, Adriel agreed to meet with her and discuss her financial future.  Yay for being willing to listen to good advice!
            I am editing a book about answered prayers for our church.  It is a blessing to record what God has done.  Psalm 78:4 says,
We will not hide them from their descendants;
    we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
    his power, and the wonders he has done.” 
I am glad to do this, it highlights God’s work in our lives.
            May you also find that God’s work in your life is precious.  May you rejoice and be glad that he is powerful, alive and at work all around us.  May the beautiful flowers remind us of new life and that our pain is temporary.
Much love,



Monday, April 1, 2019

Creature Feature

Dear Family,
                The world of games!  How fun to play a game that keeps my interest.  How fun to play with the one I love.  Bobby asked me if I wanted to walk with him and I love walks!  He asked if I would play Pokémon Go and be his Poké friend.  If it meant we would be able to take more walks together I am in.  How fun.  I enjoy the cute creatures and that I can put them in pictures with friends and family.
                We were so blessed that my parents came down to visit.  They sang Happy Birthday to Adriel and celebrate her 18th early.  I was also glad they joined the Pokémon game and became my friend.  It will be interesting to see if they keep playing and bring different creatures next time we visit.

                While my dad was signing up he was talking to himself, “What Is your Birthdate . . . Hmmmm.  Oh . . . It says I’m too old!”  Seth was listening.  “Really?”  It was funny to hear this interaction.  The notion that someone could be too old for a game might make sense to a teen.
                Seth was a delight this week.  He mowed the lawn, helped move sand at Camp Tapawingo, and helped move bark dust at our house.  For the sand, Seth said, “That was kind of fun.”  Seth also enjoyed Nerf Wars.  What a full spring break.
Seth did get sick for one day.  I brought him to the Dr. worried it might be influenza.  Crazy thing, He felt better in one day.  I did have to laugh when the Dr. was poking Seth’s face saying, “Does this hurt?”  She did this on four quadrants and he was so surprised he was flinching.  It seemed too random and ridiculous for someone to poke anyone’s face like that.  It didn’t hurt.
                Bobby cooked several times this week.  I love that he enjoys picking the food we eat and being creative.  It is hard to please four different people.  I am glad I don’t even have to try.
                Adriel took me out to ice cream this week.  I enjoyed spending some time with her.  She also enjoyed reconciling the credit card.  Sometimes she feels poor because she already spent the money she made.  This time she had a nice paycheck and only overspent $8.00.  It is always fun to feel rich. 
                Adriel was also glad to be asked to Prom with a sweet sign.  The boy put effort into the ask.  How nice.   
                May you enjoy peace with those you encounter.  May you be glad to be alive.  May your joy be from God up above.  Hugs J Cristy